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Everything posted by Quesooo

  1. good day please help me how to fix this we already tried opensetup already try all settings but still getting this black screen
  2. i was using this maps where can i get bmp files and bgm files of this maps?? thank you so much
  3. wait let me find my echant npc for that
  4. where did you get extended vending version?
  5. this is working but 1 problem only we see when the item is on character equipment its also exchange for energy debris how to make it on inventory item only
  6. trunk > npc > re > quests > eden you can check all script there to check all your problem
  7. this is great thank you so much +100%
  8. this is not working just getting the item then nothing to be exchange for
  9. nothing thank you ma friend i already finish the npc for what i wanted to be ./no1
  10. btw is it complete on the end script?
  11. i like this i will finish this thank you
  12. yeah something like that example on the script the npc have list of weapons inside it > dagger / stelleto / katar / axe / staff / bow / etc. and then when you talk to npc the npc will said i can trade different weapon to jellopy what weapon would you like to be exchange for?> then after choosing the weapon in the list the weapon choosen will gone and it becomes jellopy
  13. @Aureon the script working properly and do as my plan but when player is died he/she can spin continuously must be not and cannot be spin
  14. good day can i request a npc that can exchange several weapons to 1 item only for example a katar can be exchange for 1 jellopy in random amount a dagger that can exchange for jellopy in random amount etc. etc. i think this is more different than master euphy or emistry exchange npc all items listen at the npc can be exchange only in 1 item in random amount thank you
  15. oh i think i sa it at line 264 and 265 please close this topic i think i already see the answer
  16. good day i want to ask where do i put the script that enable the npc make a cooldown before talking the quest again where do i place it ? if possible please tell me what the codes is i want to put 1 hr cooldown on this script //===== rAthena Script ======================================= //= tr0n's Questboard //===== By: ================================================== //= tr0n //===== Current Version: ===================================== //= 1.4.4 //===== Compatible With: ===================================== //= rAthena Project //===== Description: ========================================= //= Easily add collection and hunting quests. //===== Additional Comments: ================================= // 1.0.0 Release // 1.1.0 Added zeny reward // 1.2.0 Rewrote checkmob and killcounter // 1.3.1 Added level restriction // 1.3.4 Added Reward Item Amount // 1.4.4 Added Quest delay //============================================================ prt_in,72,104,2 script Begginer Board 1-20#prt 837,{ if(c_run==1){ mes "[^FF7700Questboard^000000]"; mes "^0000FF"+getd("." + currentquest$ + "_collectionname$")+"^000000"; mes "--------------------------------"; for( set .@j, 0; .@j < getarraysize(getd("."+ currentquest$ + "_collectionitem")); set .@j,.@j+2) { mes "^FF0000"+getitemname(getd("."+currentquest$+"_collectionitem["+.@j+"]"))+" - "+countitem(getd("."