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Everything posted by Snow

  1. Holy Lord i just don't know what to say.... *_*
  2. nice work, thank you for sharing this
  3. alright, thank you for the fast response @ll :>
  4. hay emistry. yeah i tried this as well (like you mentioned in the pm) but this only checking for equipped rentals, not for quest related in the inventory (in my current case, it's a quest to exchange Sunglasses[1] to another slotted mid. I use getequipexpiretick in the item signer, but as i said it won't work for this :/ Most confusing is, like i said, the script in the 1st post worked already.. till the restart. edit: thank you QQfoolsorellina, it works now again
  5. i tried this, but the script still continues instead of closing
  6. I added this to make the npc check for rental items, and it all worked as intended. getinventorylist; if (@inventorylist_expire[0]) { mes "You have rental items in your inventory. Please come back with non rental ones."; close; } But after the server restart, it doesn't work anymore o_o No error at start up or anything. The Script is just going on now, instead of closing.. First i thought it's because of some src files, but no changes to them. Tested different stuff for more than 4 hours now.. Anyone knowing a reason for this?
  7. you mean, making a dungeon instead of a instance?
  8. Well i tested it with Dark Bash (5808) for 10 seconds, but when i log out the counter didn't go on. (I waited for like 2 minutes and it didn't disappear). After i clicked the npc to give it again, Both Bash's disappeard after 10 seconds. May i have an old version?
  9. <3 i loved it, even when it was only a short time lol
  10. Does it also work with the first flux? Or only with rathena flux? Amazing release btw and thank you for sharing *_*
  11. the screens are included to the file. just download it and use browedit to look at them
  12. Yeah on a server I worked before, I used the Yggdrasil Village as a Dungeon :> (thanks to Souyji again)
  13. File Name: Denny's Map Pack File Submitter: Ridley File Submitted: 17 Jul 2012 File Category: Maps & Textures Content Author: Denny Full Credit's to Denny who made these maps, I'm just sharing them (of course with her permission) :> This Map Pack Contains: Glastheim Restored Uncursed Glastheim. All textures are cleaned, light maps edited, models changed. The Map comes with: - 10 Indoor maps - text file with all the warps for the indoors. - BGM that I felt will be a proper for the map Glastheim Winter Add-on Simple textures edit. You will still need the restored version first. Geffenia Restored Geffenia (or part of it anyway). The server where it was used had three races living there thus the map appears as if divided between elves and fiaries. Map comes with: - Indoor map. - text file with all the warps for the indoors. - BGM that I felt will be proper for the map. - Couple of NPCs - Mini Map Yggdrasill Tree Village A village situated at the Yggdrasill Tree`s roots. It is supposed to go with Geffenia. The Map comes with: - Mini Map Heidelberg Village situated south of Glastheim. It is meant to go with the Glastheim map. It is rather huge for a village actually. Map comes with: - Mini Map New Prontera A redesigned Prontera and I don`t mean retextured. This map is not meant to be placed over the old Prontera map. Sadly I lost the warp fixes so you have to adjust the warps on your own. Map comes with: - BGM that I felt will be proper for the map. - Mini Map Izlude Fair Izlude map redesigned for a fair. You know, like in Chrono Trigger only not as cool and awesome.Map comes with: Simple Arena Map Well if you want a simple medieval arena with like thrones for the royalties for whatever reasons, feel free to use this one. Map comes with: - BGM that I felt it will be proper for the map Shroom Underground Village A village for a race or people who live under ground. Base used for this was the cave map. Map comes with: - BGM that I felt it will be proper for the map. - Mini Map Click here to download this file You can also find the files on http://insanesoft.org
  14. Version 1.0


    Full Credit's to Denny who made these maps, I'm just sharing them (of course with her permission) :> This Map Pack Contains: Glastheim Restored Uncursed Glastheim. All textures are cleaned, light maps edited, models changed. The Map comes with: - 10 Indoor maps - text file with all the warps for the indoors. - BGM that I felt will be a proper for the map Glastheim Winter Add-on Simple textures edit. You will still need the restored version first. Geffenia Restored Geffenia (or part of it anyway). The server where it was used had three races living there thus the map appears as if divided between elves and fiaries. Map comes with: - Indoor map. - text file with all the warps for the indoors. - BGM that I felt will be proper for the map. - Couple of NPCs - Mini Map Yggdrasill Tree Village A village situated at the Yggdrasill Tree`s roots. It is supposed to go with Geffenia. The Map comes with: - Mini Map Heidelberg Village situated south of Glastheim. It is meant to go with the Glastheim map. It is rather huge for a village actually. Map comes with: - Mini Map New Prontera A redesigned Prontera and I don`t mean retextured. This map is not meant to be placed over the old Prontera map. Sadly I lost the warp fixes so you have to adjust the warps on your own. Map comes with: - BGM that I felt will be proper for the map. - Mini Map Izlude Fair Izlude map redesigned for a fair. You know, like in Chrono Trigger only not as cool and awesome.Map comes with: Simple Arena Map Well if you want a simple medieval arena with like thrones for the royalties for whatever reasons, feel free to use this one. Map comes with: - BGM that I felt it will be proper for the map Shroom Underground Village A village for a race or people who live under ground. Base used for this was the cave map. Map comes with: - BGM that I felt it will be proper for the map. - Mini Map
  15. okay next try was: renamed the files and added them to our grf --> if you use @sound "wavname" it doesn't play the sound (also it doesn't crash like usually if you insert a wrong sound name) any idea?
  16. okay now it's a little bit off topic but: i want to use them in my script with soundeffectall. I'm using Notepad++, Code is ANSI and I can't insert the korean names there. If I change the Code (for example to UTF-8) I can insert the names, but it doesn't read the script. Already tried to convert the names with unbollox but it still doesn't work, anyone know a solution? (and would be nice if a mod could move this thread in a fitting section now) x-x
  17. Also habs gerade mit unbollox probiert, was auch nicht funktioniert hat. Von daher wird mir nichts anderes übrig bleiben als die files umzunennen und der grf hinzuzufügen...
  18. Ich konnte dazu jetzt nichts finden und hoffe jemand von euch weiß wie das geht. Also folgendes, ich möchte in einem script soundeffectall benutzen. Allerdings bezieht es sich auf eine .wav Datei mit koreanischen Buchstaben. Ich benutze Notepad++ mit rAthena.xml Copy/Paste ergeben nur ??????.wav Wenn ich die Kodierung ändere (z.B. UTF-8) kann ich die zeichen zwar einfügen und sogar abspeichern, allerdings wird das script nicht mehr gelesen. Hat mir von euch jemand nen Rat wie das funktioniert?
  19. Naja, ich persönlich würde dir ja Syouji empfehlen, ich arbeite jetzt seit nem 3/4 Jahr mit ihm zusammen und ich muss sagen er hats wirklich drauf. Da wir beide gerade an nem größeren Projekt arbeiten, weiß ich allerdings nicht ob er Zeit hat. Wenn du willst kann ich ihn für dich fragen oder du versuchst es einfach selbst.
  20. Thank you, I will try this
  21. have you removed/disable the line in the config?
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