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Status Updates posted by Arcenciel

  1. I'm quite alright. It's the summer so not really doing much. What have you been up to?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Arcenciel


      Sounds good. I tried that game but found it too boring. I'm waiting for GW2 to release. =P

    3. Sneaky


      yeah it gets boring eventually, but I like the social experience, I mostly log to chat, etc. just like RO ;D

      How about Diablo 3?

    4. Arcenciel


      The community there is pretty decent if I remember correctly.

      D3 doesn't appeal to me. =P

  2. LMFAO! Wayyyy too much time on your hands writing that analysis. xd

    1. Syouji


      lol. I decided to spice things up a bit. xD

  3. Too lazy. I'll go online just so you can see me and then I'll leave.

  4. Eury, there's a new girl in the forums. LOL

    1. Eurydice
    2. Arcenciel


      Guess you haven't seen her. I'll wait till you do. LOL

      and Jman you creep.

  5. Yes! Why?! Those were what the cool kids wore back in the days!

    1. Eurydice


      I had one and I only used them once. D: Then one of them stopped working. T_T LOL I feel old. x-x

  6. Quite frankly...one shouldn't run a server if one can't script.

  7. Welcome to the team!

    1. Judas


      thanks =)

  8. Hhhhiiiiiiii

    1. Eurydice



  9. New HoN Hero looks OPED.

  10. Hai! Welcome to rA!

  11. Just to get rid of that old status....successfully learned the very basics of incorporating SQL into scripts.

  12. Welcome back! Are you staying around this time? O_o

    1. ToastOfDoom


      Who knows... I might wake up one day and never want to return....again.

  13. Reminder: PM ai4rei on revision 15518

  14. Attempting to learn SQL. Any tips or suggestions?

  15. Clean up is done. If you're still gonna do the alphabetizing, feel free to do so. Now we need to create rules and what not.

  16. Hate dealing with finances....UGH

  17. I read your signature. It's very helpful that you fulfill almost all the request but yeah it's true that spoon feeding can get awfully tiresome. Maybe you should stop spoon feeding people who request A LOT of things...it's time they learn how to do stuff themselves...why run a server if they can't do something like scripting..

    1. Emistry


      Erm..ya...actually..i have reduced my time for making their requested script if the script requested is repeated ... or already exists.....anyway...i will still make some script based on their requests if it did grabbed my attention xD ...perhaps i might still do it if i have free time for it.. ^^

  18. Have a Happy and Safe New Year Everyone!

  19. If you want to apply for Global Mod, then go for it. But right now for me, the scripting section is quite enough. =D

    1. Sneaky


      Hm.. actually I also wanted the script dev but not sure yet, it's a lot more compromise ...

    2. Arcenciel


      If you feel like you belong somewhere else, then go for it. We can always use more Devs.

  20. LMFAO. There's still other moderators. XD

    1. Sneaky


      Well our global mods. are quite unactive xD, and as you said, devs are focused with development. We're like the most active staff members right nao xddd..

  21. Listening to RO BGMs to rock me to sleep...ohh nostlagia.

    1. jTynne


      Do it alllll the time myself! Which is your favorite? :)

    2. Arcenciel


      I have no idea. I was sleeping. I wanna say Amatsu's?

  22. Merry Christmas and a Happy Holidays to everyone! Hope ya'll have a good time.

    1. jTynne


      Merry Christmas to you as well! :D

  23. Thanks for vouching for me. <3

  24. Thanks for vouching for me Merc. <3

  25. Thanks for vouching for me in the staff application. <3 Looking forward to working with you.

    1. Sneaky


      No prob~ ditto ;)

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