+currentquest$+"_collectionitem["+.@j+"]"))+"/"+getd("."+currentquest$+"_collectionitem["+(.@j+1)+"]")+" ea.^000000"; } mes "--------------------------------"; mes "[Reward]"; mes "Item: ^0000FF"+((getd("." +currentquest$+"_collectionprize"))?getitemname(getd("." +currentquest$+"_collectionprize"))+" - "+getd("." +currentquest$+"_collectionamount")+" ea.^000000":"Nothing^000000"); mes "Zeny: ^0000FF"+getd("." +currentquest$+"_collectionzeny")+"^000000"; mes "Base EXP: ^0000FF"+getd("." +currentquest$+"_collectionexp["+0+"]")+"^000000"; mes "Job EXP: ^0000FF"+getd("." +currentquest$+"_collectionexp["+1+"]")+"^000000"; next; if(select("Finish:Abort") == 2){ mes "[^FF7700Questboard^000000]"; mes "Quest aborted."; set currentquest$, ""; set c_run, 0; close; } goto L_checkitems; } if(h_run==1){ mes "[^FF7700Questboard^000000]"; mes "^0000FF"+getd("." + currentquest$ + "_huntingname$")+"^000000"; mes "--------------------------------"; for( set .@j, 0; .@j < getarraysize(getd("."+ currentquest$ + "_huntingmob")); set .@j,.@j+2) { set .@currentmob, getd("."+currentquest$+"_huntingmob["+(.@j)+"]"); mes "^FF0000"+strmobinfo(1,getd("."+currentquest$+"_huntingmob["+.@j+"]"))+" - "+getd(currentquest$+"_"+.@currentmob+"_"+(.@j+1)+"_killcount")+"/"+getd("."+currentquest$+"_huntingmob["+(.@j+1)+"]")+" ea.^000000"; } mes "--------------------------------"; mes "[Reward]"; mes "Item: ^0000FF"+((getd("." +currentquest$+"_huntingprize"))?getitemname(getd("." +currentquest$+"_huntingprize"))+" - "+getd("." +currentquest$+"_huntingamount")+" ea.^000000":"Nothing^000000"); mes "Zeny: ^0000FF"+getd("." +currentquest$+"_huntingzeny")+"^000000"; mes "Base EXP: ^0000FF"+getd("." +currentquest$+"_huntingexp["+0+"]")+"^000000"; mes "Job EXP: ^0000FF"+getd("." +currentquest$+"_huntingexp["+1+"]")+"^000000"; next; if(select("Finish:Abort") == 2){ mes "[^FF7700Questboard^000000]"; mes "Quest aborted."; for(set .@x, 1; .@x < getarraysize(getd("."+currentquest$+"_huntingmob")); set .@x,.@x+2){ set .@currentmob, getd("."+currentquest$+"_huntingmob["+(.@x-1)+"]"); setd(currentquest$+"_"+.@currentmob+"_"+.@x+"_killcount", 0); } set currentquest$, ""; set h_run, 0; close; } goto L_checkmobs; } L_questmenu: mes "[^FF7700Questboard^000000]"; mes "Select category:"; next; switch(select((.collection)?"Collection Quests":"", (.hunting)?"Hunting Quests":"", "Exit")) { case 1: set .@collectmenu$, ""; for( set .@i,0; .@i < .collectionquestcount; set .@i,.@i+1) { if (.@i) set .@collectmenu$,.@collectmenu$+":"; set .@collectmenu$, .@collectmenu$ + "[" + getd("." +(.@i+1)+"_collectionmin") + " - " + getd("." +(.@i+1)+"_collectionmax") + "] " + getd("." + (.@i+1) + "_collectionname$"); } set .@selection,select(.@collectmenu$); if(gettimetick(2) < getd(.@selection + "_collection_delay")){ set .@time_left, getd(.@selection + "_collection_delay")-gettimetick(2); mes "[^FF7700Questboard^000000]"; if(.@time_left < 60) mes "You have to wait ^0000FF"+.@time_left+" seconds^000000 to do this quest again."; if(.@time_left < 3600) mes "You have to wait ^0000FF"+.@time_left/60+" minutes^000000 to do this quest again."; mes "You have to wait ^0000FF"+.@time_left/60/60+" hours^000000 to do this quest again."; close; } mes "[^FF7700Questboard^000000]"; mes "^0000FF"+getd("." + .@selection + "_collectionname$")+"^000000"; mes "--------------------------------"; for( set .