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Posts posted by ToiletMaster

  1. No problem. =]

    I've had to resort to something like this before. It's not pleasant but it works. Just make sure to back up your map with the objects present in case you need to go back and change things around.

    Will do! Thanks for the tip! Currently still in the process of making it hahaha

  2. To put shadows youcan add objects across the terrain -> Calculate Lightmaps -> Delete the Objects (Provides the appearance of shadows casting off the terrain)

    Oh okay! this seems like a great option!

    I'll slowly digest into this then! Perhaps i'll show you once i get the final outcome on how it'll look like.

    Thanks again for the great idea!

  3. 1. Set the Global Lighting equal to Prontera (Windows -> Global Lighting)

    2. Shadows don't cast off of terrain edits, only models in BrowEdit (Sadly. Hopefully this can change)

    3. Create 2 lightbulbs with the following parameters provided in this thread: (http://rathena.org/b...erate-prontera/)

    Generate lightmaps and see how it looks.

    if you feel you arent happy with the results, I can always take a look at your map and add some lights to it. Then you can examine it and see how it was done.

    Thanks! i'll give it a try and i'll notify how you it goes once i get started back on browedit


    after reading it through again, if they aren't able to cast of terrain edits. how would i be able to put the shadows then? :(

    does that mean i have to replace every texture with a object to make it work?

  4. Thanks syouji for the tip! It worked great! Right now the map looks as bright as the browedit! hahaha

    however, if you don't mind me bothering one more minor request, how do i make the sunlight something like this?


    I've checked your tutorial video in terms of helping to this but sadly when i try doing my shadows it's horrible lol

    aside from that, i've set my intensity for my sunlight to 127. however it's quite dark when i do so and when i make my shadows to 100 intensity.

    It actually makes my map brighter instead of giving shadows haha

    Here's an example of how it looks once my intensity is set to 100.


  5. Hi there guys,

    Having a small difficulty with lighting here. Currently i'd like to make my entire map without shadows at all. As bright as the sun one would say /heh

    However i'm unable to do that. I've set my global lighting as what syouji has recommended in that topic to make it as bright as prontera.


    No matter how much lighting i do i still get to this part where the walls are black and almost the entire map is black. i did set the range to 20000

    after looking at http://rathena.org/board/topic/68096-global-lighting-like-a-sun-with-no-shadow/page__hl__lighting topic.

    What am i doing wrong currently?


    Hey guys! Here's one of the fun forum games that i've stumbled upon on many forums xD i thought it'd be fun if we started here as well :P


    This game is pretty simple. The rules are...

    you can only ban the person above you and you must ban the person, you cant kill, jail warp or others /oops

    (Makes it more fun to ban the person you really hate)


    ^ Banned for having such an awesome Avatar.

    On a side note, I believe most of us have already been GMs and deep down in our hearts... we all want to ban that certain someone that we really hate or admire.

    Well then.. Let the Games BEGIN!

  7. One of our server's hard drives is having issues.

    I removed it from the RAID to eliminate the bottleneck (forums should be back up to speed now).

    We will need to schedule downtime for our host to replace the hard drive.

    i can confirm this.

    The speed is back to it's usual self.

    Thanks alot Brian!


    Noticed some downloads are always on error though. i guess it affects certain downloads on the download page?

  8. Hi there guys.

    Currently i'm running on windows 8 and i believe browedit should work fine on this OS.

    The problem i'm facing is that whenever i save, it automatically crashes with the Not Responding issue.

    Can't do much if i cant save lol.

    I've tried revision 620 then i tried syouji's recommendation of 586. however both came back with the same result.

    Any help ?

    Apparently something happened and it worked for now after 2-3 hours of struggling and redownloads of the revision. Hope this topic can be deleted thanks!

  9. Hi there guys,

    Today about 11am GMT+8 till now 7pm GMT+8

    I'm facing major connection problems with rAthena. I'm not sure what's the cause,

    i'm using chrome as firefox gives me the page below however and i can connect at a very slow pace. It needs about 10-12 seconds to load the page where it usually takes about 1 or 2.

    I'm using a 5mbps line from my country and so far it hasn't give me any problems.

    Here's my ping towards rAthena.

