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Wazaby last won the day on February 16

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About Wazaby

  • Birthday February 11

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  • Github: Waza-by
  • Discord: karthikavinash
  • Interests
    Music, Pets, Technology, Travel

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Community Answers

  1. How to use it? 1. Patch your diff file. 2. Change the item type in itemdb to charm. In the below example I've used an item from item_db_etc.yml and changed the type to charm. Then add a script part with the bonus that you want the item to have and reload itemdb. - Id: 670 AegisName: Gold_Coin_Moneybag Name: Bag of Gold Coins Type: Charm Buy: 100000 Weight: 400 Script: | bonus bAllStats,10; Without the charm item: With the charm item: Enjoy! Item Charm v1.0.1.diff
  2. This is an old mod which has been gaining dust for the past few years. I've just re-written the mod to be compatible with the latest rAthena revision [c43f7b3] @auraset1 <aura effect no> : sets user with an Aura @auraset2 <aura effect no> : sets user with a second Aura @auraset3 <aura effect no> : sets the user with a third Aura All 3 aura's will stack. So you can set 3 auras and create a visual effect of auras. Here's a list of Aura combinations. // Reserved for PK Mode { 586, -1, -1 }, // LH { 586, 362, -1 }, // LH Mvp { 586, 362, 240 }, // 1? PK Place // Basic Auras { 418, -1, -1 }, // Red Fury { 486, -1, -1 }, // Blue Fury { 485, -1, -1 }, // White Fury { 239, -1, -1 }, // Aura Red { 240, -1, -1 }, // Aura White { 241, -1, -1 }, // Aura Yellow { 620, -1, -1 }, // Aura Blue { 202, -1, -1 }, // Lvl 99 Bubbles { 362, -1, -1 }, // Advanced Lvl 99 Bubbles { 678, -1, -1 }, // Brazil Aura Bubbles { 679, -1, -1 }, // Brazil Aura { 680, -1, -1 }, // Brazil Aura Floor // 2 Sets { 239, 418, -1 }, { 239, 486, -1 }, { 239, 485, -1 }, { 240, 418, -1 }, { 240, 486, -1 }, { 240, 485, -1 }, { 241, 418, -1 }, { 241, 486, -1 }, { 241, 485, -1 }, { 620, 418, -1 }, { 620, 486, -1 }, { 620, 485, -1 }, // Full Sets { 239, 418, 202 }, { 239, 486, 202 }, { 239, 485, 202 }, { 240, 418, 202 }, { 240, 486, 202 }, { 240, 485, 202 }, { 241, 418, 202 }, { 241, 486, 202 }, { 241, 485, 202 }, { 620, 418, 202 }, { 620, 486, 202 }, { 620, 485, 202 }, { 239, 418, 362 }, { 239, 486, 362 }, { 239, 485, 362 }, { 240, 418, 362 }, { 240, 486, 362 }, { 240, 485, 362 }, { 241, 418, 362 }, { 241, 486, 362 }, { 241, 485, 362 }, { 620, 418, 362 }, { 620, 486, 362 }, { 620, 485, 362 }, { 239, 418, 678 }, { 239, 486, 678 }, { 239, 485, 678 }, { 240, 418, 678 }, { 240, 486, 678 }, { 240, 485, 678 }, { 241, 418, 678 }, { 241, 486, 678 }, { 241, 485, 678 }, { 620, 418, 678 }, { 620, 486, 678 }, { 620, 485, 678 }, // Oficial Set { 680, 679, 678 }, { -1, -1, -1 } There are a few things I would like to do differently with the implementation of this. Right now I'm releasing this since it's my birthday today and I wanted to give back something to the rAthena community. I might make better versions of this later. Thanks. Aura System v1.0.diff
  3. Is it possible for you to point to which npc or script? Or just post a snippet of the code that you want help with?
  4. What the hail! This is almost a decade old script. // Change this part. setarray .ScatArea[0],1,2,3; // SCATTER AREA. // To this setarray .ScatArea[0], 3, 5, 7; // Increase the values for a larger scattering area.
  5. Awesome work. Thank you for the release.
  6. You can try MySQL workbench or you can try Laragon. Both have similar gui. Since you already have a server up, im guessing you installed your mysql database already? Just use aGUI based workbench and open the char and account tables inside the database.
  7. Yes. Gravity doesn't approve unless you use Aegis. Which is expensive compared to opensource emulators.
  8. If you use Visual Studio Code or Visual Studio to edit your files, you can search the whole solution for the constants. We can't tell you the exact npc. But my guess would be a job changer npc or something related to Jobs.
  9. DCMA claims have been made for various reason. Gravity does not care if you use blockcain or any other technology. As long as there's a copyright infringement, they can take you down. Servers have been taken down on the grounds that they used gravity resources. rAthena is an opensouce emulator which was built from scratch. It does not fall under this category. But the client files are gravity owned and the server administrators may use them at their own risk.
  10. It’s your npc scripts that are giving you that warning. Find the npc script that is using the deprecated constants and replace them with the new constants. That’ll remove those warnings.
  11. The character data is in char table of your ragnarok database. The account data is in Login table.
  12. Keep it as a separate grf and add an entry in Data.ini to read the grf before your default grf. That’ll load the sprites. You will also need to add the items to itemdb on server to be able to use the sprites in game.
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