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  1. Can someone help with this error. Every started WoE or many players the errors starting to comming out. Thank you guys!
  2. Hello Guys, Good Day! Can Someone help me to fix this script because I spent 2 days just to fix this. Thank you Guys! Here`s my Credit Exchanger.txt //===== rAthena Script ======================================= //= Coin Exchanger //===== By: ================================================== //= Skyzone Modifyd //===== Current Version: ===================================== //= 1.1 //===== Compatible With: ===================================== //= rAthena SVN //===== Description: ========================================= //= Quest to Exchange Credit. //= Credit to Zeny Unlimited Exchange //= Zeny to Credit w/ Exchange Time //===== Other Information: =================================== //===== Additional Comments: ================================= //= v1.0 - First release [Skyzone Modifyd] //= v1.1 - Adding Max Capacity Zeny Checker. - script Credit Agent -1,{ set @header$,"[ ^0000ffCredit Agent^000000 ]"; //START SCRIPT FOR REGISTRATION ###################### if(#CREDIT_QUEST != 1){ mes @header$; mes "Welcome to Bank of Ragnarok.,"; mes "Do you want to Invest you'r Zeny?"; mes "In Exchange I will Make your zeny to Credit Card."; next; switch(select("Yes! Sign-Up Me.:What do I need to prepare?:I want to change Credit to Zeny.:Not yet.")){ case 1: if((countitem(969) < 1) || (countitem(969) < 1) || (Zeny < 1)){ mes @header$; mes "I think you are missing something this is the list that i needed:"; mes "- 1x ^FF0000Gold^000000 [from Gold Room]"; mes "- 1x ^FF0000Gold^000000 [from Gold Room]"; mes "and also ^FF00001 Zeny^000000."; close; } next; mes @header$; mes "Congratulations, Enjoy your Back Account."; mes " "; mes "You may now use Zeny to ^FF0000Credit^000000 services in a matter of time."; delitem 969,1; delitem 969,1; Zeny -= 1; #CREDIT_QUEST = 1; close; case 2: mes @header$; mes "You will have to bring me the following:"; mes "- 1x ^FF0000Gold^000000 [from Gold Room]"; mes "- 1x ^FF0000Credit^000000 [Gold Room]"; mes "and also ^FF00001 Zeny^000000."; next; mes @header$; mes "I suggest you look for Vote Shop in Main Town. Make a Vote in Website to get Vote Points."; mes " "; mes "I'll be waiting for you!"; close; case 3: goto CREDITTOZENY; case 4: mes @header$; mes "Okay, Hurry up!"; close; } }else{ set .@Timer, #EXCHANGETIME, gettimetick(2) + 1; mes @header$; mes "Welcome Back to Bank of Ragnarok.,"; mes " "; mes "What can I do for you?"; next; menu "Zeny to Credit",ZenyCredit, "Instant Exchange",InstantExchange, "Credit to Zeny",CreditZeny, "Exit",BRB; ZenyCredit: mes @header$; if(#EXCHANGETIME > gettimetick(2)) { mes "^FF3333You Can use Zeny to Credit After: " + callfunc("Time2Str",.@Timer); close; } mes "The exchange rate is fixed and its ^00008810,000,000^000000 Zeny = 1 ^FF0000Credit^000000."; mes " "; mes "You can only exchange a maximum of ^0000881,000,000,000^000000 Zeny at a time."; next; mes @header$; mes "So how much ^FF0000Credit^000000 do you want to exchange?"; mes " "; mes "(Insert 0, if you want to cancel)."; input @PLAYER_ZENY; next; if (@PLAYER_ZENY == 0) { mes @header$; mes "Please do come back, Have a nice day!."; close; } else if (@PLAYER_ZENY > 200) { mes @header$; mes "You cannot buy more than 201 ^FF0000Credit^000000 at a time."; close; } else if (@PLAYER_ZENY*10000000 > Zeny) { mes @header$; mes "You do not have enought zeny in your pocket."; close; } else { mes @header$; mes "Do you want to exchange your ^000088"+@PLAYER_ZENY+"0,000,000^000000 Zeny to ^FF0000"+@PLAYER_ZENY+" Credit^000000?"; if(select("Cancel:Yes, Change it!")