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Everything posted by Evelynn

  1. Thanks Emistry for showing another way to check compounded items on equiped items. I never knew about this script function x:... I tested this script though and it only checks if the item that is EQUIPPED has the card compounded and NOT items that are sitting inside the inventory. This is the better solution for Will Smith's 3rd request. However, it does not apply for his 1st and 2nd request. He also wanted to check the items that are NOT-EQUIPPED if they too have a certain card compounded in their card slots. Thus the reason why I used the getinventorylist was to help me check each individual item he has in his inventory. ---- The script function isequipped did NOT run when I only had it sitting in my inventory. When I equipped it, it ran perfectly fine.
  2. That is a very strange error... Perhaps your client is running the official server's patcher. Does anything come up after you wait awhile? What does the full screen look like ? or does it stay gray all the time? I honestly do not know what that is. Did you edit your DATA.ini to read what grf file you are using as your main? Is your kRO / Sak / RagRE all Patched up? Does anything pop up prior to that window? Perhaps someone else can help also... I'll check this topic as soon as I get up from my sleep.
  3. This is how you would inflict freezing status. Make sure you put this ITEM SCRIPT into the ONEQUIP area of your Equipment Item since you wanted to occur once player equips the item... sc_start SC_Freeze,2000,0; 2000 miliseconds = 2 Seconds. I do not know if it'll still be affected by status effect reductions.
  4. Instead of having us download a 85mb file... Can you tell us what exactly is happening instead or provide a photobucket album or screenshots ? Explain to us what is happening and what you want so that we'll be able to help you quicker. Personally I do not wish to download something without having any knowledge of what's wrong. - EDIT - Thanks for the Screenshot, but... I still do not understand what the issue is... Please explain to me what that is. Is it a Patcher? a Client? What is suppose to happen when you open your executable? If it is your Client, what version are you using?
  5. Instead of having us download a 85mb file... Can you tell us what exactly is happening instead or provide a photobucket album or screenshots ? Explain to us what is happening and what you want so that we'll be able to help you quicker. Personally I do not wish to download something without having any knowledge of what's wrong.
  6. Try restarting your server, it may be one of the best solutions to everything x:. Always try that if nothing else works, especially if it's just a test server. Secondly, mind if I ask you to place your script inside a codebox so that I won't have to use too much effort scrolling down ? ): ( Edit your first post and put the long script inside a codebox instead of a quote so that it doesn't take up the whole page... ) EDIT Please let us know if your issue is solved ): Thanks changing it into a codebox (:.
  7. Well that answers that question. For certain WoE is enabled in that castle if agitend spawns it while agitend disables it... and Emperium does not die upon admin command. Before implementing ( Editing the rewards ) Did you reloadscript / restart your server? Have you tried taking any other castle than the current one you've shown in your screenshot?
  8. Hmm I am unsure if Emperium will die with the admin command or not, I forgot... Did you set the mapflag of the map to be a gvg / castle? Does the Emperium go away after @agitend ( End of WoE ) ? or does it remain there?
  9. Are you maybe perhaps allied to the guild aw ? Alliance prevents you from attacking their Emperium... If not, try using a different character other than your main ( GM ) character to see if you are able to kill the Emperium. Also try using @killmonster or @killmonster2 to test and see if the Emperium is actually there or not. I can't exactly tell you what's wrong because I didn't read the script you posted lol ( It's too long ): ). But lets see if my assumptions can be correct
  10. Perhaps this is what you are looking for. RANDOMPOINTS is a PERMANENT CHARACTER VARIABLE. This means that the points will only apply to an individual character. If you want it to be account based, insert # before the variable; #RANDOMPOINTS. You can set the TEMPORARY NPC VARIABLE .@price to whatever value you wish your players to pay. map,x,y,d<TAB>script<TAB>NPCNAME1<TAB>999,{ set .@price,100; // Set this to whatever value you wish your players to pay. set .@reward,rand(1,10); // Set this to what point reward you want to range from. 1-10 mes "You have "+RANDOMPOINTS+" points"; mes " "; mes "Would you like to donate "+.@price+"z?"; if(switch(select("Yes:No") == 1)) { if(Zeny < .@price){ // Checks if Player has enough Zeny. mes "You do not have enough Zeny..."; close; } set .@reward,rand(1,10); mes "You have donated "+.@price+"z."; mes " "; mes "You have gained "+.@reward+" points"; set RANDOMPOINTS,RANDOMPOINTS + .@reward; set Zeny,Zeny - .@price; close; } else { mes "Come again another time!"; close; } } I did not test this yet btw so please tell me if there's any errors. -- EDIT Sadly the if->Switch Statement for me isn't working anymore ( I am getting an error with it... unsure why ) but I modified the script and tested. This will 100% work out. Change .@price to the value you wish your players to pay Change RANDOMPOINTS to another PERMANENT ACCOUNT OR CHARACTER variable. ( It does not have to be RANDOMPOINTS ) Change .@reward if you wish to increase the amount of points you want to give. prontera,160,180,4 script NPCNAME1 999,{ set .@price,100; // Set this to whatever value you wish your players to pay. set .@reward,rand(1,10); // Set this to what point reward you want to range from. 1-10 mes "You have "+RANDOMPOINTS+" points"; mes " "; mes "Would you like to donate "+.@price+"z?"; switch(select("Yes:No" )) { case 1: if(Zeny < .@price){ // Checks if Player has enough Zeny. mes "You do not have enough Zeny..."; close; } mes "You have donated "+.@price+"z."; mes " "; mes "You have gained "+.@reward+" points"; set RANDOMPOINTS,RANDOMPOINTS + .@reward; set Zeny,Zeny - .@price; close; case 2: mes "Come again another time!"; close; } }
  11. I am unsure on this but I have seen that it could be done by disguising as a Bard ( for Female ) or Dancer ( for Male ) then changing the hair style. It will register as if you are a girl character, but once you log out, it will reset. I do not know if this still works nor is it the 'Grand Solution' you seek but it's something you can try (:.
