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Everything posted by klesler

  1. Hi @Zycron, it is version 1.0.3 I just removed the old versions, so if you download now it will be the latest. playerspec_en.txt for english version playerspec.txt for portuguese version Best Gabriel.
  2. Thanks Pajo! Does this needs an enable_command; ? Or when the player is detached it naturally re-enables it ? I'll upload a new version using it.
  3. View File Player Build Inspection How it works? Talk with the NPC Input the player nick you want to spy Choose if you want to add more coins to the spy auction The victim player receives the deal. If he pays the price, he wont get stalked, if not, you get a list with all his current equipments and statuses. Submitter klesler Submitted 04/30/2018 Category Utilities Video Content Author Gabriel Barberini (klesler)  
  4. Hmmm, @pajodex Seems interesting, but maybe wont cover all the scenarios of what I'm trying to do, if you are interested: Anyway I'll try to solve all my scenarios with checkidle(); Thanks buddy! ? Best, Gabriel.
  5. Thank you for the quick answer guys! @AnnieRuru, @pajodex I was using .@ before, but then I tried to use @ (thinking it was a global variable) to solve a problem. I mean, I started a timer with initnpctimer; inside an event called proceed, then I stop this timer on the next event (N_paying) or if the timer reach 15000 (15 seconds) e.g: Proceed: initnpctimer; goto N_paying; end; N_paying: stopnpctimer; end; OnTimer15000: stopnpctimer; attachrid( @PlayerSpecID ); mes "The player is AFK or has disconnected..."; close2; attachrid( getcharid(3,@PlayerSpecInputName$) ); close; end; But the attachrid (.@PlayerSpecID ); and attachrid( getcharid(3,.@PlayerSpecInputName$) ); inside OnTimer15000: was not working, the console was telling me that the player was not attached, then I changed from .@ to @ in order to solve that (I thought it was a scope thing), but it didn't work too HAhaha! If you know how to overcome that too, I would really appreciate it! ? Thanks! Gabriel.
  6. Version 1.0.3


    How it works? Talk with the NPC Input the player nick you want to spy Choose if you want to add more coins to the spy auction The victim player receives the deal. If he pays the price, he wont get stalked, if not, you get a list with all his current equipments and statuses.
  7. Hi rAthena! I'm trying to compare an input with rid2name(getcharid(3)) E.g input @PlayerSpecInputName$; set .@ownName$,( rid2name(getcharid(3)) ); if( @PlayerSpecInputName$ == .@ownName$ ) { mes "You cant use your own name"; close; But the logic is only working if the player input his own name exactly how it is written (case-sensitive), ex: If a player nick is 'XxXExAmPLE' and he inputs 'xxxexample', my if ( @PlayerSpecInputName$ == .@ownName$ ) wont work properly. Does anybody know how to overcome that ? Thanks in advance! ? Best, Gabriel.
  8. Still ? ? I tried and it seems the same yet.
  9. I tested it with some changes: .@m = select(implode(.@MapList$,":")) - 1; if(.MapMode[.@m]&2){ mes "You are about to enter NIGHTMARE PvP, on death you will lose gear randomly."; if(select("Nevermind:Continue") == 2) { if(.MaxPlayers[.@m] && getmapusers(.MapName$[.@m]) >= .MaxPlayers[.@m]){ mes "Room is Full."; close; } else if(.MapMode[.@m]&8 && (countitem(607) || countitem(608))){ mes "No "+getitemname(607)+" or "+getitemname(608)+" Allowed."; close; } else if(.MapMode[.@m]&16){ mes "No 3rd Classes Allowed."; close; } else if(.MapMode[.@m]&32){ mes "No Trans Classes Allowed."; close; } else { warp .MapName$[.@m],0,0; announce "[ PvP Warper ] "+strcharinfo(0)+" has entered in "+((.MapMode[.@m]&1)?"GvG":"PvP")+" Room",0,((.MapMode[.@m]&1)?0x00CC99:0xEE0000); } } else { close; } } } end; And it worked well, maybe it just need some refactoring, but I'll let this part with you The problem was indeed caused by the close; right after your if () { Best, Gabriel.
  10. case 1: .@m = select(implode(.MapList$,":")) - 1; .@executa = 1; if( .MapMode[.@m]&2 ){ mes "You are about to enter NIGHTMARE PvP, on death you will lose gear randomly."; if(select("Nevermind:Continue") != 2) .@executa = 0; } if(getmapusers(.MapName$[.@m]) >= .MaxPlayers[.@m]){ mes "Sala Cheia."; .@executa = 0; } else if(.MapMode[.@m]&8 && (countitem(607) || countitem(608))){ mes "No "+getitemname(607)+" or "+getitemname(608)+" allowed."; .@executa = 0; } else if(.MapMode[.@m]&16){ mes "No 3rd Classes Allowed."; .@executa = 0; } else if(.MapMode[.@m]&32){ mes "No Trans Classes Allowed."; .@executa = 0; } if (.@executa == 1) { warp .MapName$[.@m],0,0; announce "[ PvP Warper ] " + strcharinfo(0)+" has entered in "+((.MapMode[.@m]&1)?"GvG":"PvP")+" "+((.MapMode[.@m]&2)?"Nightmare":" "),0,((.MapMode[.@m]&1)?0x00CC99:0xEE0000); } else { close; } } I think the close; right after the if() is causing the issue, I solved it a long time ago by just separating it in a case. Let me re-write the bug report, since I struggled to express myself the previous post: 1 - The nightmare room is not working as intended, even if I choose to enter, I'm not getting teleported 2 - It seems that the banner/chat which appears above the NPC is not being updated with the number of players inside the rooms Best, Gabriel.
