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Posts posted by ToiletMaster

  1. Hi guys!

    Was just wondering since most of the private servers (90% i think)

    Uses [serverName] Ragnarok Online as their name for their private server.

    Is the word Ragnarok Online really required for the name purposes?

    Anything wrong from putting other names onto it?

  2. Hi there guys and girls,

    I'm currently having a small issue with this script of mine.

    Here's the catch.

    I wanna make this npc disabled on certain days and enabled on certain days.

    I've managed to do that however, even though the npc becomes disabled, the npctalk is still there.

    prontera,97,153,5	script	Clemy	703,{  
      	 if (gettime(4)==1){
    	mes "Hello!";
    	disablenpc strnpcinfo(0);
    	if (gettime(4)==2){
    	mes "LOL";
    	.@interval = 5;
    	.@step = 5;
    	while (1) {
    	sleep .@interval * 1000;
    	getmapxy .@map$, .@x, .@y, 1;
    	while ( checkcell( .@map$, .@npc_x = .@x + rand( -.@step, .@step ), .@npc_y = .@y + rand( -.@step, .@step ), cell_chknopass ) );
    	npcwalkto .@npc_x, .@npc_y;
    	npctalk callfunc( "F_RandMes", 2,
    	"Heloo!!!", // 1
    	"Goodbye~!" // 2

    Here are the current issues.

    1. NPC stilll talks even after disabled.

    2. As you can see, today is monday which gettime suppose to be (4)==1, however it still moves around following the the (4)==2 stating the random npc messages. Should it be standing still and not moving since it's monday and no commands have been placed on monday except disable?

    [note] i'm aware of enabling the npc back, this script is not yet fully done however, this is the main issue currently.

    Thanks for the assistance!

  3. Hi guys,

    I've actually just upgraded to windows 8 pro, and it seems that after upgrading, tortoise SVN doesn't give the green indicator anywhere each time you check out from the repository. Any help on this?



    Manage to go it to work once again. Seems that one of my programs actually clashed with it. after some configurations, got it to work

  4. set a variable on the player upon finished the quest and check for the variable next time.

    not sure if what you meant what was i did but it did solve the trick hahaha, instead of starting the quest 80000,

    i used set lol1,1 <--- my temporary quest name for that script i guess?

    command instead. however would be good if i use quest 80000 so that people can refer to which quest they are up for.

    and another question is, how can i add in quest for hunting? i tried referring to other scripts. but they all have their individual quest assigned to them.

    How can i make this possible? Thanks for the assistance again! rAthena wiki doesn't seem to have this information >_>, it would be great if i stopped pestering you in my trivial questions as well /sob

  5. Thanks for the reply emistry, however i seem to still face a problem. (Felt like i'm missing out something)

    Cause what i would like to do is, if he's finished the quest, he cant repeat the quest anymore and he'll say something different once the setquest 80000 starts.


    Before setquest 80000, it'll start at H...E..L..P.... so on till the end.

    however if let's say the quest starts, and he you talk to him the second time, it'll be dont talk to me anymore.

    right now it goes immediately stop talking to me anymore even though i haven't started the quest.

    if (checkquest(80000) == -1) ;{
    	mes "Stop talking to me anymore";
    mes "[^FF0000Mysterious Old Man^000000]";
    mes "H...H......E...L..P M.......e.........";
    mes "*COUGH COUGH COUGH*";
    mes " ";
    mes " ";
    mes "^FF0000Beware What you choose....^000000";
    menu "Ignore and leave him away",-,"Help the dying man out.",help;
    mes "^FF0000You've left him there to slowly rot....^000000";
    atcommand "@nuke " + strcharinfo(0);
    setquest 80000;
    mes "You've decided to help the mysterious old man out.";
    mes "[^FF0000Mysterious Old Man^000000]";
    mes "urgh..... what..? where am i?... ouch ouch ouch! *Screams in pain";
    emotion e_omg;
    mes "[^FF0000Mysterious Old Man^000000]";
    mes "Did.. you by any chance help me?";
    menu "Yeah, it was me, My name is...",L_zeny,"Nope it wasn't me! It was a ghost!",ghost;
    mes "[^FF0000Mysterious Old Man^000000]";
    mes "Wait! Dont speak! I know you....";
    mes "Your voice.. Your face... it sounds like... you're...";
    mes "[^FF0000Mysterious Old Man^000000]";
    mes strcharinfo(0) + ", Are you not?";
    if (Zeny > 10000) goto toomuch;
    mes "You have 10,000 zeny or less, I see.";
    set Zeny,Zeny+10000;
    mes "Hope you feel better!";
    mes "[^FF0000Mysterious Old Man^000000]";
    mes "HOLY SHIT WTF";
    emotion e_omg;
    atcommand "@monster thanatos";
    mes "You have over 10,000 zeny, you must feel really good about yourself!";
    completequest 80000;