    C:\Users\XXXX>ping rAthena.org
    Pinging rAthena.org [] with 32 bytes of data:
    Reply from bytes=32 time=44ms TTL=57
    Reply from bytes=32 time=45ms TTL=57
    Reply from bytes=32 time=44ms TTL=57
    Reply from bytes=32 time=43ms TTL=57
    Ping statistics for
    Packets: Sent = 4, Received = 4, Lost = 0 (0% loss),
    Approximate round trip times in milli-seconds:
    Minimum = 43ms, Maximum = 45ms, Average = 44ms

    having 40ms+ should be good still. on my mozilla it displays this page for me.


    When i tried entering to the wiki,

    I got the problem of.

    "This is not an issue with ip.board, it is based on your SQL Server" or something like that. Din't take down a picture cause it was displaying this right now instead of the SQL server.

    Did anything happen to rAthena recently?


    This is the SQL Error i've received. What's going on ?


  10. You're welcome /no1

    However shouldn't strnpcinfo(0) work the same ? why did it work when i placed the name of the npc?

    addtimer ( 1 * 10000 ),strnpcinfo(0)+"::OnMinion";

    trigger label in the current NPC. Your duplicate NPC have coordinates so in that case, addtimer will check if player is near of the NPC.

    Using label of floating NPC bypass this check.

    Understood! Thanks for the everything + the explanation!

  11. I believe it still happens. I tried walking away quite far from the 10 second break and the error still occurs.

    I did everything on your script yet it happens though.

    Just to make sure here's how it goes


    -	script	Danny Dent	-1,{  

    some messages in between then to the lower corner

    	mes "Bye bye~";
    	deltimer strnpcinfo(0)+"::OnMinion"; // <---- must be triggered by ON function
    	addtimer ( 1 * 10000 ),strnpcinfo(0)+"::OnMinion"; // 1 x 10 seconds
    	mes "[Minion]";
    	mes "Hello!? Can you hear me? Hello!";
    	mes "["+strcharinfo(0)+"]";
    	mes "? Who is this?";
    	mes "[Minion]";
    	mes "I'm assuming you can hear me.";
    aev_fild,91,152,4	duplicate(Danny Dent)	Danny Dent#1	457

    Edit, did not see the changes sorry capuche. Brb gonna test it out and give the results.

    Thanks Capuche! You solved the problem! It worked great!

    However shouldn't strnpcinfo(0) work the same ? why did it work when i placed the name of the npc?


  12. Hope you don't mind if i can't give you the entire script.

    However here's the part that triggers that moment. (Writing a story now and wouldn't like if anyone comes in and steal them xD)

        mes "Bye bye~";
        deltimer strnpcinfo(0)+"::OnMinion"; // <---- must be triggered by ON function
    	addtimer ( 1 * 10000 ),strnpcinfo(0)+"::OnMinion"; // 1 x 10 seconds
    	mes "[Minion]";
    	mes "Hello!? Can you hear me? Hello!";
    	mes "["+strcharinfo(0)+"]";
    	mes "? Who is this?";
    	mes "[Minion]";
    	mes "I'm assuming you can hear me.";

    do ignore the // notes, personal preferences in case i forget xD

  13. Thanks for the link Capuche

    (not sure why it din't show up when i do a search that time)

    However, i did what it stated there but i still get the error.

    Here's what i did so far in case i did something wrong.

    First off my header i replaced with this

    -    script    Danny Dent    -1,{  

    after the curly for this npc i added this

    aev_fild,91,152,4    duplicate(Danny Dent)    Danny Dent#1    457

    am i missing anything? Thanks !

  14. [Warning]: npc_scriptcont: failed npc_checknear test.

    Hi there, i'm getting this warning on my npc.

    It's not stated here so i'm not sure what the error is,


    This will appear once my character moves too far from the NPC though.

    since they do have 10 second gap before the next message coming in.

    Is there any way to solve this error?


    Once the error comes out the script breaks, like putting a message without close.

    Thank you.

  15. if you can click that npc (''Grandma'') that's mean you're standing on sm_pri

    so getmapusers("sm_pri") will not be 0.


    if you disable npc, then you can't click that npc to make it enable.


    if that npc disable by itself, then it can't enable itself cause its status is disable.

    Thanks for the information. However what i was trying to do was once the npc is disabled, then once the player leaves the map for another person to enter, the npc enables back.

    The player itself won't interact with that npc anymore once it's disabled.

