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Everything posted by klesler

  1. I'm trying to run your super stylist NPC in my rAthena server, but when I select "open dress room", it crashes. Can you please tell me how to make it work? What I need to download/set up? Best, Gabriel.
  2. Just a fix for the nightmare room, in case you guys noticed that it is not working. Replace the entire case 1 for this: case 1: .@m = select(implode(.MapList$,":")) - 1; .@executa = 1; if( .MapMode[.@m]&2 ){ mes "Voce esta prestes a entrar na arena PESADELO, se morrer voce vai perder uma parte aleatoria de seu equipamento."; if(select("Desistir:Continuar") != 2) .@executa = 0; } else if(.MapMode[.@m]&8 && (countitem(607) || countitem(608))){ mes "Nao sao permitidos "+getitemname(607)+" ou "+getitemname(608)+"."; .@executa = 0; } else if(.MapMode[.@m]&16){ mes "Nao e permitido ser terceira Classe."; .@executa = 0; } else if(.MapMode[.@m]&32){ mes "Nao e permitido ser Trans Classe."; .@executa = 0; } else if(getmapusers(.MapName$[.@m]) >= .MaxPlayers){ mes "Sala Cheia."; .@executa = 0; } if (.@executa == 1) { announce "[ Teleportador PvP ] "+strcharinfo(0)+" entrou na sala "+((.MapMode[.@m]&1)?"GvG":"PvP")+".",0,((.MapMode[.@m]&1)?0x00CC99:0xEE0000); warp .MapName$[.@m],0,0; } else { close; } } close; Mine is translated into portuguese, but you guys can just re-translate it into english. Best, Gabriel.
  3. Solved for me, it was a problem on #define MAX_EVENTQUEUE Just go to map.h and change it to 10 or something higher than 5 (default) EX: #define MAX_EVENTQUEUE 20 Best.
  4. Working for me, but it is missing .bmp files for maze and 1@zombie. Where can I get it?
  5. Hi there! I really want to use this script in my server: But it seems that the entire code is using a old instance system evidence: Can some one please help me fix the code to work in the new instance system? Best.
  6. Find the problem. It seems the code is using a old instance system, can some one help us out with the new instance system?
  7. Same error here: script error on npc/MVPTower2/MVPTower2_Main.txt line 10 parse_simpleexpr: unmatched ')' line 10 Any clue?
  8. My news dont get saved. Any clue? (edit: nvm, I just forgot to add the SQL table) Best.
  9. OBS: sorry for the bad english. You are a god, thank you so much. I was like, doing everything from zero until today, and BANG, a newbie kit. But, since I have reached out here without the newbie kit, can you give me a tip? I already compiled everything, created the mysql database, and followed every step of this guide: https://rathena.org/board/topic/104452-tutorial-how-to-create-ragnarok-offline-2015-client/ But when I try to open my client-side-patched-by-nemo.exe, I got this: Any clue of what can it be? (if I just tilt out trying to finish what I've already started, I'll delete everything and use your kit, but I really want to understand why is it happening to me in the final stage, and also, I want to make a online ragnarok private server, so I dont know if I can still use your kit). Best,
  10. heeeeeey mister! I'm kind of newbie on these stuffs yet, trying to make my first kro server. Buuuut, I'm getting a weird error when I try to open my client: I'm using 2015-11-04aRagexe as clientside in kRO_FullClient_20170122 Any clue on what is going on? (sorry for the bad english) Best,
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