    I noticed how slotted sunglasses used (svn revision 16809)

    set SG_QUEST1,1;

    and i do believe i can incorporate it into my script but, what does the 1,1; mean?

    my bad i was stupid on this lol, dint see the quest name was SG_QUEST1,1 <-- 1 = active and 0 is inactive i guess.

    the code that i was actually finding for was set quest,1

    and the if command for if (quest == 1)

    what would happen.

    Thanks again for making it happen!

    However just wanna ask one more question,

    How do i set where the person cant do the quest multiple times?

  6. Thanks emistry! it work flawlessly!

    However, since the quest is done already and to prevent any further

    quest_update_status: character 150000 doesn't have quest 80000,

    i should make the npc respond different by adding in an if command am i right? seeing from other scripts on how they're being handled.

    i believe it should be,

       if(questcomplete,80000) {
           mes "Stop talking to me anymore";
       mes "[^FF0000Mysterious Old Man^000000]";
       mes "H...H......E...L..P M.......e.........";
       mes "*COUGH COUGH COUGH*";
       mes " ";
       mes " ";
       mes "^FF0000Beware What you choose....^000000";
       menu "Ignore and leave him away",-,"Help the dying man out.",help;
       mes "^FF0000You've left him there to slowly rot....^000000";
       atcommand "@nuke " + strcharinfo(0);

    (just copied the top part of the script)

    Following the http://rathena.org/wiki/If

    However, it doesn't work after i add that in, any news on that?

    Thanks again!

  7. Hi guys, currently i'm creating a quest for my server,

    and it seems that i'm facing a small issue at the moment as i'm not really that clear of certain commands of questing.

    I've read up on the script commands on the doc in the trunk, however it still doesn't fix this problem for it.

    Currently, i've added up an example quest ID 80000 on my db and displayquestid.

    it works without any problem. Alt+U shows everything i need it to show,

    however, let's say for this example script that i've taken from basic scripting and editing just for fun /heh

    setquest 80000;
    mes "[^FF0000Mysterious Old Man^000000]";
    mes "H...H......E...L..P M.......e.........";
    mes "*COUGH COUGH COUGH*";
    mes " ";
    mes " ";
    mes "^FF0000Beware What you choose....^000000";
    menu "Ignore and leave him away",-,"Help the dying man out.",help;
    mes "^FF0000You've left him there to slowly rot....^000000";
    atcommand "@nuke " + strcharinfo(0);
    mes "You've decided to help the mysterious old man out.";
    mes "[^FF0000Mysterious Old Man^000000]";
    mes "urgh..... what..? where am i?... ouch ouch ouch! *Screams in pain";
    emotion e_omg;
    mes "[^FF0000Mysterious Old Man^000000]";
    mes "Did.. you by any chance help me?";
    menu "Yeah, it was me, My name is...",L_zeny,"Nope it wasn't me! It was a ghost!",ghost;
    mes "[^FF0000Mysterious Old Man^000000]";
    mes "Wait! Dont speak! I know you....";
    mes "Your voice.. Your face... it sounds like... you're...";
    mes "[^FF0000Mysterious Old Man^000000]";
    mes strcharinfo(0) + ", Are you not?";
    if (Zeny > 10000) goto toomuch;
    mes "You have 10,000 zeny or less, I see.";
    set Zeny,Zeny+10000;
    mes "Hope you feel better!";
    mes "[^FF0000Mysterious Old Man^000000]";
    mes "OMG LOL WTF";
    emotion e_omg;
    atcommand "@monster thanatos";
    mes "You have over 10,000 zeny, you must feel really good about yourself!";
    completequest 80000;

    current issue is, my map server keeps saying my character has the quest added in already

    [Error]: quest_add: Character 150000 already has quest 80000.

    and i cant complete the quest 80000.

