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Everything posted by BigBurrito

  1. Hi everyone. I need help to check a value on this loop. I have it this way but it is not working for me. - script CheckValue -1,{ OnCheck: for (set @i,1; @i<4; set @i,@i+1){ if ($@using[@i] == 0) mes "Number "+ @i +" is available."; set @numberavail,1; close2; break; } if(@numberavail == 1){ doevent "Number#[@i]::OnNumber"; end; } mes "No Number was available"; end; } - script Number#1 -1,{ OnNumber: if($@using[1] == 0){ set $@using[1],1; mes "Hello, you are seeing Number 1."; sleep 10000; set $@using[1],0; end; } end; } - script Number#2 -1,{ OnNumber: if($@using[2] == 0){ set $@using[2],1; mes "Hello, you are seeing Number 2."; sleep 10000; set $@using[2],0; end; } end; } - script Number#3 -1,{ OnNumber: if($@using[3] == 0){ set $@using[3],1; mes "Hello, you are seeing Number 3."; sleep 10000; set $@using[3],0; end; } end; } This Error appears. [Error]: npc_event: event not found [Number#[@i]::OnNumber] I know where the error is, but dont know how to make it work.
  2. Hi, can someone please tell me how to check someone's weapon element. I want to add to an item's script to check if wearers weapon's element is Wind, increase physical attack by 5%. Is it: if (getstatus(96)) { bonus2 bAddSize,Size_All,5;}; will this be right? Thanks in advance.
  3. Hi, so I have a spritter that have made some really cool sprites, and he is planning on selling them. What are the requirements necesary to sell them through this forum?
  4. Not bug i think, you can fix them on skill_db.txt just read one of the last parameters that says "usable on cloacking/hidden enemy. Good Luck! if you need extra support let us know here.
  5. I think this is a database question about the cooldown. Having separate cooldown I'm not sure if the Database will fix that for you, or if it is in the SRC. Look at skill_cast_db.txt
  6. Why not just enable @uptime for everyone?
  7. conf/battle/skill.conf Play with these numbers. The answer is here. // Allow use of SG skills without proper day (Sun/Moon/Star) ? allow_skill_without_day: yes // Miracle of the Sun, Moon and Stars skill ratio (100% = 10000) sg_miracle_skill_ratio: 2000 // Angel of the Sun, Moon and Stars skill ratio (100% = 10000) sg_angel_skill_ratio: 2000
  8. Does land protector block lord of vermillion from players? Also, can you post the line on the skill_db.txt of the Lord of Vermillion Skill? Check for this. //id,range,hit,inf,element,nk,splash,max,list_num,castcancel,cast_defence_rate,inf2,maxcount,skill_type,blow_count,inf3,name,description // 16 inf3 (skill information 3): // 0x00001 - skill ignores land protector // 0x00002 - skill that doesn't end camouflage // 0x00004 - usable skills while hiding // 0x00008 - skill that can be use while in dancing state // 0x00010 - skill that could hit emperium // 0x00020 - skill ignores SC_STASIS // 0x00040 - skill blocked by kagehumi // 0x00080 - skill range affected by AC_VULTURE // 0x00100 - skill range affected by GS_SNAKEEYE // 0x00200 - skill range affected by NJ_SHADOWJUMP // 0x00400 - skill range affected by WL_RADIUS // 0x00800 - skill range affected by RA_RESEARCHTRAP // 0x01000 - skill that does not affect user that has NC_HOVERING active // 0x02000 - skill that can be using while riding warg // 0x04000 - skill that can't be used while in mado // 0x08000 - skill that can be used to target while under SC__MANHOLE effect // 0x10000 - skill that affects hidden targets // 0x20000 - skill that affects SC_GLOOMYDAY_SK // 0x40000 - skill that is affected by SC_DANCEWITHWUG // 0x80000 - skill blocked by RA_WUGBITE
  9. The azura skill when used there appears a couple of Chinese letters in black as part of the animation. However, when I have instant cast, those letters don't appear. Only when the azura have to cast due to my low dex, they appears. How do I fix this to make it appear all the time. Thank you
  10. Thank you so much. I think it was the BF_SKILL i didnt try.
  11. Hi everyone, I've noticed that errende ebece card with the original effect dont get triggered when being attack with Acid Demonstration. Now I thought Acid Demonstration. The original effect I had was this: bonus4 bAutoSpellWhenHit,"AL_PNEUMA",1,150,0; Now I added this to see if it works with Acid Demonstration bonus5 bAutoSpellWhenHit,"AL_PNEUMA",1,150,BF_LONG||BF_MISC,0; But it did not. If someone can help me maybe is in the SRC? I'm not really sure why it doesn't take AD as a misc or long range damage. Thanks.
