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Everything posted by stydianx

  1. this is your line 13: prontera,147,186,5 script Healer 834,{ what you need to do is replace those space with <TABS> using the "tab button" when editing the script on note pad. prontera,147,186,5<TAB>script<TAB>healer<TAB>834,{ there should only be THREE(3) tabs in the header of the script.
  2. it seems that your script is missing something for it to work. like GmOcean said, it can't be Sunday anywhere yet.. this will truly not work, try enabling this NPC on a Saturday night (where it could be sunday somewhere) or Sunday Morning(where it's sunday at your time.) i think "enablenpc" and "disablenpc" will work in this script.. what you need to do is post this on the request section and just give us some details on how your script... this could have already been done if you did.
  3. hmm.. there is an existing map flag, i don't know if this is going to work, but you should try it.. mapflag night what it does is it "allows" night mode in the map.. so i think, without this, you won't be able to enable night mode on any map without this.
  4. can you give me a brief definition of this event? and what's the difference between WoE and KoE? thanks my friend!
  5. OMG! Orlox and AnnieRuru.. i love you guys! i bet this will have breathe taking results! i agree with you! /no1 and your maps are amazing too GO ANNIE GO!!
  6. yes its a tough one! and im sorry i can't do this my self, i still havent mastered level 1 scripting yet, but still improving my skills.. yes i would like someone to write it for me, if possible, some description along the way for studying reasons it's a unique script that you can own if you finish, im sure allot will enjoy this idea and event
  7. remove the variable assign and checking..... and add another makeitem to allow tcg to drop in the map. like this Master Emistry? remove the variable assign and checking..... and add another makeitem to allow tcg to drop in the map. if( getmapusers("poring_c01") ){ makeitem 969,1,"poring_c01",rand(87,119),rand(86,115); makeitem 7227,1,"poring_c01",rand(87,119),rand(86,115); } @stydianx LOL....your method is wrong....Addtimer 1 second ? LOL..... the player wont even have chances to peek on the gold room after they get warped... they will straight trigger the even and warped outside the gold room. and....the second part.....you need to use braces when your statement have more than 1 lines. hey said he wanted it everysecond, buy not daily..
  8. TRY THIS FOR THE EVERY SECOND: Replace this: addtimer 5000,strnpcinfo(0)+"::OnTimeLimit"; with this: addtimer 1000,strnpcinfo(0)+"::OnTimeLimit"; FOR THE TCG DROP: replace this: if( getmapusers("poring_c01") ) makeitem 969,1,"poring_c01",rand(87,119),rand(86,115); with this: if( getmapusers("poring_c01") ) makeitem 969,1,"poring_c01",rand(87,119),rand(86,115); makeitem 7227,1,"poring_c01",rand(87,119),rand(86,115);
  9. If you guys are lazy like i am, just copy the script from the view, much less work in putting all the tabs.. LOL! just put your preferences.
  10. about creating custom mobs, i can just copy 1 mob and just edit it only thing i need to change is my parameters of choice correct? like this 1001,SCORPION,Scorpion,Scorpion,24,1109,0,287,176,1,80,135,30,0,1,24,24,5,52,5,10,12,0,4,23,0x3195,200,1564,864,576,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,990,70,904,5500,757,57,943,210,7041,100,508,200,625,20,0,0,0,0,4068,1 copy and edit to this: 2083,SCORPION,Scorpion,Scorpion,24,1109,0,287,176,1,80,135,30,0,1,24,24,5,52,5,10,12,0,4,23,0x3195,200,1564,864,576,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,990,70,904,5500,757,57,943,210,7041,100,508,200,625,20,0,0,0,0,4068,1 and about these bonuses, what specific edits do i need?
  11. stydianx

