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Mad Walker

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Everything posted by Mad Walker

  1. Uhm a request? Does anyone has this sprite? Uhm a request? Does anyone has this sprite?
  2. Alam ko po kasi sa pc.c and pc.h sila dedeclare... Kaso I'm not sure about sa equip locations, how to declare them guys? dba 2^15 up to 2^20 yung mga susunod na costume equip locations? Thanks in advance!
  3. I mean the source code man. I want to make the costume shield, shoes, accessory and garments... I just don't know where inside pc.h and pc.c
  4. Where should I add the source if I'm going to make an equipment slot? For example the Shield Slot/Garment Slot/Shoes Slot on the costume tab.
  5. the last patch i tried was 17404
  6. well the patch is working for the latest ones. I tried it, no errors
  7. well there is, it's a source mod. Use the search engine
  8. Hi Critica, I already have the codes. The problem is that the codes i have only works on "onequip" not on itemscript.
  9. here: http://rathena.org/board/topic/60188-fakename-show-guildparty/
  10. thanks for the help Skorm. I used your idea though. { atcommand "@fakename [Dragon] "+strcharinfo(0)+" "; }',' {atcommand "@fakename";}'); then I applied a patch that shows guild name and party name.
  11. but fakename takes away the guild's name right?
  12. it didn't work. It says check the syntax.
  13. Item on equip changes name of wearer, for example I equip an Angel Ring(name of the item) then my name is Test. The output will be [Angel]Test. But upon unequipping the item, your name will be back to Test.
  14. I was wondering if I can make it to an Enchant Race just like the orb str + 1 etc...? Because the bonus only works on equip item. But enchanting the item makes it's on equip effect useless. ...this is the code that i used. SP_SETRACE =========================== case SP_SETRACE: if(val < 0 || val > RC_MAX-1) { ShowWarning("pc_bonus: invalid race defined for 'bChangeRace', set to %d.\n", val); } else if(sd->state.lr_flag != 2) { sd->battle_status.race = val; } break; ========================== bChangeRace<tab>2045 bump.
  15. hi xienne15, yep everything you said is updated. After I log in on the server selection screen my screen crashes without any prompt of errors.
  16. Hi Shakto, I was wondering why do I experience auto close when I'm on char selection screen? 2012 06 05 <?xml version="1.0"?> <DiffProfile xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema"> <Name>Last Patches</Name> <Entries> <DiffProfileEntry> <PatchID>2</PatchID> <PatchName>Allow Chat Flood (? lines)</PatchName> <Inputs> <DiffProfileInput> <name>allowChatFlood</name> <value>5</value> </DiffProfileInput> </Inputs> </DiffProfileEntry> <DiffProfileEntry> <PatchID>88</PatchID> <PatchName>Allow space in guild name</PatchName> <Inputs /> </DiffProfileEntry> <DiffProfileEntry> <PatchID>7</PatchID> <PatchName>Change Gravity Error Handler</PatchName> <Inputs /> </DiffProfileEntry> <DiffProfileEntry> <PatchID>52</PatchID> <PatchName>GM Chat Color</PatchName> <Inputs> <DiffProfileInput> <name>gmChatColor</name> <value>FF0000</value> </DiffProfileInput> </Inputs> </DiffProfileEntry> <DiffProfileEntry> <PatchID>8</PatchID> <PatchName>Custom Window Title</PatchName> <Inputs> <DiffProfileInput> <name>customWindowTitle</name> <value>Heroes Trail</value> </DiffProfileInput> </Inputs> </DiffProfileEntry> <DiffProfileEntry> <PatchID>13</PatchID> <PatchName>Disable Ragexe Filename Check</PatchName> <Inputs /> </DiffProfileEntry> <DiffProfileEntry> <PatchID>15</PatchID> <PatchName>Disable