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Mad Walker

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Everything posted by Mad Walker

  1. well it's because sprites for armor are not yet supported on rathena, but I don't think any emulator has that feature right now. That sprite you have was just for headgear's, you can make it a robe but i don't quite recommend it also because robe only shows the half part of the sprite you can see the difference if you try...
  2. hi Euphy, how to delete the mission count?
  3. woah this is the first time I've heard this story. Creeps the hell out of me.
  4. I mean print screen then post it here? So we can have a much more understanding on your problem
  5. can you post a photo of the error?
  6. add the map inside your data folder, follow the mapresnametable format so you'll have a name for your map when you type /where. Else you'll see Unknown Area For more information go http://rathena.org/wiki/Custom_Maps
  7. on my atcommand.c { MAP_HALLOW, 110, 39 }, // 36=Hallow is it map.h or is it mapindex.h? by the way this is my mapindex.h #define MAP_HALLOW "hallow" yeah I think it's inside mapindex, just follow the format of the other maps that are declared inside. http://svn.code.sf.net/p/rathena/svn/trunk/src/common/mapindex.h // Copyright (c) Athena Dev Teams - Licensed under GNU GPL // For more information, see LICENCE in the main folder #ifndef _MAPINDEX_H_ #define _MAPINDEX_H_ //File in charge of assigning a numberic ID to each map in existance for space saving when passing map info between servers. extern char mapindex_cfgfile[80]; #define MAX_MAPINDEX 2000 //Some definitions for the mayor city maps. #define MAP_PRONTERA "prontera" #define MAP_GEFFEN "geffen" #define MAP_MORROC "morocc" #define MAP_ALBERTA "alberta" #define MAP_PAYON "payon" #define MAP_IZLUDE "izlude" #define MAP_ALDEBARAN "aldebaran" #define MAP_LUTIE "xmas" #define MAP_COMODO "comodo" #define MAP_YUNO "yuno" .....
  8. nice sprites there calv. I was surprised "maraming kababayan dito". ) enjoy your stay!
  9. oh man. no words can explain this one. Just...thumbs up
  10. Does anyone know how can i make it a skill? ACMD(clone) { int x=0,y=0,flag=0,master=0,i=0; struct map_session_data *pl_sd=NULL; if (!message || !*message) { clif->message(sd->fd,msg_txt(1323)); // You must enter a player name or ID. return true; } if((pl_sd=iMap->nick2sd((char *)message)) == NULL && (pl_sd=iMap->charid2sd(atoi(message))) == NULL) { clif->message(fd, msg_txt(3)); // Character not found. return true; } if(pc->get_group_level(pl_sd) > pc->get_group_level(sd)) { clif->message(fd, msg_txt(126)); // Cannot clone a player of higher GM level than yourself. return true; } if (strcmpi(command+1, "clone") == 0) flag = 1; else if (strcmpi(command+1, "slaveclone") == 0) { flag = 2; if(pc_isdead(sd)){ clif->message(fd, msg_txt(129+flag*2)); return true; } master = sd->bl.id; if (battle_config.atc_slave_clone_limit && mob_countslave(&sd->bl) >= battle_config.atc_slave_clone_limit) { clif->message(fd, msg_txt(127)); // You've reached your slave clones limit. return true; } } do { x = sd->bl.x + (rnd() % 10 - 5); y = sd->bl.y + (rnd() % 10 - 5); } while (iMap->getcell(sd->bl.m,x,y,CELL_CHKNOPASS) && i++ < 10); if (i >= 10) { x = sd->bl.x; y = sd->bl.y; } if((x = mob_clone_spawn(pl_sd, sd->bl.m, x, y, "", master, 0, flag?1:0, 0)) > 0) { clif->message(fd, msg_txt(128+flag*2)); // Evil Clone spawned. Clone spawned. Slave clone spawned. return true; } clif->message(fd, msg_txt(129+flag*2)); // Unable to spawn evil clone. Unable to spawn clone. Unable to spawn slave clone. return true; }
  11. http://www.mediafire.com/download/u91p2n6x5cl566g/Saiyan_Hair_ani.rar it's not mine i just searched the forum. credits to the one who first gave the link
  12. hendra814 : We have the same problem, the reqweapon. I downloaded the latest lub files. Does anyone know how to make it ok? That error prompts only when you are wearing a weapon.