    Tax Script

    nice.. can you make this like for example: if guild rAthenaboys runs kriemhild caste then they own all NPC at lighthalzen, the GM then gets 10% tax of all purchased items each they that they hold the castle?
  12. RO-bust QUEST EVENT It announces the event 5min. before it opens. when it opens, the NPC appears, Party leaders needs to register their party to be able to join. Registration is Open for 10min. Only, when 10 seconds remaining for the registration, the event Counts down from 10-1 then the registration ends, the NPC disappears and all party are automatically warped to the map. Members should be lvl 300 above, they must pay 100,000,000 zeny to register. The Event is Only 3 times a day here is the time pattern of the event: OnClock1600: OnClock1200: OnClock0800: OnClock0400: OnClock0000: Mechanics and Definition: In this Event Quest, Parties are summoned in a pvp map. they will be facing 10 boss monsters(any), 10 mini-boss(any) and 30 normal monsters PER party. so if there is 2 parties they will be facing 20boss/20miniboss/60normal monsters. (Minimum of 2 parties, maximum of 6) party must be composed of 4 players and above, its a pvpon area,they can choose to help each other to defeat monsters or kill each other. every level parties are warped to different map. each map has its own condition or effects to monsters or players/ Conditions and levels. level 1: all Players in map: -10% attack speed and -10% HP. level 2: all Players in map: -20% heal effect, -20% HP, +20 Crit rate. level 3: all palyers in map: -200 Matk, +30 Mdef, poisoned status and -50% SP. level 4: all Monsters: +50% HP | all palyers: +20% damage against boss type monsters. level 5: all Monsters: Immune to magic (if monster magic immunity doesnt work use--> players cannot use skill.) and +100 Patk base damage. level 6: all players in map: +30% HP, +50% Magic damage, -100 patk base damage. level 7: all players in map: -30% damage and -30% armor | All monsters + 50% damage. level 8: all players in map: Blind status, poisoned status, -10% HP, -30% Patkrate and Matk damge, -20% healing effect, -10def, -20Mdef, and -70% SP. MAPS: (izlude not used.) pvp_y_8-1 // lvl 1. pvp_y_8-3 // lvl 2. pvp_y_8-4 // lvl 3. pvp_y_8-5 // lvl 4. pvp_y_8-1 // lvl 5. pvp_y_8-3 // lvl 6. pvp_y_8-4 // lvl 7. pvp_y_8-5 // lvl 8. MAPFLAGS TO BE USED: mapflag night mapflag pvp mapflag noloot mapflag nowarp mapflag nowarpto Every time a party kills a boss monster, it announces to the whole server. *For example: Party (Jungleboys) killed baphomet at RO-bust Quest Event. All remaining parties in the Quest Event is Announced to the entire server every time they clear a level. *For example: Party (Jungleboys) (rathenaboys) and (pornoboys) made it to the next round! level 2! All parties that are eliminated are announced to the entire server and recieves consolation prize. *For example: party (noobx) was eliminated at the 1st level of RO-bust Quest Event. They recieve 5 TCG's and 30 YGG's. (item ID and ammount = 7227,5 and 607,30) All parties that makes it pass the level 5 automatically recieves 5 Silver Coins and is announced to the server. *For Example: Party (rathenaboys) and (pornoboys) made it pass the 5th level, they are awarded with 10 silver coins and 5 TCG's. (item ID and ammount = 675,10 and 7227,5) all parties that Wins the event are broad casted, along side with the leader name (all in capital letters) and is awarded with 10 silver coins and 10 TCG's *For example: Party: (rathenaboys) and (pornoboys) WINS THE RO-bust EVENT QUEST! FOR BEING PRO's THEY ARE AWARDED WITH 10 SILVER COINS, 50 YGG, 15TCG's. (item ID and amount = 675,10 , 607,50 , 7227,15) (if there is more that needs to be added, let me know. )
