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Frost Diver

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Everything posted by Frost Diver

  1. It would be a great feature if i can add this to my current autoattack settings
  2. i dont understand this part. where should i put this line?
  3. I'm still looking for answers to fix this sql script..
  4. thank you sir. it work like a charm now ^^
  5. Hello, i run this script in sql: CREATE TABLE `bk6_talk` (`intid` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `npcid` mediumint(8) unsigned DEFAULT '0', `talkid` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', `lang` varchar(3) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'en', `custom` tinyint(1) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', `dialog` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`intid`), UNIQUE KEY `idx_unique` (`npcid`,`talkid`,`lang`,`dialog`), KEY `idx_dialog` (`npcid`,`talkid`,`lang`)) ENGINE=MyISAM AUTO_INCREMENT=1; but got error. how to adjust the script to be able to create table in my database?
  6. hello, i tried @autoattack +1002, it said monster added to list. but if i check using @autoattack list, no any monster added. and if i turn on the command @autoattack on, it will tagetting all monsters
  7. hi, kindly share the solution to the community. thanks
  8. Yeah sure. Mind to share it? Thanks!
  9. Hi, i think you misunderstood. Im requesting the icon.tga file. Because currently, im using the other existing unused icon obtained from data.grf. i need the custom vip icon that similar like in the photo if there's any..
  10. Hello! Does anyone here have vip.tga icon that similar in this photo? If there's any, mind to share please. Thanks.
  11. Hello! Can i request @trade command that can bypass usage range for gm? I found this mod but unfortunately it no longer work for latest rathena version.
  12. how do you use it on NPC OnInit event? mind to show the examples of the script commands? thanks
  13. It's coming from the npc script in this line: specialeffect(EF_FIREWALL2, AREA, .@cid); and this line: specialeffect(EF_HEAL, AREA, getcharid(3));
  14. Thanks mate. But i still got an error regarding the special effect upon starting the campfire
  15. Error on mapserver upon starting and ending of campfire. Using latest rathena version.
  16. Nvm, i fixed it. For those who wants to change path of the lub files while diffing the client, make sure dont include .lub extensions on these 2 files ( OngoingQuestInfoList and RecommendedQuestInfoList ) as the default path also has no extensions in it.
  17. Hi, I'm using updated chris translation. But i got this error. How to fix this? What's missing at line 40 in my RecommendedQuestInfoList? Thanks. RecommendedQuestInfoList_True_EN.lub
  18. Hi, Tried the script, i was able to spawn the clone, but cannot remove it by using @marketkill. same goes to when i relog, the clone is still there. Running on updated rathena. Regards.
  19. Hello good day! Can someone point me on to put some buffs like ghostring, taogunka, holy scrolls will not disappear when got dispelled by Professor? Just like the Alchemist 'Full Chemical Protection' skill. Thanks!
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