HShield</PatchName> <Inputs /> </DiffProfileEntry> <DiffProfileEntry> <PatchID>61</PatchID> <PatchName>Disable Packet Encryption</PatchName> <Inputs /> </DiffProfileEntry> <DiffProfileEntry> <PatchID>68</PatchID> <PatchName>Enable 64k Hairstyle</PatchName> <Inputs /> </DiffProfileEntry> <DiffProfileEntry> <PatchID>77</PatchID> <PatchName>Enable Custom 3D Bones</PatchName> <Inputs /> </DiffProfileEntry> <DiffProfileEntry> <PatchID>90</PatchID> <PatchName>EnableDNSSupport</PatchName> <Inputs /> </DiffProfileEntry> <DiffProfileEntry> <PatchID>49</PatchID> <PatchName>Enable Multiple GRFs</PatchName> <Inputs /> </DiffProfileEntry> <DiffProfileEntry> <PatchID>17</PatchID> <PatchName>Enable Official Custom Fonts</PatchName> <Inputs /> </DiffProfileEntry> <DiffProfileEntry> <PatchID>26</PatchID> <PatchName>Fix Camera Angles (FULL)</PatchName> <Inputs /> </DiffProfileEntry> <DiffProfileEntry> <PatchID>64</PatchID> <PatchName>@ Bug Fix (Recommended)</PatchName> <Inputs /> </DiffProfileEntry> <DiffProfileEntry> <PatchID>74</PatchID> <PatchName>Increase Screenshot Quality</PatchName> <Inputs> <DiffProfileInput> <name>uQuality</name> <value>75</value> </DiffProfileInput> </Inputs> </DiffProfileEntry> <DiffProfileEntry> <PatchID>28</PatchID> <PatchName>Increase Headgear ViewID to 5000</PatchName> <Inputs /> </DiffProfileEntry> <DiffProfileEntry> <PatchID>65</PatchID> <PatchName>Load ItemInfo.lua before lub</PatchName> <Inputs /> </DiffProfileEntry> <DiffProfileEntry> <PatchID>33</PatchID> <PatchName>KOREA ServiceType XML Fix</PatchName> <Inputs /> </DiffProfileEntry> <DiffProfileEntry> <PatchID>86</PatchID> <PatchName>Only First Login Background</PatchName> <Inputs /> </DiffProfileEntry> <DiffProfileEntry> <PatchID>36</PatchID> <PatchName>Read msgstringtable.txt</PatchName> <Inputs /> </DiffProfileEntry> <DiffProfileEntry> <PatchID>37</PatchID> <PatchName>Read questid2display.txt</PatchName> <Inputs /> </DiffProfileEntry> <DiffProfileEntry> <PatchID>38</PatchID> <PatchName>Remove Gravity Ads</PatchName> <Inputs /> </DiffProfileEntry> <DiffProfileEntry> <PatchID>39</PatchID> <PatchName>Remove Gravity Logo</PatchName> <Inputs /> </DiffProfileEntry> <DiffProfileEntry> <PatchID>73</PatchID> <PatchName>Remove Hourly Annonce</PatchName> <Inputs /> </DiffProfileEntry> <DiffProfileEntry> <PatchID>84</PatchID> <PatchName>Remove Serial Display</PatchName> <Inputs /> </DiffProfileEntry> <DiffProfileEntry> <PatchID>50</PatchID> <PatchName>Skip License Screen</PatchName> <Inputs /> </DiffProfileEntry> <DiffProfileEntry> <PatchID>44</PatchID> <PatchName>Translate Client In English</PatchName> <Inputs /> </DiffProfileEntry> <DiffProfileEntry> <PatchID>46</PatchID> <PatchName>Use Normal Guild Brackets</PatchName> <Inputs /> </DiffProfileEntry> <DiffProfileEntry> <PatchID>48</PatchID> <PatchName>Use Plain Text Descriptions</PatchName> <Inputs /> </DiffProfileEntry> <DiffProfileEntry> <PatchID>47</PatchID> <PatchName>Use Ragnarok Icon</PatchName> <Inputs /> </DiffProfileEntry> <DiffProfileEntry> <PatchID>54</PatchID> <PatchName>eXtract MsgStringTable.txt</PatchName> <Inputs /> </DiffProfileEntry> <DiffProfileEntry> <PatchID>62</PatchID> <PatchName>eXtract txt file strings</PatchName> <Inputs /> </DiffProfileEntry> </Entries> </DiffProfile>
  17. { while( isequipped( ) ){ specialeffect2 417; sleep2 3000; } }

  18. Weapon enchanter for any weapon. level 1->10 fighting spirit etc. just like malangdo enchanter
  19. Oh! So my hope flies away. Well anyway thanks for the info Emistry
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