  13. OMG! this is one of the greatest things.. one question tho... how do i add a mp3 to the RO bgm directory? and can i add a mp3 music like "starships -by nicki minaj" or some mp3 like this??
  14. i have tried adding mapflags on certain events in my trunk. but every time i add a map flag the NPC/Event doesnt work properly.. i know i am missing something here.. can someone point it out to me? thanks.. here is an example of a event that i would like to add a mapflag pvp.. ordeal_1-2,0,0,0 script Gold Room -1,{ OnInit: //No. of Mine Guardian. //For golden peko it is default to 100 and 4 seconds~2 seconds spawn rate. set .guardian,50; //Type of guardian. 0 = normal 1 = extreme set .@guardiantype,0; if(.@guardiantype == 0){ monster "ordeal_1-2",0,0,"Taga Bantay",2001,.guardian,""; }else{ monster "ordeal_1-2",0,0,"Taga Bantay",2002,.guardian,""; } end; OnNPCKillEvent: //===== Configurations: ======================================================================== //Max gold can a player get after killing 1 golden peko (default 5 note:this will increase if luk bonus is enable). set .@maxgaingold,5; //Apply gold penalty. 0 = no 1 = yes set .@penalty1,0; //The Maximum no. of gold Penalty. set .@maxpenalty1,0; //Apply speed & HP penalty. 0 = no 1 = yes set .@penalty2,0; //Gold limitation penalty must be enable set .@maxgold,200; //The maximum no. of hp penalty by %. set .@maxpenalty2,10; //Enable luk bonus. 0=no 1=yes set .@lukbonus,1; //If luk Bonus is enable,luk divider default 49 w/ 99 max parameter. Note: the quotient of your max parameter and .@lukdiv must not grater than 5 to avoid over mining. set .@lukdiv,49; //Show Server Name. 0=no 1=yes set .@showservername,1; //Name of your Server set .@servername$,"[RObust Online]"; //========================================================================================= if (getmapxy(@mapname$,@mapx,@mapy,0) == -1) goto L_Finish; if (@mapname$ == "ordeal_1-2"){ set @bonus,0; set @deduction,0; set @gain,rand (.@maxgaingold); //Luk bonus if (.@lukbonus != 0){ set @bonus,readparam(bLuk)/.@lukdiv; } //Gold Penalty if (.@penalty1 != 0){ set @deduction,rand(.@maxpenalty1); if(@deduction == 0) set @deduction,1; } set @gain, @gain + @bonus - @deduction; set gold, gold + @gain ; //Displaying Gained Gold if(.@showservername != 0){ if(gold%5 == 0){ //Show Server Name every 10 gold gain. dispbottom "=============Brought to you by=============="; dispbottom "==============" + .@servername$ +"=============="; } } if(@gain){ dispbottom "-|You got: " +@gain+ " gold| - |Total: " +gold+ " gold|- "; }else{ dispbottom "-|You got: NOTHING! |- "; } if (.@penalty2 != 0){ if (gold >= .@maxgold/2 && gold <=.@maxgold/2+20){ sc_start SC_DECREASEAGI,240000,10; }else if(gold >.@maxgold){ sc_start SC_CURSE,240000,10; percentheal (.@maxpenalty2*-1),(.@maxpenalty2*-1); heal -50,0; //For him to die } } if(paid == 0){ mapannounce "ordeal_1-2"," x( "+strcharinfo(0)+" is a cheater!",bc_map; dispbottom "Go out you bastard!"; set gold,0; warp "prontera", 173, 160; } end; } OnPCDieEvent: if (getmapxy(@mapname$,@mapx,@mapy,0) == -1) goto L_Finish; if (@mapname$ == "ordeal_1-2"){ dispbottom "Holy Shit you died!"; dispbottom "All of your gold will be gone!"; set alive, 0; set paid, 0; end; } L_Finish: close; } //=============================================== //warper //=============================================== ordeal_1-2,154,156,5 script Gold Miner 813,{ mes "[Gold Miner]"; if(gold >=50){ goto wa; } mes "Want to go now?"; mes "Your gold is just "+gold+" you can still get more."; close; wa: mes "Want to go now?"; if(select("Yes", "No") == 1) { set alive,1; warp "prontera", 173, 160; } close; } lighthalzen,183,120,5 