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Everything posted by BigBurrito

  1. did you reload itemdb? after, try adding a card to the item. Also and where is your itemslotcounttable.txt at? is in your data folder, if so did you diff your client to read data folder first? if yes, did you close and reopen the client?.
  2. Hi everyone, so here is my issue, im using 2012 client, and I've set couple skill in skill db to have 0 after cast delay, ex for the bowling bash, it works perfect when I'm on GM account, but when I try with a normal lork knight (normal player account) it has some sort of after cast delay the skill, tho It does not show any delay on the skill tab (F12) as it usually do if you have after cast delay, it seems that it is the animation? Please correct me if im wrong.. other skills also like the champion finger offensive do have also this problem, it is so minimun, about .3 seconds which is not much but i want it to be like the GM account one which is instantaneous one bowling bash after another. I've read that I might have to hex the client, if so, how do I know the codes to hex it? Or is there any solution? Thanks in advance.
  3. Hi everyone, so i was adding new items the other day, and I've come with the following issue. I added around 20 new custom hats, and the first 6 hats were all good, everything is fine. (ids from 27042~27048). then when i get to 27049 and up, the item description on server appears blank. I can't find the error, i dont see any extra or missing "#". Now that is not the only issue. I added another new item after, with a way different ID, (27408 and 27515) and still Blank. but 27400~27407 (previous) and 27500~27514 are all good. I've come to think that there may be a limit to it? or I'm really blind that i dont find this error in my file.txt? Any comments would be really helpful. Thanks in advance!
  4. Hi everyone, I have this sealed Shrine instance script, it was there already when i downloaded the rAthena, by L0ne_W0lf and im getting one error when recompiling. this one (picture attached) I don't understand why im getting this error, at first there was one ")" missing, and i added, but i still get the same error.. this is the part of the script. OnMyMobDead: set .@map$, instance_mapname("2@cata"); if (mobcount(.@map$,instance_npcname("control_baphomet")+"::OnMyMobDead") < 1) { set 'ins_baphomet,7; if (isbeginquest(3041)) erasequest 3041; mapannounce .@map$, "Baphomet : No! Nonono! How dare these weaklings defeat me!... No!!...",bc_map,"0xdb7093"; enablenpc instance_npcname("Ancient Hero's Soul#2F"); disablenpc instance_npcname("slave_down"); disablenpc instance_npcname("slave_left"); disablenpc instance_npcname("slave_right"); donpcevent instance_npcname("ins_2f_hero_broad")+"::OnDisable"; donpcevent instance_npcname("ins_2f_hero_broad2")+"::OnDisable"; donpcevent instance_npcname("ins_2f_hero_pattern_c")+"::OnDisable"; donpcevent instance_npcname("2f_callmon_pattern_c")+"::OnDisable"; donpcevent instance_npcname("2f_callmon_pattern")+"::OnDisable"; donpcevent instance_npcname("ins_2f_hero_pattern")+"::OnDisable"; donpcevent instance_npcname("ins_2f_enter_broad")+"::OnDisable"; donpcevent instance_npcname("control_baphomet")+"::OnDisable"; disablenpc instance_npcname("control_baphomet"); } end; } Thanks in advance!
  5. hahah ok Thanks!! really appreciate it!... Thank you for the fast response.. I had it in 300 because the default was 1000... But i will change it like you said!.. and once again, Thank you soo much!
  6. Hi, i dont know if this is the right section, but i dont know where to look for it anyway.. So the thing is that mvps such as Randgris when people try to kill it, it will not stop leveling!. I've found this at the monster.conf : // Monsters level up (monster will level up each time a player is killed and they will grow stronger) // Exp rate is calculated ((monster level-original monster level)*(exp*(mobs_level_up_exp rate/100))) // NOTE: Does not apply to WoE Guardians. mobs_level_up: yes mobs_level_up_exp_rate: 300 I mean i want monster to level up, but do they have like a limit? or they will just level up untill it dies? Because I've seen other server that makes the monster level up, but the monster only levels up about 20 - 30 times. In my server they dont stop leveling up!.. Should i set mobs_level_up :no? Please Help!
