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Everything posted by Snow

  1. or you take your gm accont to look on it ingame xD
  2. what patcher do you use? http://rathena.org/wiki/Category:Patchers
  3. File Name: New Main Chat system without source File Submitter: Snow File Submitted: 11 Feb 2013 File Category: Utilities Content Author: StaR-o Since I personally prefer rAmods #main chat system instead of the @main chat system, we tried a simple script to emulate this. Players can whisper to npc:main (instead of #main) and use it as normal. GMs can message two commands (as of now, more could be added) .ban (charname) mutes target character's account from #main indefinitely .unban (charname) removes ban. System is turned off by sending "off" to npc:main. Send any other (non-command) message or "on" to activate. Suggest any other commands if you have them Click here to download this file
  4. Hi Snow, Thank you for the mirror. I love it, it's incredibly fast! I'll post this on the first thread. thank you and have a nice day! only the best for something good like this *-* edit: you made a mistake in the link in your first post :x
  5. okay here's the mirror http://star-o.net/miruku/ please do not rehost without permission
  6. Thank you Winz if you want I could make a 1 file mirror and host it for you. I would love to support you in this.
  7. der npc soll überprüfen ob das item ein rental item ist? if (getequipexpiretick(@slot)) { mes "Gib mir ein Item das dir gehört, kein geliehenes."; emotion e_sry; close; }
  8. dass es auch so geht wusst ich gar nicht, auch ich danke für die info *_*
  9. dazu musst du die map duplizieren und dann im mapcache hochladen. jedoch ist es nicht damit getan die map einfach umzunennen (geht meistens schief) 1. Du Entpackst die grf und nimmst die map die du duplizieren willst, nennen wir es hier mal "map01" 2. Du öffnest die map in browedit, machst einfach nur save as --> und gibst einen anderen namen ein, z.b "map02" 3. Der rest ist wie das normale hinzufügen einer map. Du erstellst einen patch mit dem mapfiles und fügst sie deinem server hinzu, editierst die conf und db dateien (guides hierzu findest du zu genüge) und ggf editierst du auch den mp3nametable.txt und mapnametable.txt wie gesagt, nicht vergessen die map auch dem mapcache hinzuzufügen.
  10. Bin mir nicht ganz sicher, aber hab auch was im Hinterkopf dass Harmony custom gm sprites blockt?
  11. Ehrlich gesagt verstehe ich das problem nicht so ganz. Alles was er möchte kann er in dem Script editieren, ist sogar beschrieben wie. Und wie er es gewünscht hat, ist es ein eAthena script. Das mit dem SQL hab ich eher so verstanden, dass er einen SQL server benutzt (und keinen txt server) und nicht dass das script auf die sql db zugreift. Sollte er das haben wollen, wäre eine genauere Beschreibung der gewünschten Funktion durchaus sinnvoll
  12. ist zwar ein altes script, erfüllt seinen zweck aber noch immer //===== eAthena Script ======================================= //= The 2nd Bank of Prontera ( with daily 0.01% income! ) //===== By: ================================================== //= Lupus (1.0) //===== Current Version: ===================================== //= 1.3 //===== Compatible With: ===================================== //= eAthena 1.x //===== Description: ========================================= //= A bank which has an interest % //===== Additional Comments: ================================= // Look