@j, 0; .@j < getarraysize(getd("."+ .@selection + "_collectionitem")); set .@j,.@j+2) { mes "^FF0000"+getitemname(getd("."+.@selection+"_collectionitem["+.@j+"]"))+" - "+getd("."+.@selection+"_collectionitem["+(.@j+1)+"]")+" ea.^000000"; } mes "--------------------------------"; mes "[Reward]"; mes "Item: ^0000FF"+((getd("." +.@selection+"_collectionprize"))?getitemname(getd("." +.@selection+"_collectionprize"))+" - "+getd("." +.@selection+"_collectionamount")+" ea.^000000":"Nothing^000000"); mes "Zeny: ^0000FF"+getd("." +.@selection+"_collectionzeny")+"^000000"; mes "Base EXP: ^0000FF"+getd("." +.@selection+"_collectionexp["+0+"]")+"^000000"; mes "Job EXP: ^0000FF"+getd("." +.@selection+"_collectionexp["+1+"]")+"^000000"; next; if(select("Accept:Decline") == 2){ close; } if(BaseLevel >= getd("." +.@selection+"_collectionmin") && BaseLevel <= getd("." +.@selection+"_collectionmax")) { mes "[^FF7700Questboard^000000]"; mes "Quest accepted."; set c_run, 1; set currentquest$, .@selection; close; } else { mes "[^FF7700Questboard^000000]"; mes "You don't have the required"; mes "level to do this quest."; close; } case 2: set .@huntmenu$, ""; for( set .@i,0; .@i < .huntingquestcount; set .@i,.@i+1) { if (.@i) set .@huntmenu$,.@huntmenu$+":"; set .@huntmenu$, .@huntmenu$ + "[" + getd("." +(.@i+1)+"_huntingmin") + " - " + getd("." +(.@i+1)+"_huntingmax") + "] " + getd("." + (.@i+1) + "_huntingname$"); } set .@selection,select(.@huntmenu$); if(gettimetick(2) < getd(.@selection + "_hunting_delay")){ set .@time_left, getd(.@selection + "_hunting_delay")-gettimetick(2); mes "[^FF7700Questboard^000000]"; if(.@time_left < 60) mes "You have to wait ^0000FF"+.@time_left+" seconds^000000 to do this quest again."; if(.@time_left < 3600) mes "You have to wait ^0000FF"+.@time_left/60+" minutes^000000 to do this quest again."; mes "You have to wait ^0000FF"+.@time_left/60/60+" hours^000000 to do this quest again."; close; } mes "[^FF7700Questboard^000000]"; mes "^0000FF"+getd("." + .@selection + "_huntingname$")+"^000000"; mes "--------------------------------"; for( set .@j, 0; .@j < getarraysize(getd("."+ .@selection + "_huntingmob")); set .@j,.@j+2) { mes "^FF0000"+strmobinfo(1,getd("."+.@selection+"_huntingmob["+.@j+"]"))+" - "+getd("."+.@selection+"_huntingmob["+(.@j+1)+"]")+" ea.^000000"; } mes "--------------------------------"; mes "[Reward]"; mes "Item: ^0000FF"+((getd("." +.@selection+"_huntingprize"))?getitemname(getd("." +.@selection+"_huntingprize"))+" - "+getd("." +.@selection+"_huntingamount")+" ea.^000000":"Nothing^000000"); mes "Zeny: ^0000FF"+getd("." +.@selection+"_huntingzeny")+"^000000"; mes "Base EXP: ^0000FF"+getd("." +.@selection+"_huntingexp["+0+"]")+"^000000"; mes "Job EXP: ^0000FF"+getd("." +.@selection+"_huntingexp["+1+"]")+"^000000"; next; if(select("Accept:Decline") == 2){ close; } if(BaseLevel >= getd("." +.@selection+"_huntingmin") && BaseLevel <= getd("." +.@selection+"_huntingmax")) { mes "[^FF7700Questboard^000000]"; mes "Quest accepted."; set h_run, 1; set currentquest$, .@selection; close; } else { mes "[^FF7700Questboard^000000]"; mes "You don't have the required"; mes "level to do this quest."; close; } case 3: close; } L_checkitems: for( set .@k,0; .@k < getarraysize(getd("."+currentquest$+"_collectionitem")); set .@k,.@k+2) { if(countitem(getd("."