  7. So I've been trying to find where to find my situation about the weapons element in status.c. So my thing is that (specially Sinx), whenever you have the weapon element (the scrools) it will wear of once you take off one weapon. I know that is official Behavior, but i wanted to change that you need to take off both weapons in order for the Element to wear of.. since even changing from a left hand dagger to a shield will wear off the element. I could not find the solution, tho I was wondering if i could do this. add SC_FIREWEAPON, SC_WATERWEAPON, SC_WINDWEAPON, SC_EARTHWEAPON, to the status.c at: if(type == 0) { switch (i) { // Type 0: PC killed -> Place here statuses that do not dispel on death. case SC_ELEMENTALCHANGE: // Only when its Holy or Dark that it doesn't dispell on death if( sc->data[i]->val2 != ELE_HOLY && sc->data[i]->val2 != ELE_DARK ) break; case SC_WEIGHT50: case SC_WEIGHT90: case SC_EDP: case SC_MELTDOWN: case SC_WEDDING: case SC_XMAS: case SC_SUMMER: case SC_HANBOK: case SC_OKTOBERFEST: case SC_NOCHAT: case SC_FUSION: case SC_EARTHSCROLL: case SC_READYSTORM: case SC_READYDOWN: case SC_READYCOUNTER: case SC_READYTURN: case SC_DODGE: case SC_MIRACLE: case SC_JAILED: case SC_EXPBOOST: case SC_ITEMBOOST: case SC_HELLPOWER: case SC_JEXPBOOST: case SC_AUTOTRADE: case SC_WHISTLE: case SC_ASSNCROS: case SC_POEMBRAGI: case SC_APPLEIDUN: case SC_HUMMING: case SC_DONTFORGETME: case SC_FORTUNE: case SC_SERVICE4U: case SC_FOOD_STR_CASH: case SC_FOOD_AGI_CASH: case SC_FOOD_VIT_CASH: case SC_FOOD_DEX_CASH: case SC_FOOD_INT_CASH: case SC_FOOD_LUK_CASH: case SC_SAVAGE_STEAK: case SC_COCKTAIL_WARG_BLOOD: case SC_MINOR_BBQ: case SC_SIROMA_ICE_TEA: case SC_DROCERA_HERB_STEAMED: case SC_PUTTI_TAILS_NOODLES: case SC_DEF_RATE: case SC_MDEF_RATE: case SC_INCHEALRATE: case SC_INCFLEE2: case SC_INCHIT: case SC_ATKPOTION: case SC_MATKPOTION: case SC_S_LIFEPOTION: case SC_L_LIFEPOTION: case SC_PUSH_CART: case SC_LIGHT_OF_REGENE: case SC_STYLE_CHANGE: case SC_MOONSTAR: case SC_SUPER_STAR: case SC_HEAT_BARREL_AFTER: case SC_STRANGELIGHTS: case SC_DECORATION_OF_MUSIC: case SC_QUEST_BUFF1: case SC_QUEST_BUFF2: case SC_QUEST_BUFF3: case SC_2011RWC_SCROLL: case SC_JP_EVENT04: case SC_ATTHASTE_CASH: case SC_REUSE_REFRESH: case SC_REUSE_LIMIT_A: case SC_REUSE_LIMIT_B: case SC_REUSE_LIMIT_C: case SC_REUSE_LIMIT_D: case SC_REUSE_LIMIT_E: case SC_REUSE_LIMIT_F: case SC_REUSE_LIMIT_G: case SC_REUSE_LIMIT_H: case SC_REUSE_LIMIT_MTF: case SC_REUSE_LIMIT_ECL: case SC_REUSE_LIMIT_RECALL: case SC_REUSE_LIMIT_ASPD_POTION: case SC_REUSE_MILLENNIUMSHIELD: case SC_REUSE_CRUSHSTRIKE: case SC_REUSE_STORMBLAST: case SC_ALL_RIDING_REUSE_LIMIT: case SC_SPRITEMABLE: continue; } Will it work? I kind of try to comprehend this on my head, but I dont think it will work when you take off a weapon or change the left hand weapon for a shield, since this is, i assume, it leaves the status after you die.. Please I really Need help with this.. I'm willing to pay if neccessary.. Thanks in advance!.
  8. Thank you all guys!!! Really helpful all the comments!
  9. Hahahahaha omg.. Didnt know this exist... Was looking for a card with such script but apparently only exist in renewal... Love you man!! Thans alot!!!
  10. I will have to keep an eye on him...
  11. He just dropped Valk Armor at 0.81%, and Baphomet card at 0.75%, well baphomet because i have mvp room, but the valk armor... it seems hard to believe, that in 3 days straight, he drops 3 super items... I dont see a hack possible of cheating the server side without me noticing in the map screen anyway.. Well, any other bugs or hack i should be aware of? any information is helpful regardless of this, any other different hack for different things?..
  12. So, I asked this question before where I wanted to be able to cast skill while autoattacking, and one of the supporters told me that it is possible through some tools (hacks), making the server side thinking the "tool" is the client. If there are such tool, can there be a "tool" where it tells the server side what to do?... This is my first server, and i don't know much about hacking since I was never much into it (takes the fun out of the game).. but I'm worried that someone might use something like a "tool" to increase, I dont know, Damage, or Perhaps the Droping rates, which i dont see posible, since server side and client side are two separate things, unless I'm wrong please can someone tell me if that is possible? If so, how can i prevent that?. The reason i'm concern is that, there is a player in my server, that with the drop rate of mvp cards at 0.75% drop a thanatos card and a gloom undernight under 24 Hours, now, that might be pure luck which i want to believe. but what I'm concern is that he dropped both card at almost at the same time "3:21 AM", and then excatly 23 hours with 57 minutes later he dropped the second card. which is two minutes of difference, and I'm really concern since at that time not much people are online. I'm concerned that he might be using a third party program... Thank you for reading and responding if so..