for this formula and setup your Bank daily % interest // #kafrabank/1000 = 0.1% of interest per day // #kafrabank/100 = 1% of interest per day // #kafrabank/10 = 10% of interest per day // // 1.1 Added log of bank operation -> logmes "some info"; // 1.2 Set max income to 100,000z. It would help to avoid // zeny exploits when you change DATE at your server // 1.2a Corrected bad duplicate names. (bugreport:921) [samuray22] // 1.3 Added 1b Safety Net so you can't withdraw more than you can hold [Pelellyr] //============================================================ prontera,111,190,1 script Bank Clerk::bankg 833,{ mes"[Maniss]"; mes strcharinfo(0)+", Welcome to the Central Bank of RareRO!"; set @kb_int,(gettime(6)*31)+gettime(5); //today's number set @income,0; //calculate % if (#kafrabank<=0 || #kb_int>=@kb_int) goto L_NoIncomeToday; set @income,(#kafrabank/1000)*(@kb_int-#kb_int); //@income == % of the sum //max income constant: if (@income>100000) set @income,100000; L_NoIncomeToday: set #kb_int,@kb_int; //reset days timer if(#kafrabank==0) mes "We could open you an account."; if(@income>0) mes "Today's income: ^135445" + @income + "^000000 zeny."; set #kafrabank,#kafrabank+@income; if(#kafrabank>0) mes "Your account: ^135445" + #kafrabank + "^000000 zeny."; mes "What would you like?"; next; if(#kafrabank==0) menu "-Open an account",-,"-Quit",B_EXIT2; if(#kafrabank>0) menu "-Deposit money",-,"-Withdraw money",M_WITHDRAW,"-Quit",B_EXIT2; mes"[Maniss]"; mes "Please, tell me how much zeny you would like to deposit."; next; input @kafrabank; if(@kafrabank<1000) goto L_LESS_1000; if(@kafrabank>10000000) goto L_TOO_BIG_AMOUNT; if(@kafrabank>zeny) goto L_NOT_ENOUGH; set zeny,zeny-@kafrabank; set #kafrabank,#kafrabank+@kafrabank; mes"[Maniss]"; mes "You've made a deposit of ^135445" + @kafrabank + "z^000000."; //we log these zeny operations into the log db logmes "Bank %: " + @income +"z, Deposit: "+ @kafrabank +"z, Final: "+ #kafrabank +"z"; goto B_EXIT; M_WITHDRAW: if(#kafrabank==0) goto L_ZERO_ACCOUNT; mes"[Maniss]"; mes "Your account: ^135445" + #kafrabank + "^000000 zeny."; mes "How much zeny would you like to withdraw?"; next; input @kafrabank; if(@kafrabank<1) goto B_EXIT2; if(@kafrabank>10000000) goto L_TOO_BIG_AMOUNT; if(@kafrabank>1000000000-zeny) goto L_2MUCH; if(@kafrabank>#kafrabank) goto L_NOT_ENOUGH; set #kafrabank,#kafrabank-@kafrabank; set zeny,zeny+@kafrabank; mes"[Maniss]"; mes "Here is your ^135445" + @kafrabank + "z^000000, put your sign here..."; //we log these zeny operations into the log db logmes "Bank %: " + @income +"z, Withdraw: "+ @kafrabank +"z, Final: "+ #kafrabank +"z"; goto B_EXIT; L_NOT_ENOUGH: mes"[Maniss]"; mes "You don't have enough zeny for this operation."; next; goto B_EXIT2; L_ZERO_ACCOUNT: mes"[Maniss]"; mes "You don't have any zeny on your account!"; next; goto B_EXIT2; L_TOO_BIG_AMOUNT: mes"[Maniss]"; mes "Sorry. The maximum deposit you can make on a time is 10,000,000 zeny."; next; goto B_EXIT2; L_LESS_1000: mes"[Maniss]"; mes "We're sorry, the minimum amount of zeny you can deposit is 1,000 zeny."; next; goto B_EXIT2; L_2MUCH: mes"[Maniss]"; mes "We're sorry, but you can only hold 1,000,000,000 zeny and if you withdraw that much you'll be over the limit."; next; goto B_EXIT2; B_EXIT: mes "Very well... Come again soon!"; next; B_EXIT2: mes"[Maniss]"; mes "Thank you for using our Bank Service. We hope to see you again soon."; close; } bank.txt
  13. Snow

