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Everything posted by Jaburak

  1. That might be wrong, because sometimes http://whatismyip.org/ gives wrong IP. Try checkin your IP here; http://www.whatismyip.com/
  2. May I know what IP did you set in your char_athena.conf and map_athena.conf?
  3. I think this is not possible. But there's other way to prevent the item from dropping if they're overweight.
  4. In your db/packet_db.txt Find: //2012-04-10aRagexeRE packet_ver: 30 Add below: 0x08c9,2
  5. Try this; 12920,Enriched_Elunium_Box,Enriched Elunium Box,18,20,,10,,,,,0xFFFFFFFF,7,2,,,,,,{ if (((Weight*100)/MaxWeight) > 49) { message strcharinfo(0), "You are overweight, you cannot open the box!"; getitem 12920,1; } if (((Weight*100)/MaxWeight) < 49) { getitem 7619,10; } },{},{}
  6. Can you show the full message in your char server?
  7. Read this topic; http://rathena.org/board/topic/57717-r15503-txt-save-engine-removed/
  8. Like this? //------------------------------------------------------------------------- //Toasty Warper 1.32 // by ToastOfDoom //------------------------------------------------------------------------- //Changelog: //1.32 -------------------------------------------------------------------- //- Changed default 'Upper' value to allow for 3rd class. (Thanks Annie) //1.31 -------------------------------------------------------------------- //- Reverted BaseJob check back to jobLookup method but uses BaseJob instead // of Class. Best of both methods. Saves on post processing calculations // but still allows for an elegant way of writing script (don't need a // bunch of exceptions) //1.3 --------------------------------------------------------------------- //- Changed OnStart labels to OnStartNPC to prevent mystery errors. //- Removed jobLookup and replaced with BaseJob check with simple // adjustment for dancers. (Cheers to AnnieRuru for reminding me) //- Changed the way Upper status was checked. //- Changed the way WoE status was checked. //- Commented out defaultly missing moc_filds. //- Modified mapserver console output when script loads. //1.2 --------------------------------------------------------------------- //- Added a index lookup for maps (.map_<mapname> = index) //- Implemented user count for nodes (stored in .userCount_#[%]) //- Added settings to turn on/off user count for nodes and maps // (in OnInit: .showNodeUserCount, .showMapUserCount) //- Optimised the overflow test function so it wouldn't sleep so much // (ie..no longer takes so much time to execute) //1.1 --------------------------------------------------------------------- //- Renamed some NPCs cause 'warper' was too common and was causing problems //- Chucked out the old cost system and replaced with a new multi- // modification structure. Thus old bug with cost not passing on pass 1st // sub menu no longer exists. //- Now can dynamically adjusts available maps/menus according to: // - "gm": 0: allows everyone // 0+: only allows people above or equal to set gmlevel // 0-: only allows people below or equal to set gmlevel // - "woe": 1:active when woe inactive // 2:active when woe active // 3:active regardless of woe setting // - "job": works exactly the same as the 'job' setting in item_db // - "upper": same as 'upper' setting in item_db // - "gender": same as 'sex' setting in item_db // - "blvl": works the same as 'gm' but with base level instead // - "flag": when passed a variable name, it check if variable is // empty as the condition to allow access. // - "function": like with 'flag' but instead of a variable, it uses a // function name. Will pass the following parameters: // Node: "Node", <nodeID>, <nodeName> // Map: "Map", <mapID>, <mapTitle>, <mapName>, <mapX>, <mapY>, <mapCost> //- Other modifiers added: "zeny", "mapUsers" //- Shortened some of the map names to get them to fit better //1.0 --------------------------------------------------------------------- //- Added menu check in OnInit that checks if a menu may exceed maximum // menu length. Hardcoded to print a warning at 2000 characters to // compensate for changes in length due to number of map users. Client // will crash if exceeds 2047. //0.3 --------------------------------------------------------------------- //- Fixed npc duplication problem //- Added last warp functionality (edit .numLastWarps in OnInit to adjust // number of listed warps) //- Colour-coded some things in the menu //0.2 --------------------------------------------------------------------- //- Fixed bad lookup names for x/y coords for warp (thanks BrianL) //- Removed 'Back' option for root node //- Added ablilty to define basic zeny cost to individual nodes and/or maps //0.1 --------------------------------------------------------------------- //- Initial Release //------------------------------------------------------------------------- - script toastywarperbase -1,{ function StartNode; function EndNode; function AddMap; function SetArrayValue; function GetArrayValue; function WipeArray; //can't use cleararray =P function ComputeMenu; function ShowMenu; function SelectMap; function AddLastWarpsNode; function ConvertStringToChrArray; function GenerateMapSaveString; function AddMapToList; function ListMaps; function InitialiseMapData; function PrepLastWarpsMenu; function TestMenus; function CountAllUsers; OnStartNPC: set @gotoCount, 0; //make sure it doesn't overflow and crash later on. if(getgmlevel() >= .gmAccessLvl) { mes "Would to like to test all the menus for overflow error?"; next; if(prompt("Yes:No") == 1) { TestMenus(); } } mes "Welcome!!"; if(.showNodeUserCount) CountAllUsers(); next; set .@selectedMap, ShowMenu(); SelectMap(.@selectedMap); end; function ShowMenu { setarray .@stack$[0], ".menu_0$"; //traversed menu stack while(1) { set .@currentMenu$, .@stack$[getarraysize(.@stack$) - 1]; set .@menuStr$, ComputeMenu(.@currentMenu$); if(getstrlen(.@menuStr$) >= 2047) { //graceful close if menu string overflows(2047) debugmes "TOASTYWARPER - ERROR: Menu (" + getd(.@currentMenu$ + "[0]") + ") has overflowed: " + getstrlen(.@menuStr$) + " chars."; mes "An error has occurred. Please notify the GMs"; close; } set .@menu, select(.@menuStr$); set .@selectedItem, atoi(getd(.@currentMenu$ + "[" + (.@menu + 1) + "]")); if(.@selectedItem == 0) { //back if(getarraysize(.@stack$) <= 1) { set .@i, -1; break; } setarray .@stack$[getarraysize(.@stack$) - 1], ""; } else if(.@selectedItem <= .mapOffset) { setarray .@stack$[getarraysize(.@stack$)], ((.@selectedItem == .mapOffset)?"@menu_lastwarps$":".menu_" + .@selectedItem + "$"); } else { //leaf node - map set .@i, .@selectedItem - .mapOffset; break; } } return .@i; } function CountAllUsers { //".userCount_#[%]" set .@i, .nodeCount; while(.@i > 0) { set .@nodePtr$, ".menu_" + .@i + "$"; set .@userCount, 0; set .@k, 2; while(getd(.@nodePtr$ + "[" + .@k + "]") != "") { set .