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Posts posted by ToiletMaster

  1. 29 minutes ago, crazyarashi said:

    3 Different People Should Activate the pillar  And Each People Have different conversation after activating the pillar? :))

    Yes! That would be correct, once all 3 are activated by different people, they should all have the different conversation from there.

    Since this is an instance, therefore whoever finishes the activation of pillar will add 1 count to the final npc and once it reaches 3, all of them should see the new conversation. 

    Similar to malangdo culvert, but I noticed malangdo culvert uses a timer instead which might work, but I wanted to know if it's possible without a timer for this to happen. 

    Thanks for replying! 

  2. Hi guys,


    i'm currently developing a small little instance script, but frankly i'm not sure how do i set this to work. currently the main goal is to get 3 progressbar done and talking to the initial NPC should then give you a different conversation


    this is what i'm currently envisioning it at the moment.

    prontera,150,150,4	script	guy#1	791,{
    	if(pillar == 3)
    		mes "you've finished all 3 pillars!";
    	mes "talk to the 3 pillars first";
    prontera,151,151,4	script	pillar#1	791,{
    	progressbar "0xFFFF00",10;
    	set pillar++;
    	disablenpc instance_npcname(strnpcinfo(0));
    prontera,152,152,4	script	pillar#2	791,{
    	progressbar "0xFFFF00",10;
    	set pillar++;
    	disablenpc instance_npcname(strnpcinfo(0));
    prontera,153,153,4	script	pillar#3	791,{
    	progressbar "0xFFFF00",10;
    	set pillar++;
    	disablenpc instance_npcname(strnpcinfo(0));


    But the issue with this variable will be passed only to that particular character that talked to the pillar NPC,  how do i make in a way where no matter which player talks to the pillar, it would then be recognized by the first npc? Thus having 3 different people talking to 3 different pillar would then complete this portion of the quest perhaps.

  3. You could also try checking out rAthena/doc/sample 


    For a few npc samples which are pretty simple to understand from there. Quite a few examples are there and you can use that to mix and match around and go crazy from there

    Additionally under the doc, you can find the script_commands.txt which has every script command from there. 

  4. 2 hours ago, Akkarin said:

    It's an encoding issue. I've noticed recently that editors like notepad++ (which i would normally swear-by) converts areas of the text that it shouldn't. In this case it's attempting to convert the end-of-expression " quote marks into the rest of the string, which removes the quotes and then the client screams.

    I've found that using Visual Code works - open up itemInfo.lub and then click the encoding link at the bottom, select re-open in new encoding and it should auto detect euc_kr, then you shouldn't have any further problems.

    thank you very much for the help!

    I've tested this with visual code instead of notepad++ and it works perfectly, my item was able to display without a hitch. I'll take note of this next time i'm editing an item from the iteminfo.lub /wah

  5. Hi there everyone,

    i was hoping that i would be able to add 1 etc item to test. However after tons of searching, i can't seem to figure out why it doesn't work. My iteminfo.lub by default from Zack works perfectly with the client version 2017-01-25 that i'm currently using. However upon adding 1 more item in, an error would state that my iteminfo.lub was missing quotations on the item description.

    The strange thing is that when i went into the iteminfo.lub to look for info, i notice it wasn't just one line that had missing quotations, it was multiple lines instead. such as you can see here. I've written on the parts where the quotes are missing. The part that makes it strange is that if i were to take my original iteminfo.lub it works fine even without the quotes there, but if i edit anything at all and save afterwards, then the errors will start to appear.

