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Everything posted by hendra814

  1. can someone share item_cash.yml example always failed when add cash item
  2. Hi, here i want asking about aura is it posible to show aura above level 99, because right now aura just showed when character reach some level here the example i want lvl 99 ~ lvl 149 using aura like this for char level 150 ~ 174 using this aura for char level 175 until 185 using yelow aura and for 185 until 200 using current aura for max level, i think is red aura. and iit it posible just using script or must source edit?
  3. you must edit the script to prevent spam.
  4. Are the NPC windows still open when happen this issue?
  5. enable command @refresh for all users
  6. Please share your issue in game and the script.
  7. Thanks for sharing this, is it ready for 4th job too?
  8. I think this sprite issue, are you using custom items?
  9. Dear @AinsLord For client you can download at this link Clients - Nemo (herc.ws)
  10. you can check at the note
  11. have same issue from 2021 until now
  12. I don't know hot to change it, but you can try use this script at rathena/npc/custom/warper.txt you can edit the value at this point OnInit: .Satan_Morocc = true; // false will enable moc_fild 4,5,6,8,9,10,14,15 while disable moc_fild 20,21,22 Default is true. .OnlyFirstFld = false; // true will teleport to the first level of the Fields Default is false. .OnlyFirstDun = false; // true will teleport to the first level of the Dungeons Default is false.
  13. Try download at this link http://nemo.herc.ws/clients/
  14. use nemo, try with recomended option first.
  15. Ok i will test it and will inform you later. sorry for late reply, already tried at my rathena server and i didn't found issue like yours. can you show to me SS in the game.
  16. at address please fill with IP not url address.
  17. your's ragnarok database not using ragnarok but ragnarok db Change at inter_athena,conf for login_server_db, ip_ban_db, char_server_db, map_server_db, and log_login_db
  18. Thanks for the information, already tried with visual studio 2022 and it's success.
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