@selectedItem, atoi(getd(.@nodePtr$ + "[" + .@k + "]")); if(.@selectedItem <= .mapOffset) { //node set .@userCount, .@userCount + ((.@selectedItem != .mapOffset)? (getd(".userCount_" + (.@selectedItem / 128) + "[" + (.@selectedItem % 128))): 0); //make sure it's not the lastwarp menu } else { //map set .@selectedItem, .@selectedItem - .mapOffset; set .@a$, "_" + (.@selectedItem / 128) + "$[" + (.@selectedItem % 128) + "]"; set .@mapMap$, getd(".maps_map" + .@a$); set .@mapUsers$, getd(".maps_mapUsers" + .@a$); set .@userCount, .@userCount + getmapusers((.@mapUsers$ == "")?.@mapMap$:.@mapUsers$); } set .@k, .@k + 1; } setd(".userCount_" + (.@i / 128) + "[" + (.@i % 128) + "]", .@userCount); set .@i, .@i - 1; } } //Dynamic generation of menus happens in here!!! function ComputeMenu { //menu_pointer //default precomputed string (here for memory's sake) //return getd(getarg(0) + "[1]"); set .@i, 2; set @gotoCount, @gotoCount + 3; while(getd(getarg(0) + "[" + .@i + "]") != "") { set .@selectedItem, atoi(getd(getarg(0) + "[" + .@i + "]")); set .@player_job, getd(".jobLookUp_" + BaseJob); set @gotoCount, @gotoCount + 1; if(.@selectedItem <= .mapOffset) { //node - category set @gotoCount, @gotoCount + 1; if(.@selectedItem == .mapOffset) { //lastwarp set .@output$, .@output$ + "Last Warp"; } else { set .@enable, 1; set .@a$, "_" + (.@selectedItem / 128) + "[" + (.@selectedItem % 128) + "]"; set .@b$, "_" + (.@selectedItem / 128) + "$[" + (.@selectedItem % 128) + "]"; set .@nodeName$, getd(".menu_" + .@selectedItem + "$[0]"); set .@gm, getd(".menus_gm" + .@a$); set .@woe, getd(".menus_woe" + .@a$); set .@job, getd(".menus_job" + .@a$); set .@upper, getd(".menus_upper" + .@a$); set .@gender, getd(".menus_gender" + .@a$); set .@blvl, getd(".menus_blvl" + .@a$); set .@flag$, getd(".menus_flag" + .@b$); set .@function$, getd(".menus_function" + .@b$); set .@enable, .@enable && ((.@gm >= 0)?(getgmlevel() >= .@gm)(getgmlevel() + .@gm) <= 0)); set .@enable, .@enable && (.@woe & ((agitcheck() || agitcheck2()) + 1) > 0); set .@enable, .@enable && ((.@job & (1 << .@player_job)) > 0); set .@enable, .@enable && ((.@upper & pow(2, Upper)) > 0); set .@enable, .@enable && (.@gender == Sex || .@gender == 2); set .@enable, .@enable && ((.@blvl >= 0)?(BaseLevel >= .@blvl):(BaseLevel + .@blvl <= 0)); set .@enable, .@enable && ((.@flag$ != "")?getd(.@flag$):1); if(.@function$ != "") //used if here cause logical operators won't shortcircuit and thus will execute really bad code set .@enable, .@enable && callfunc(.@function$, "Node", .@selectedItem, .@nodeName$); set .@userCount, getd(".userCount" + .@a$); set .@output$, .@output$ + ((.@enable)?(.@nodeName$ + ((.showNodeUserCount)?(" [^0000FF" + .@userCount + "^000000]"):"")):""); set @gotoCount, @gotoCount + 2; } set .@output$, .@output$ + ":"; } else { //leaf node - map set .@selectedItem, .@selectedItem - .mapOffset; set .@enable, 1; set .@a$, "_" + (.@selectedItem / 128) + "[" + (.@selectedItem % 128) + "]"; set .@b$, "_" + (.@selectedItem / 128) + "$[" + (.@selectedItem % 128) + "]"; set .@mapName$, getd(".maps_name" + .@b$); set .@mapMap$, getd(".maps_map" + .@b$); set .@zeny, getd(".maps_zeny" + .@a$); set .@gm, getd(".maps_gm" + .@a$); set .@woe, getd(".maps_woe" + .@a$); set .@job, getd(".maps_job" + .@a$); set .@upper, getd(".maps_upper" + .@a$); set .@gender, getd(".maps_gender" + .@a$); set .@blvl, getd(".maps_blvl" + .@a$); set .@mapUsers$, getd(".maps_mapUsers" + .@b$); set .@flag$, getd(".maps_flag" + .@b$); set .@function$, getd(".maps_function" + .@b$); set .@enable, .@enable && ((.@gm >= 0)?(getgmlevel() >= .@gm)(getgmlevel() + .@gm) <= 0)); set .@enable, .@enable && (.@woe & ((agitcheck() || agitcheck2()) + 1) > 0); set .@enable, .@enable && ((.@job & (1 << .@player_job)) > 0); set .@enable, .@enable && ((.@upper & pow(2, Upper)) > 0); set .@enable, .@enable && (.@gender == Sex || .@gender == 2); set .@enable, .@enable && ((.@blvl >= 0)?(BaseLevel >= .@blvl):(BaseLevel + .@blvl <= 0)); set .@enable, .@enable && ((.@flag$ != "")?getd(.@flag$):1); if(.@function$ != "") { //used if here cause logical operators won't shortcircuit and thus will execute really bad code set .@mapX, getd(".maps_x" + .@a$); set .@mapY, getd(".maps_y" + .@a$); set .@enable, .@enable && callfunc(.@function$, "Map", .@selectedItem, .@mapName$, .@mapMap$, .@mapX, .@mapY, .@zeny); } set .@numUsers, getmapusers((.@mapUsers$ == "")?.@mapMap$:.@mapUsers$); set .@output$, .@output$ + ((.@enable)? ("- " + .@mapName$ + ((.showMapUserCount)?(" [^0000FF" + .@numUsers + "^000000]"):"") + ((.@zeny > 0)?(" - " + .@zeny + "z"):"")):"") + ":"; set @gotoCount, @gotoCount + 2; } set .@i, .@i + 1; set @gotoCount, @gotoCount + 1; } return .@output$ + ((getarg(0) != ".menu_0$") ? "Back" : ""); } function SelectMap { // <mapID> set .@name$, GetArrayValue(".maps_name", getarg(0), 1); set .@map$, GetArrayValue(".maps_map", getarg(0), 1); set .@x, GetArrayValue(".maps_x", getarg(0)); set .@y, GetArrayValue(".maps_y", getarg(0)); set .@users, getmapusers(.@map$); set .@cost, GetArrayValue(".maps_zeny", getarg(0)); mes "^0000FF" + .@name$ + "^000000 has ^0000FF" + .@users + "^000000 player" + ((.@users != 1)?"s":"") + " at the moment."; if(.@cost > 0) { mes "It costs ^0000FF" + .@cost + "z^000000 to warp here."; if(Zeny < .@cost) { mes " "; mes "^FF0000You do not have enough zeny to warp here.^000000"; mes "Please come back when you do."; close2; return; } } mes "Would you like to warp there now?"; set .@menu, select("Yes:No"); close2; if(.@menu == 1) { AddMapToList(getarg(0) + 1); PrepLastWarpsMenu(); set Zeny, Zeny - .@cost; warp .@map$, .@x, .@y; } return; } OnPCLoginEvent: set @toasty_stackStart, 0; ConvertStringToChrArray(toasty_mapSave$, "@toasty_savedMaps"); InitialiseMapData(); end; OnInit: set .gotoLimit, 2000; //lower this if you get infinite loop errors set .numLastWarps, 10; //max 64 set .gmAccessLvl, 80; set .mapOffset, 1000; //increase if total number of nodes exceed set .showNodeUserCount, 1; //enables|disables display of number of users on nodes set .showMapUserCount, 1; //enables|disables display of number of users on maps //used for data compression in last warp storage (DON'T TOUCH) setarray .char$[0], "0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H", "I", "J", "K", "L", "M", "N", "O", "P", "Q", "R", "S", "T", "U", "V", "W", "X", "Y", "Z", "a", "b", "c", "d", "e", "f", "g", "h", "i", "j", "k", "l", "m", "n", "o", "p", "q", "r", "s", "t", "u", "v", "w", "x", "y", "z", "{", "|"; setarray .mapModifiers$[0], "", "zeny", "gm", "woe", "job", "upper", "gender", "blvl", "mapUsers", "flag", "function"; setarray .tempModPtrs$[0], ".@badData$", ".@node_zeny", ".@node_gm", ".@node_woe", ".@node_job", ".@node_upper", ".@node_gender", ".@node_blvl", ".@node_mapUsers$", ".@node_flag$", ".@node_function$"; //define index lookups for modifiers while(.