+currentquest$+"_collectionitem["+.@k+"]"))>=getd("."+currentquest$+"_collectionitem["+(.@k+1)+"]")){ set .@checkitem,.@checkitem+2; } } if(.@checkitem<getarraysize(getd("."+currentquest$+"_collectionitem"))){ mes "[^FF7700Questboard^000000]"; mes "You don't have everything."; close; } for( set .@delcount,0; .@delcount < getarraysize(getd("."+currentquest$+"_collectionitem")); set .@delcount,.@delcount+2) { delitem getd("."+currentquest$+"_collectionitem["+.@delcount+"]"),getd("."+currentquest$+"_collectionitem["+(.@delcount+1)+"]"); } mes "[^FF7700Questboard^000000]"; mes "Congratulation! Here is your Reward."; if(getd("." +currentquest$+"_collectionprize")!=0) getitem(getd("." +currentquest$+"_collectionprize"),getd("." +currentquest$+"_collectionamount")); set Zeny,Zeny+getd("." +currentquest$+"_collectionzeny"); getexp getd("." +currentquest$+"_collectionexp["+0+"]"),getd("." +currentquest$+"_collectionexp["+1+"]"); setd(currentquest$ + "_collection_delay"),gettimetick(2)+.quest_delay; set currentquest$, ""; set c_run, 0; close; L_checkmobs: set .@goal, (getarraysize(getd("."+currentquest$+"_huntingmob"))/2); for(set .@i, 1; .@i < getarraysize(getd("."+currentquest$+"_huntingmob")); set .@i,.@i+2){ set .@currentmob, getd("."+currentquest$+"_huntingmob["+(.@i-1)+"]"); if(getd(currentquest$+"_"+.@currentmob+"_"+.@i+"_killcount")==getd("."+currentquest$+"_huntingmob["+.@i+"]")){ set .@checkmonster, .@checkmonster+1; if(.@checkmonster==.@goal){ goto L_checkmobs2; } continue; } goto L_checkmobs2; } L_checkmobs2: if(.@checkmonster<.@goal){ mes "[^FF7700Questboard^000000]"; mes "You didn't kill everything."; close; } mes "[^FF7700Questboard^000000]"; mes "Congratulation! Here is your Reward."; for(set .@x, 1; .@x < getarraysize(getd("."+currentquest$+"_huntingmob")); set .@x,.@x+2){ set .@currentmob, getd("."+currentquest$+"_huntingmob["+(.@x-1)+"]"); setd(currentquest$+"_"+.@currentmob+"_"+.@x+"_killcount", 0); } if(getd("." +currentquest$+"_huntingprize")!=0) getitem(getd("." +currentquest$+"_huntingprize"),getd("." +currentquest$+"_huntingamount")); set Zeny, Zeny+getd("." +currentquest$+"_huntingzeny"); getexp getd("." +currentquest$+"_huntingexp["+0+"]"),getd("." +currentquest$+"_huntingexp["+1+"]"); setd(currentquest$ + "_hunting_delay"),gettimetick(2)+.quest_delay; set currentquest$, ""; set h_run, 0; close; OnNPCKillEvent: if(h_run!=1) end; for(set .@i, 1; .@i < getarraysize(getd("."+currentquest$+"_huntingmob")); set .@i,.@i+2){ if(killedrid==getd("."+currentquest$+"_huntingmob["+(.@i-1)+"]")){ set .@currentmob, getd("."+currentquest$+"_huntingmob["+(.@i-1)+"]"); if(getd(currentquest$+"_"+.@currentmob+"_"+.@i+"_killcount")>=getd("."+currentquest$+"_huntingmob["+.@i+"]")) end; setd(currentquest$+"_"+.@currentmob+"_"+.@i+"_killcount", getd(currentquest$+"_"+.@currentmob+"_"+.@i+"_killcount")+1); dispbottom getd("."+currentquest$+"_huntingname$")+": ["+strmobinfo(1,.@currentmob)+"] ("+ getd(currentquest$+"_"+.@currentmob+"_"+.@i+"_killcount")+"/"+getd("."+currentquest$+"_huntingmob["+.