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Everything posted by kalabasa

  1. ah i probably did not read carefuly heh wil try that also on my some other time thank you also!
  2. yes i got already existing GM account but when i logged it in its rejected from the server Ah got it now. its working fine now thanks for saving my butt again ?
  3. its not working. i can still make a character on a GM account its working but when i enter the GM character it would reject me from the server
  4. The Source is not working anymore can someone waste their time to update it? ? thanks!
  5. can you please update the codes to the latest git/pull
  6. when you die or re enter the goldroom the cooldown will start right away
  7. yea i forgot credits thanks working fine
  8. oh! sorry for the misunderstood this is a event script
  9. Currently the script can only set one custom point i would like to know how to set/add more OnInit: // 1 = item reward // 2 = variable/cashpoints reward // If you want to set item and variable/cashpoints rewards, do 1|2. // If you only want 1, just choose between 1 or 2 $event_options = 1|2; setarray $event_item_reward, 501, 10, 502, 5; $event_var$ = "#EVENTVARIABLE"; $event_var_name$ = "Custom Points"; $event_var_gain = 1; $event_item_arr = getarraysize($event_item_reward); if ( $event_options&1 ) { for ( .@j = 0; .@j < $event_item_arr; .@j += 2 ) getitem $event_item_reward[.@j], $event_item_reward[.@j+1]; } if ( $event_options&2 ) { setd $event_var$, getd($event_var$)+$event_var_gain; dispbottom "You gained "+$event_var_gain+" "+$event_var_name$+". You now have "+getd($event_var$)+" "+$event_var_name$+".";
  10. if i issued the @joinevent command if no event is running the character would not walk and i got this warning on may mapserver. bat npc_scriptcont: failed npc_checknear test. any fix?
  11. i did try this one i remove the type ==2 it does work consume the fragment but when reflected back to the caster the damage missess but i want to be the damage would miss and it could bypass it at the same time //Spirit of Wizard blocks Kaite's reflection if( type == 2 && tsc && tsc->data[SC_SPIRIT] && tsc->data[SC_SPIRIT]->val2 == SL_WIZARD )
  12. buildin_callfunc: function not found! [goldmain]
  13. wassup! can someone know where to insert this codes for goldroom case 1: mes "[ ^C6A518Gold Room Assistant^000000 ]"; mes "Sorry to disturb you,but I need to"; mes "check if you're a bot."; mes "Please type the correct captcha:"; mes "FEE: ^FF0000"+ F_InsertComma(.zeny) +" Zeny^000000"; for (.@i = 0; .@i < .strLen; ++.@i) .@str$ += charat(.charSet$, rand(0, getstrlen(.charSet$))); mes "Captcha: ^C6A518"+ .@str$ +"^000000"; next; input .@txt$; if (.@txt$ != .@str$) { mes "You have not inputted Correct."; mes "Captcha"; next; atcommand "@kick "+ strcharinfo(0); end; } if (Zeny < .zeny) { mes "Sorry, but you can't enter the room."; close; } Zeny -= .zeny; warp "ordeal_1-2",151,154; end; OnInit: .charSet$ = "0123456789abcdefghijkmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ"; .strLen = 4; // Sets how many characters for the generated confirmation code. .zeny = 200000; // Entrance FEE for the room end; im currently using this goldroom https://github.com/deadlybrothers/script/blob/master/goldroom.txt thank you!!
  14. on the checking part if(countitem(995) >= 25 || countitem(749) >= 10 || countitem(7066) >= 50 || countitem(969) >= 10 and delitem part im using this one how come this got more requirements yes i manually added additional requirements but still throwing error is there any problem on my emulator? another update: i even clone another rA file clean up and create a new database still the same error occurs
  15. Good day rathena ive been adding some quest requirements on my quest script for example i have already existing ones if(countitem(995) < 25 || countitem(749) < 10 || countitem(7066) < 50 || countitem(969) < 10) and i would add another if(countitem(995) < 25 || countitem(749) < 10 || countitem(7066) < 50 || countitem(969) < 10) || countitem(4195) < 10) it gives me error script addword: invalid word. im scratching my head right now why it gives me error ? any idea?
  16. lastly how to include also woe time?
  17. how do i add more im using this on my custom bindcmd if(getmapflag(strcharinfo(3),mf_gvg )) { thanks!
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