@i < getarraysize(.mapModifiers$)) { setd(".modifier_" + .mapModifiers$[.@i], .@i); set .@i, .@i + 1; } //define index lookups for jobs setarray .@jobLookup_0[0], Job_Novice, Job_SuperNovice; setarray .@jobLookup_1[0], Job_Swordman; setarray .@jobLookup_2[0], Job_Mage; setarray .@jobLookup_3[0], Job_Archer; setarray .@jobLookup_4[0], Job_Acolyte; setarray .@jobLookup_5[0], Job_Merchant; setarray .@jobLookup_6[0], Job_Thief; setarray .@jobLookup_7[0], Job_Knight; setarray .@jobLookup_8[0], Job_Priest; setarray .@jobLookup_9[0], Job_Wizard; setarray .@jobLookup_10[0], Job_Blacksmith; setarray .@jobLookup_11[0], Job_Hunter; setarray .@jobLookup_12[0], Job_Assassin; setarray .@jobLookup_14[0], Job_Crusader; setarray .@jobLookup_15[0], Job_Monk; setarray .@jobLookup_16[0], Job_Sage; setarray .@jobLookup_18[0], Job_Alchemist; setarray .@jobLookup_19[0], Job_Bard, Job_Dancer; setarray .@jobLookup_21[0], Job_Taekwon; setarray .@jobLookup_22[0], Job_Star_Gladiator; setarray .@jobLookup_23[0], Job_Soul_Linker; setarray .@jobLookup_24[0], Job_Gunslinger; setarray .@jobLookup_25[0], Job_Ninja; set .@i, 0; while(.@i < 25) { set .@jobsPtr$, ".@jobLookup_" + .@i; set .@k, getarraysize(getd(.@jobsPtr$)); while(.@k > 0) { set .@k, .@k - 1; setd(".jobLookUp_" + getd(.@jobsPtr$ + "[" + .@k + "]"), .@i); } set .@i, .@i + 1; } callsub(LoadData); end; LoadData: //reset data; set .nodeCount, 0; set .mapCount, 1; cleararray(.buildStack$[0], "", 128); setarray .buildStack$[0], ".menu_0$"; //default mod values setarray .stack_zeny[0], 0; setarray .stack_gm[0], 0; setarray .stack_woe[0], 3; setarray .stack_job[0], 0x03FFFFFF; setarray .stack_upper[0], 119; setarray .stack_gender[0], 2; setarray .stack_blvl[0], 0; setarray .stack_mapUsers$[0], ""; setarray .stack_flag$[0], ""; setarray .stack_function$[0], ""; set .stackLevel, 1; set .gotoCount, 0; sleep(1); set .@startLoadTime, gettimetick(0); AddLastWarpsNode(); StartNode("Towns"); AddMap("Alberta", "alberta", 28, 234); AddMap("Aldebaran", "aldebaran", 140, 131); AddMap("Amatsu", "amatsu", 198, 84); AddMap("Ayothaya", "ayothaya", 150, 163); AddMap("Comodo", "comodo", 209, 143); AddMap("Einbech (Mining Village);", "einbech", 70, 95); AddMap("Einbroch", "einbroch", 64, 200); AddMap("Geffen", "geffen", 119, 59); AddMap("Gonryun", "gonryun", 160, 121); AddMap("Hugel", "hugel", 96, 145); AddMap("Izlude", "izlude", 128, 114); AddMap("Jawaii", "jawaii", 213, 230); AddMap("Lighthalzen", "lighthalzen", 158, 92); AddMap("Louyang", "louyang", 210, 108); AddMap("Lutie", "xmas", 147, 134); AddMap("Moscovia", "moscovia", 214, 183); AddMap("Morroc", "morocc", 156, 93); AddMap("Nameless Island", "nameless_n", 256, 215); AddMap("Niflheim", "niflheim", 85, 154); AddMap("Payon", "payon", 152, 75); AddMap("Prontera", "prontera", 155, 183); AddMap("Rachel", "rachel", 130, 137); AddMap("Thor Camp", "thor_camp", 254, 90); AddMap("Veins", "veins", 216, 123); AddMap("Yuno", "yuno", 157, 51); AddMap("Umbala", "umbala", 145, 155); EndNode(); StartNode("Fields"); StartNode("Amatsu Fields"); AddMap("Amatsu Field 1", "ama_fild01", 190, 197); EndNode(); StartNode("Ayothaya Fields"); AddMap("Ayothaya Field 1", "ayo_fild01", 173, 134); AddMap("Ayothaya Field 2", "ayo_fild02", 212, 150); EndNode(); StartNode("Comodo Fields"); AddMap("Comodo Field 1", "cmd_fild01", 180, 178); AddMap("Comodo Field 2", "cmd_fild02", 231, 160); AddMap("Comodo Field 3", "cmd_fild03", 191, 172); AddMap("Comodo Field 4", "cmd_fild04", 228, 194); AddMap("Comodo Field 5", "cmd_fild05", 224, 203); AddMap("Comodo Field 6", "cmd_fild06", 190, 223); AddMap("Comodo Field 7", "cmd_fild07", 234, 177); AddMap("Comodo Field 8", "cmd_fild08", 194, 175); AddMap("Comodo Field 9", "cmd_fild09", 172, 172); EndNode(); StartNode("Einbroch Fields"); AddMap("Einbroch Field 1", "ein_fild01", 142, 225); AddMap("Einbroch Field 2", "ein_fild02", 182, 141); AddMap("Einbroch Field 3", "ein_fild03", 187, 228); AddMap("Einbroch Field 4", "ein_fild04", 185, 173); AddMap("Einbroch Field 5", "ein_fild05", 216, 173); AddMap("Einbroch Field 6", "ein_fild06", 195, 148); AddMap("Einbroch Field 7", "ein_fild07", 272, 220); AddMap("Einbroch Field 8", "ein_fild08", 173, 214); AddMap("Einbroch Field 9", "ein_fild09", 207, 174); AddMap("Einbroch Field 10", "ein_fild10", 196, 200); EndNode(); StartNode("Geffen Fields"); AddMap("Geffen Field 0", "gef_fild00", 46, 199); AddMap("Geffen Field 1", "gef_fild01", 213, 204); AddMap("Geffen Field 2", "gef_fild02", 195, 212); AddMap("Geffen Field 3", "gef_fild03", 257, 192); AddMap("Geffen Field 4", "gef_fild04", 188, 171); AddMap("Geffen Field 5", "gef_fild05", 166, 263); AddMap("Geffen Field 6", "gef_fild06", 248, 158); AddMap("Geffen Field 7", "gef_fild07", 195, 191); AddMap("Geffen Field 8", "gef_fild08", 186, 183); AddMap("Geffen Field 9", "gef_fild09", 221, 117); AddMap("Geffen Field 10", "gef_fild10", 178, 218); AddMap("Geffen Field 11", "gef_fild11", 136, 328); AddMap("Geffen Field 12", "gef_fild12", 240, 181); AddMap("Geffen Field 13", "gef_fild13", 235, 235); AddMap("Geffen Field 14", "gef_fild14", 211, 185); EndNode(); StartNode("Gonryun Fields"); AddMap("Gonryun Field 1", "gon_fild01", 220, 227); EndNode(); StartNode("Hugel Fields"); AddMap("Hugel Field 1", "hu_fild01", 268, 101); AddMap("Hugel Field 2", "hu_fild02", 222, 193); AddMap("Hugel Field 3", "hu_fild03", 232, 185); AddMap("Hugel Field 4", "hu_fild04", 252, 189); AddMap("Hugel Field 5", "hu_fild05", 196, 106); AddMap("Hugel Field 6", "hu_fild06", 216, 220); AddMap("Hugel Field 7", "hu_fild07", 227, 197); EndNode(); StartNode("Lighthalzen Fields"); AddMap("Lighthalzen Field 1", "lhz_fild01", 240, 179); AddMap("Lighthalzen Field 2", "lhz_fild02", 185, 235); AddMap("Lighthalzen Field 3", "lhz_fild03", 240, 226); EndNode(); StartNode("Louyang Field"); AddMap("Louyang Field 1", "lou_fild01", 229, 187); EndNode(); StartNode("Lutie Field"); AddMap("Lutie Field 1", "xmas_fild01", 115, 145); EndNode(); StartNode("Manuk Fields"); AddMap("Manuk Field 1", "man_fild01", 200, 210); AddMap("Manuk Field 2", "man_fild02", 206, 219); EndNode(); StartNode("Mjolnir Fields"); AddMap("Mjolnir Field 1", "mjolnir_01", 204, 120); AddMap("Mjolnir Field 2", "mjolnir_02", 175, 193); AddMap("Mjolnir Field 3", "mjolnir_03", 208, 213); AddMap("Mjolnir Field 4", "mjolnir_04", 179, 180); AddMap("Mjolnir Field 5", "mjolnir_05", 181, 240); AddMap("Mjolnir Field 6", "mjolnir_06", 195, 270); AddMap("Mjolnir Field 7", "mjolnir_07", 235, 202); AddMap("Mjolnir Field 8", "mjolnir_08", 188, 215); AddMap("Mjolnir Field 9", "mjolnir_09", 205, 144); AddMap("Mjolnir Field 10", "mjolnir_10", 245, 223); AddMap("Mjolnir Field 11", "mjolnir_11", 180, 206); AddMap("Mjolnir Field 12", "mjolnir_12", 196, 208); EndNode(); StartNode("Moscovia Fields"); AddMap("Okrestnosti of Moscovia Field 1", "mosk_fild01", 82, 104); AddMap("Okrestnosti of