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Posts posted by ToiletMaster

  1. Hi there rAthena people!

    Following back this topic, http://rathena.org/b...ased-on-timing/

    credits to annieruru for the great assistance!

    I marked it solved as it solved the problem entirely.

    However, the problem came back again and this time. The npc is moving at all. I did some modifications and thought it was on my end. However, once i searched back my topic and took the code again. It still did not work. Is there anything i'm missing?

    Thank you!

    Here's the code from the topic.

    .unhide = 0;
    disablenpc strnpcinfo(0);
    enablenpc strnpcinfo(0);
    .unhide = 1;
    goto L_start;
    if ( gettime(4) != 0 && gettime(4) != 2 ) { // add this...
    	disablenpc strnpcinfo(0);
    	.unhide = 1;
    .@interval = 2;
    .@step = 5;
    while ( .unhide ) {
    	sleep .@interval * 1000;
    	getmapxy .@map$, .@x, .@y, 1;
    	while ( checkcell( .@map$, .@npc_x = .@x + rand( -.@step, .@step ), .@npc_y = .@y + rand( -.@step, .@step ), cell_chknopass ) );
    	npcwalkto .@npc_x, .@npc_y;
    	npctalk callfunc( "F_RandMes", 2,
    		"Heloo!!!", // 1
    		"Goodbye~!" // 2

    (note: I only change the onSun1429 for testing issues only)

    (Another issue i found. The NPC will talk 2 times once it reaches the specific time.)

    Example: Every 1 second NPC will say Hello and Goodbye!

    Once it reaches OnSun1429, the NPC will say Hello and Goodbye 2 times and not moving still ._.)

    Thanks again for taking your time to read this!

    Bump for this topic thanks!

    Another bump for this topic! Can't seem to get it to work either way

  2. But my console show this Error

    [Error]: Memory manager: args of aFree 0x0xb183124c is invalid pointer db.c line 1053

    This occurs frequently for the skills that have long time cooldown, Endure, Guillotine Fist, Mucha Nage

    edit: - - - - - -

    I try to switch cid from character that have problem to my character the problem become to mine and when i restart Server that problem gone.

    Mine din't show any problem lol, only once i deleted and replaced the client

  3. We're cheering for you Ryu!

    Sorry if I cant donate (haven't started working yet so funds are bit scarce for me xD)

    But i'm sure everyone here would greatly support you in your need!

    Thank you for starting the project too!

  4. any warning/error message from server console?


    Nope nothing so far. Currently the only fix i manage to do was to delete the entire folder that was affected by the black spot and then replace them with a working folder. that fixes the problem for me so far

  5. how about the map is on the GRF already?? i just goin to edit the DATA.ini put inside the ini?? like 3=custommap.grf like that? coz my client dont read data folder im confuse about this guide

    so do i need to rediff my client check the read data folder ?

    just make sure your map is inside your grf then it'll work no problem. you can separate it like i did.

    mine is currently like this,

    0= map.grf
    1= server.grf
    2= hello.grf
    3= data.grf
    4= rdata.grf

    or you can combine them if you wanna place them together if you wish xD. As long as your data.ini can find where's the file located.

    Make sure you follow the guide here though http://rathena.org/wiki/Custom_Maps if you follow step by step it shouldn't have any problems /heh

  6. Hi there guys!

    I Seem to having yet another small issue that i'm facing at the moment.

    Currently i'm copying everything from

    12722,Poison_Fever,Pyrexia,0,2,,100,,,,,0xFFFFFFFF,7,2,,,,,,{ if(rand(10000)<10) sc_start SC_PYREXIA,300000,0; },{},{}

    to another new item.

    30000,Poison_Fever,Amnesia Bottle,0,2,,100,,,,,0xFFFFFFFF,7,2,,,,,,{},{},{}

    I actually would like to use back 12722's sprite picture and everything. I've added custom items to my server before but those were having all the files so i know what to do xD. however this is a bit challenging since I'm not sure what to do since i'm reusing the same sprite. I went back to rAthena custom items wiki but the guide there shows me to replace the entire item to my liking. But that's not that i require actually.

    I need to retain 12722 while having 30000 but having the same look, sprite. (Just the descriptions are different though since this is just a quest item. It doesn't need to have a drop sprite as well since i'm gonna disable dropping the item at all)

    I tried renaming everything to Poison_Fever but it seems that it cant find the sprite file. Any help would be appreciated!