  12. For the 2nd and third option you can use // Checks if the Turtle General Card is inside your inventory by seeing if the item count for the Item ID 4305 ( Turtle General Card ) is greater than zero. if(countitem(4305) > 0) { mes "Can't allow you to continue"; close; } // Checks if Equiped item has the turtle general card equiped for each individual slot ( 1-4 ) // If the ID of CARD SLOT of Equiped Item Position (2 = Weapon I believe ) is equal to 4035 ( Turtle General Card ID ) // I made it check all four card positions, First, Second, Third, and Fourth // If the the Equiped Item at Position 2 ( Weapon's Position ) Card Slot's Item ID is Equal to 4035 // I reworded this so that it matches the argument positions... if(getequipcardid(2,0) == 4305 || getequipcardid(2,1) == 4305 || getequipcardid(2,2) == 4305 || getequipcardid(2,3) == 4305) { mes "Can't allow you to continue"; close; } Script Command Information *getequipcardid(<equipment slot>,<card slot>) Returns value from equipped item slot in the indicated slot: getequipcardid(num,slot) where: num = equip position slot slot = 0,1,2,3 (Card Slot N) This func returns CARD ID, 255,254,-255 (for card 0, if the item is produced) it's useful when you want to check item cards or if it's signed. Useful for such quests as "Sign this refined item with players name" etc; Hat[0] +4 -> Player's Hat[0] +4 For your first one, you'd have to do an inventory check by using getinventorylist and have it check each individual item to see any of them has the card inside them. I think you would want to use these predefined arrays to search for them though. I'll test it myself later when I have time to see if it works. PREDEFINED ARRAYS @inventorylist_card1[] - These four arrays contain card data for the items. @inventorylist_card2[] These data slots are also used to store names @inventorylist_card3[] inscribed on the items, so you can explicitly check @inventorylist_card4[] if the character owns an item made by a specific ---> Edit I managed to find time and test the script for the getinventorylist This will check all items in your inventory if they have a card inside the card slots that is a Turtle General Card ( Item ID 4305 ) // While .@i is less than the amount of items inside your inventory... // Check if any of the items has the item ID 4305 inside card position 1; // Same goes for the rest of the positions. // set .@i, .@i +1 to increment by one in value every time the while loop is run. ( 1... 2... 3... until value is GREATER than inventory count ) // The maximum times it will run is the amount of items you have inside your inventory. // Once the value of .@i is GREATER than the amount of items inside your inventory, // it'll break out of the loop and continue whatever additional script lines you add in. while ( .@i < @inventorylist_count ) { if (@inventorylist_card1[.@i] == 4305 || @inventorylist_card2[.@i] == 4305 || @inventorylist_card3[.@i] == 4305 || @inventorylist_card4[.@i] == 4305){ mes "Can't allow you to continue."; close; } set .@i, .@i + 1; } // Once loop is finished, it will continue here. mes "Thank you Evelynn (:"; close; Sorry for making you read all this if you did. I am trying to explain to you what is going on inside the script so that you will be able to learn for future use. Other than that, good luck (:.
  13. Yes I do know how to add them but I do not have the time to explain it right now. the lua folder: datainfo is where you would want to work for the sprite to show up. Make sure you are defining them correctly ( names are not case sensitive ). ( accname.lua ) Also ensure that you are assigning proper View ids ( accessoryid.lua ) System folder: itemInfo for the Description name / Item Sprites Please show me your exp.txt though, I would like to help you resolve this.
  14. Can you please attach your exp.txt so I can see what you did to it? Also I am hoping you've restarted your server after the change o_o.