==1) close; next; mes @header$; mes "Okay, Here you go!, Thank you for using my services."; mes "Come back again after 1 Fuck u."; getitem 3100,@PLAYER_ZENY; set Zeny,Zeny - @PLAYER_ZENY*10000000; #EXCHANGETIME = 1+ gettimetick(2); close; } end; InstantExchange: mes @header$; if(#EXCHANGETIME > gettimetick(2)){ mes "^FF3333You Can use Zeny to Credit After: " + callfunc("Time2Str",.@Timer); close; } mes "The exchange rate is fixed and its ^00008810,000,000^000000 Zeny = 1 ^FF0000Credit^000000."; mes " "; mes "You can only exchange a maximum of ^0000882,000,000,000^000000 Zeny at a time."; @GET_MY_ZENY = Zeny; // @ZENY_EXCHANGE = 10000000; //Credit Exchange Rate next; if (Zeny < 10000000){ mes @header$; mes "^FF0000You do not have enought zeny in your pocket."; close; }else{ @GET_CREDIT_QTY = Zeny / @ZENY_EXCHANGE; @DEL_ZENY = @GET_CREDIT_QTY * @ZENY_EXCHANGE; mes @header$; mes "Do you want to exchange your " + @DEL_ZENY + " Zeny to ^FF0000"+ @GET_CREDIT_QTY +" Credit.^000000?"; if(select("Cancel:Yes, Change it!")==1) close; next; mes @header$; getitem 3100, @GET_CREDIT_QTY; set Zeny,Zeny - @DEL_ZENY; #EXCHANGETIME = 1+ gettimetick(2); } end; CreditZeny: goto CREDITTOZENY; end; BRB: mes @header$; mes "Please do come back, Have a nice day!."; close; end; } CREDITTOZENY: mes @header$; mes "The exchange rate is fixed and its 1 ^FF0000Credit^000000 = ^00008810,000,000^000000 Zeny."; mes " "; mes "You can only exchange a maximum of 200 ^FF0000Credit^000000 at a time."; next; mes @header$; mes "So how many ^FF0000Credit^000000 do you want to exchange?"; mes " "; mes "(Insert 0, if you want to cancel)."; input @PLAYER_CREDIT; next; if (@PLAYER_CREDIT == 0) { mes @header$; mes "Please do come back, Have a nice day!."; close; } else if (@PLAYER_CREDIT > 200) { mes @header$; mes "You cannot exchange more than 200 ^FF0000Credit^000000 at a time."; close; } else if (@PLAYER_CREDIT > countitem(3100)) { mes @header$; mes "You do not have enought ^FF0000Credit^000000 in your pocket."; close; } else { @GET_OLD_ZENY = Zeny; @GET_NEW_ZENY = @GET_OLD_ZENY + @PLAYER_CREDIT*10000000; if(@GET_NEW_ZENY >= 2000000010) goto L_FullZeny; //Checks to see if the player has more than 1b mes @header$; mes "Do you want to exchange your ^FF0000"+@PLAYER_CREDIT+" Credit^000000 to ^000088"+@PLAYER_CREDIT+"0,000,000^000000 Zeny?"; mes " "; mes "^FF0000NOTE^000000: That you cannot hold morethan ^0000881,000,000,000^000000 Zeny."; if(select("Cancel:Yes, Exchange it!")==1) close; next; mes @header$; mes "Okay, Here you go!, Thank you for using my services."; delitem 3100,@PLAYER_CREDIT; set Zeny,Zeny + @PLAYER_CREDIT*10000000; close; } end; L_FullZeny: mes @header$; mes "I'm sorry, but I can't allow you to exchange Credit into Zeny when you have over 1b zeny."; end; } // Duplicates prontera,164,175,4 duplicate(Credit Agent) Philip [Credit Agent]#1 900
  3. Hello Guys can you help me with this kind of error I can`t open my Macro. the Chinese words says ( Driver Startup Error ). Thank you Guys!
  4. Can someone link or send me your tipbox00048.bmp file please. Thank you!
  5. Help! Script for broadcast WoE countdown for 1 Hour WoE. I saw one rathena script but its 2 hours. I already change 120 Timer to 60 but its wrong countdown. heres the script of 2 hours woe count down. but i need 1 hour woe count down. Thank You! - script WOE_Countdown -1,{ OnAgitStart: goto STARTWOE; end; OnAgitInit2: goto STARTWOE; end; STARTWOE: .woe_countdown = 120; initnpctimer; end; OnTimer60000: .woe_countdown--; if ( .woe_countdown < 10 || ( .woe_countdown % 10 ) == 0 ) { announce "[WOE ANNOUNCER] Left "+.woe_countdown+" minute(s)",bc_all; } if ( .woe_countdown == 1 ) { stopnpctimer; sleep 30000; for ( .@i = 30; .@i > 0; .@i-- ) { announce "[WOE ANNOUNCER] Left "+.woe_countdown+" second(s)",bc_all; } } else setnpctimer 0; end; }
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