    Another thing i wanna add would be not repeating the quest if it's possible /ok




  8. Hey there guys!

    yet again another small bug i found >_>

    not sure where to post it so i thought of posting it here since all the skills are working except for the display.

    if you see the picture that i've attached. certain players of mine seem to face this problem randomly.

    any fixes for this so far? i've tried using the search but don't think anyone else face this problem at the moment >_>


  9. is the map elv_forest the original name of the map? OR did you right-click and rename the map files to elv_forest?

    good question lol, i did rename the entire thing. i guess it does matter in this situation?

    ok well, i manage to got it in. guess it was really the name problem lol, my bad on that >_>,

    however the minimap doesn't show though. any help on that matter? perhaps i could be missing something?

    i made it into a grf with all the files attached inside.



    alright manage to fix it up after thinking of searching eAthena since rAthena doesn't have it yet.

    here's the solution for anyone that's facing the same problem as me!

    just go to your data exture\À¯ÀúÀÎÅÍÆäÀ̽º\map and place the map there and it should work fine!

    if you dont see the map folder there just make one and merge it!

    (make sure in your data.ini it's the priority else it doesn't work!)

    Cheers and thanks alot! More power to rAthena!

  10. use this tool


    and follow this guide

    Hi there Sinya, thanks for replying. however the same thing occurs even though i followed it.

    well, in order to help lighten up the case, here's what i did for my edits in files so far.


    (all the way to the bottom)

    map: elv_forest


    // GRF List
    // grf: C:\path\to\RO\data.grf
    // You may add more in this format
    // grf: <data file path>
    grf: C:\Users\milo\Desktop\Ragnarok 2012-07-04\Ragnarok 2012-07-04\data.grf
    grf: C:\Users\milo\Desktop\Ragnarok 2012-07-04\Ragnarok 2012-07-04\rdata.grf
    grf: C:\Users\milo\Desktop\Ragnarok 2012-07-04\Ragnarok 2012-07-04\custom.grf
    grf: C:\Users\milo\Desktop\Ragnarok 2012-07-04\Ragnarok 2012-07-04\local2map.grf
    grf: C:\Users\milo\Desktop\Ragnarok 2012-07-04\Ragnarok 2012-07-04\palettej.grf
    //------ Others ---------------------------
    // Data Directory (without the actual data\ though)
    // the below example would use C:\path\to\RO\data\
    //data_dir: C:\path\to\RO\
    data_dir: C:\Users\milo\Desktop\Ragnarok 2012-07-04\Ragnarok 2012-07-04\


    //Place your custom maps with a starting ID here.
    //mymap	1250
    elv_forest 1250


    all the way at the bottom

    elv_forest.rsw#Elven Forest#


    all the way to the bottom

    map: elv_forest

    these are my configurations so far. the funny thing is. i originally had 832 maps. dont really know how i manage to get 835 maps suddenly. Could it be a clash of the maps on somewhere in my configurations?

  11. Hi there everyone!

    Seems that i'm facing a small issue where the Aura isn't showing correctly.

    If my base level is 150 it shows, however i want to set it for 160.

    I've reviewed these topics

    However it still doesn't seem to work.

    Can anyone help me out on this? Thanks!

    Here's my current configuration of the files following the rAthena edit max level guide

