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Everything posted by Chaos92

  1. Welcome and please let me know if you have any ideas for the improvements or any issues using it.
  2. Make sure your packets.h in src/config/ are same clientdate with what clientdate u use for your client.
  3. are u sure it is the same map ? try /where and see is it the same map.
  4. There are already some comments before if I remember from Sader, wait I search.
  5. maybe related to your src modification ? try with clean src.
  6. have u check the logs during it happens ? I think most probably connection with unknown packets will shows in the terminal/logs. Usually it happens because of clientdate not match with the client used.
  7. Have you tried as Functor, the Gepard that you subscribe ? Since the error shown by Gepard.
  8. 1. Its possible to run pre-re mode. There is config to change the mode in src/config/renewal.h. But for most latest episode only exist in renewal. 2. Theres a lot of tutorial for this even in this forum, maybe you can check it out. 3. Maybe OVH ? Anything could run as long as the OS is supported to run rathena. 4. Setup the client using Chris Translation maybe if in english. https://github.com/llchrisll/ROenglishRE and share to others.
  9. I have updated custom weapon part, but didnt finalized yet, maybe need some changes for information in iteminfo.lua generated for weapon type part. Will update later on. And also shadow weapon part, maybe.
  10. Maybe add Flag for ignoregtb for soul link ? Flags: IgnoreGtb: true I didnt tried it yet though.
  11. it will end with something, it wont stuck like that. and 1GB most probably isnt enough for compiling, add 1 more = 2gb
  12. Hello guys, I have updated this site by adding garment generator, but its still early so I might need to fix it later on some parts that might still not generated well. Please let me know if you found any issue. Thanks.
  13. Download Chris Translation from his github, and use the tools, it will be easier.
  14. Make sure you use the correct clientdate matching with the client side files. 2018 client for skills are different compare to 2020 and above.
  15. Please show then what is your setting
  16. Sorry im confused. Does rathena store means cash shop in the emulator ? Or FluxCP Item Shop ? Or is it this forum Store ?
  17. maybe your IP pinging the server then. welcome no problem.
  18. is that your IP or players IP ? Most probably some bots scanning ports/IP then. Just ignore it.
  19. old that still using sql ? itemdb using yml currently. Didnt remember well txt one, but most probably change location of it. and 4 seems correct for garment, maybe compare with other cards for example deviling, vocal 4211,Vocal_Card,Vocal Card,6,20,,10,,,,,,,,4,,,,,{ bonus bMdef,3; },{},{} 4163,Gryphon_Card,Gryphon Card,6,20,,10,,,,,,,,4,,,,,{ bonus bFlee,2; bonus bCritical,7; if(BaseClass==Job_Swordman) bonus3 bAutoSpell,"KN_BOWLINGBASH",5,10; },{},{} And make sure using the correct folder. either pre-re or re.
  20. Chaos92


    check lub regarding transparentitem
  21. how about the IP part that I commented above ? its crucial since from your screenshot it doesnt have port there.
  22. should be sclientinfo.xml. your client read clientinfo not sclientinfo ? Also just change IP at AssistAddr = only. doesnt need to touch another part.
  23. try change 'sakray' to 'primary and try again. and it should be ExternalSettings_kr.lub
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