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Everything posted by hendra814

  1. have same issue from 2021 until now
  2. I don't know hot to change it, but you can try use this script at rathena/npc/custom/warper.txt you can edit the value at this point OnInit: .Satan_Morocc = true; // false will enable moc_fild 4,5,6,8,9,10,14,15 while disable moc_fild 20,21,22 Default is true. .OnlyFirstFld = false; // true will teleport to the first level of the Fields Default is false. .OnlyFirstDun = false; // true will teleport to the first level of the Dungeons Default is false.
  3. Try download at this link http://nemo.herc.ws/clients/
  4. use nemo, try with recomended option first.
  5. Ok i will test it and will inform you later. sorry for late reply, already tried at my rathena server and i didn't found issue like yours. can you show to me SS in the game.
  6. at address please fill with IP not url address.
  7. your's ragnarok database not using ragnarok but ragnarok db Change at inter_athena,conf for login_server_db, ip_ban_db, char_server_db, map_server_db, and log_login_db
  8. Thanks for the information, already tried with visual studio 2022 and it's success.
  9. Sorry i got error when compile even already have Windows 10 SDK. But sorry i can't post the error because using it at another laptop. here the error and this my visual studio installed packages. please tell me what i've been missed.
  10. oo i see, mine using 2020-06-03 thanks for the information.
  11. Hi i want to ask, when i change my char into 4th job why it become poring job. is there any spesific configuration to enable 4th job?
  12. Are you already enable VIP funtion? by default it's disable at src\config\core.hpp
  13. May i know what field you remove from the table? because i look into the table it's still empty Done by import cp_itemshop.20080928225124.sql and refresh after that
  14. not working, i got this error using your method
  15. FYI. This error because client can't show map info when player get warp into town or field. to solve it i get information to put file SCDream4.otf and SCDream6.otf into system\font folder (if you don't have it you can copy and rename the file at C:\Windows\Font)
  16. Please update it for another town like iro
  17. Hi Chris, could you help me with my problem at this thread Since you change github repository folder structure from ragnarok into renewal, i can't get enter map server if the map have mini map. I don't know what issue is this, because already try many composition with diff and changes in translation files, but still got the same error. If you know about this error please tell me, thanks before.
  18. Hi all, need help badly, because i don't know what i suppose to do to fix the error. in 2018 client the game work well, but when using 20200401 client when character entering map like prontera, izlude,payon it's show error like this and when try runserver with debug mode, it's show error like this but when i change it into 2018 client to change player with map without mini map, and change into 2020 client again. It's work, So what suppose i do to fix this error, because i already try with any option in nemo about map. It's still show the same error. here the example map when i using 2020 client after change the map with 2018 client.
  19. Using Chris translation files, it's make me can't entering map server still confuse with this client setting. Note: all work normal now, already found the problem.
  20. could you share the link for ||chris|| Traslation Project Ragnarok, and btw i'm use you nemo option But i can't enter the game, always failed after entering password. could you please recheck your nemo option too?
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