Moscovia 2", "mosk_fild02", 131, 147); EndNode(); StartNode("Niflheim Fields"); AddMap("Niflheim Field 1", "nif_fild01", 215, 229); AddMap("Niflheim Field 2", "nif_fild02", 167, 234); EndNode(); StartNode("Odin Temple"); AddMap("Odin Temple 1", "odin_tem01", 298, 167); AddMap("Odin Temple 2", "odin_tem02", 224, 149); AddMap("Odin Temple 3", "odin_tem03", 266, 280); EndNode(); StartNode("Payon Forests"); AddMap("Payon Forest 1", "pay_fild01", 158, 206); AddMap("Payon Forest 2", "pay_fild02", 151, 219); AddMap("Payon Forest 3", "pay_fild03", 205, 148); AddMap("Payon Forest 4", "pay_fild04", 186, 247); AddMap("Payon Forest 5", "pay_fild05", 134, 204); AddMap("Payon Forest 6", "pay_fild06", 193, 235); AddMap("Payon Forest 7", "pay_fild07", 200, 177); AddMap("Payon Forest 8", "pay_fild08", 137, 189); AddMap("Payon Forest 9", "pay_fild09", 201, 224); AddMap("Payon Forest 10", "pay_fild10", 160, 205); AddMap("Payon Forest 11", "pay_fild11", 194, 150); EndNode(); StartNode("Prontera Fields"); AddMap("Prontera Field 0", "prt_fild00", 184, 235); AddMap("Prontera Field 1", "prt_fild01", 190, 206); AddMap("Prontera Field 2", "prt_fild02", 240, 206); AddMap("Prontera Field 3", "prt_fild03", 190, 143); AddMap("Prontera Field 4", "prt_fild04", 307, 252); AddMap("Prontera Field 5", "prt_fild05", 239, 213); AddMap("Prontera Field 6", "prt_fild06", 185, 188); AddMap("Prontera Field 7", "prt_fild07", 193, 194); AddMap("Prontera Field 8", "prt_fild08", 187, 218); AddMap("Prontera Field 9", "prt_fild09", 210, 183); AddMap("Prontera Field 10", "prt_fild10", 195, 149); AddMap("Prontera Field 11", "prt_fild11", 198, 164); EndNode(); StartNode("Rachel Fields"); AddMap("Rachel Field 1", "ra_fild01", 192, 162); AddMap("Rachel Field 2", "ra_fild02", 235, 166); AddMap("Rachel Field 3", "ra_fild03", 202, 206); AddMap("Rachel Field 4", "ra_fild04", 202, 208); AddMap("Rachel Field 5", "ra_fild05", 225, 202); AddMap("Rachel Field 6", "ra_fild06", 202, 214); AddMap("Rachel Field 7", "ra_fild07", 263, 196); AddMap("Rachel Field 8", "ra_fild08", 217, 201); AddMap("Rachel Field 9", "ra_fild09", 87, 121); AddMap("Rachel Field 10", "ra_fild10", 277, 181); AddMap("Rachel Field 11", "ra_fild11", 221, 185); AddMap("Rachel Field 12", "ra_fild12", 175, 200); AddMap("Rachel Field 13", "ra_fild13", 174, 197); EndNode(); StartNode("Sograt Deserts"); AddMap("Sograt Desert 1", "moc_fild01", 219, 205); AddMap("Sograt Desert 2", "moc_fild02", 177, 206); AddMap("Sograt Desert 3", "moc_fild03", 194, 182); //AddMap("Sograt Desert 4", "moc_fild04", 184, 217); //AddMap("Sograt Desert 5", "moc_fild05", 203, 213); //AddMap("Sograt Desert 6", "moc_fild06", 213, 208); AddMap("Sograt Desert 7", "moc_fild07", 224, 170); //AddMap("Sograt Desert 8", "moc_fild08", 229, 177); //AddMap("Sograt Desert 9", "moc_fild09", 195, 198); //AddMap("Sograt Desert 10", "moc_fild10", 209, 168); AddMap("Sograt Desert 11", "moc_fild11", 198, 216); AddMap("Sograt Desert 12", "moc_fild12", 156, 187); AddMap("Sograt Desert 13", "moc_fild13", 185, 263); //AddMap("Sograt Desert 14", "moc_fild14", 209, 219); //AddMap("Sograt Desert 15", "moc_fild15", 223, 188); AddMap("Sograt Desert 16", "moc_fild16", 206, 228); AddMap("Sograt Desert 17", "moc_fild17", 208, 238); AddMap("Sograt Desert 18", "moc_fild18", 209, 223); AddMap("Sograt Desert 19", "moc_fild19", 85, 97); AddMap("Sograt Desert 20", "moc_fild20", 85, 97); AddMap("Sograt Desert 21", "moc_fild21", 85, 97); AddMap("Sograt Desert 22", "moc_fild22", 85, 97); EndNode(); StartNode("Splendide Fields"); AddMap("Splendide Field 1", "spl_fild01", 175, 186); AddMap("Splendide Field 2", "spl_fild02", 236, 184); AddMap("Splendide Field 3", "spl_fild03", 188, 204); EndNode(); StartNode("Umbala Fields"); AddMap("Umbala Field 1", "um_fild01", 217, 206); AddMap("Umbala Field 2", "um_fild02", 223, 221); AddMap("Umbala Field 3", "um_fild03", 237, 215); AddMap("Umbala Field 4", "um_fild04", 202, 197); EndNode(); StartNode("Veins Fields"); AddMap("Veins Field 1", "ve_fild01", 186, 175); AddMap("Veins Field 2", "ve_fild02", 196, 370); AddMap("Veins Field 3", "ve_fild03", 222, 45); AddMap("Veins Field 4", "ve_fild04", 51, 250); AddMap("Veins Field 5", "ve_fild05", 202, 324); AddMap("Veins Field 6", "ve_fild06", 150, 223); AddMap("Veins Field 7", "ve_fild07", 149, 307); EndNode(); StartNode("Yuno Fields"); AddMap("Yuno Field 1", "yuno_fild01", 189, 224); AddMap("Yuno Field 2", "yuno_fild02", 192, 207); AddMap("Yuno Field 3", "yuno_fild03", 221, 157); AddMap("Yuno Field 4", "yuno_fild04", 226, 199); AddMap("Yuno Field 5", "yuno_fild05", 223, 177); AddMap("Yuno Field 6", "yuno_fild06", 187, 232); AddMap("Yuno Field 7", "yuno_fild07", 231, 174); AddMap("Yuno Field 8", "yuno_fild08", 196, 203); AddMap("Yuno Field 9", "yuno_fild09", 183, 214); AddMap("Yuno Field 10", "yuno_fild10", 200, 124); AddMap("Yuno Field 11", "yuno_fild11", 195, 226); AddMap("Yuno Field 12", "yuno_fild12", 210, 304); EndNode(); EndNode(); StartNode("Dungeons"); StartNode("Abbey, Cursed Monastery"); AddMap("Abbey, Cursed Monastery - Lvl 1", "abbey01", 51, 14); AddMap("Abbey, Cursed Monastery - Lvl 2", "abbey02", 150, 11); AddMap("Abbey, Cursed Monastery - Lvl 3", "abbey03", 120, 10); EndNode(); StartNode("Abyss Lakes"); AddMap("Abyss Lakes - Lvl 1", "abyss_01", 192, 207); AddMap("Abyss Lakes - Lvl 2", "abyss_02", 275, 270); AddMap("Abyss Lakes - Lvl 3", "abyss_03", 116, 27); EndNode(); StartNode("Amatsu Dungeon"); AddMap("Amatsu Dungeon - Lvl 1", "ama_dun01", 228, 11); AddMap("Amatsu Dungeon - Lvl 2", "ama_dun02", 34, 41); AddMap("Amatsu Dungeon - Lvl 3", "ama_dun03", 119, 14); EndNode(); StartNode("Anthell"); AddMap("Anthell - Lvl 1", "anthell01", 35, 262); AddMap("Anthell - Lvl 2", "anthell02", 168, 170); EndNode(); StartNode("Beach Dungeon"); AddMap("Beach Dungeon - Lvl 1", "beach_dun", 266, 67); AddMap("Beach Dungeon - Lvl 2", "beach_dun2", 255, 244); AddMap("Beach Dungeon - Lvl 3", "beach_dun3", 23, 260); EndNode(); StartNode("Ayothaya Dungeons"); AddMap("Ancient Shrine Maze", "ayo_dun01", 275, 19); AddMap("Inside Ancient Shrine", "ayo_dun02", 24, 26); EndNode(); StartNode("Byalan Dungeon"); AddMap("Byalan Dungeon - Lvl 1", "iz_dun00", 168, 168); AddMap("Byalan Dungeon - Lvl 2", "iz_dun01", 253, 252); AddMap("Byalan Dungeon - Lvl 3", "iz_dun02", 236, 204); AddMap("Byalan Dungeon - Lvl 4", "iz_dun03", 32, 63); AddMap("Byalan Dungeon - Lvl 5", "iz_dun04", 26, 27); EndNode(); StartNode("Clock Tower"); AddMap("Clock Tower - Lvl 1", "c_tower1", 199, 159); AddMap("Clock Tower - Lvl 2", "c_tower2", 148, 283); AddMap("Clock Tower - Lvl 3", "c_tower3", 65, 147); AddMap("Clock Tower - Lvl 4", "c_tower4", 56, 155); AddMap("Clock Tower - Basement 1", "alde_dun01", 297, 25); AddMap("Clock Tower - Basement 2", "alde_dun02", 127, 169); AddMap("Clock Tower - Basement 3", "alde_dun03", 277, 178); AddMap("Clock Tower - Basement 4", "alde_dun04", 