@i+"]")+")"; end; } continue; } end; OnInit: function AddCollection; function AddHunting; //Activate/Deactive quest categories here set .collection, 0; set .hunting, 1; //Quest Delay (seconds) //24 hours = 86400 seconds set .quest_delay, 0; //Checks if quests are loaded (prevents out of index) if(.questsloaded==1) end; set .questsloaded, 1; //Add Collection Quests here //AddCollection("<Quest Name>",<Min Lvl>,<Max Lvl>,<Reward|Item ID>,<Reward|Item Amount>,<Zeny Reward>,<Base EXP>,<Job EXP>,<Item ID>,<Item Amount>,...); //Add Hunting Quests here //AddHunting("<Quest Name>",<Min Lvl>,<Max Lvl>,<Reward|Item ID>,<Reward|Item Amount>,<Zeny Reward>,<Base EXP>,<Job EXP>,<Monster ID>,<Monster Amount>,...); AddHunting("Missing Monster",1,20,7720,7,300,88000,86500,1010,10); AddHunting("Come Again",1,20,7720,7,500,87000,89675,1014,12); AddHunting("The Force",1,20,7720,7,700,813050,815000,1025,10); AddHunting("Force",1,20,7720,7,1000,812000,813900,1063,15); AddHunting("Ambermite",1,20,7720,7,5000,813050,815675,1094,15); end; function AddCollection { set .collectionquestcount,.collectionquestcount+1; setd ("." +.collectionquestcount+"_collectionname$", getarg(0)); setd ("." +.collectionquestcount+"_collectionmin", getarg(1)); setd ("." +.collectionquestcount+"_collectionmax", getarg(2)); setd ("." +.collectionquestcount+"_collectionprize", getarg(3)); setd ("." +.collectionquestcount+"_collectionamount", getarg(4)); setd ("." +.collectionquestcount+"_collectionzeny", getarg(5)); set .@argcount, 6; set .@size, getarraysize(getd("."+ .collectionquestcount + "_collectionexp")); setd ("." +.collectionquestcount+"_collectionexp["+.@size+"]",getarg(.@argcount)); setd ("." +.collectionquestcount+"_collectionexp["+(.@size+1)+"]",getarg(.@argcount+1)); set .@argcount, .@argcount+2; while(getarg(.@argcount,-1)!=-1 && getarg(.@argcount+1,-1)!=-1) { set .@size, getarraysize(getd("."+ .collectionquestcount + "_collectionitem")); setd ("."+.collectionquestcount+"_collectionitem["+.@size+"]",getarg(.@argcount)); setd ("."+.collectionquestcount+"_collectionitem["+(.@size+1)+"]",getarg(.@argcount+1)); set .@argcount,.@argcount+2; } return; } function AddHunting { set .huntingquestcount,.huntingquestcount+1; setd ("." +.huntingquestcount+"_huntingname$", getarg(0)); setd ("." +.huntingquestcount+"_huntingmin", getarg(1)); setd ("." +.huntingquestcount+"_huntingmax", getarg(2)); setd ("." +.huntingquestcount+"_huntingprize", getarg(3)); setd ("." +.huntingquestcount+"_huntingamount", getarg(4)); setd ("." +.huntingquestcount+"_huntingzeny", getarg(5)); set .@size, getarraysize(getd("."+ .huntingquestcount + "_huntingexp")); set .@argcount, 6; setd ("." +.huntingquestcount+"_huntingexp["+.@size+"]",getarg(.@argcount)); setd ("." +.huntingquestcount+"_huntingexp["+(.@size+1)+"]",getarg(.@argcount+1)); set .@argcount, .@argcount+2; while(getarg(.@argcount,-1)!=-1 && getarg(.@argcount+1,-1)!=-1) { set .@size, getarraysize(getd("."+ .huntingquestcount + "_huntingmob")); setd ("."+.huntingquestcount+"_huntingmob["+.@size+"]",getarg(.@argcount)); setd ("."+.huntingquestcount+"_huntingmob["+(.@size+1)+"]",getarg(.@argcount+1)); set .@argcount, .@argcount+2; } return; } } prontera mapflag loadevent credits to owner of this script
  17. there is no script for this you need to modify it if you like both temporal non sloted and sloted to be enchanted or just sloted temporal