  12. if (!mobcount(strnpcinfo(2),"Agit#"+strnpcinfo(2)+"::OnAgitBreak")) { monster strnpcinfo(2),.@emproom[0],.@emproom[1],"Emperium",1288,1,"Agit#"+strnpcinfo(2)+"::OnAgitBreak"; } end; // The Emperium has been broken. OnAgitBreak: set .@GID,getcharid(2); // Show and log error if an unguilded player breaks the Emperium. (Should NEVER happen) if (.@GID <= 0) { set .@notice$,"Character "+strcharinfo(0)+" ("+getcharid(0)+") broke the Emperium in Castle: "+strnpcinfo(2)+" while guildless. No data will be saved and Emperium respawned."; logmes .@notice$; debugmes .@notice$; donpcevent "Agit#"+strnpcinfo(2)+"::OnStartArena"; end; } // Adjust Economy Invest Level for Castle set .@Economy,GetCastleData(strnpcinfo(2),2) - 5; if (.@Economy < 0) set .@Economy, 0; SetCastleData strnpcinfo(2), 2, .@Economy; // Adjust Defense Invest Level for Castle set .@Defence,GetCastleData(strnpcinfo(2),3) - 5; if (.@Defence < 0) set .@Defence, 0; SetCastleData strnpcinfo(2), 3, .@Defence; // Set new Castle Occupant SetCastleData strnpcinfo(2),1, .@GID; // Announce that the Emperium is destroyed, and respawn all but new castle-occupants. mapannounce strnpcinfo(2),"The emperium has been destroyed.",bc_map|bc_woe,"0x00CCFF",FW_NORMAL,12; MapRespawnGuildID strnpcinfo(2),.@GID,6; // Refresh castle data, disable Kafra and reset Invest information. donpcevent strnpcinfo(0)+"::OnRecvCastle"; disablenpc "Kafra Staff#"+strnpcinfo(2); for( set .@i, 4; .@i <= 9; set .@i, .@i+1 ) { SetCastleData strnpcinfo(2), .@i, 0; } // Erase Guardian Database information if the new owners do not have Guardian Research. if( getgdskilllv(.@GID,10002) == 0 ) { for( set .@i, 10; .@i <= 17; set .@i, .@i+1 ) { SetCastleData strnpcinfo(2), .@i, 0; } } // Respawn the Emperium, and display new owners. sleep 500; // Slow down script execution slightly. if( agitcheck() ) donpcevent "Agit#"+strnpcinfo(2)+"::OnStartArena"; sleep 7000; announce "The [" + getcastlename(strnpcinfo(2)) + "] castle has been conquered by the [" + getguildName(.@GID) + "] guild.",bc_all|bc_woe; //announce "Character "+strcharinfo(0)+" ("+getcharid(0)+") broke the Emperium.",bc_all|bc_woe; (THIS PART!!!!) end; Hi everyone, I need help with this. All I'm trying is to, when someone break the emperium during WoE it also announces the character names of whoever broke it. announce "Character "+strcharinfo(0)+" ("+getcharid(0)+") broke the Emperium.",bc_all|bc_woe; this line at the very end that I've commented out because did not work. I got the error of "script_rid2sd: fatal error ! player not attached! I do understand the error, however I don't know how to make it work. I tried to copy it from the other line above which is similar. I hope someone can help me and Thank you!.
  13. /*find on skill.c if (skill_id == SA_ABRACADABRA || skill_id == WM_RANDOMIZESPELL) return 0; //Will use picked skill's delay. and adding this?*/ if (skill_id == TK_HIGHJUMP && map_flag_gvg(bl->m)) // does it have to be (bl->m) or (src->m)? { time *= 1000; } I want to add delay to the High Jump on WoE maps. I know skill should've been disable better, but it is enable and I want to know if this would work before trying it. Thanks in Advance.