    	[13081] = {
    		unidentifiedDisplayName = "Dagger",
    		unidentifiedResourceName = "나이프",
    		unidentifiedDescriptionName = { "Unknown Item, can be identified by using a ^6666CCMagnifier^000000." },
    		identifiedDisplayName = "Seafood Knife",
    		identifiedResourceName = "문어조리식칼",
    		identifiedDescriptionName = {
    			"�?B'l�?�???x� ",
    			"Hit +1",
    			"�?? ���?��A",
    			"����?����X�^�[�??, <------- missing quotes 
    			"_���[�W +8%",
    			"�?? ���?��A",
    			"����?����X�^�[�??, <-------- missing quotes 
    			"�_���[�W +8%",
    			"�?? ���?��A",
    			"_���[�W +8%",
    			"�?? ���?��A",
    			"����?����X�^�[�??, <--------- missing quotes 
    			"�_���[�W +16%",


    Here's the item that i wanted to add in. in this case i've added 40000 in my item_db.txt

    	[40000] = {
    		unidentifiedDisplayName = "Red Potion",
    		unidentifiedResourceName = "빨간포션",
    		unidentifiedDescriptionName = { "" },
    		identifiedDisplayName = "Red Potion",
    		identifiedResourceName = "빨간포션",
    		identifiedDescriptionName = {
    			"A potion made from grinded Red Herbs.",
    			"Class:^0000FF Restorative item^000000",
    			"Heal:^006600 45 ~ 65^000000 HP",
    			"Weight:^006600 7^000000"
    		slotCount = 0,
    		ClassNum = 0


    Things that i've tried

    • Redownload the entire Zack translation patch (did not work)
    • Removed all edits what i've done on the iteminfo.lub (did not work)

    What could possibly be the issue? Thank you in advance.

  6. Hello everyone,


    for some reason, warlock quest requires you to equip this item in order to get the quest item. However, for some reason after killing 1000 of them personally it doesn't drop at all.


    2796,Magical_Stone,Rocks,4,0,,200,,0,,0,0x00810204,63,2,136,,99,0,0,{ bonus2 bAddDamageClass,2047,10; bonus2 bAddDefMonster,2048,-10; bonus3 bAddMonsterIdDropItem,6152,2047,70; },{},{}
    2797,Magical_Stone_,Rocks,4,0,,200,,0,,0,0x00810204,63,2,136,,99,0,0,{ bonus2 bAddDamageClass,2049,10; bonus2 bAddDefMonster,2050,-10; bonus3 bAddMonsterIdDropItem,6151,2049,70; },{},{}

    For reference, 2797 drops it fine, but 2796 from naga doesn't drop item 6152. Could anyone confirm this?

  7. clientdate? are you sure your client is reading this system/iteminfo.lub, not itemdesctable ?



    found out the actual problem, apparently my file had errors if you noticed, some of the , were missing, and for some reason it read the one in the folder instead of the GRF. after founding this out the rest way easy to fix xD. thanks for the help anyway!


    it's 2013-12-23 btw

  8. Hi Guys,

    I seem to be facing an issue for adding a new custom item. I do add items time to time and it works great, but i'm not sure what's causing this problem at the moment.


    Server side seems to be working fine, i don't see any issues at hand there as i can equip and all the skills set are working perfectly. Location of the item works great as well as it's an accessory.


    This is what i tried to copied. and what i got.

        [2767] = {
            unidentifiedDisplayName = "Accessory",
            unidentifiedResourceName = "¸®º»",
            unidentifiedDescriptionName = {
                "Unknown item requiring Appraisal.    Can be identified by using a Magnifier."
            identifiedDisplayName = "Acolyte Figure",
            identifiedResourceName = "º¹»çÇDZԾî",
            identifiedDescriptionName = {
                "A fine figure of an Acolyte, radiating intellectual power.",
                "INT +1, extra effect of SP +50 when equipped on Acolyte class",
                "Class: ^777777Accessory^000000",
                "Defense: ^7777770^000000",
                "Weight: ^7777770^000000",
                "Jobs: ^777777All^000000"
            slotCount = 0,
            ClassNum = 0




    This is what i did

        [20012] = {
            unidentifiedDisplayName = "Accessory",
            unidentifiedResourceName = "º¹»çÇDZԾî",
            unidentifiedDescriptionName = {
            identifiedDisplayName = "Acolyte Capsule",
            identifiedResourceName = "º¹»çÇDZԾî",
            identifiedDescriptionName = {
                "Allows the use of ^ff0000Heal lvl 3,",
                "Blessings lvl 10^000000 and ^ff0000Increase AGI lvl 10^000000."
                "Job: ^777777Novice Only^000000",
                "Max Level: ^77777710^000000",
                "Weight: ^7777770.1^000000",
            slotCount = 0,
            ClassNum = 0            


    still it says unknown item for some reason. Am i missing anything here? :(


  9. index.php?app=downloads&module=display&section=screenshot&id=2891

    File Name: Sealed MVP Cards

    File Submitter: ToiletMaster

    File Submitted: 07 May 2013

    File Category: Client Resources

    Content Author: ToiletMaster

    Hi there rAthena users!