  18. hi good day where can i add nuke or kill player if she/he get a 3x slot failed? also a special effect that he/she explode? thank you this is the script prontera,163,161,4 script SlotMachine 563,{ if( getgmlevel() == 99 ) { mes "Welcome Administrator.","What would you like to do?"; menu "Play Game",-,"Change Slot Machine Mode",iMode; next; } switch( getd(".mode"+strnpcinfo(3)+"") ){ case 0: // Single Slot machine mode. mes "Do you want to play a game?"; if( !.payment ) { mes "It costs: "+ .ssm_payment_message$[0] +" to play."; } else if ( .payment == 1 ) { mes "It costs: "+ .ssm_payment_message$[1] +" to play."; } else if ( .payment == 2 ) { mes "It costs: "+ .ssm_payment_message$[0] +" & "+ .payment_message$[1] +" to play."; } if( select("YES:NO") == 2 || Zeny < .ssm_payment[0] && ( !.payment || .payment == 2 ) || countitem(.ssm_payment[1]) < .ssm_payment[2] && .payment ){ close; } while( @menu == 1 ){ if (.EventON == 0) {mes "Slot Machine already finished"; cutin "",255; end;} if( !.payment || .payment == 2 ) { Zeny -= .ssm_payment[0]; } if( .payment ) { delitem( .ssm_payment[1], .ssm_payment[2] ); } if( .soundeffects ) { soundeffect "slot_jackpot.wav",0; } .@a = rand(1,100); if( .@a < atoi(.ssm_animate$[0]) ){ .@a = 1; } else { .@a = 2; } .@b = 1; while( .@b < atoi(.ssm_animate$[.@a]) ) { cutin .ssm_animate$[3] + .@b,4; sleep2 ( ( atoi(.ssm_animate$[4]) * 1000 ) / atoi(.ssm_animate$[.@a]) ); .@b++; } if( .@a == 1 ){ cutin .ssm_animate$[3] + atoi(.ssm_animate$[.@a]),4; dispbottom "Failed"; } else { cutin .ssm_animate$[3] + atoi(.ssm_animate$[.@a]),4; switch(rand(5)) { case 0: getitem 603,5; specialeffect2 10; break; case 1: getitem 617,5; specialeffect2 10; break; case 2: getitem 644,5; specialeffect2 10; break; case 3: getitem 616,1; specialeffect2 10; break; case 4: getitem 7776,2; specialeffect2 10; break; case 5: getitem 18571,1; specialeffect2 10; break; } } if( select("Another Round:I'm done") == 2 || Zeny < .ssm_payment[0] && ( !.payment || .payment == 2 ) || countitem(.ssm_payment[1]) < .ssm_payment[2] && .payment ){ cutin "",255; close; } } end; case 1: // Triple Slot machine mode. mes "Do you want to play a game?"; if( !.payment ) { mes "It costs: "+ .tsm_payment_message$[0] +" to play."; } else if ( .payment == 1 ) { mes "It costs: "+ .tsm_payment_message$[1] +" to play."; } else if ( .payment == 2 ) { mes "It costs: "+ .tsm_payment_message$[0] +" & "+ .tsm_payment_message$[1] +" to play."; } if( select("YES:NO") == 2 || Zeny < .tsm_payment[0] && ( !.payment || .payment == 2 ) || countitem(.tsm_payment[1]) < .tsm_payment[2] && .payment ){ close; } while( @menu == 1 ){ if (.EventON == 0) {mes "Slot Machine already finished"; cutin "",255; end;} if( !.payment || .payment == 2 ) { Zeny -= .tsm_payment[0]; } if( .payment ) { delitem( .tsm_payment[1], .tsm_payment[2] ); } if( .soundeffects ) { soundeffect "slot_jackpot.wav",0; } // Slot 1 = 100% Chance for success. (Because I didn't make a fail animation for it. .@2 = rand(1,100); //Rolls dice for Slot 2 .@3 = rand(1,100); //Rolls dice for Slot 3 if( .@2 <= atoi(.tsm_animate$[0]) && .@3 <= atoi(.tsm_animate$[1]) ){ .@a = 8; } else if( .@2 <= atoi(.tsm_animate$[0]) && .@3 > atoi(.tsm_animate$[1]) ){ .@a = 6; } else if( .@2 > atoi(.tsm_animate$[0]) && .@3 <= atoi(.tsm_animate$[1]) ){ .@a = 4; } else { .@a = 2; } .@b = 1; while( .@b < atoi(.tsm_animate$[.@a+1]) ) { cutin .tsm_animate$[.@a] + .@b,4; sleep2 ( ( atoi(.tsm_animate$[10]) * 1000 ) / atoi(.tsm_animate$[.@a+1]) ); .@b++; } cutin .tsm_animate$[.@a] + atoi(.tsm_animate$[.@a+1]),4; if( .