    Because in one part of my script someone actually dies, so i need to disable him and once he leaves, it'll enable back by itself. Once he finishes up in there (about another 2-3 minutes) he'll be warped out of the map. That map can only have 1 person so why i'm thinking this is possible

    -	script	sdflsdflksjdfldj	-1,{
    while (1) {
    	if ( getmapusers("guild_vs2") )
    		disablenpc "test_warp";
    		enablenpc "test_warp";
    	sleep 5000;
    end; // shouldn't reach
    prontera,155,180,5	script	test_warp	45,1,1,{
    warp "guild_vs2", 0,0;
    disablenpc strnpcinfo(0);

    Thanks annie! This is one part of what i wanted it to be thanks! However i can't seem to get it to work on my end. Once my npc becomes disabled and i warp out of the map it doesn't enable itself.

    I kinda edited to make it look like this

    -	script	sdflsdflksjdfldj	-1,{
    if ( getmapusers("sm_pri") )
    enablenpc "Grandma";
    end; // shouldn't reach

    Since my 1st NPC is gonna disable itself, i just need it to enable itself once the map gets filled with 1 person. but it still doesn't work.

    Appreciate the help thanks alot!

  16. Hi there,

    Currently what i'm trying to do is enable a npc once the map users is 0.

    i've set to the last sentence of my npc to be

    disablenpc strnpcinfo(0);

    And on the top i'm placing this

    sm_pri,11,10,4	script	Grandma	2339,{		
    	if (getmapusers("sm_pri") == 0) {
    	enablenpc strnpcinfo(0);

    However once the map doesn't have any users left. it still remains disabled. i'm trying to make it once the map becomes 0 people it'll automatically enable the npc.

    What am i doing wrong here?

    (On a side note: Awesome map syouji ! thanks!)

  17. same problem too...

    these are the error when executing upgrade_svn17080.sql

    Script line: 9 Table 'log2.auction' doesn't exist

    Script line: 10 Table 'log2.cart_inventory' doesn't exist

    Script line: 11 Table 'log2.guild_storage' doesn't exist

    Script line: 12 Table 'log2.inventory' doesn't exist

    Script line: 13 Table 'log2.mail' doesn't exist

    Script line: 14 Table 'log2.storage' doesn't exist

    these are the error when executing upgrade_svn17086.sql

    Script line: 6Table 'log2.guild_storage' doesn't exist

    Script line: 7 Table 'log2.inventory' doesn't exist

    Script line: 8 Table 'log2.mail' doesn't exist

    Script line: 9 Table 'log2.storage' doesn't exist

    How can we solve this? please help us :)

    Hi i've solved my problem. do it manually using kyeme's method.

    Are you sure youv successfully executed the files?

    If your are using My SQL Browser

    Default Schema: Log

    Execute this 1st

    ALTER TABLE `picklog` ADD `nsiuid` BIGINT NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' AFTER `card3`;

    and Then:

    ALTER TABLE `picklog` CHANGE `nsiuid` `unique_id` BIGINT( 20 ) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0';

  18. Are you sure youv successfully executed the files?

    If your are using My SQL Browser

    Default Schema: Log

    Execute this 1st

    ALTER TABLE `picklog` ADD `nsiuid` BIGINT NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' AFTER `card3`;

    and Then:

    ALTER TABLE `picklog` CHANGE `nsiuid` `unique_id` BIGINT( 20 ) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0';

    Thanks this works! Compared to the sql files that i used, manually inserting this into the schema works.

    show us the result

    picklog table.

    Seem like the second query kyeme quote wasn't apply.

    As state "He didn't found unique_id colum in table picklog".

    Already fixed thanks to kyeme, there was an error that came out on MYSQL 5.2 Workbench when i execute the upgrades from the SQL-Files

    Will put images of what it looks like let me reproduce the error first.

    On my log schema, SQL upgrade 17080

    Time Action Message Duration / Fetch 1 1 16:32:05 CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `interreg` ( `varname` varchar(11) NOT NULL, `value` varchar(20) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`varname`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB 0 row(s) affected, 1 warning(s): 1050 Table 'interreg' already exists 0.000 sec 3 2 16:32:05 INSERT INTO `interreg` (`varname`, `value`) VALUES ('nsiuid', '0') 1 row(s) affected 0.047 sec 0 3 16:32:05 ALTER TABLE `auction` ADD `nsiuid` BIGINT NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' Error Code: 1146. Table 'logs.auction' doesn't exist 0.000 sec

    SQL Upgrade for 17086


    hope it helps (brb will post an image, looks like copying the things din't look the way it wanted to lol

    Cant reproduce the original error that i had. It was ended with an X on the execution part for both 17080 and 17086. However the 17080 is stated above there. that was the exact error i had if i'm not mistaken.

    Lemme know if i can help in anyway in providing any other information thanks!

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