    As the community has taught me a lot during my stay here, I'd thought of contributing back some of the goodiness.

    Currently these are the Sealed MVP Cards that were just recently implemented. (Not all of them are done yet though in terms of scripting)

    However, Here are the Card Images. All of them i've tested and working! Looks great just like the screenshot you can see that i've provided.

    I do not have all cards, however what i do have would be

    //Sealed MVP Cards 4480#Sealed_Kiel_Card#4481#Sealed_Ktullanux_Card#4482#Sealed_B_Ygnizem_Card#4483#Sealed_Dracula_Card#4484#Sealed_Mistress_Card#4485#Sealed_Gloom_Card#4488#Sealed_Dark_Lord_Card#4494#Sealed_Turtle_General_Card#4495#Sealed_Amon_Ra_Card#4497#Sealed_Stormy_Knight_Card#4498#Sealed_Lady_Tanee_Card#4499#Sealed_Samurai_Card#4500#Sealed_Orc_Lord_Card#4501#Sealed_High_Priest_Card#4502#Sealed_MasterSmith_Card#4503#Sealed_Vesper_Card#4504#Sealed_Eddga_Card#4536#Sealed_Atroce_Card#4537#Sealed_Phreeoni_Card#4538#Sealed_Bacsojin_Card#4539#Sealed_Fallen_Bishop_Card#4540#SLD_Lord_of_Death_Card#

    Hope it helps! If you do have new cards that I've not included, feel free to hit me a message and i'll add it in!



    Click here to download this file

  10. Hi there,


    I'm having issues currently with my custom cards that i'm placing in.


    Currently they're resized to 300x400 bmp file.


    Aside from that,  i've ensured that they've reached the right path which is


    data>texture>À¯ÀúÀÎÅÍÆäÀ̽º >cardbmp


    and lastly editing the num2cardillustnametable  to example #10000#My_Custom_Card#


    However when i get into the client and press the view, nothing comes out except for the window only.


    As in the title of the card that's all. What am i currently missing?

  11. Try to increase max quest db in src/common/mmo.h

    #define MAX_QUEST_DB 2400 //Max quests that the server will load

    Ahhh! that's where it was located! i went and look for quest inside the src folder ._.


    Thanks again capuche!

  12. Hi there,


    It seems that this question wasn't ask before I'm not mistaken.


    Searching for quest leads me back to a whole lot of other topics lol.


    Anyway, here's my error message.


    I'm having too much quest db inside upon updating to svn 17310.


    never had this issue with 17204.


  13. Hi there guys,


    I know this question has been asked before but the links were down by the person that posted it up.


    So i would like to ask if anyone has Homunculus S AI files to make them aggressive? or the original one that makes the homunculus Aggressive at least as currently my folder isn't even aggressive at all.






  14. Hi there,


    Currently i have a script request for monthly payment for a map.



    If the person doesn't pay the money, their entire guild will not be access the map that they've purchased and it'll be up for sale for other people who's willing to purchase it and kicked off upon once the time limit reaches. Then they would have to repurchase the map for let's say.. 100m maybe?



    • Only the guild leader can buy / issue payments to the map.
    • Kicked off the map once map expires
    • People can see who owns that map and when it's going to expire
    • Seller that sells the maps

    Would this be possible to make? Thanks!

  15. Thanks for quality answers.


    How many staff you need to run a new server?

