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Everything posted by miczster

  1. is there a MAC filtering scrpt /code that prevents 2 characters from the same PC(MAC address) from being in one map? If there is, I wanna ask how and If there is none I wanna ask if its doable or do I have to make source modifications? I'm thinking of using this for a pk arena to lessen up/prevent feeding kills for pk points....THX for readin
  2. hmmm okay...so you mean if both actor and sprconview can view the sprite then it means it'll surely show ingame right(considering 100% accuracy on the DBs/txt)??
  3. Hi...in my past servers, GMs sometimes giveaway items in the ground but they always summon monsters 1st in the map and automatically kill these mobs so that items wil drop... Is there an alternative way to do it simplier/existing?
  4. ohhh ok thx...It was my fault in the past that I ddnt make it work...I'll try adding this... THX @MStream!!!
  5. Can anyone pls download and use this sprite??? I tried adding it and I don't know if its my server that's the problem. Pls try and post here if it works or not...THX jester_wings.rar
  6. @MStream how do you exactly know if a sprite is from an encrypted grf?
  7. none so far...I found it somewhere b4 couldnt remmber
  8. bat wlang drop...dpat may drop yang 1 treasure box per monster killed...hmmmm try ko check ulit...old script ko to eh...
  9. 2012-04-10a RagexeRE uses lubs right??? does it have fix for the wrong password/change char ??
  10. What updates do i need to make the tombstone feature???
  11. You never fail to amuse me Olrox...another awesome map (wish I had at least some percent of your mapping skills, HAHAHA)
  12. miczster


    since double strife requires bow when equipped, I dont think its possbile with katar unless you change something in the skill's scripts or you make it an autocast skill( like auto Sonic Blow with bow which is not available if casted manually)
  13. what I meant illusion is a clone...hehe sorry bout that
  14. ohh...so Via you mean I'll replace that // Insert code that would be invoked when equipment is worn to my Case 4 statements?? I also want it to be an autobonus like say 5% chance to make an illusion that last for 5 secs.
  15. I have a sample script (dota rune, which enables random buffs when passed by) //http://rathena.org/board/topic/57784-request-dota-runes/page__fromsearch__1 guild_vs5,1,1,5 script Runes 1129,2,2,{ dispbottom "Walkthrough to get Runes."; end; OnTouch: switch( .Runes ){ Case 1: sc_start SC_INCATKRATE,( .Duration * 1000 ),100; sc_start SC_INCMATKRATE,( .Duration * 1000 ),100; break; Case 2: skill "AS_CLOAKING",10,1; sc_start SC_CLOAKING,( .Duration * 1000 ),10; break; Case 3: sc_start4 SC_REGENERATION,( .Duration * 1000 ),-10,1,0,0; break; Case 4: getmapxy( .@Map$,.@X,.@Y,0,strcharinfo(0) ); clone .@Map$,.@X,.@Y,"",getcharid(0),getcharid(0),"",1,.Duration; clone .@Map$,.@X,.@Y,"",getcharid(0),getcharid(0),"",1,.Duration; break; Case 5: sc_start SC_SpeedUp1,( .Duration * 1000 ),0; break; default: end; } announce "[ "+strcharinfo(0)+" ] has gained "+.Names$[.Runes]+".",bc_self,0x00FF00; hideonnpc strnpcinfo(0); delwaitingroom; set .Runes,0; set .RuneDelay,gettimetick(2) + .Duration; while( .RuneDelay > gettimetick(2) ) sleep2 1000; OnInit: // Runes Duration in Seconds set .Duration,30; // Name of Each Runes. setarray .Names$[1], "Double Damage", // 2 x ATK Rate "Invisibility", // Cloaking "Regeneration", // HP / SP Regeneration " Clone", // Create 2 Clones " Haste"; // Improve Movement Speed // Random Coordinate where NPC will Shown Again setarray .CoordinateX[0],33,52,67,51; setarray .CoordinateY[0],49,70,47,55; sc_end SC_CLOAKING; sc_end SC_REGENERATION; set .Random,rand( getarraysize( .CoordinateX ) ); movenpc strnpcinfo(0),.CoordinateX[ .Random ],.CoordinateY[ .Random ]; hideoffnpc strnpcinfo(0); if( !.Runes ) set .Runes,rand( 1,( getarraysize( .Names$ ) - 1 ) ); if( .Runes ) waitingroom " "+.Names$[.Runes],0; end; } however I want something like that as an equipment autobonus but I don't know if its possible without source modification. Is there a build-in code something like that for eqs and if so may I ask how/an example? THX n ADvance !!!
  16. THX so much for explaining...+1 to you
  17. I found this script in some part here in the forum {},{ set eff877,1; while(eff877==1){specialeffect2 877; sleep2 6000;} },{set eff877,0;} Can anyone pls explain this? I'm not familiar with it...THX!!!
  18. I was thinking of making a custom skill but I have few concerns. I wanna ask where do I find the sprite of RO skills like bowling bash (path/folder in the trunk) I also wanna request for the following if anyone has: 1. Custom skill guide link (other than rathena wiki if anyone has another) 2. Sample custom skill (a simple one is good) Any reply will be much appreciated!!! bump
  19. oh i see...sorry bout this...just remove it if necessary
  20. @Olrox nope... the red one is the orig sprite and I don't know the author...if anyone knows tell me plz and ill give proper credits
  21. This is my 1st attempt for a headgear recolor after reading some guides. plz Rate!! http://rathena.org/board/files/file/2818-flame-aura-recolors/
  22. Nyc one dude....I've been waiting for this from this topic http://rathena.org/board/topic/75600-qis-this-cardeq-effect-possible/page__hl__stone...
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