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Everything posted by Dastgir

  1. 21,0x0 Change that 21 to 20-Neutral Lv.1 40-Neutral Lv.2 60-Neutral Lv.3 80-Neutral Lv.4
  2. Try Unicode Names for those(Because the grf packed files are in unicode) 1001<space>1<space>GRF<space>data\sprite\인간족\궁수\궁수_여_1740.act* 1002<space>1<space>GRF<space>data\sprite\인간족\궁수\궁수_여_1740.spr* Be Sure "GRF Index 1" in Config file contains that file, so it deletes it.
  3. Nvm Fixed, it was caused due to vcprog90 (something like that name) i deleted and got a fresh copy of it, and it fixed. Solved.
  4. Just update your kRO, it have all the texture, so if you don't have that texture in ur grf, it will read from kRO grf.
  5. Minor Change, Currently Updating Items of 3Dec-13December.
  6. @suddath, I guess patch -p0 -R < patch_file_path.patch Google it and you get all the answers.
  7. Okay, It was a quick conversion. http://www.mediafire.com/?6thyqdt6itqh13o
  8. Apply This Patch I Guess http://trac.rathena.org/changeset/15521/rathena
  9. There's File named "login-server_sql.exe.leaks" in "log" folder inside rAthena folder, Post its content.
  10. for NO MSG use latest msgstringtable.txt for buf error, 2012 clients uses folder "luafiles514/lua files" and compiled with luac v5.1.4 unlike 2011 client which is compiled with luac v5.0.2 and having folder "lua files"
  11. Post this content. log/login-server_sql.exe.leaks
  12. No request of Warez/Cracked Softwares here. Anyways, I have sended you pm containing serial keys and link to trial version.
  13. Malufett just means that we need test data's for renewal atk,etc. until we have a exact formula.
  14. Poporing? Please See its above name(Dastgir Pojee) Well this file is only required, just put it in ur lua files/quest (if using client older than 2012) or luafiles514/lua files/quest (if using client 2012+) Kinda Simple.
  15. do one thing, run the server try to register with _m/_f then give screenshot of your login-server , so we can know the exact problem.
  16. Buying Price should be double the selling price.
  17. Any error in login-server?
  18. That's why i said "But Target should be online." Because that command search target with that account_id and then gives the name.
  19. Dastgir

    Skill edits

    src/map/skill.c case SM_MAGNUM: case MS_MAGNUM: skill_area_temp[1] = 0; map_foreachinrange(skill_area_sub, src, skill_get_splash(skillid, skilllv), BL_SKILL|BL_CHAR, src,skillid,skilllv,tick, flag|BCT_ENEMY|1, skill_castend_damage_id); clif_skill_nodamage (src,src,skillid,skilllv,1); // Initiate 10% of your damage becomes fire element. sc_start4(src,SC_WATK_ELEMENT,100,3,20,0,0,skill_get_time2(skillid, skilllv)); <----- Fire Element Enchant if( sd ) skill_blockpc_start(sd, skillid, skill_get_time(skillid, skilllv)); else if( bl->type == BL_MER ) skill_blockmerc_start((TBL_MER*)bl, skillid, skill_get_time(skillid, skilllv)); break; Its there in code, check your src.
  20. Alternate Way. rid2name($testID) But Target should be online. Kinda Late. Use EvilPuncker Way query_sql("SELECT `name` from `char` WHERE `char_id` = "+$testID+"",@names$); mes "the name is "+@names$; @EvilPuncker
  21. Your script contains missing brackets and wrong info In your script if Jellopy is less than 1 then only continue(An error cause in map-server bcoz deleting an item which is not in inventory!!) prt_in,225,25,4 script Break the Seal 999,{ if ( countitem(909) < 1 ) end; mes "I am the Break the Seal NPC"; next; mes "[Reward System]"; mes "5% - Vendor's Ring[2], Elite Clip[2], and Falcon Clip."; mes "10% - Romantic Leaf"; mes "20% - Gold"; mes "50% - Chewing bubble gum and Dark Randgris Helm"; mes "80% - Jellopy, Jellopy, and Jellopy"; next; mes "[Required Items]"; mes "1 Jellopy"; delitem 909,1; mes "So you have all the items needed...and in exchange I will give you a nice item"; // This is the reward system.. set .@Random,rand( 100 ); if( .@Random < 5 ) setarray .@ItemID,5374,5013,5072; else if( .@Random < 20 ) setarray .@ItemID,969; else if( .@Random < 10 ) setarray .@ItemID,2270; else if( .@Random < 50 ) setarray .@ItemID,5597,5373; else if( .@Random < 100 ) setarray .@ItemID,909; //else if( .@Random < 90 ) setarray .@ItemID,5528,7086,7090; set .@Random,rand( getarraysize(.@ItemID) ); if( getarraysize(.@ItemID) ){ getitem .@ItemID[.@Random],1; announce ""+strcharinfo(0)+" just obtained the item " + getitemname(.@ItemID) + " after breaking the Seal of Valkyrie!",0; close; } } Here's Fixed Script.
  22. kRO Decompiled LUA: svn link: http://krotranslatedlua.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/ Changelog r2: Added rdata.grf files, r3: Added data.grf Files r4: Added System Files r5: Added March 13 Files r6: Added System Files[13 March] and Jan13 Files(That was deleted by me accidently) r7: Added March 21 Files Files Date: 21st March 2013. Dropping New Items Project Because of Lack of Time.
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