  13. Weapon_IDs = { WEAPONTYPE_NONE = 0, WEAPONTYPE_SHORTSWORD = 1, WEAPONTYPE_SWORD = 2, WEAPONTYPE_TWOHANDSWORD = 3, WEAPONTYPE_SPEAR = 4, WEAPONTYPE_TWOHANDSPEAR = 5, WEAPONTYPE_AXE = 6, WEAPONTYPE_TWOHANDAXE = 7, WEAPONTYPE_MACE = 8, WEAPONTYPE_TWOHANDMACE = 9, WEAPONTYPE_ROD = 10, WEAPONTYPE_BOW = 11, WEAPONTYPE_KNUKLE = 12, WEAPONTYPE_INSTRUMENT = 13, WEAPONTYPE_WHIP = 14, WEAPONTYPE_BOOK = 15, WEAPONTYPE_CATARRH = 16, WPCLASS_GUN_HANDGUN = 17, WPCLASS_GUN_RIFLE = 18, WPCLASS_GUN_GATLING = 19, WPCLASS_GUN_SHOTGUN = 20, WPCLASS_GUN_GRANADE = 21, WPCLASS_SYURIKEN = 22, WPCLASS_TWOHANDROD = 23, WPCLASS_LAST = 24, WEAPONTYPE_SHORTSWORD_SHORTSWORD = 25, WEAPONTYPE_SWORD_SWORD = 26, WEAPONTYPE_AXE_AXE = 27, WEAPONTYPE_SHORTSWORD_SWORD = 28, WEAPONTYPE_SHORTSWORD_AXE = 29, WEAPONTYPE_SWORD_AXE = 30, WEAPONTYPE_Main_Gauche = 31, WEAPONTYPE_Stiletto = 32, WEAPONTYPE_Gladius = 33, WEAPONTYPE_Zeny_Knife = 34, WEAPONTYPE_Poison_Knife = 35, WEAPONTYPE_Princess_Knife = 36, WEAPONTYPE_Sasimi = 37, WEAPONTYPE_Lacma = 38, WEAPONTYPE_Tsurugi = 39, WEAPONTYPE_Ring_Pommel_Saber = 40, WEAPONTYPE_Haedonggum = 41, WEAPONTYPE_Saber = 42, WEAPONTYPE_Jewel_Sword = 43, WEAPONTYPE_Gaia_Sword = 44, WEAPONTYPE_Twin_Edge_B = 45, WEAPONTYPE_Twin_Edge_R = 46, WEAPONTYPE_Priest_Sword = 47, WEAPONTYPE_Katana = 48, WEAPONTYPE_Bastard_Sword = 49, WEAPONTYPE_Broad_Sword = 50, WEAPONTYPE_Violet_Fear = 51, WEAPONTYPE_Lance = 52, WEAPONTYPE_Partizan = 53, WEAPONTYPE_Trident = 54, WEAPONTYPE_Halberd = 55, WEAPONTYPE_Crescent_Scythe = 56, WEAPONTYPE_Zephyrus = 57, WEAPONTYPE_Hammer = 58, WEAPONTYPE_Buster = 59, WEAPONTYPE_Brood_Axe = 60, WEAPONTYPE_Right_Epsilon = 61, WEAPONTYPE_Mace = 62, WEAPONTYPE_Sword_Mace = 63, WEAPONTYPE_Chain = 64, WEAPONTYPE_Stunner = 65, WEAPONTYPE_Golden_Mace = 66, WEAPONTYPE_Iron_Driver = 67, WEAPONTYPE_Spanner = 68, WEAPONTYPE_Arc_Wand = 69, WEAPONTYPE_Mighty_Staff = 70, WEAPONTYPE_Blessed_Wand = 71, WEAPONTYPE_Bone_Wand = 72, WEAPONTYPE_CrossBow = 73, WEAPONTYPE_Arbalest = 74, WEAPONTYPE_Kakkung = 75, WEAPONTYPE_Hunter_Bow = 76, WEAPONTYPE_Bow_Of_Rudra = 77, WEAPONTYPE_Waghnakh = 78, WEAPONTYPE_Knuckle_Duster = 79, WEAPONTYPE_Hora = 80, WEAPONTYPE_Fist = 81, WEAPONTYPE_Claw = 82, WEAPONTYPE_Finger = 83, WEAPONTYPE_Kaiser_Knuckle = 84, WEAPONTYPE_Berserk = 85, WEAPONTYPE_Rante = 86, WEAPONTYPE_Tail = 87, WEAPONTYPE_Whip = 88, WEAPONTYPE_Bible = 89, WEAPONTYPE_Book_Of_Billows = 90, WEAPONTYPE_Book_Of_Mother_Earth = 91, WEAPONTYPE_Book_Of_Blazing_Sun = 92, WEAPONTYPE_Book_Of_Gust_Of_Wind = 93, WEAPONTYPE_Book_Of_The_Apocalypse = 94, WEAPONTYPE_Girls_Diary = 95, WEAPONTYPE_Staff_Of_Soul = 96, WEAPONTYPE_Wizardy_Staff = 97 } WeaponNameTable = { [Weapon_IDs.WEAPONTYPE_NONE] = "", [Weapon_IDs.WEAPONTYPE_SHORTSWORD] = "_´Ü°Ë", [Weapon_IDs.WEAPONTYPE_SWORD] = "_°Ë", [Weapon_IDs.WEAPONTYPE_TWOHANDSWORD] = "_°Ë", [Weapon_IDs.WEAPONTYPE_SPEAR] = "_â", [Weapon_IDs.WEAPONTYPE_TWOHANDSPEAR] = "_â", [Weapon_IDs.WEAPONTYPE_AXE] = "_µµ³¢", [Weapon_IDs.WEAPONTYPE_TWOHANDAXE] = "_µµ³¢", [Weapon_IDs.WEAPONTYPE_MACE] = "_Ŭ·´", [Weapon_IDs.WEAPONTYPE_TWOHANDMACE] = "_Ŭ·´", [Weapon_IDs.WEAPONTYPE_ROD] = "_·Ôµå", [Weapon_IDs.WEAPONTYPE_BOW] = "_È°", [Weapon_IDs.WEAPONTYPE_KNUKLE] = "_³ÊŬ", [Weapon_IDs.WEAPONTYPE_INSTRUMENT] = "_¾Ç±â", [Weapon_IDs.WEAPONTYPE_WHIP] = "_äÂï", [Weapon_IDs.WEAPONTYPE_BOOK] = "_Ã¥", [Weapon_IDs.WEAPONTYPE_CATARRH] = "_īŸ¸£_īŸ¸£", [Weapon_IDs.WPCLASS_GUN_HANDGUN] = "_±ÇÃÑ", [Weapon_IDs.WPCLASS_GUN_RIFLE] = "_¶óÀÌÇÃ", [Weapon_IDs.WPCLASS_GUN_GATLING] = "_±â°üÃÑ", [Weapon_IDs.WPCLASS_GUN_SHOTGUN] = "_¼¦°Ç", [Weapon_IDs.WPCLASS_GUN_GRANADE] = "_¼¦°Ç", [Weapon_IDs.WPCLASS_SYURIKEN] = "_¼ö¸®°Ë", [Weapon_IDs.WPCLASS_TWOHANDROD] = "_·Ôµå", [Weapon_IDs.WEAPONTYPE_SHORTSWORD_SHORTSWORD] = "_´Ü°Ë_´Ü°Ë", [Weapon_IDs.WEAPONTYPE_SWORD_SWORD] = "_°Ë_°Ë", [Weapon_IDs.WEAPONTYPE_AXE_AXE] = "_µµ³¢_µµ³¢", [Weapon_IDs.WEAPONTYPE_SHORTSWORD_SWORD] = "_´Ü°Ë_°Ë", [Weapon_IDs.WEAPONTYPE_SHORTSWORD_AXE] = "_´Ü°Ë_µµ³¢", [Weapon_IDs.WEAPONTYPE_SWORD_AXE] = "_°Ë_µµ³¢", [Weapon_IDs.WEAPONTYPE_Main_Gauche] = "_1207", [Weapon_IDs.WEAPONTYPE_Stiletto] = "_1216", [Weapon_IDs.WEAPONTYPE_Gladius] = "_1219", [Weapon_IDs.WEAPONTYPE_Zeny_Knife] = "_1238", [Weapon_IDs.WEAPONTYPE_Poison_Knife] = "_1239", [Weapon_IDs.WEAPONTYPE_Princess_Knife] = "_1240", [Weapon_IDs.WEAPONTYPE_Sasimi] = "_1144", [Weapon_IDs.WEAPONTYPE_Lacma] = "_13049", [Weapon_IDs.WEAPONTYPE_Tsurugi