  14. Thanks for the fast response. Will talk to them about it..
  15. I've some friends trying to install Oboro CP on my website, and Im using rAthena, but there has been some issue, and we think it is because Oboro dont support rAthena. is that true?
  16. go to exp.conf find // PVP exp. Do players get exp in PvP maps // (Note: NOT exp from players, but from normal leveling) pvp_exp: yes if you have it in "No" change it to yes, and try it.
  17. Hi, I dont know if this is a new behavior that i've noticed or if that has been always there. I noticed lets say My enemy wears Ifrit set(which can autoattack a set of random skills while attacking on the enemy meele-wise.) However, if the same person wears any type of meele reflect (Valk Manteau, Orc Lord Card), the person who is attacking gets reflect also with the skills from the Ifrit Set.. Is this new? also how do i change this behavior if possible? Thanks!
  18. Closest thing i've found is this.. Want to achieve the turret system but I don't have much practice with BG Commands..
  19. Sorry, ill do codebox.. no error found.. but for some reason i think the battleground dont start.. i go to the waitingroom npc on both sides, but nothing appears to happen, therefore we both can attack both towers..
  20. I'm on my testing period first, before i proceed to write this script. This is my first time dealing with BG commands, so i dont know what is wrong with my script. I want to create two parties, and then there will be two turrets, if turret 1 is alive, i cannot touch turret 2, but it seems that i do not understand fully how this works.. here is my script. Thank you in advance.. If you can give me any suggestion, they will be welcomed.. arathi,19,181,5 script Fury Bounty Room#a::FBR_Alpha 418,{ OnInit: waitingroom "Battle Station 1 Player",2,"FB_BG_Out::OnAlphaJoin",1; end; OnEnter: waitingroom2bg_single($@FBBG_id1,"arathi",21,179,"Alpha"); end; } arathi,181,18,7 script Fury Bounty Room#b::FBR_Beta 418,{ OnInit: waitingroom "Battle Station 1 Player",2,"FB_BG_Out::OnBetaJoin",1; end; OnEnter: waitingroom2bg_single($@FBBG_id2,"arathi",179,21,"Beta"); end; } - script Partybg -1,{ OnInit: $@turreta1 = bg_monster($@FBBG_id1,"arathi",91,33,"Alpha Turret1",1905,"Alpha Turret1::OnMyMob1Dead"); $@turreta2 = bg_monster($@FBBG_id1,"arathi",133,27,"Alpha Turret2",1905,"Alpha Turret2::OnMyMob2Dead"); setunitdata $@turreta2,UMOB_DMGIMMUNE,1; OnMyMob1Dead: setunitdata $@turreta2,UMOB_DMGIMMUNE,0; end; }
  21. HI everyone, I've been trying to change the soul linker effect on Assasin Cross since it is too powerful for my server on the original effect which increase the Sonic Blow damage by 100%. I tried by myself without any success. I want to instead of adding damage to the Skill, I want to take that part out, and instead add HIT + 100. in addition, i wanted to add the effect of Endure like the Eddga Card for the duration of the Soul Linker (I just thought of this one, therefore it will not be in my source code shown below). If someone so kind to help me will be much appreciate it. THANK YOU! Here is my Source Code: battle.c #endif if (sc->data[SC_SPIRIT]) { if (sc->data[SC_SPIRIT]->val2 == SL_ASSASIN) { hitrate += 100; } /*if (skill_id == AS_SONICBLOW && sc->data[SC_SPIRIT]->val2 == SL_ASSASIN) { hitrate += hitrate * 50 / 100; //ATK_ADDRATE(wd.damage, wd.damage2, map_flag_gvg(src->m) ? 25 : 100); //+25% dmg on woe/+100% dmg on nonwoe //RE_ALLATK_ADDRATE(wd, map_flag_gvg(src->m) ? 25 : 100); //+25% dmg on woe/+100% dmg on nonwoe*/
  22. Hi everyone, I have a macbook air, and to open Windows apps (exe) on mac you need third party apps to support them. I use Wine bottle, which helps a lot, but it wont open my RO client. Im using 2012 RO client, and it just dont open, and dont show any error message. the thor patcher does open, however, the client wont open.. I've tried with other privates servers, and indeed, it does open with other servers' clients but not mine.. do i need to diff mine or something? please any help would be really appreciated. Thanks.
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