    // rAthena Battle Configuration File
    // Originally Translated by Peter Kieser <[email protected]>
    // Made in to plainer English by Ancyker
    // Note 1: Value is a config switch (on/off, yes/no or 1/0)
    // Note 2: Value is in percents (100 means 100%)
    // Note 3: Value is a bit field. If no description is given,
    //		 assume unit types (1: Pc, 2: Mob, 4: Pet, 8: Homun, 16: Mercenary)
    // Set here which client version do you accept. Add all values of clients:
    // Clients older than accepted versions, and versions not set to 'accepted'
    // here will be rejected when logging in
    // 0x00001: Clients older than 2004-09-06aSakray (packet versions 5-9)
    // 0x00002: 2004-09-06aSakexe (version 10)
    // 0x00004: 2004-09-20aSakexe (version 11)
    // 0x00008: 2004-10-05aSakexe (version 12)
    // 0x00010: 2004-10-25aSakexe (version 13)
    // 0x00020: 2004-11-29aSakexe (version 14)
    // 0x00040: 2005-01-10bSakexe (version 15)
    // 0x00080: 2005-05-09aSakexe (version 16)
    // 0x00100: 2005-06-28aSakexe (version 17)
    // 0x00200: 2005-07-18aSakexe (version 18)
    // 0x00400: 2005-07-19bSakexe (version 19)
    // 0x00800: 2006-03-27aSakexe (version 20)
    // 0x01000: 2007-01-08aSakexe (version 21)
    // 0x02000: 2007-02-12aSakexe (version 22)
    // 0x04000: 2008-09-10aSakexe (version 23)
    // 0x08000: 2008-08-27aRagexeRE (version 24)
    // 0x10000: 2008-09-10aRagexeRE (version 25)
    // default value: 0xFFFFFF (all clients)
    packet_ver_flag: 0xFFFFFF
    // Minimum delay between whisper/global/party/guild messages (in ms)
    // Messages that break this threshold are silently omitted.
    min_chat_delay: 0
    // valid range of dye's and styles on the client
    min_hair_style: 0
    max_hair_style: 27
    min_hair_color: 0
    max_hair_color: 32
    min_cloth_color: 0
    max_cloth_color: 32
    // When set to yes, the damage field in packets sent from woe maps will be set
    // to -1, making it impossible for GMs, Bots and Hexed clients to know the
    // actual damage caused by attacks. (Note 1)
    hide_woe_damage: no
    // "hair style" number that identifies pet.
    // NOTE: The client uses the "hair style" field in the mob packet to tell them apart from mobs.
    // This value is always higher than the max hair-style available in said client.
    // Known values to work (all 2005 clients):
    // older sakexes: 20
    // sakexe 0614: 24
    // sakexe 0628 (and later): 100
    pet_hair_style: 100
    // Visible area size (how many squares away from a player can they see)
    area_size: 14
    // Maximum allowed 'level' value that can be sent in unit packets.
    // Use together with the aura_lv setting to tell when exactly to show the aura.
    // NOTE: You also need to adjust the client if you want this to work.
    // NOTE: Default is 99. Values above 127 will probably behave incorrectly.
    // NOTE: If you don't know what this does, don't change it!!!
    max_lv: 99
    // Level required to display an aura.
    // NOTE: This assumes that sending max_lv to the client will display the aura.
    // NOTE: aura_lv must not be less than max_lv.
    // Example: If max_lv is 99 and aura_lv is 150, characters with level 99~149
    //		  will be sent as being all level 98, and only characters with level
    //		  150 or more will be reported as having level 99 and show an aura.
    aura_lv: 160
    // Units types affected by max_lv and aura_lv settings. (Note 3)
    // Note: If an unit type, which normally does not show an aura, is
    //	   set it will obtain an aura when it meets the level requirement.
    // Default: 0 (none)
    client_limit_unit_lv: 0
    // Will tuxedo and wedding dresses be shown when worn? (Note 1)
    wedding_modifydisplay: no
    // Save Clothes color. (This will degrade performance) (Note 1)
    save_clothcolor: yes
    // Do not display cloth colors for the wedding class?
    // Note: Both save_clothcolor and wedding_modifydisplay have to be enabled
    // for this option to take effect. Set this to yes if your cloth palettes
    // pack doesn't has wedding palettes (or has less than the other jobs)
    wedding_ignorepalette: no
    // Do not display cloth colors for the Xmas class?
    // Set this to yes if your cloth palettes pack doesn't has Xmas palettes (or has less than the other jobs)
    xmas_ignorepalette: no
    // Do not display cloth colors for the Summer class?
    // Set this to yes if your cloth palettes pack doesn't has Summer palettes (or has less than the other jobs)
    summer_ignorepalette: no
    // Set this to 1 if your clients have langtype problems and can't display motd properly
    motd_type: 0
    // Show rAthena version to users when the login?
    display_version: yes
    // When affected with the "Hallucination" status effect, send the effect to client? (Note 1)
    // Note: Set to 'no' if the client lags due to the "Wavy" screen effect.
    display_hallucination: yes
    // Set this to 1 if your client supports status change timers and you want to use them
    // Clients from 2009 onward support this
    display_status_timers: yes
    // Randomizes the dice emoticon server-side, to prevent clients from forging
    // packets for the desired number. (Note 1)
    client_reshuffle_dice: no
    // Sorts the character and guild storage before it is sent to the client.
    // Official servers do not sort storage. (Note 1)
    // NOTE: Enabling this option degrades performance.
    client_sort_storage: no

    { "max_lv", &battle_config.max_lv, 99, 0, MAX_LEVEL, },

    { "aura_lv", &battle_config.aura_lv, 160, 0, 160, },



  12. data\sprite\¾ÆÀÌÅÛ (Icon sprite) and both data\sprite\¾Ç¼¼»ç¸®\³² (Male Item Sprite) and data\sprite\¾Ç¼¼»ç¸®\¿© (Female Item Sprite). Remember, these 2 last item names, must have either a ³²_ for male or ¿©_ for female

    Quoted from rAthena Wiki

    Hi guys, i've been looking high up and low for this folder at the moment. but unable to find any. i extracted all my grf to find the scribbled word folder but mine is in korean instead of the gibberish words.

    any help on where can i translate/ find the words for this? Thanks!

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