] = "_1119", [Weapon_IDs.WEAPONTYPE_Ring_Pommel_Saber] = "_1122", [Weapon_IDs.WEAPONTYPE_Haedonggum] = "_1123", [Weapon_IDs.WEAPONTYPE_Saber] = "_1126", [Weapon_IDs.WEAPONTYPE_Jewel_Sword] = "_1142", [Weapon_IDs.WEAPONTYPE_Gaia_Sword] = "_1143", [Weapon_IDs.WEAPONTYPE_Twin_Edge_B] = "_13412", [Weapon_IDs.WEAPONTYPE_Twin_Edge_R] = "_13413", [Weapon_IDs.WEAPONTYPE_Priest_Sword] = "_13428", [Weapon_IDs.WEAPONTYPE_Katana] = "_1116", [Weapon_IDs.WEAPONTYPE_Bastard_Sword] = "_1154", [Weapon_IDs.WEAPONTYPE_Broad_Sword] = "_1160", [Weapon_IDs.WEAPONTYPE_Violet_Fear] = "_1185", [Weapon_IDs.WEAPONTYPE_Lance] = "_1410", [Weapon_IDs.WEAPONTYPE_Partizan] = "_1457", [Weapon_IDs.WEAPONTYPE_Trident] = "_1460", [Weapon_IDs.WEAPONTYPE_Halberd] = "_1463", [Weapon_IDs.WEAPONTYPE_Crescent_Scythe] = "_1466", [Weapon_IDs.WEAPONTYPE_Zephyrus] = "_1468", [Weapon_IDs.WEAPONTYPE_Hammer] = "_1354", [Weapon_IDs.WEAPONTYPE_Buster] = "_1357", [Weapon_IDs.WEAPONTYPE_Brood_Axe] = "_1363", [Weapon_IDs.WEAPONTYPE_Right_Epsilon] = "_1366", [Weapon_IDs.WEAPONTYPE_Mace] = "_1504", [Weapon_IDs.WEAPONTYPE_Sword_Mace] = "_1516", [Weapon_IDs.WEAPONTYPE_Chain] = "_1519", [Weapon_IDs.WEAPONTYPE_Stunner] = "_1522", [Weapon_IDs.WEAPONTYPE_Golden_Mace] = "_1524", [Weapon_IDs.WEAPONTYPE_Iron_Driver] = "_1529", [Weapon_IDs.WEAPONTYPE_Spanner] = "_1531", [Weapon_IDs.WEAPONTYPE_Arc_Wand] = "_1610", [Weapon_IDs.WEAPONTYPE_Mighty_Staff] = "_1613", [Weapon_IDs.WEAPONTYPE_Blessed_Wand] = "_1614", [Weapon_IDs.WEAPONTYPE_Bone_Wand] = "_1615", [Weapon_IDs.WEAPONTYPE_CrossBow] = "_1710", [Weapon_IDs.WEAPONTYPE_Arbalest] = "_1713", [Weapon_IDs.WEAPONTYPE_Kakkung] = "_1714", [Weapon_IDs.WEAPONTYPE_Hunter_Bow] = "_1718", [Weapon_IDs.WEAPONTYPE_Bow_Of_Rudra] = "_1720", [Weapon_IDs.WEAPONTYPE_Waghnakh] = "_1801", [Weapon_IDs.WEAPONTYPE_Knuckle_Duster] = "_1803", [Weapon_IDs.WEAPONTYPE_Hora] = "_1805", [Weapon_IDs.WEAPONTYPE_Fist] = "_1807", [Weapon_IDs.WEAPONTYPE_Claw] = "_1809", [Weapon_IDs.WEAPONTYPE_Finger] = "_1811", [Weapon_IDs.WEAPONTYPE_Kaiser_Knuckle] = "_1813", [Weapon_IDs.WEAPONTYPE_Berserk] = "_1814", [Weapon_IDs.WEAPONTYPE_Rante] = "_1956", [Weapon_IDs.WEAPONTYPE_Tail] = "_1958", [Weapon_IDs.WEAPONTYPE_Whip] = "_1960