268, 74); EndNode(); StartNode("Coal Mines"); AddMap("Coal Mines - Lvl 1", "mjo_dun01", 52, 17); AddMap("Coal Mines - Lvl 2", "mjo_dun02", 381, 343); AddMap("Coal Mines - Lvl 3", "mjo_dun03", 302, 262); EndNode(); StartNode("Culverts"); AddMap("Culverts - Lvl 1", "prt_sewb1", 131, 247); AddMap("Culverts - Lvl 2", "prt_sewb2", 19, 19); AddMap("Culverts - Lvl 3", "prt_sewb3", 180, 169); AddMap("Culverts - Lvl 4", "prt_sewb4", 100, 92); EndNode(); StartNode("Einbroch Dungeons"); AddMap("Einbroch Dungeons - Lvl 1", "ein_dun01", 22, 14); AddMap("Einbroch Dungeons - Lvl 2", "ein_dun02", 292, 290); EndNode(); StartNode("Gefenia"); AddMap("Gefenia - Lvl 1", "gefenia01", 40, 103); AddMap("Gefenia - Lvl 2", "gefenia02", 203, 34); AddMap("Gefenia - Lvl 3", "gefenia03", 266, 168); AddMap("Gefenia - Lvl 4", "gefenia04", 130, 272); EndNode(); StartNode("Geffen Dungeon"); AddMap("Geffen Dungeon - Lvl 1", "gef_dun00", 104, 99); AddMap("Geffen Dungeon - Lvl 2", "gef_dun01", 115, 236); AddMap("Geffen Dungeon - Lvl 3", "gef_dun02", 106, 132); AddMap("Geffen Dungeon - Lvl 4", "gef_dun03", 203, 200); EndNode(); StartNode("Glast Heim"); AddMap("Glast Heim - Entrance", "glast_01", 375, 304); AddMap("Glast Heim - Castle 1", "gl_cas01", 199, 29); AddMap("Glast Heim - Castle 2", "gl_cas02", 104, 25); AddMap("Glast Heim - Chivalry 1", "gl_knt01", 150, 15); AddMap("Glast Heim - Chivalry 2", "gl_knt02", 157, 287); AddMap("Glast Heim - Churchyard", "gl_chyard", 147, 15); AddMap("Glast Heim - Culvert 1", "gl_sew01", 258, 255); AddMap("Glast Heim - Culvert 2", "gl_sew02", 108, 291); AddMap("Glast Heim - Culvert 3", "gl_sew03", 171, 283); AddMap("Glast Heim - Culvert 4", "gl_sew04", 68, 277); AddMap("Glast Heim - St.Abbey", "gl_church", 156, 7); AddMap("Glast Heim - Staircase Dungeon", "gl_step", 12, 7); AddMap("Glast Heim - UG Cave 1", "gl_dun01", 133, 271); AddMap("Glast Heim - UG Cave 2", "gl_dun02", 224, 274); AddMap("Glast Heim - UG Prison 1", "gl_prison", 14, 70); AddMap("Glast Heim - UG Prison 2", "gl_prison1", 150, 14); EndNode(); StartNode("Gonryun Dungeon"); AddMap("Gonryun Dungeon - Lvl 1", "gon_dun01", 153, 53); AddMap("Gonryun Dungeon - Lvl 2", "gon_dun02", 28, 113); AddMap("Gonryun Dungeon - Lvl 3", "gon_dun03", 68, 16); EndNode(); StartNode("Hidden Dungeon"); AddMap("Hidden Dungeon - Lvl 1", "prt_maze01", 176, 7); AddMap("Hidden Dungeon - Lvl 2", "prt_maze02", 94, 9); AddMap("Hidden Dungeon - Lvl 3", "prt_maze03", 23, 8); EndNode(); StartNode("Ice Dungeon"); AddMap("Ice Dungeon - Lvl 1", "ice_dun01", 157, 14); AddMap("Ice Dungeon - Lvl 2", "ice_dun02", 151, 155); AddMap("Ice Dungeon - Lvl 3", "ice_dun03", 149, 22); AddMap("Ice Dungeon - Lvl 4", "ice_dun04", 33, 158); EndNode(); StartNode("Juperos Dungeons"); AddMap("Juperos Dungeons - Lvl 1", "juperos_01", 53, 247); AddMap("Juperos Dungeons - Lvl 2", "juperos_02", 37, 63); AddMap("Juperos Dungeons - Core", "jupe_core", 150, 285); EndNode(); StartNode("Kiel Dungeons"); AddMap("Kiel Dungeons - Lvl 1", "kh_dun01", 28, 226); AddMap("Kiel Dungeons - Lvl 2", "kh_dun02", 41, 198); EndNode(); StartNode("Lighthalzen Dungeons"); AddMap("Lighthalzen Dungeons - Lvl 1", "lhz_dun01", 150, 288); AddMap("Lighthalzen Dungeons - Lvl 2", "lhz_dun02", 150, 18); AddMap("Lighthalzen Dungeons - Lvl 3", "lhz_dun03", 140, 130); EndNode(); StartNode("Louyang Dungeons"); AddMap("The Royal Tomb", "lou_dun01", 218, 196); AddMap("Inside the Royal Tomb", "lou_dun02", 282, 20); AddMap("Suei Long Gon", "lou_dun03", 165, 38); EndNode(); StartNode("Magma Dungeon"); AddMap("Magma Dungeon - Lvl 1", "mag_dun01", 126, 68); AddMap("Magma Dungeon - Lvl 2", "mag_dun02", 47, 30); EndNode(); StartNode("Moscovia Dungeons"); AddMap("Les Forest", "mosk_dun01", 132, 124); AddMap("Temny Forest", "mosk_dun02", 155, 123); AddMap("Dremuci Forest", "mosk_dun03", 122, 130); EndNode(); StartNode("Orc Dungeon"); AddMap("Orc Dungeon - Lvl 1", "orcsdun01", 32, 170); AddMap("Orc Dungeon - Lvl 2", "orcsdun02", 21, 185); EndNode(); StartNode("Payon Dungeon"); AddMap("Payon Dungeon - Lvl 1", "pay_dun00", 21, 183); AddMap("Payon Dungeon - Lvl 2", "pay_dun01", 19, 33); AddMap("Payon Dungeon - Lvl 3", "pay_dun02", 19, 63); AddMap("Payon Dungeon - Lvl 4", "pay_dun03", 155, 159); AddMap("Payon Dungeon - Lvl 5", "pay_dun04", 201, 204); EndNode(); StartNode("Pyramids"); AddMap("Pyramids - Lvl 1", "moc_pryd01", 192, 9); AddMap("Pyramids - Lvl 2", "moc_pryd02", 10, 192); AddMap("Pyramids - Lvl 3", "moc_pryd03", 100, 92); AddMap("Pyramids - Lvl 4", "moc_pryd04", 181, 11); AddMap("Pyramids - Basement 1", "moc_pryd05", 94, 96); AddMap("Pyramids - Basement 2", "moc_pryd06", 192, 8); EndNode(); StartNode("Rachel Sanctuary"); AddMap("Rachel Sanctuary - Lvl 1", "ra_san01", 140, 11); AddMap("Rachel Sanctuary - Lvl 2", "ra_san02", 32, 21); AddMap("Rachel Sanctuary - Lvl 3", "ra_san03", 4, 149); AddMap("Rachel Sanctuary - Lvl 4", "ra_san04", 204, 218); AddMap("Rachel Sanctuary - Lvl 5", "ra_san05", 150, 9); EndNode(); StartNode("Sphinx"); AddMap("Sphinx - Lvl 1", "in_sphinx1", 288, 9); AddMap("Sphinx - Lvl 2", "in_sphinx2", 149, 81); AddMap("Sphinx - Lvl 3", "in_sphinx3", 210, 54); AddMap("Sphinx - Lvl 4", "in_sphinx4", 10, 222); AddMap("Sphinx - Lvl 5", "in_sphinx5", 100, 99); EndNode(); StartNode("Sunken Ship"); AddMap("Sunken Ship - Lvl 1", "treasure01", 69, 24); AddMap("Sunken Ship - Lvl 2", "treasure02", 102, 27); EndNode(); StartNode("Thanatos Tower"); AddMap("Thanatos Tower - Lvl 1", "tha_t01", 150, 39); AddMap("Thanatos Tower - Lvl 2", "tha_t02", 150, 136); AddMap("Thanatos Tower - Lvl 3", "tha_t03", 220, 158); AddMap("Thanatos Tower - Lvl 4", "tha_t04", 59, 143); AddMap("Thanatos Tower - Lvl 5", "tha_t05", 62, 11); AddMap("Thanatos Tower - Lvl 6", "tha_t06", 89, 221); AddMap("Thanatos Tower - Lvl 7", "tha_t07", 35, 166); AddMap("Thanatos Tower - Lvl 8", "tha_t08", 93, 148); AddMap("Thanatos Tower - Lvl 9", "tha_t09", 29, 107); AddMap("Thanatos Tower - Lvl 10", "tha_t10", 159, 138); AddMap("Thanatos Tower - Lvl 11", "tha_t11", 19, 20); AddMap("Thanatos Tower - Lvl 12", "tha_t12", 130, 52); EndNode(); StartNode("Thor Volcano"); AddMap("Thor Volcano - Lvl 1", "thor_v01", 21, 228); AddMap("Thor Volcano - Lvl 2", "thor_v02", 75, 205); AddMap("Thor Volcano - Lvl 3", "thor_v03", 34, 272); EndNode(); StartNode("Toy Factory"); AddMap("Toy Factory - Lvl 1", "xmas_dun01", 205, 15); AddMap("Toy Factory - Lvl 2", "xmas_dun02", 129, 133); EndNode(); StartNode("Turtle Dungeon"); AddMap("Turtle Dungeon - Entrance", "tur_dun01", 154, 49); AddMap("Turtle Dungeon - Lvl 1", "tur_dun02", 148, 261); AddMap("Turtle Dungeon - Lvl 2", "tur_dun03", 132, 189); AddMap("Turtle Dungeon - Lvl 3", "tur_dun04", 100, 192); EndNode(); StartNode("Umbala Dungeons"); AddMap("Carpenter's Shop in the Tree", "um_dun01", 42, 31); AddMap("Passage to a Foreign World", "um_dun01", 48, 30); AddMap("Hvergermil's