  11. Sorry it was my typo, The nightmare room is also not working, I mean, even if I choose to enter it does nothing.
  12. I think the problem is this "close;" if(select("Nevermind:Continue") == 1) close;
  13. Stolao, it seems that the number of players in the pvp room is not being updated.
  14. So if (!.var) means 'if var is empty' ? If I want it to be true if not empty, should i only use : if (.var) Or should I use if (!(!.var)) ? I was afraid that !.var would only check if .var exists, not validate its value.
  15. I'm calling it "platinum skills" but actually it is just normal skills which Doram players from my server are not able to get. I fixed it by adding this on Switch (BaseClass) { case Job_Summoner: skill "SU_HISS",1,SKILL_PERM; skill "SU_POWEROFFLOCK",1,SKILL_PERM; skill "SU_SVG_SPIRIT",1,SKILL_PERM; skill "SU_SPIRITOFLIFE",1,SKILL_PERM; skill "SU_CHATTERING",1,SKILL_PERM; skill "SU_MEOWMEOW",1,SKILL_PERM; skill "SU_NYANGGRASS",1,SKILL_PERM; skill "SU_SPIRITOFLAND",1,SKILL_PERM; skill "SU_SPIRITOFSEA",1,SKILL_PERM; skill "SU_SHRIMPARTY",1,SKILL_PERM; skill "SU_PURRING",1,SKILL_PERM; skill "SU_GROOMING",1,SKILL_PERM; break; But some skills still not saving Best, Gabriel
  16. Hi Rathena, I was looking into F_GetPlatinumSkills function in other/Global_Functions.txt and I could not find any case for Job_Summoner ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Gives attached player their Platinum Skill based on their class. ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function script F_GetPlatinumSkills { skill "NV_FIRSTAID",1,SKILL_PERM; switch (BaseClass) { case Job_Novice: if (Class != Job_Super_Novice) skill "NV_TRICKDEAD",1,SKILL_PERM; break; case Job_Swordman: skill "SM_MOVINGRECOVERY",1,SKILL_PERM; skill "SM_FATALBLOW",1,SKILL_PERM; skill "SM_AUTOBERSERK",1,SKILL_PERM; break; case Job_Mage: skill "MG_ENERGYCOAT",1,SKILL_PERM; break; case Job_Archer: skill "AC_MAKINGARROW",1,SKILL_PERM; skill "AC_CHARGEARROW",1,SKILL_PERM; break; case Job_Acolyte: skill "AL_HOLYLIGHT",1,SKILL_PERM; break; case Job_Merchant: skill "MC_CARTREVOLUTION",1,SKILL_PERM; skill "MC_CHANGECART",1,SKILL_PERM; skill "MC_LOUD",1,SKILL_PERM; if(PACKETVER >= 20150826) skill "MC_CARTDECORATE",1,SKILL_PERM; break; case Job_Thief: skill "TF_SPRINKLESAND",1,SKILL_PERM; skill "TF_BACKSLIDING",1,SKILL_PERM; skill "TF_PICKSTONE",1,SKILL_PERM; skill "TF_THROWSTONE",1,SKILL_PERM; break; default: break; } switch (BaseJob) { case Job_Knight: skill "KN_CHARGEATK",1,SKILL_PERM; break; case Job_Priest: skill "PR_REDEMPTIO",1,SKILL_PERM; break; case Job_Wizard: skill "WZ_SIGHTBLASTER",1,SKILL_PERM; break; case Job_Blacksmith: skill "BS_UNFAIRLYTRICK",1,SKILL_PERM; skill "BS_GREED",1,SKILL_PERM; break; case Job_Hunter: skill "HT_PHANTASMIC",1,SKILL_PERM; break; case Job_Assassin: skill "AS_SONICACCEL",1,SKILL_PERM; skill "AS_VENOMKNIFE",1,SKILL_PERM; break; case Job_Crusader: skill "CR_SHRINK",1,SKILL_PERM; break; case Job_Monk: skill "MO_KITRANSLATION",1,SKILL_PERM; skill "MO_BALKYOUNG",1,SKILL_PERM; break; case Job_Sage: skill "SA_CREATECON",1,SKILL_PERM; skill "SA_ELEMENTWATER",1,SKILL_PERM; skill "SA_ELEMENTGROUND",1,SKILL_PERM; skill "SA_ELEMENTFIRE",1,SKILL_PERM; skill "SA_ELEMENTWIND",1,SKILL_PERM; break; case Job_Rogue: skill "RG_CLOSECONFINE",1,SKILL_PERM; break; case Job_Alchemist: skill "AM_BIOETHICS",1,SKILL_PERM; break; case Job_Bard: skill "BA_PANGVOICE",1,SKILL_PERM; break; case Job_Dancer: skill "DC_WINKCHARM",1,SKILL_PERM; break; default: break; } return; } Does anybody knows if there is already a solution to overcome that ? OBS: If not it is ok, I'll make the changes myself and post it back here, but I would adore to not spend time on reinventing the wheel hahah Best, Gabriel.