", [Weapon_IDs.WEAPONTYPE_Bible] = "_1550", [Weapon_IDs.WEAPONTYPE_Book_Of_Billows] = "_1553", [Weapon_IDs.WEAPONTYPE_Book_Of_Mother_Earth] = "_1554", [Weapon_IDs.WEAPONTYPE_Book_Of_Blazing_Sun] = "_1555", [Weapon_IDs.WEAPONTYPE_Book_Of_Gust_Of_Wind] = "_1556", [Weapon_IDs.WEAPONTYPE_Book_Of_The_Apocalypse] = "_1557", [Weapon_IDs.WEAPONTYPE_Girls_Diary] = "_1558", [Weapon_IDs.WEAPONTYPE_Staff_Of_Soul] = "_1472", [Weapon_IDs.WEAPONTYPE_Wizardy_Staff] = "_1473" } Expansion_Weapon_IDs = { [Weapon_IDs.WEAPONTYPE_Main_Gauche] = Weapon_IDs.WEAPONTYPE_SHORTSWORD, [Weapon_IDs.WEAPONTYPE_Stiletto] = Weapon_IDs.WEAPONTYPE_SHORTSWORD, [Weapon_IDs.WEAPONTYPE_Gladius] = Weapon_IDs.WEAPONTYPE_SHORTSWORD, [Weapon_IDs.WEAPONTYPE_Zeny_Knife] = Weapon_IDs.WEAPONTYPE_SHORTSWORD, [Weapon_IDs.WEAPONTYPE_Poison_Knife] = Weapon_IDs.WEAPONTYPE_SHORTSWORD, [Weapon_IDs.WEAPONTYPE_Princess_Knife] = Weapon_IDs.WEAPONTYPE_SHORTSWORD, [Weapon_IDs.WEAPONTYPE_Sasimi] = Weapon_IDs.WEAPONTYPE_SHORTSWORD, [Weapon_IDs.WEAPONTYPE_Lacma] = Weapon_IDs.WEAPONTYPE_SHORTSWORD, [Weapon_IDs.WEAPONTYPE_Tsurugi] = Weapon_IDs.WEAPONTYPE_SWORD, [Weapon_IDs.WEAPONTYPE_Ring_Pommel_Saber] = Weapon_IDs.WEAPONTYPE_SWORD, [Weapon_IDs.WEAPONTYPE_Haedonggum] = Weapon_IDs.WEAPONTYPE_SWORD, [Weapon_IDs.WEAPONTYPE_Saber] = Weapon_IDs.WEAPONTYPE_SWORD, [Weapon_IDs.WEAPONTYPE_Jewel_Sword] = Weapon_IDs.WEAPONTYPE_SWORD, [Weapon_IDs.WEAPONTYPE_Gaia_Sword] = Weapon_IDs.WEAPONTYPE_SWORD, [Weapon_IDs.WEAPONTYPE_Twin_Edge_B] = Weapon_IDs.WEAPONTYPE_SWORD, [Weapon_IDs.WEAPONTYPE_Twin_Edge_R] = Weapon_IDs.WEAPONTYPE_SWORD, [Weapon_IDs.WEAPONTYPE_Priest_Sword] = Weapon_IDs.WEAPONTYPE_SWORD, [Weapon_IDs.WEAPONTYPE_Katana] = Weapon_IDs.WEAPONTYPE_TWOHANDSWORD, [Weapon_IDs.WEAPONTYPE_Bastard_Sword] = Weapon_IDs.WEAPONTYPE_TWOHANDSWORD, [Weapon_IDs.WEAPONTYPE_Broad_Sword] = Weapon_IDs.WEAPONTYPE_TWOHANDSWORD, [Weapon_IDs.WEAPONTYPE_Violet_Fear] = Weapon_IDs.WEAPONTYPE_TWOHANDSWORD, [Weapon_IDs.WEAPONTYPE_Lance] = Weapon_IDs.WEAPONTYPE_SPEAR, [Weapon_IDs.WEAPONTYPE_Partizan] = Weapon_IDs.WEAPONTYPE_SPEAR, [Weapon_IDs.WEAPONTYPE_Trident] = Weapon_IDs.WEAPONTYPE_SPEAR, [Weapon_IDs.WEAPONTYPE_Halberd] = Weapon_IDs.WEAPONTYPE_SPEAR, [Weapon_IDs.WEAPONTYPE_Crescent_Scythe] = Weapon_IDs.WEAPONTYPE_SPEAR, [Weapon_IDs.WEAPONTYPE_Zephyrus] = Weapon_IDs.WEAPONTYPE_SPEAR, [Weapon_IDs.WEAPONTYPE_Hammer] = Weapon_IDs.WEAPONTYPE_AXE, [Weapon_IDs.WEAPONTYPE_Buster] = Weapon_IDs.WEAPONTYPE_AXE, [Weapon_IDs.WEAPONTYPE_Brood_Axe] = Weapon_IDs.WEAPONTYPE_AXE, [Weapon_IDs.WEAPONTYPE_Right_Epsilon] = Weapon_IDs.WEAPONTYPE_AXE, [Weapon_IDs.WEAPONTYPE_Mace] = Weapon_IDs.WEAPONTYPE_MACE, [Weapon_IDs.WEAPONTYPE_Sword_Mace] = Weapon_IDs.WEAPONTYPE_MACE, [Weapon_IDs.WEAPONTYPE_Chain] = Weapon_IDs.WEAPONTYPE_MACE, [Weapon_IDs.WEAPONTYPE_Stunner] = Weapon_IDs.WEAPONTYPE_MACE, [Weapon_IDs.WEAPONTYPE_Golden_Mace] = Weapon_IDs.WEAPONTYPE_MACE, [Weapon_IDs.WEAPONTYPE_Iron_Driver] = Weapon_IDs.WEAPONTYPE_MACE, [Weapon_IDs.WEAPONTYPE_Spanner] = Weapon_IDs.WEAPONTYPE_MACE, [Weapon_IDs.WEAPONTYPE_Arc_Wand] = Weapon_IDs.WEAPONTYPE_ROD, [Weapon_IDs.WEAPONTYPE_Mighty_Staff] = Weapon_IDs.WEAPONTYPE_ROD, [Weapon_IDs.WEAPONTYPE_Blessed_Wand] = Weapon_IDs.WEAPONTYPE_ROD, [Weapon_IDs.WEAPONTYPE_Bone_Wand] = Weapon_IDs.WEAPONTYPE_ROD, [Weapon_IDs.WEAPONTYPE_CrossBow] = Weapon_IDs.WEAPONTYPE_BOW, [Weapon_IDs.WEAPONTYPE_Arbalest] = Weapon_IDs.WEAPONTYPE_BOW, [Weapon_IDs.WEAPONTYPE_Kakkung] = Weapon_IDs.WEAPONTYPE_BOW, [Weapon_IDs.WEAPONTYPE_Hunter_Bow] = Weapon_IDs.WEAPONTYPE_BOW, [Weapon_IDs.WEAPONTYPE_Bow_Of_Rudra] = Weapon_IDs.WEAPONTYPE_BOW, [Weapon_IDs.WEAPONTYPE_Waghnakh] = Weapon_IDs.WEAPONTYPE_KNUKLE, [Weapon_IDs.WEAPONTYPE_Knuckle_Duster] = Weapon_IDs.WEAPONTYPE_KNUKLE, [Weapon_IDs.WEAPONTYPE_Hora] = Weapon_IDs.WEAPONTYPE_KNUKLE, [Weapon_IDs.WEAPONTYPE_Fist] = Weapon_IDs.WEAPONTYPE_KNUKLE, [Weapon_IDs.WEAPONTYPE_Claw] = Weapon_IDs.WEAPONTYPE_KNUKLE, [Weapon_IDs.WEAPONTYPE_Finger] = Weapon_IDs.WEAPONTYPE_KNUKLE, [Weapon_IDs.WEAPONTYPE_Kaiser_Knuckle] = Weapon_IDs.WEAPONTYPE_KNUKLE, [Weapon_IDs.WEAPONTYPE_Berserk] = Weapon_IDs.WEAPONTYPE_KNUKLE, [Weapon_IDs.WEAPONTYPE_Rante] = Weapon_IDs.WEAPONTYPE_WHIP, [Weapon_IDs.WEAPONTYPE_Tail] = Weapon_IDs.WEAPONTYPE_WHIP, [Weapon_IDs.WEAPONTYPE_Whip] = Weapon_IDs.WEAPONTYPE_WHIP, [Weapon_IDs.WEAPONTYPE_Bible] = Weapon_IDs.WEAPONTYPE_BOOK, [Weapon_IDs.WEAPONTYPE_Book_Of_Billows] = Weapon_IDs.WEAPONTYPE_BOOK, [Weapon_IDs.WEAPONTYPE_Book_Of_Mother_Earth] = Weapon_IDs.WEAPONTYPE_BOOK, [Weapon_IDs.WEAPONTYPE_Book_Of_Blazing_Sun] = Weapon_IDs.WEAPONTYPE_BOOK, [Weapon_IDs.WEAPONTYPE_Book_Of_Gust_Of_Wind] = Weapon_IDs.WEAPONTYPE_BOOK, [Weapon_IDs.WEAPONTYPE_Book_Of_The_Apocalypse] = Weapon_IDs.WEAPONTYPE_BOOK, [Weapon_IDs.WEAPONTYPE_Girls_Diary] = Weapon_IDs.WEAPONTYPE_BOOK, [Weapon_IDs.WEAPONTYPE_Staff_Of_Soul] = Weapon_IDs.WPCLASS_TWOHANDROD, [Weapon_IDs.WEAPONTYPE_Wizardy_Staff] = Weapon_IDs.WPCLASS_TWOHANDROD } WeaponHitWaveNameTable = { [Weapon_IDs.WEAPONTYPE_NONE] = "_hit_mace.wav", [Weapon_IDs.WEAPONTYPE_SHORTSWORD] = "_hit_sword.wav", [Weapon_IDs.WEAPONTYPE_SWORD] = "_hit_sword.wav", [Weapon_IDs.WEAPONTYPE_TWOHANDSWORD] = "_hit_sword.wav", [Weapon_IDs.WEAPONTYPE_SPEAR] = "_hit_spear.wav", [Weapon_IDs.WEAPONTYPE_TWOHANDSPEAR] = "_hit_spear.wav", [Weapon_IDs.WEAPONTYPE_AXE] = "_hit_axe.wav", [Weapon_IDs.WEAPONTYPE_TWOHANDAXE] = "_hit_axe.wav", [Weapon_IDs.WEAPONTYPE_MACE] = "_hit_mace.wav", [Weapon_IDs.WEAPONTYPE_TWOHANDMACE] = "_hit_mace.wav", [Weapon_IDs.WEAPONTYPE_ROD] = "_hit_rod.wav", [Weapon_IDs.WEAPONTYPE_BOW] = "_hit_arrow.wav", [Weapon_IDs.WEAPONTYPE_KNUKLE] = "_hit_mace.wav", [Weapon_IDs.WEAPONTYPE_INSTRUMENT] = "_hit_mace.wav", [Weapon_IDs.WEAPONTYPE_WHIP] = "_hit_mace.wav", [Weapon_IDs.WEAPONTYPE_BOOK] = "_hit_mace.wav", [Weapon_IDs.WEAPONTYPE_CATARRH] = "_hit_mace.wav", [Weapon_IDs.WPCLASS_GUN_HANDGUN] = "_hit_±ÇÃÑ.wav", [Weapon_IDs.WPCLASS_GUN_RIFLE] = "_hit_¶óÀÌÇÃ.wav", [Weapon_IDs.WPCLASS_GUN_GATLING] = "_hit_mace.wav", [Weapon_IDs.WPCLASS_GUN_SHOTGUN] = "_hit_mace.wav", [Weapon_IDs.WPCLASS_GUN_GRANADE] = "_hit_mace.wav", [Weapon_IDs.WPCLASS_SYURIKEN] = "_hit_mace.wav", [Weapon_IDs.WPCLASS_TWOHANDROD] = "_hit_rod.wav", [Weapon_IDs.WEAPONTYPE_SHORTSWORD_SHORTSWORD] = "_hit_mace.wav", [Weapon_IDs.WEAPONTYPE_SWORD_SWORD] = "_hit_mace.wav", [Weapon_IDs.WEAPONTYPE_AXE_AXE] = "_hit_mace.wav", [Weapon_IDs.WEAPONTYPE_SHORTSWORD_SWORD] = "_hit_mace.wav", [Weapon_IDs.WEAPONTYPE_SHORTSWORD_AXE] = "_hit_mace.wav", [Weapon_IDs.WEAPONTYPE_SWORD_AXE] = "_hit_mace.wav" }