Fountain", "yggdrasil01", 204, 78); EndNode(); EndNode(); StartNode("Guild Dungeons"); AddMap("Baldur Guild Dungeon", "gld_dun01", 119, 93); AddMap("Luina Guild Dungeon", "gld_dun02", 39, 161); AddMap("Valkyrie Guild Dungeon", "gld_dun03", 50, 44); AddMap("Britoniah Guild Dungeon", "gld_dun04", 116, 45); EndNode(); StartNode("Castles"); StartNode("Aldebaran Castles"); AddMap("Neuschwanstein(Aldebaran)", "alde_gld", 48, 83, "mapUsers", "aldeg_cas01"); AddMap("Hohenschwangau(Aldebaran)", "alde_gld", 95, 249, "mapUsers", "aldeg_cas02"); AddMap("Nuenberg(Aldebaran)", "alde_gld", 142, 85, "mapUsers", "aldeg_cas03"); AddMap("Wuerzburg(Aldebaran)", "alde_gld", 239, 242, "mapUsers", "aldeg_cas04"); AddMap("Rothenburg(Aldebaran)", "alde_gld", 264, 90, "mapUsers", "aldeg_cas05"); EndNode(); StartNode("Geffen Castles"); AddMap("Repherion(Geffen)", "gef_fild13", 214, 75, "mapUsers", "gefg_cas01"); AddMap("Eeyolbriggar(Geffen)", "gef_fild13", 308, 240, "mapUsers", "gefg_cas02"); AddMap("Yesnelph(Geffen)", "gef_fild13", 143, 240, "mapUsers", "gefg_cas03"); AddMap("Bergel(Geffen)", "gef_fild13", 193, 278, "mapUsers", "gefg_cas04"); AddMap("Mersetzdeitz(Geffen)", "gef_fild13", 305, 87, "mapUsers", "gefg_cas05"); EndNode(); StartNode("Payon Castles"); AddMap("Bright Arbor(Payon)", "pay_gld", 121, 233, "mapUsers", "payg_cas01"); AddMap("Scarlet Palace(Payon)", "pay_gld", 295, 116, "mapUsers", "payg_cas02"); AddMap("Holy Shadow(Payon)", "pay_gld", 317, 293, "mapUsers", "payg_cas03"); AddMap("Sacred Altar(Payon)", "pay_gld", 140, 160, "mapUsers", "payg_cas04"); AddMap("Bamboo Grove Hill(Payon)", "pay_gld", 204, 266, "mapUsers", "payg_cas05"); EndNode(); StartNode("Prontera Castles"); AddMap("Kriemhild(Prontera)", "prt_gld", 134, 65, "mapUsers", "prtg_cas01"); AddMap("Swanhild(Prontera)", "prt_gld", 240, 128, "mapUsers", "prtg_cas02"); AddMap("Fadhgridh(Prontera)", "prt_gld", 153, 137, "mapUsers", "prtg_cas03"); AddMap("Skoegul(Prontera)", "prt_gld", 111, 240, "mapUsers", "prtg_cas04"); AddMap("Gondul(Prontera)", "prt_gld", 208, 240, "mapUsers", "prtg_cas05"); EndNode(); StartNode("Schwaltzvalt Castles"); AddMap("Himinn(Schwaltzvalt)", "sch_gld", 293, 100, "mapUsers", "schg_cas01"); AddMap("Andlangr(Schwaltzvalt)", "sch_gld", 288, 252, "mapUsers", "schg_cas02"); AddMap("Viblainn(Schwaltzvalt)", "sch_gld", 97, 196, "mapUsers", "schg_cas03"); AddMap("Hljod(Schwaltzvalt)", "sch_gld", 137, 90, "mapUsers", "schg_cas04"); AddMap("Skidbladnir(Schwaltzvalt)", "sch_gld", 71, 315, "mapUsers", "schg_cas05"); EndNode(); StartNode("Arunafeltz Castles"); AddMap("Mardol(Arunafeltz)", "aru_gld", 158, 272, "mapUsers", "arug_cas01"); AddMap("Cyr(Arunafeltz)", "aru_gld", 83, 47, "mapUsers", "arug_cas02"); AddMap("Horn(Arunafeltz)", "aru_gld", 68, 155, "mapUsers", "arug_cas03"); AddMap("Gefn(Arunafeltz)", "aru_gld", 299, 345, "mapUsers", "arug_cas04"); AddMap("Bandis(Arunafeltz)", "aru_gld", 292, 107, "mapUsers", "arug_cas05"); EndNode(); StartNode("Other"); AddMap("Casino", "cmd_in02", 179, 129); EndNode(); debugmes "TOASTYWARPER - Map Data Loaded: " + .mapCount + " maps, " + (gettimetick(0) - .@startLoadTime) + "ms"; cleararray(.buildStack$[0], "", 128); //debugmes "gotos: " + .gotoCount; sleep(1); end; //----------------------------------------------------------- //TEST FUNCTIONS //----------------------------------------------------------- function TestMenus { sleep2(1); set @gotoCount, 1; while(.@i < .nodeCount) { set .@nodePtr$, ".menu_" + .@i + "$"; set .@menu$, ComputeMenu(.@nodePtr$); if(getstrlen(.@menu$) >= 2000) { set .@check, 1; mes "Menu (" + getd(.@nodePtr$ + "[0]") + ") may overflow (" + getstrlen(.@menu$) + " chars)"; } set .@i, .@i + 1; set @gotoCount, @gotoCount + 2; sleep2(@gotoCount >= .gotoLimit); set @gotoCount, @gotoCount * (@gotoCount < .gotoLimit); } if(.@check == 0) mes "No overflows detected"; next; } //----------------------------------------------------------- //TREE MAPPING FUNCTIONS //----------------------------------------------------------- function AddLastWarpsNode { set .@parentNodePtr$, .buildStack$[.stackLevel - 1]; //add to parent node setd(.@parentNodePtr$ + "[1]", getd(.@parentNodePtr$ + "[1]") + "Last Warp" + ":"); setd(.@parentNodePtr$ + "[" + getarraysize(getd(.@parentNodePtr$)) + "]", .mapOffset); //infinte loop check set .gotoCount, .gotoCount + 3; sleep(.gotoCount >= .gotoLimit); set .gotoCount, .gotoCount * (.gotoCount < .gotoLimit); } function StartNode { set .@header$, getarg(0, ""); set .nodeCount, .nodeCount + 1; set .@nodePtr$, ".menu_" + .nodeCount + "$"; set .@parentNodePtr$, .buildStack$[.stackLevel - 1]; //clear the node just in case there was something in it cleararray(getd(.@nodePtr$), "", 128); //add to parent node setd(.@parentNodePtr$ + "[1]", getd(.@parentNodePtr$ + "[1]") + .@header$ + ":"); setd(.@parentNodePtr$ + "[" + getarraysize(getd(.@parentNodePtr$)) + "]", .nodeCount); setd(.@nodePtr$ + "[0]", .@header$); //carry down node data set .@node_zeny, .stack_zeny[.stackLevel - 1]; set .@node_gm, .stack_gm[.stackLevel - 1]; set .@node_woe, .stack_woe[.stackLevel - 1]; set .@node_job, .stack_job[.stackLevel - 1]; set .@node_upper, .stack_upper[.stackLevel - 1]; set .@node_gender, .stack_gender[.stackLevel - 1]; set .@node_blvl, .stack_blvl[.stackLevel - 1]; set .@node_mapUsers$, .stack_mapUsers$[.stackLevel - 1]; set .@node_flag$, .stack_flag$[.stackLevel - 1]; set .@node_function$, .stack_function$[.stackLevel - 1]; //check for modifiers set .@i, 1; while((getarg(.@i, "") + "") != "" && (getarg(.@i + 1, "") + "") != "") { set .@modIndex, getd(".modifier_" + getarg(.@i)); setd(.tempModPtrs$[.@modIndex], getarg(.@i + 1)); set .@i, .@i + 2; set .gotoCount, .gotoCount + 1; } set .gotoCount, .gotoCount + 1; setarray .buildStack$[.stackLevel], .@nodePtr$; //add to stack //push data to stack setarray .stack_zeny[.stackLevel], .@node_zeny; setarray .stack_gm[.stackLevel], .@node_gm; setarray .stack_woe[.stackLevel], .@node_woe; setarray .stack_job[.stackLevel], .@node_job; setarray .stack_upper[.stackLevel], .@node_upper; setarray .stack_gender[.stackLevel], .@node_gender; setarray .stack_blvl[.stackLevel], .@node_blvl; setarray .stack_mapUsers$[.stackLevel], .@node_mapUsers$; setarray .stack_flag$[.stackLevel], .@node_flag$; setarray .stack_function$[.stackLevel], .@node_function$; //store node applicable mods set .@a$, "_" + (.nodeCount / 128) + "[" + (.nodeCount % 128) + "]"; set .@b$, "_" + (.nodeCount / 128) + "$[" + (.nodeCount % 128) + "]"; setd(".menus_gm" + .@a$, .@node_gm); setd(".menus_woe" + .@a$, .@node_woe); setd(".menus_job" + .@a$, .@node_job); setd(".menus_upper" + .@a$, .@node_upper); setd(".menus_gender" + .@a$, .@node_gender); setd(".menus_blvl" + .@a$, .@node_blvl); setd(".menus_flag" + .@b$, .@node_flag$); setd(".menus_function" + .@b$, .