@a == 2 ){ switch(rand(5)) { case 0: getitem 603,5; specialeffect2 10; break; case 1: getitem 617,5; specialeffect2 10; break; case 2: getitem 644,5; specialeffect2 10; break; case 3: getitem 616,1; specialeffect2 10; break; case 4: getitem 7776,2; specialeffect2 10; break; case 5: getitem 18571,1; specialeffect2 10; break; } } else { dispbottom "Failed"; } if( select("Another Round:I'm done") == 2 || Zeny < .tsm_payment[0] && ( !.payment || .payment == 2 ) || countitem(.tsm_payment[1]) < .tsm_payment[2] && .payment ){ cutin "",255; close; } } end; } OnSingleSlot: setd ".mode"+strnpcinfo(3)+"",0; end; OnTripleSlot: setd ".mode"+strnpcinfo(3)+"",1; end; iMode: next; mes "Which did you want to do?"; menu "Change THIS machine's mode:Change ALL machine's mode",-; if( @menu == 1 ) { next; mes "What mode would you like this machine to have?"; menu "Single Slot Machine Mode:Triple Slot Machine Mode",-; if( @menu == 1 ) { setd ".mode"+strnpcinfo(3)+"",0; } else { setd ".mode"+strnpcinfo(3)+"",1; } close; } else { next; mes "What mode would you like to change all slot machines to?"; menu "Single Slot Machine Mode:Triple Slot Machine Mode",-; if( @menu == 1 ) { donpcevent "::OnSingleSlot"; } else { donpcevent "::OnTripleSlot"; } close; } OnClock0000: OnClock1000: OnClock1600: announce "Mysterious Slot Machine will begin at prontera 163 161 in 1 minute.", bc_all; sleep 60000; announce "Slot machine event has begun at prontera 163 161", bc_all; set .EventON,1; hideoffnpc strnpcinfo(3); sleep 225000; announce "Mysterious Slot Machine event is over thank you for playing", bc_all; set .EventON,0; hideonnpc strnpcinfo(3); end; OnInit: hideonnpc strnpcinfo(3); //[ 0 = Single Slot Machine Mode ]_[ 1 = Triple Slot Machine Mode ] setd ".mode"+strnpcinfo(3)+"",1; //[0] = Fail Rate //[1] = Fail (Do not change) //[2] = Success (Do not change) //[3] = File Name (Do not change) //[4] = Animation Time (Do not change, for best results :D) setarray .ssm_animate$[0],"30","29","33","slot_","3"; //[0] = Fail Rate "Slot 2" //[1] = Fail Rate "Slot 3" //[2] = SSS (Do not change) //[3] = SSS_Count (Do not change) //[4] = SSF (Do not change) //[5] = SSF_Count (Do not change) //[6] = SFS (Do not change) //[7] = SFS_Count (Do not change) //[8] = SFF (Do not change) //[9] = SFF_Count (Do not change) //[10] = Animation Time (Do not change, for best results :D) setarray .tsm_animate$[0],"30","30","SSS_","41","SSF_","37","SFS_","41","SFF_","45","3"; // Payment Settings // Payment Type // 0 = Zeny, 1 = Item, 2 = Zeny&Item .payment = 1; // [0] = Zeny, [1] = Item ID, [2] = Item Amount; setarray .ssm_payment[0],100000,7720,3; // Single Slot Machine Payment Price setarray .tsm_payment[0],100000,7720,3; // Triple Slot Machine Payment Price // DO NOT CHANGE BELOW // Payment Text Syntax setarray .ssm_payment_message$[0],""+ .ssm_payment[0] +" zeny",""+ getitemname(.ssm_payment[1]) +" x"+ .ssm_payment[2] +""; setarray .tsm_payment_message$[0],""+ .tsm_payment[0] +" zeny",""+ getitemname(.tsm_payment[1]) +" x"+ .tsm_payment[2] +""; end; } credits to owner of this released @hendra814
  19. is there a way how to remove this random option on the item??
  20. how to reset the random option of the item?
  21. i think he is using 2 client.info inside grf and data folder i also encounter this on mine
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