  13. I do want player to get frozen, but I want GTB card to be not affected by the Skill Storm Gust, but to get affected by every other magic skill... it is only Storm Gust because of Area Damage, and also push, which makes really annoying when pvp.. hahaha... so like, there is something "bonus2 bSkillAtk,sk,n; " But what im basically asking is a "bonus bSkilDef,sk,n".. i dont want it in this form, since i guess is a lot more than what im asking for. I only want the GTB card to not be affected by Storm Gust as if it were 100% nullifying any magical damage...
  14. Hi everyone, my GTB card is made to be 99% resistant to magic... Can someone please, tell me how can I make a modification in source to make it innmune to Storm Gust Skill.. i dont want to change the card to 100%, so that magician have a chance of Frost Drive, and Strip shield (Custom)... but, The Storm gust seems to annoy couple of players.. and I'm trying to make this possible.. Can anyone please help me with this?.. Thank you in advance.. I also tried to look if there was anything in the script, but i only found the "bonus2 bResEff" which i dont want, because i want the other frost skill to keep working..
  15. Hahahahaha omg.. So sorry Emistry.. Thank you so much!.. I love you hahahaahaha..
  16. Hi everyone, so I found this script from Emistry, http://upaste.me/r/27b6e4 where you can restrict a guild member from its position to enter the guild storage, but i dont have the SQL table for "guild_restriction"... sorry for the noob question, but can anyone post down here, the SQL.. haaaha i really don't know how to write the sql to make the table.. Thanks in advance...
  17. ahahhaa Thanks anyway.. I'll rather have my players get use to stop auto attacking, before I get into some serious trouble.. lol.. Thanks for the replying.. really appreciate it..
  18. So, I don't know if I'm in the right section. I tried to find this if it was anywhere in the conf files.. went to skill.conf, and player.conf, but couldn't find. What i want to change is, when autoattacking, still be able to cast skill. Ex. When I'm autoattacking with Archer, I can't use Double Strafe, unless I stop autoattack and then use the skill. I want that while autoattacking, still be able to use double strafe. Same happened with Merchant. I thought I would find it in the Skill.conf. Maybe i skipped it.. or it might be on the src. But if someone could help me, I will be really grateful n.n. Thank you in advance!.
  19. ohh.. That's why.. OK, I will try and answer you back.. Thanks!
  20. Don't know if it is a bug or part of my Conf. my rAthena Version Git Hash is : 49088dfe10d23c6daaa04522c7f3b656775f205b, and the problem is, when I use a soul linker, and is below level 150 ( ex: 149 or even lvl 10), Esma will have sooooo high damage, like literally the highest damage i've seen in any high rates RO server. My server is a 255/120, max stats 150, but even with 1 Int, i will hit as hard as 200 Millions total damage, to any mosnter, and since I've enable soul linkers attack to be casted on enemy players, it will have high damage as well... Once I hit the 150 lvl, the damage will become 1 per hit, so since esma has 10 hit, the total damage is 10. It only happened with the skill Esma. I did modified most of the skill damage at battle.c and this is the case for SL_SMA: case SL_SMA: //Base damage is 40% + lv% skillratio += -250 + status_get_lv(src); break; this is the only part for sma that i've modified. Not sure if this is a bug, or is it something in the conf or in the src that I've modified? someone can confirm this? Thanks in advance.
  21. I want the skill to instead of create one potion, creates two but get the items of one potion, which means 2x1. ex: If i collect enough items to make 100 EDPs, I will get 200 EDPs). I don't want this to be on an NPC for my VIP system reason. I tried changing in src/map/skill.c case ASC_CDP: if(sd) { clif_skill_nodamage(src,bl,skill_id,skill_lv,1); skill_produce_mix(sd, skill_id, ITEMID_POISON_BOTTLE, 0, 0, 0, 1, -1); //Produce a Poison Bottle. } break; Changing the fourth value (1) into 2, but it did make 2 potion but it also got the items for 2 potions, I want it to make 2 potions and get only the items for one potion. Please Help, Thank you in advance!
  22. Yep, it worked... Thanks!
  23. So i asked before if i could make the Golden Thief Bug Card be 99% bNoMagic to Player Class and 100% to Monster Class, and I they've told me that it is in the src where i have to do this. Can anyone help me with this? please, because I don't know much about the src other than reading it, but writting it is my weakness. Thank you in advance.
  24. and still have cast time? with 120 max stats and you have the exact numbers as me? try check the skill_cast_db.txt
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