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Everything posted by Evelynn

  1. dispbottom "You have received "+getitemname(.@item)+"."; getitemname will take in ID arguments and find out the item name. Is this what you wanted? I used .@item since it is the first variable you used for the first prize. Change it accordingly for each prize.
  2. Sorry if this offends you in any way but... For future references, please try to attempt things yourself if you haven't tried. You were given a set of directions so... I'm not saying you didn't but it just seems as if you were wanting to be spoon fed. Not everyone will do this for you. At best, you could possibly try messing around with it until point of desperation. You do not learn by being spoon-fed. Attempt to find it by trying to find whats within the text. You will eventually find it that way. { "hommutation", 60,60, atcommand_hommutation }, Try looking up keywords "hommutation" inside the atcommand.c ( The document you were told to edit ).
  3. If possible, can you provide us with screenshots or text of your map_athena, char_athena, and login_athena? Also a screenshot of your portforward page. Make sure you blank out your s1/p1 user/password in those though.
  4. You probably have to port forward the ports you are using to host your server. If you have a router, you have to get access to your router page and there should be area for it.
  5. We are using 3CeAM our atcommand.c it doesnt have ACMD_DEF It has this instead. ACMD_FUNC(font) <---example from the @font command Ah my apologies. I do not work with 3CeAM so I wouldn't have known this. Thank you for clarifying.
  6. I do not think there is a script command for a mob collision... However if you create an NPC and disguise it as a monster, you can use the OnTouch function, or even clicking it. To make it walk, you can use npc walk function. I don't know if theres a script function for something similar, but incase there isn't... this is probably your best bet X:
  7. You add it to your atcommand.c. Find another other atcommand functions and paste the code right under it, do the same thing for ACMD_DEF. Find where all the other ACMD_DEF's are and paste it accordingly.
  8. /*========================================== * @afk * Turns on/off logout on player *------------------------------------------*/ static int atcommand_afk(const int fd, struct map_session_data* sd, const char* command, const char* message) { nullpo_retr(-1, sd); if( map[sd->bl.m].flag.autotrade == battle_config.autotrade_mapflag ) { //sd->state.monster_ignore = 1; sd->state.autotrade = 1; if( battle_config.at_timeout ) { int timeout = atoi(message); status_change_start(&sd->bl, SC_AUTOTRADE, 10000, 0, 0, 0, 0, ((timeout > 0) ? min(timeout,battle_config.at_timeout) : battle_config.at_timeout) * 60000, 0); } clif_authfail_fd(fd, 15); } else clif_displaymessage(fd, "AFK is not allowed on this map."); return 0; } ACMD_DEF(afk) I am unsure if this still works with rA but you add it to your atcommand.c
  9. You probably will have to add it manually. I don't know if they have a .diff for eA. I don't think they do anyways. It will be a long process though I believe if you want to add it manually. I can't really tell you exactly you how you're going to add it lol. I am also unsure if it will be compatible with eA considering they may have used some elements that eA does not have / support.
  10. dispbottom "Congratulation "+strcharinfo(0)+" in making it to level 160!"; I am unsure of the reason why it is showing up as "--" considering you are using hard text for it. Try using "BaseLevel" instead of hard text... I am unsure if this will change anything but it's worth I try, it'll also save you time in the future if you want to read one's BaseLevel several times throughout the script instead of having to edit each individual line. This will work because it will only read their base level at a certain condition. Since the condition is being checked When player has leveled to lvl 160. ( BaseLevel will equal 160 ) if(BaseLevel == 160 ) {...} 160 = 160 right? Since they've just reached that level, unless you have a multilvl up and somehow your player levels up more than one level... So BaseLevel will take whatever level they are at that moment when the condition is met. ( Which should be the same since the npc event is running anyways... ) Using that to an advantage, you could just simply use BaseLevel in your npc text instead of having to change every single line to ___ level. dispbottom "Congratulations "+strcharinfo(0)+" in making it to level ",BaseLevel; You should also try temporarily commenting the rest of the copied script and just testing with one until it works, then continue after that. Just to make it easier on you since you would know that it works before you do any other additions/edits.
  11. eA doesn't support the bindcmd script function. You have to add it into the source yourself if you wish for it to work.
  12. Remove the $ sign at the end of the effects. You are making it take a string instead of a int. String = Text Int = Numbers. .@effect1$ .@effect2$ to .@effect1 .@effect2 Also, you are trying to give your player an unknown item. It does not recognize the item ID 5189. Same for your items though, you should change all the strings into integers consider you are only storing ID numbers. Remove the $ from the variables that you are using. Notice that you are using .@effect3 when the variable you've set up above is .@effect3$. Make sure you catch these small mistakes , especially when you are copy and pasting since you will end up having to fix all of them if they are based off the same code that has an error. I have not tested this myself btw so I am not 100% sure that it will fix your problem.
  13. Hi, I would like to request making whenever you talk with a fakename, it'll show that name instead of your own. @fakename Poring When you talk it will be Poring : Hi! Thanks!
  14. Hi, i've been wondering on how to configure my own trac so I can keep up with the changes I make. I have trac and everything else installed but I am still unsure of what I am suppose to put in trac.conf in /etc/httpd/conf.d/trac.conf to make it read the area as a website. also apache:apache -ing the location to the directory. If you can, please tell me what I am suppose to put in the trac.conf in order to make it read as a website. I have tried other steps such as mimicing the 'svn'. My page to the svn works, but the trac just doesn't want to. Any help please?
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