  17. Nice! Thanks Cyro, then I probably dont need to run it... Since I downloaded rAthena last week my server is probably already with the updated sql.
  18. Hi guys, Sorry for bothering, I could not find any topic related to it, can some one please tell for what item_db.txt is used on rAthena ? Also, can I use zackdreaver version bellow ? (I think it is translated to english) https://github.com/zackdreaver/Athena-itemDB Best,
  19. Can some one please help me ? What is the proposal of these scripts (attached) ? I'm kind of newbie in rAthena, and I could not find any related topic.
  20. Also, one more problem: PvP room is not updating the number of players inside. If some one enters the room, it stills 0/maxplayers. Any clue on what can be happening? ((.MaxPlayers[.@i])?"["+getmapusers(.MapName$[.@i])+"/"+.MaxPlayers[.@i]+"]":""); //===== Dont Touch - Menu & Mapflag Generation ============= for(.@i = 0; .@i < getarraysize(.MapName$); .@i++){ .MapList$[.@i] = "["+ ((.MapMode[.@i]&2)?"^EE3333Pesadelo ":"") + ((.MapMode[.@i]&4)?"Party ":"") + ((.MapMode[.@i]&1)?"GvG":"PvP") +"^000000] "+ ((.MapMode[.@i] >= 8)?"Sem ":"") + ((.MapMode[.@i]&8)?"Ygg ":"") + ((.MapMode[.@i]&16)?"3rds ":"") + ((.MapMode[.@i]&32)?"Trans ":"") + ((.MapMode[.@i]&64)?.MapName$[.@i]:"") + ((.MaxPlayers[.@i])?"["+getmapusers(.MapName$[.@i])+"/"+.MaxPlayers[.@i]+"]":""); for ( .@f = 0; .@f < .@size; .@f++ ) setmapflag .MapName$[.@i], .mapflag[.@f]; if(.MapMode[.@i]&4) setmapflag .MapName$[.@i], mf_partylock; if(.MapMode[.@i]&2) setmapflag .MapName$[.@i], MF_NIGHTMAREDROP; if(.MapMode[.@i]&1){ setmapflag .MapName$[.@i], MF_GUILDLOCK; setmapflag .MapName$[.@i], MF_GVG; } else{ setmapflag .MapName$[.@i], MF_PVP_NOGUILD; setmapflag .MapName$[.@i], MF_PVP; } if(!.MapMode[.@i]&4){ if(.MapMode[.@i]&1) setmapflag .MapName$[.@i], MF_GVG_NOPARTY; else setmapflag .MapName$[.@i], MF_NOPARTY; } } Best, Gabriel.
  21. case 1: .@m = select(implode(.MapList$,":")) - 1; .@executa = 1; if( .MapMode[.@m]&2 ){ mes "You are about to enter NIGHTMARE PvP, on death you will lose gear randomly."; if(select("Nevermind:Continue") != 2) .@executa = 0; } if(getmapusers(.MapName$[.@m]) >= .MaxPlayers[.@m]){ mes "Sala Cheia."; .@executa = 0; } else if(.MapMode[.@m]&8 && (countitem(607) || countitem(608))){ mes "No "+getitemname(607)+" or "+getitemname(608)+" allowed."; .@executa = 0; } else if(.MapMode[.@m]&16){ mes "No 3rd Classes Allowed."; .@executa = 0; } else if(.MapMode[.@m]&32){ mes "No Trans Classes Allowed."; .@executa = 0; } if (.@executa == 1) { warp .MapName$[.@m],0,0; announce "[ PvP Warper ] " + strcharinfo(0)+" has entered in "+((.MapMode[.@m]&1)?"GvG":"PvP")+" "+((.MapMode[.@m]&2)?"Nightmare":" "),0,((.MapMode[.@m]&1)?0x00CC99:0xEE0000); } else { close; } } Sorry. I made a mistake in the last code, try this above. Already translated for you.
  22. Hello rAthena fellows. I was trying to use mail system on 2015-11-02aRagexe, but it seems that it is not compatible anymore with this patch version. So I tried to use RODEX and it seems that it is not compatible too. Can anyone give a light here about this? They disabled both systems so we cant use mail features anymore? Why??? Best, Gabriel.
  23. Is it possible to run client-side with a 2016-12-28aRagexeRE.exe ? Because I'm getting this message when login: "Please check tota character numbers" "(RequirePage 87557 / RequestePage 3)" Also this on my server log: "Rejected from server" [Info]: clif_parse: Disconnecting session #3 with unknown packet version (p:0x086d,l:19). Best, Gabriel.
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