    Mapflag NPC

    As far as I know some of the @mapflags doesn't work may this helps you - script mf -1,{ OnWhisperGlobal: set .@name$,"[^0000FFMap Flag Manager^000000]"; if(getgmlevel() >= 50) { mes .@name$; mes "I can ^00FF00activate^000000 or ^FF0000deactivate^000000 Map Flags on any map."; mes "[^FF0000NOTE: Do not use this system on special maps such as PVP, GvP, BG, or Towns.^000000]"; set .@act1,select("Activate Map Flag:Deactivate Map Flag"); next; mes .@name$; mes "Please enter the desired ^0000FFMap^000000"; input(.@map$); next; mes "Please select Map Flag"; set .@act2,select("No Memo:No Teleport:No Save:No Branch:PvP:PvP No Party:PvP No Guild:GvG:GvG No Party:No Trade:No Skill:No Warp:Party Lock:No Ice Wall:Indoors:No Go:No Base EXP Gain:No Job EXP Gain:No EXP Penalty:No Mob Loot:No MvP Loot:No Return:No Warp To:No Nightmare Drop:No Command:No Drop:No Vending:No Chat:Guild Lock") - 1; close2; setarray .@mf_name[0],mf_nomemo,mf_noteleport,mf_nosave,mf_nobranch,mf_pvp,mf_pvp_noparty,mf_pvp_noguild,mf_gvg,mf_gvg_noparty,mf_notrade,mf_noskill,mf_nowarp,mf_partylock,mf_noicewall,mf_indoors,mf_nogo,mf_nobaseexp,mf_nojobexp,mf_noexppenalty,mf_nomobloot,mf_nomvploot,mf_noreturn,mf_nowarpto,mf_nonightmaredrop,mf_nocommand,mf_nodrop,mf_novending,mf_nochat,mf_guildlock; if(.@act2 == 3) { switch(.@act1) { case 1: setmapflag .@map$,.@mf_name[.@act2],"SavePoint"; break; case 2: removemapflag .@map$,.@mf_name[.@act2]; break; } } else { switch(.@act1) { case 1: setmapflag .@map$,.@mf_name[.@act2]; break; case 2: removemapflag .@map$,.@mf_name[.@act2]; break; } } dispbottom "Command sent."; } else { message strcharinfo(0),"Access Denied: You are not authorized to use this system."; } end; }
  14. this guide brings me one step closer to my goal to surpass you and Souyji 8D
  15. Snow

    Script Help

    alright i took a look on it again, you wrote the if condition with the { and }, which is wrong if you use labels. So remove them and try it like this: if (condition) goto yesWin; else if (condition) goto noWin; else goto draw;
  16. Snow

    Script Help

    or this? mes "[ ^336699Warper^000000 ]"; mes "Ok, stopping now"; close2; if (condition) { goto yesWin; end; } else if (condition) { goto noWin; end; } else { goto draw; end; }
  17. File Name: Zombie Mode (inspired by Call of Duty 4) File Submitter: Snow File Submitted: 11 Jan 2013 File Category: Games, Events, Quests Content Author: Snow Menu for GM to enable/disable the Game. On default the script runs on pvp_n_1-4 Contains a Readme, the script itself and a mp3 as bgm. ~5 players required to start the event ~1 player is randomly choosed to be the first zombie ~Every player, killed by a Zombie, will also become a zombie ~1 round = 5 minutes, mapanouncements about time remaining and humans alive ~Some skills are forbidden (see the readme) ~Zombie's receiving special buffs (lasting for 10 seconds, rebuff all 10 seconds --> to avoid abusing) Who will win? Zombie's or Humans? Prepare your weapons for the final day! No prizes are set yet, i leave this to you Have fun and enjoy this Note: No need to add the .mp3 to you mp3nametable, it plays automatically when the events starts If you want to change it, search for the bgmall command Note2: You may need to adjust the zones of item_noequip and skill_nocast! Buffs: How to Install: 1. Copy the script in your server folder 2. Copy the lines in the readme to the related .db files 3. Get 3 players to start the fun Click here to download this file
  18. Version 1.2 Alpha


    Menu for GM to enable/disable the Game. On default the script runs on pvp_n_1-4 Contains a Readme, the script itself and a mp3 as bgm. ~5 players required to start the event ~1 player is randomly choosed to be the first zombie ~Every player, killed by a Zombie, will also become a zombie ~1 round = 5 minutes, mapanouncements about time remaining and humans alive ~Some skills are forbidden (see the readme) ~Zombie's receiving special buffs (lasting for 10 seconds, rebuff all 10 seconds --> to avoid abusing) Who will win? Zombie's or Humans? Prepare your weapons for the final day! No prizes are set yet, i leave this to you Have fun and enjoy this Note: No need to add the .mp3 to you mp3nametable, it plays automatically when the events starts If you want to change it, search for the bgmall command Note2: You may need to adjust the zones of item_noequip and skill_nocast! Buffs: How to Install: 1. Copy the script in your server folder 2. Copy the lines in the readme to the related .db files 3. Get 3 players to start the fun
  19. Try to diff you .exe to display aura above lvl 99
  20. Snow

    snow effect

    well only solution right now i know, is to disable the whole effects
  21. i dunno which system you use. try .color <number> (for example .color 29) to @main
  22. because you two are so pro and syouji (my pro mentor in everything) is in lack of time xD
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