@node_function$); set .stackLevel, .stackLevel + 1; //infinte loop check set .gotoCount, .gotoCount + 3; sleep(.gotoCount >= .gotoLimit); set .gotoCount, .gotoCount * (.gotoCount < .gotoLimit); } function EndNode { set .stackLevel, .stackLevel - 1; set .@nodePtr$, .buildStack$[.stackLevel]; setd(.@nodePtr$ + "[1]", getd(.@nodePtr$ + "[1]") + "Back"); //add back option to menu setarray .buildStack$[.stackLevel], ""; //remove from stack //pop the stack setarray .stack_zeny[.stackLevel], .@node_zeny; setarray .stack_gm[.stackLevel], 0; setarray .stack_woe[.stackLevel], 0; setarray .stack_job[.stackLevel], 0x0FFFFFFF; setarray .stack_upper[.stackLevel], 8; setarray .stack_gender[.stackLevel], 2; setarray .stack_blvl[.stackLevel], 0; setarray .stack_mapUsers$[.stackLevel], ""; setarray .stack_flag$[.stackLevel], ""; setarray .stack_function$[.stackLevel], ""; //infinte loop check set .gotoCount, .gotoCount + 2; sleep(.gotoCount >= .gotoLimit); set .gotoCount, .gotoCount * (.gotoCount < .gotoLimit); } function AddMap { set .@nodePtr$, .buildStack$[.stackLevel - 1]; if(getmapusers(getarg(1)) >= 0) { //makes sure it's a real map //add to map arrays (basically 4x SetArrayValue calls..but put inline to prevent infinite loop error) set .@a$, "_" + (.mapCount / 128) + "[" + (.mapCount % 128) + "]"; set .@b$, "_" + (.mapCount / 128) + "$[" + (.mapCount % 128) + "]"; setd ".maps_name" + .@b$, getarg(0); setd ".maps_map" + .@b$, getarg(1); setd ".maps_x" + .@a$, getarg(2); setd ".maps_y" + .@a$, getarg(3); //carry down node data set .@node_zeny, .stack_zeny[.stackLevel - 1]; set .@node_gm, .stack_gm[.stackLevel - 1]; set .@node_woe, .stack_woe[.stackLevel - 1]; set .@node_job, .stack_job[.stackLevel - 1]; set .@node_upper, .stack_upper[.stackLevel - 1]; set .@node_gender, .stack_gender[.stackLevel - 1]; set .@node_blvl, .stack_blvl[.stackLevel - 1]; set .@node_mapUsers$, .stack_mapUsers$[.stackLevel - 1]; set .@node_flag$, .stack_flag$[.stackLevel - 1]; set .@node_function$, .stack_function$[.stackLevel - 1]; //check for modifiers set .@i, 4; while((getarg(.@i, "") + "") != "" && (getarg(.@i + 1, "") + "") != "") { set .@modIndex, getd(".modifier_" + getarg(.@i)); setd(.tempModPtrs$[.@modIndex], getarg(.@i + 1)); set .@i, .@i + 2; set .gotoCount, .gotoCount + 1; } set .gotoCount, .gotoCount + 1; //store map applicable modifiers setd(".maps_zeny" + .@a$, .@node_zeny); setd(".maps_gm" + .@a$, .@node_gm); setd(".maps_woe" + .@a$, .@node_woe); setd(".maps_job" + .@a$, .@node_job); setd(".maps_upper" + .@a$, .@node_upper); setd(".maps_gender" + .@a$, .@node_gender); setd(".maps_blvl" + .@a$, .@node_blvl); setd(".maps_mapUsers" + .@b$, .@node_mapUsers$); setd(".maps_flag" + .@b$, .@node_flag$); setd(".maps_function" + .@b$, .@node_function$); //add to parent node setd(.@nodePtr$ + "[1]", getd(.@nodePtr$ + "[1]") + "- " + getarg(0) + ":"); setd(.@nodePtr$ + "[" + getarraysize(getd(.@nodePtr$)) + "]", .mapCount + .mapOffset); //set index lookup for map setd(".map_" + getarg(1), .mapCount); set .mapCount, .mapCount + 1; } else { debugmes("TOASTYWARPER - BADMAP: " + getarg(0) + " - " + getarg(1)); } //infinte loop check set .gotoCount, .gotoCount + 3; sleep(.gotoCount >= .gotoLimit); set .gotoCount, .gotoCount * (.gotoCount < .gotoLimit); } //----------------------------------------------------------- //INFINITE ARRAY FUNCTIONS //----------------------------------------------------------- function SetArrayValue {// <arrayname>, <index>, <value>{, <isString> = 0} //debugmes("setarrayvalue: " + (getarg(0) + "_" + (getarg(1) / 128) + "[" + (getarg(1) % 128) + "]")); setd getarg(0) + "_" + (getarg(1) / 128) + (getarg(3, 0)?"$":"") + "[" + (getarg(1) % 128) + "]", getarg(2); return; } function GetArrayValue { // <arrayname>, <index>{, <isString> = 0} //debugmes("getarrayvalue: " + getarg(0) + "_" + (getarg(1) / 128) + (getarg(2, 0)?"$":"") + "[" + (getarg(1) % 128) + "]"); return getd(getarg(0) + "_" + (getarg(1) / 128) + (getarg(2, 0)?"$":"") + "[" + (getarg(1) % 128) + "]"); } function WipeArray { //<arrayname>, <num_indices>{{, <value> = 0}, <isString> = 0} set .@count, getarg(1) / 128 + 1; for(set .@i, 0; .@i < .@count; set .@i, .@i + 1) cleararray(getd(getarg(0) + "_" + .@i + (getarg(3, 0)?"$":"") + "[0]"), getarg(2, 0), 128); return; } //----------------------------------------------------------- //LAST WARPS STORAGE FUNCTIONS //----------------------------------------------------------- function PrepLastWarpsMenu { set @menu_lastwarps$[0], "Last Warps"; while(.@i < 128 && .@count < .numLastWarps) { set .@map, @toasty_savedMaps[(@toasty_stackStart + .@i) % 128] - 1; if(.@map > 0 && .@map < .mapCount) { set .@mapName$, getd(".maps_name_" + (.@map / 128) + "$" + "[" + (.@map % 128) + "]"); set @menu_lastwarps$[.@count + 2], .@map + .mapOffset; set .@count, .@count + 1; set .@menu$, .@menu$ + .@mapName$ + ":"; } set .@i, .@i + 1; } set @menu_lastwarps$[1], .@menu$ + "Back"; return; } function InitialiseMapData { while(.@i < getarraysize(@toasty_savedMaps)) { setd("@toasty_map" + @toasty_savedMaps[.@i], (@toasty_savedMaps[.@i] > 0)?.@i + 1:0); set .@i, .@i + 1; } PrepLastWarpsMenu(); return; } function AddMapToList { //<mapIndex> set .@map, getarg(0); if(getd("@toasty_map" + .@map) > 0) { if(@toasty_savedMaps[getd("@toasty_map" + .@map) - 1] == .@map) { //double checking set @toasty_savedMaps[getd("@toasty_map" + .@map) - 1], 0; } } set @toasty_stackStart, (@toasty_stackStart + 127) % 128; set @toasty_savedMaps[@toasty_stackStart], .@map; setd("@toasty_map" + .@map, @toasty_stackStart + 1); set toasty_mapSave$, GenerateMapSaveString(); return; } function ListMaps { //debug while(.@i < 128 && .@count < .numLastWarps) { if( @toasty_savedMaps[(@toasty_stackStart + .@i) % 128] > 0) { set .@count, .@count + 1; set .@out$, .@out$ + @toasty_savedMaps[(@toasty_stackStart + .@i) % 128] + ", "; } set .@i, .@i + 1; } return .@out$; } function GenerateMapSaveString { while(.@i < 128 && .@count < .numLastWarps) { set .@index, (@toasty_stackStart + .@i) % 128; if( @toasty_savedMaps[(@toasty_stackStart + .@i) % 128] > 0) { set .@count, .@count + 1; set .@out$, .@out$ + .char$[(@toasty_savedMaps[.@index] % 64)] + .char$[(@toasty_savedMaps[.@index] / 64)]; } set .@i, .@i + 1; } return .@out$; } function ConvertStringToChrArray { if ( getstrlen( getarg(0) ) > 128 ) return 0; set .@charsize, getarraysize(.char$); set .@str$, getarg(0); set .@len, getstrlen(.@str$); sleep2 1; do { set .@range[0], .@charsize; set .@range[1], 0; //ignore repetiton, it keeps the gotos down set .@range[(.@str$ > (.@temp$ + .char$[(.@range[0] + .@range[1]) / 2] + "ÿ"))], (.@range[0] + .@range[1]) / 2; set .@range[(.@str$ > (.@temp$ + .char$[(.@range[0] + .@range[1]) / 2] + "ÿ"))], (.@range[0] + .@range[1]) / 2; set .@range[(.@str$ > (.@temp$ + .char$[(.@range[0] + .@range[1]) / 2] + "ÿ"))], (.@range[0] + .@range[1]) / 2; set .@range[(.@str$ > (.@temp$ + .char$[(.@range[0] + .