  15. Adding a skill could be tricky within the newest clients. You may have to change inside the skilltree.lua to make it visible for you. When the skill window is maximized, it will only show what you have normally would have because it will only read what it says inside skilltree.lua. The skill is added already, it's just the your client isn't registering it because it doesn't know you want to insert it since only server side knows. If your client is more up to date ish, there should also be a MISC tab where all the unknown skills would go, but by the looks of it, you don't have that tab... Considering you said you've tried it.. You can try inheritence also... I am unsure if this would work though. A visual of what you did would also help though. Also make sure that your client is reading the lua file you are editing. It may be reading .lub over .lua also.
  16. Looking at it now, since I couldn't remember which IDs are which jobs. Normal Jobs also include second jobs already. Adv jobs goes for transcendent classes. Is it still not working for you?
  17. Setting SC is one way you go through with this... I am not too sure what it is you want still though. Inside status.c There is an area where you set or add scs. If you have a specific status to have an icon ( like a custom one ) you can use other status icons to show up. set_sc( SM_PROVOKE , SC_PROVOKE , SI_PROVOKE , SCB_DEF|SCB_DEF2|SCB_BATK|SCB_WATK ); The SI_PROVOKE is what will make your status icon show up. ( SI = Status Icon ). So if you have a custom status. It would look something like this set_sc( SKILLNAME , STATUSNAME , SI_PROVOKE , SCB_NONE ); Your new status that you've create will now show up as the Provoke icon ingame.
  18. You can make it when they load inside the map to kill the player. Usually when the master dies, the clones will die also... You should probably disable clone potions in general when an event that you don't want clones inside starts since im sure players will try to find loopholes if it is still enabled like they did after disabling use inside a certain area.
  19. Did you only change for that certain area? If so, that is the problem then. Do you see the numbers after 150 that has colons to seperate each individual number? Those are the job IDs of certain classes. In this case, those IDs are for the first classes ( Swordsman Thief Acolyte ). There are other areas that you have to edit for it to register for other classes too. See where there are comments before the numbers? Read those and it'l tell you accordly what type of class you are about to change. Like // Base Adv Job Under it, there should be similar numbers as well. You have to change that number to your desired max level as well. Same as you did for the first, but now for different class. It was set this way to seperate and organize all classes into 1st job, 2nd job , 3rd job etc.
  20. For a source change you would... I forgot where it is changed inside there but if I remember correctly.. the default is set to 1000... So just changing the exp.txt should be enough to change your max levels. Please show me what your exp.txt looks like and what your desired max level is. I want to see if you've changed the other areas as well.
  21. Do you have an exp2.txt inside your db folder? If so, change the max level in that one. After that, rename the current exp.txt to anything other than exp.txt. Then rename the exp2.txt to exp.txt If this does not work, you will have to change the number inside your source. Also you have to change it for the rest of the jobs too. The example I showed you up there only applies to 'normal' jobs which are 'first class'
  22. You can change rates in conf/battle/exp.conf and conf/battle/drops.conf item_rate_common: 100 item_rate_heal: 100 item_rate_use: 100 item_rate_equip: 100 item_rate_card: 100 item_rate_mvp: 100 item_rate_adddrop: 100 item_rate_treasure: 100 100 = 1x 5000 = 50x 10000 = 100x This is for drop rates, but it the same for experience rates, just you edit inside the exp.conf. You can change your max level inside 'db/exp.txt' Change the first number ( Usually 99 or 150 ) to your desired max level. 99 //Base - Normal Jobs 99,0:1:2:3:4:5:6:7:8:9:10:11:12:13:14:15:16:17:18:19:20:21:23:24:25:26:4046:4047:4048:4049,0,9,16,25,36,77,112,153,200,253,320,385,490,585,700,830,970,1120,1260,1420,1620,1860,1990,2240,2504,2950,3426,3934,4474,6 160 //Base - Normal Jobs 160,0:1:2:3:4:5:6:7:8:9:10:11:12:13:14:15:16:17:18:19:20:21:23:24:25:26:4046:4047:4048:4049,0,9,16,25,36,77,112,153,200,253,320,385,490,585,700,830,970,1120,1260,1420,1620,1860,1990,2240,2504,2950,3426,3934,4474,6889,7995,9174,10425,11748,13967,15775,17678,19677,21773,30543,34212,38065,42102,46323,53026,58419,64041,6
  23. Just note that the higher the number is, the more memory it'll take to run your executable.
  24. Evelynn

    Big problem

    To fix this problem, you should probably reset everyone's stats. Usually the command will only give you the cumulative amount added from 1-150 or whatever your max level is... I could be wrong though x:. There is also an addon somewhere I think to have a check for player's stats if it is abnormal.
  25. Yes this is correct, but you'd want to put them in each individual condition else it would spam your chat. If anything, you should test it in-game since you will eventually reach your answer if you try it.
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