    Thank you!

  7. hey dude i have the brow's maze which has 5 times large as prontera after my work i will upload it to you :)

    sorry for the late reply, sure! It'll be Awesome! I'm definitely look for more choices! XD I plan to use as much maze maps as I can for my story xD

  8. or you can do a gigantic zoom in, till you can see the image pixels and there, you can spot if there's any other spot left. use the Magic Wand tool to take that and it should take the rest. delete them. then, change the background into #FF00FF using paint bucket tool.

    Thanks it did help! I manage to find certain spots xD (sorry for the late reply though)

    Have a nice day!


    You have to use #FF00FF for it to be transparent. Any color that isn't equal to #FF00FF will appear. Notice that not only the pink lines in the right and top will appear, but the dark purple border around the black rectable as well. Maybe you re-scaled it or something, not sure, but you should fix it by replacing these pixels with #FF00FF.

    If you want true pixels without any blur effect when scaling, modify the scaling mode in Image size window in PS (it will appear in the bottom, the first option)

    Thanks for the tip! It helped! I don't see much purple lines compared to last time xD

  9. yeah i did. it had like 5/6 npcs in my script. all of it is working except for this npc.

    tried reloadscript and double checked everything worked. so far there's nothing on my map server that indicates that's giving a problem.

    funny thing is it worked in svn 17006 (which i still have) and doesn't work with svn 17049.

  10. nope.. just enjoyed the community. The learning experiencing.... /no1

    If you want to learn you learn. /rice

    Doesn't help to ask around too /ok

    Thanks for the advice! hahaha i'm also enjoying the community as well XD

    Having knowledge on C is a great advantage nevertheless, with or without knowledge on specific programming language as long as you are passionate on what you are doing there is no problem, there is always a room for learning. Just don't forget keep yourself on the ground share and help others too.

    /no1 /no1 /no1

    Sure! i'll definitely share my knowledge if i do happen to learn or know how to answer some of the questions hahahahaha. thinking of taking up C in the future so that i can do source edits xD that's why i wanted to ask this question to the community XD

  11. Hi guys,

    it seems that my script currently doesn't work with the latest svn that i've downloaded. svn version 17049.

    however, on svn 17006 it works great. I believe it has something to do with the npcskill i guess?

    my mapserver doesn't show any errors as well.

    sm_pri,11,10,4	script	Grandma	2339,{  
    setnpcdisplay "Grandma", "Demon", 1605,2;
    monster "sm_pri",0,0,"Minions",1605,10,"Grandma::OnPoringKilled";
    // By using 0,0 it will spawn them in a random place.
    mes "Destroy him!";
    // He summoned ten.
    	set PoringKilled,PoringKilled+1;
    	if (PoringKilled==10) goto L_AllDead;
    	monster "sm_pri",0,0,"Minions",1605,10,"Grandma::OnPoporingKilled";
    	set PoringKilled,0;
    	set PoporingKilled,PoporingKilled+1;
    	if (PoporingKilled==10) goto L_AllDDead;
    	announce "You've Managed to fight through the demons!",3;
    	set PoporingKilled,0;
    	setnpcdisplay "Grandma", "Demon", 1605,1;
    	menu "k",L_Choice,"ok",L_Angel;
    setnpcdisplay "Grandma", "Old Grandma", 2339,0;
    mes "Hihihihihi";
    setnpcdisplay "Grandma", "Old Grandma", 2339,0;
    mes "Hello!!";

    This isn't the full script though. i deleted most of the parts where it has mes to shorten it. but i'm certain only this part has the problem currently.

  12. No programming experience whatsoever. Scripting doesn't require much background knowledge, so long as you're willing to learn. You should probably know some C if you're going to do source edits.

    Thanks for the reply, yeah definitely i'm willing to learn in scripting xD, had alot of questions but thankfully the great people at the script support/request section helped me greatly!

    Aside from that, Euphy you came to rAthena with the knowledge of C only i guess?

  13. Hi there everyone!

    I was just wondering when you joined rAthena. Did you have any particular skills in IT that greatly helped you in rAthena or did you join rAthena without any knowledge towards IT and thus growing from this website learning C and much much more?

    just a question that popped into my mind /heh

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