@range[1]) / 2] + "ÿ"))], (.@range[0] + .@range[1]) / 2; set .@range[(.@str$ > (.@temp$ + .char$[(.@range[0] + .@range[1]) / 2] + "ÿ"))], (.@range[0] + .@range[1]) / 2; set .@range[(.@str$ > (.@temp$ + .char$[(.@range[0] + .@range[1]) / 2] + "ÿ"))], (.@range[0] + .@range[1]) / 2; set .@range[(.@str$ > (.@temp$ + .char$[(.@range[0] + .@range[1]) / 2] + "ÿ"))], (.@range[0] + .@range[1]) / 2; set .@charIndex, (.@range[0] + .@range[1]) / 2 + (.@str$ > (.@temp$ + .char$[(.@range[0] + .@range[1]) / 2] + "ÿ")); set .@temp$, .@temp$ + .char$[.@charIndex]; set .@arr[.@i / 2], .@arr[.@i / 2] + .@charIndex * (1 + 63 * (.@i % 2)); set .@i, .@i + 1; } while( .@i < .@len ); sleep2 1; //used alot of gotos..sleep for good measure deletearray getd(getarg(1)); copyarray getd(getarg(1)), .@arr, .@len / 2; return .@len / 2; } end; } prontera,151,186,5 script Warper#toasty 721,{ doevent "toastywarperbase::OnStartNPC"; } rachel.gat,122,148,4 duplicate(Warper#toasty) Warper#toasty2-2 721 alberta,110,137,4 duplicate(Warper#toasty) Warper#toasty3-1 721 aldebaran,147,117,4 duplicate(Warper#toasty) Warper#toasty4-1 721 amatsu,190,86,1 duplicate(Warper#toasty) Warper#toasty5-1 721 ayothaya,147,123,6 duplicate(Warper#toasty) Warper#toasty6-1 721 comodo,206,77,4 duplicate(Warper#toasty) Warper#toasty7-1 721 einbech,196,83,4 duplicate(Warper#toasty) Warper#toasty8-1 721 einbroch,182,172,4 duplicate(Warper#toasty) Warper#toasty9-1 721 einbroch,243,189,2 duplicate(Warper#toasty) Warper#toasty9-2 721 hugel,88,151,5 duplicate(Warper#toasty) Warper#toasty10-1 721 lighthalzen,165,94,6 duplicate(Warper#toasty) Warper#toasty11-1 721 geffen,116,59,0 duplicate(Warper#toasty) Warper#toasty12-1 721 izlude,122,94,3 duplicate(Warper#toasty) Warper#toasty13-1 721 xmas,149,136,4 duplicate(Warper#toasty) Warper#toasty14-1 721 morocc,156,95,4 duplicate(Warper#toasty) Warper#toasty15-1 721 payon,148,228,4 duplicate(Warper#toasty) Warper#toasty16-1 721 yuno,160,170,4 duplicate(Warper#toasty) Warper#toasty17-1 721 moc_fild04.gat,207,331,4 duplicate(Warper#toasty) Warper#toasty18-1 721 izlu2dun.gat,104,82,4 duplicate(Warper#toasty) Warper#toasty19-1 721 mjolnir_02.gat,85,363,4 duplicate(Warper#toasty) Warper#toasty20-1 721 prt_fild05.gat,273,215,4 duplicate(Warper#toasty) Warper#toasty21-1 721 glast_01.gat,370,308,4 duplicate(Warper#toasty) Warper#toasty22-1 721 yuno_fild03.gat,37,135,4 duplicate(Warper#toasty) Warper#toasty23-1 721 gef_fild10.gat,71,339,4 duplicate(Warper#toasty) Warper#toasty24-1 721 pay_arche.gat,39,135,4 duplicate(Warper#toasty) Warper#toasty25-1 721 moc_ruins.gat,64,166,4 duplicate(Warper#toasty) Warper#toasty26-1 721 moc_fild19.gat,106,97,4 duplicate(Warper#toasty) Warper#toasty27-1 721 alb2trea.gat,73,101,4 duplicate(Warper#toasty) Warper#toasty28-1 721 tur_dun01.gat,148,239,4 duplicate(Warper#toasty) Warper#toasty29-1 721 gonryun,162,122,4 duplicate(Warper#toasty) Warper#toasty30-1 721 louyang,221,120,4 duplicate(Warper#toasty) Warper#toasty31-1 721 umbala,95,164,4 duplicate(Warper#toasty) Warper#toasty32-1 721 moscovia,220,198,4 duplicate(Warper#toasty) Warper#toasty33-1 721 veins,217,127,4 duplicate(Warper#toasty) Warper#toasty34-1 721 rachel,133,115,4 duplicate(Warper#toasty) Warper#toasty35-1 721
  9. trunk/db/re/skill_castnodex_db.txt Add: 2008,1 //RK_DRAGONBREATH
  10. Try to add this to your db/packet_db.txt Find: //2012-04-10aRagexeRE packet_ver: 30 Add this below: 0x08c9,2
  11. http://tortoisesvn.net/downloads.html
  12. http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=4cHbI59nrIA
  13. Yes, I tested it in my custom skill. Try this other way to keep the quest skill on the skill tree. //===== rAthena Script ======================================= //= Reset NPC //===== By: ================================================== //= rAthena Dev Team //===== Current Version: ===================================== //= 1.3 //===== Compatible With: ===================================== //= rAthena SVN //===== Description: ========================================= //= Resets skills, stats, or both. //===== Additional Comments: ================================= //= 1.0 First Version //= 1.1 Optimized for the greater good. [Kisuka] //= 1.2 Cleaning [Euphy] //= 1.3 All statuses removed upon skill reset. [Euphy] //============================================================ prontera,150,193,4 script Reset Girl 124,{ set .@ResetStat,5000; // Zeny for stat reset set .@ResetSkill,5000; // Zeny for skill reset set .@ResetBoth,9000; // Zeny for resetting both together mes "[Reset Girl]"; mes "I am the Reset Girl."; mes "Reset Stats: "+ .@ResetStat +"z"; mes "Reset Skills: "+ .@ResetSkill +"z"; mes "Reset Both: "+ .@ResetBoth +"z"; mes "Please select the service you want:"; next; switch(select("^FF3355Reset Skills:Reset Stats:Reset Both^000000:Cancel")) { case 1: mes "[Reset Girl]"; if (Zeny < .@ResetSkill) { mes "Sorry, you don't have enough Zeny."; close; } set Zeny, Zeny-.@ResetSkill; sc_end SC_ALL; ResetSkill; if(Class == 3 || class == 24) skill 1501,1,0; mes "There you go!"; close; case 2: mes "[Reset Girl]"; if (Zeny < .@ResetStat) { mes "Sorry, you don't have enough Zeny."; close; } set Zeny, Zeny-.@ResetStat; ResetStatus; mes "There you go!"; close; case 3: mes "[Reset Girl]"; if (Zeny < .@ResetBoth) { mes "Sorry, you don't have enough Zeny."; close; } set Zeny, Zeny-.@ResetBoth; sc_end SC_ALL; ResetSkill; ResetStatus; if(Class == 3 || class == 24) skill 1501,1,0; mes "There you go!"; close; case 4: close; } }
  14. Try to max all your 1st job skill after using reset npc(I tried it in my test server just now and it works fine).
  15. I know, so what's the problem with that? The reset npc only right?
  16. Try to replace this to your mob_db.txt 1288,EMPELIUM,Emperium,Emperium,90,700,1,0,0,1,60,73,64,50,1,17,80,50,26,20,10,12,0,8,26,0x160,300,1288,288,384,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 => 1288,EMPELIUM,Emperium,Emperium,90,700,0,0,0,1,60,71,40,50,1,17,80,50,26,20,10,12,0,1,84,0x0060,300,1288,288,384,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
  17. I think there's another way to disable ammo/arrows consumed. trunk/conf/battle/battle.conf // Are arrows/ammo consumed when used on a bow/gun? // 0 = No // 1 = Yes // 2 = Yes even for skills that do not specify arrow consumption when said // skill is weapon-based and used with ranged weapons (auto-guesses which // skills should consume ammo when it's acquired via a card or plagiarize) arrow_decrement: 1
  18. Infinite Ammo Skill? Does it mean; no arrows/ammo wil consumed when using bow and gun?
  19. @Jhedzkie Try adding your custom skill at trunk/db/re/skill_tree.txt
  20. Try to add it yourself. Right click > New > DWORD type > HEIGHT > Enter values with double click.
  21. Start > Run > type regedit then enter. HEIGHT: 600 WIDTH: 800
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