script Gold Room Warperer#pront 105,{ set @name$,"lighthalzen"; callfunc "goldmain"; end; } aldebaran,133,116,4 script Gold Room Warperer#alde 813,{ set @name$,"aldebaran"; callfunc "goldmain"; end; } alberta,23,247,4 script Gold Room Warperer#alb 813,{ set @name$,"alberta"; callfunc "goldmain"; end; } payon,151,182,4 script Gold Room Warperer#pay 813,{ set @name$,"payon"; callfunc "goldmain"; end; } geffen,115,74,4 script Gold Room Warperer#gef 813,{ set @name$,"geffen"; callfunc "goldmain"; end; } function script goldmain { if (getgmlevel() >= 90){ mes "[Gold Room Warperer]"; if(sex != 0){ mes "Hello Sir what can I do for you?"; }else{ mes "Hello Maam what can I do for you?"; } next; menu "Enter Mining Site",start,"Please close the mine Site. Now!",-,"Please Open the mine Site. Now!",G_open,"Nothing",C_s; next; mes "[Gold Room Warperer]"; mapannounce "ordeal_1-2","Excuse me Miners.",bc_map; mes "Ok."; next; mapannounce "ordeal_1-2",strcharinfo(0) +" wants to close the Gold Room for a while",bc_map; mes "Just a second I will just ask them to"; mes "go out in the mining site"; next; mapannounce "ordeal_1-2","Please settle your things and move quitely",bc_map; mes "[Gold Room Warperer]"; mes "............."; mes "........"; next; mes "[Gold Room Warperer]"; mes "Ok your done"; set .opengoldroom,1; areawarp "ordeal_1-2",21,286,286,22,"lighthalzen", 139, 86; close; } if(.opengoldroom == 0){ goto start; }else{ mes "[Gold Room Warperer]"; mes "Sorry!"; mes "The Mining Site is closed."; close; } G_open: mes "[Gold Room Warperer]"; mes "Ok."; mes "Mining Site is Already Available."; announce " Gold Room is open for public!",bc_map; set .opengoldroom,0; close; start: if ( alive == 0){ set gold,0; } mes "[Gold Room Warperer]"; mes "What do you want?"; next; menu "To the Gold Room",-,"Exchange Gold",exchange,"Nothing",C_s; mes "[Gold Room Warperer]"; mes "Hmm.."; mes "It cost 100,000z"; mes "Would you like to go now to the gold room?"; if(select("Yes", "No") == 1) { if(@name$ == "prontera") savepoint "prontera", 173, 160; if(@name$ == "aldebaran") savepoint "aldebaran",166, 163; if(@name$ == "alberta") savepoint "alberta",16, 246; if(@name$ == "payon") savepoint "payon",160, 179; if(@name$ == "geffen") savepoint "geffen",124, 85; if (Zeny < 100000) goto nomoney; set Zeny, Zeny - 100000; set alive, 1; set paid, 1; warp "ordeal_1-2", 156, 155; } close; nomoney: mes "[Gold Room Warperer]"; mes "Sorry insufficient balance"; close; exchange: mes "[Gold Room Warperer]"; mes "Hmm...let me see"; mes "You have " +gold+ "."; if (gold == 0) goto nogold; mes "Ok get this."; next; if (checkweight(969,gold) == 0) goto L_OverWeight; getitem 969, gold; set gold, 0; emotion e_gg; close; L_OverWeight: mes "[Gold Room Warperer]"; mes "Sorry your overweight"; close; nogold: close; C_s: close; } //============================================================ //=========================================================== //======================================== //warps you may edit this one for your convenience //======================================== ordeal_1-2,73,265,0 warp ord500 1,1,lighthalzen,139,86 ordeal_1-2,129,194,0 warp ord501 1,1,lighthalzen,139,86 ordeal_1-2,130,194,0 warp ord502 1,1,lighthalzen,139,86 ordeal_1-2,178,193,0 warp ord503 1,1,lighthalzen,139,86 ordeal_1-2,290,130,0 warp ord504 1,1,lighthalzen,139,86 ordeal_1-2,241,281,0 warp ord505 1,1,lighthalzen,139,86 ordeal_1-2,66,25,0 warp ord506 1,1,lighthalzen,139,86 ordeal_1-2,202,129,0 warp ord509 1,1,lighthalzen,139,86 ordeal_1-2,105,154,0 warp ord510 1,1,lighthalzen,139,86 //============Spawns================= ordeal_1-2,0,0,0,0 monster Golden Pecopeco 1369,100,40000,20000,0
  15. stydianx