    What are the major task to distribute between the new staff?


    such as following up:

    1-bugs (Graphics,Scripts)


    3-Screening Data base





    Please contribute to answer




    From my experience, i've started developing it since last year september more or less around there. My team gradually grown to 4 people including 1 person who has no knowledge/interest in RO but helped me out on the PHP part.

    Basically i did alot of things as i used that time to experience every major role, eg scripting,mapping, hexing, source edit. However i gradually grew to Storyline Scripter + Mapper. With these 2 combined i can create the looks i want though!


    my 2nd friend who's still in the team was a scripter. Right now he's focused on 1 Script at the moment that's custom made for the server. He made private servers before and more or less he's helping me out wiht my scripts but he's busy at the moment though,


    my 3rd friend is the php person where he helps me out on CSS and HTML codings for the forum/website if required. He's really helpful when it comes to his category of PHP.


    Lastly i had a graphic designer but due to his work he had to leave the team which resulted in me looking for outsourced Graphic Designers.


    Basically we met up once every week to discuss our findings and progress from there. Communication is the key here, no communication = no work. It's as simple as that.


    Right now my server's finally going to launch on June which is next month! We've come a long way but not far enough though.


    Hope it's an insight for you on a team. Basically if you wanna take things into your own hands and do it yourself, trust me it's possible. The only thing you need to worry about is finding someone to look after your server if you're working/sleeping during that time.

  16. Hi guys, if let's say i host my flux and forum in the web hosting database which is located in one area,


    then after that my game server is located in the VPS which is another area, would it be possible to link it back to the VPS?

  17. there is no line to display the time left to the user, try

    if ($@time < gettimetick(2)) {

    mes "You are able to take an apple";


    set $@time, gettimetick(2) + 900; // 15 Minutes

    getitem "Apple",1;



    Mes "Please wait " + (($@time - gettimetick(2)) / 60 ) + " Minutes before getting another apple";


    I wrote this on my phone -> Bad format ?

    Aside from the missing brackets,


    This works great! exactly what i required! Thanks alot! Works flawlessly!

  18. Here's my point of view of answering your questions.


    1-How do you attract players from other servers to play yours?


    Firstly, advertising in RMS, xtremetop100 is a great way to start, but aside from that, imagine if you have a default FLUX CP theme compared to a great website theme, which will you prefer? And also a forum that's always look the same with lacking features compared to a forum that's really beautiful and full with features. That's something to think about. To me, in order to attract people in, it's always the First impression that pays off. Aside from that would have to be customs that other servers doesn't have. Example custom maps, items, events, and perhaps storyline as well! just like the one i'm writing :P


    2-Why people quitting from server and want to try other one?

    From the many reviews I've read, it's not because your server is horrible (aside from connectivity issues) it's always the GM that plays the major part of a server. If you give an item to your friend and other people realize it, you're gonna have a hard time and people will end up not trusting you as you'll be labeled as a *corrupted GM*.


    Donations also play a big role! so don't abuse it just to earn a quick buck!


    (Trust me, i've experienced this during close beta, when I had GM powers for the first time, I was giving items like it was free and the server went into Chaos, thank god it's only close beta!)



    3-How to make your server adv it self?


    Again this comes back to RMS and xtremetop100, but still, best advertisement comes from word of mouth. As long you're dedicated to your server and the player realizes it, they'll spread the word eventually and your server will be advertised by itself.


    4-How to make people happy on playing your server for long term?


    Updates! This is the main reason of people playing your server. putting in new quests that is hard to finish will really bring the fun of your server! Having new events, GM events, and also new quests will really spice up the fun. If not, players will be coming in and telling you, "GM I'm bored".


    5-Should i be objective driven?


    To me at least, what you require most aside from an Objective would be dedication. Whether you want to continue even though your player counts go down to a 1 digit number. Take it as a lesson and continue, as sooner or later you'll strive!

    • Upvote 1
  19. if (time>gettimetick(2)) { mes "You take your apple"; close; }
    set time, gettimetick ( 2 ) + 900;
    getitem apple,1;

    Doesn't work, it only displays you take your apple that's all. doesn't go anything further than that.

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