  14. Is it possible to set some skills that has cooldown? When a player died after he re-spawn, the said skill will skip the "cooldown thing" and can be used again? For example; Hallucination Walk is used then suddenly the player died. Hallucination Walk has a cooldown of 5 minutes. When he re-spawn, that 5 minutes will be disregarded and hallucination walk can be used again.
  15. oh wow, also applies at item scripts right?
  16. or maybe, does anyone know how to turn off that part (bifrost part) of the quest window interface?
  17. Just a suggestion, can you add a achievement points shop? It sell something in exchange of your achievement points
  18. Where should I edit in src, making a custom emp behave like the original emperium? My plan was to make 4 new emperiums for my custom WoE. Any ideas?
  19. There is an option on mob.conf set it's ai to x200 something. Not sure, there's an option there. Go explore it.
  20. is it possible to set 4 different emps? When agit is on, script will randomly choose what emp will be used for the time being. Only 1 emp per WoE.
  21. Oh I have the same problem. Any fix for this one? Bump.
  22. // Maximum allowed 'level' value that can be sent in unit packets. // Use together with the aura_lv setting to tell when exactly to show the aura. // NOTE: You also need to adjust the client if you want this to work. // NOTE: Default is 99. Values above 127 will probably behave incorrectly. // NOTE: If you don't know what this does, don't change it!!! max_lv: 99 // Level required to display an aura. // NOTE: This assumes that sending max_lv to the client will display the aura. // NOTE: aura_lv must not be less than max_lv. // Example: If max_lv is 99 and aura_lv is 150, characters with level 99~149 // will be sent as being all level 98, and only characters with level // 150 or more will be reported as having level 99 and show an aura. aura_lv: 99 // Units types affected by max_lv and aura_lv settings. (Note 3) // Note: If an unit type, which normally does not show an aura, is // set it will obtain an aura when it meets the level requirement. // Default: 0 (none) client_limit_unit_lv: 99 <-------set it to 99 so you can see others/mobs aura at level 99 maybe this could help.
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