    Tax Script

    I LIKE THIS ONE If this is made, i'll surely take it. Basically, to make this work is if another player owns a NPC.. because, if the shop is just going to get the TAX that you are saying, then, you might as well just put DISCOUNT skill on all jobs.. so in my opinion POST#5 and POST#6 scenario 2 would be the best script for this. im sure they can come up with a way how to own a NPC if its not in a guild war or some sort.
  16. if you dont want to take emistry's offer and your kinda old skul guy.. here's the script.. //Map,xxx,yyy,D,script,npcname,spritenumber,item1,price1,item2,price2,item3,price3 lighthalzen,224,99,4 shop 3rd job shop 880,504:500,911:500,7821:500,518:500,1002:500,716:500,532:500,711:500,929:500,511:500,6096:500,6095:500 there you go, i don't know what kind of items your saying, you just said 3rd job.. so i have included some that i think are needed by 3rd jobs.. edit as you wish, i have given you the pattern..
  17. In this old Halloween script, can someone tell to me where i can edit the monsters that are to be spawned??
  18. sorry, i dont know all the items for 3rd jobs.. can you make a list? if im not busy i will make it for you by list i mean, item ID and your ideal price
  19. Eto po ung skill.txt baka po pwedeng paki edit.. hindi ko parin po kasi makuha ung no cast pagka 150 na ung dex.. at palaging merong warning na ganito: [Warning]: Value for setting 'vcast_stat_scale': 0 is invalid (min:1 max:2147483647)! Defaulting to 530... [Warning]: Unknown setting 'renewal_cast_enable' in file conf/battle/skill.conf
  20. stydianx


    im sorry if i didnt mention the party if the leader or a team member logs out... well, if the leader logs out, or even a member, all of then should be warped back out, same as one dying, and they should be allowed to enter the event anymore.. and the script your using is still not the right one.. its the one that i posted in the 1st post = bossnia script. right under here: same, if one member leaves the map (under any circumstances(died,logout,DC,char select,guild,recall)) all members of that party should be warped out of the map event, and is not allowed to go in anymore. for the award script at the end, a time based rewarder will be ideal.. lets say if party A lasted 30min inside the map, they get the reward and automatically after getting the reward, they are warped back out.
  21. stydianx


    here... announce "Bossnia Event Opened.",0; sleep ( 30 * 60000 ); announce "Bossnia Event Closed.",0; for the survive 30 minute and get reward... i havent do it... because...still thinking a solution for it... i scare i would mess up the time calculation....if the following cases appear... Multiple Party Access into the Map Member login / logout ( if allow to stay in the map ? ) Attach timer to NPC / Players...or Party Leader i think a script that will give each player 3 TCG's at the end of that 30min. will work.. hmmm.. something like a "gettime" and then if 30min. they recieve 3 TCG's, and after the 30min. mark, they are warped out of the map to the coordinates that i will put. =========================================== i took out a piece of annieruru's script. can this be used to this script that im asking for? all its missing is the time, and "guild_vs2,49,49,5" to be edited.
  22. stydianx


    damn! two of the greatest mind working on one script = perfect script.. thanks guys! @emistry.. im sorry, haven't slept yet.. LOL! i forget things.. @annie, thanks! i might use the script for other purposes, or study it thanks guys! its working perfectly now.. almost forgot.. it even got worse.. the NPC is no longer showing itself.. the NPC is hided every time server is reloaded ...and will appear every 4 hours...specified by yourself inside the script.... otherwise just temporary remove this.. OnInit: disablenpc "bsw"; or add another way to enable the NPC for testing purpose..... thus this script has this: 3. It only opens for 30min. 10. Those who can survive for 30min. recieves 3 TCG's. if yes, where can i find them, cause i dont see them here.. if no, could you give me the script and tell me where to put it? or you can just add it on to what you did and i'll just copy on paste bin..
  23. stydianx


    it even got worse.. the NPC is no longer showing itself.. it even got worse.. the NPC is no longer showing itself..
  24. stydianx


    oaky so this should work fine now?
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