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Everything posted by Chuu

  1. Danke für den Guide, sehr verständlich geschrieben, so dass es jeder deutsche Serverbetreiber anwenden kann.
  2. @Pysk Sieht sehr gelungen aus. Ist ja eigentlich kein Hexenwerk, sondern lediglich ein externer patch im NEMO. Doram würde ich in der src trotzdem deaktivieren, man weiß ja nie. ^^
  3. Hallo @Pysk gern zeige ich dir wie ich es gelöst habe, und wie man diese nervige Katze rausbekommt ;> Schreib mir einfach eine PN und wir sehen weiter ^^
  4. Cool BDRO ist ja lebendiger als YunaRO von @Rynbef und es ist noch nicht einmal online! Den Error kann man auch über Client Änderungen entfernen, :-')
  5. @Haziel The riding Dragon sprites of the alternate Rune Knight are missing, or am I blind? :c
  6. Thank you so much, it does work flawless. So many people appreciate your hard work, keep it up!
  7. @Tokeiburu Is there a script out yet to move everything at once? X_X
  8. Yes I've tried it after your reply, but sadly it doesn't change the effect. Still just one frame is touched. I think your software is fine, there are just some scripts missing that target all frames at once. Frame 0: Moved Y by +100 Frame 1:
  9. @Tokei Sorry for reviving this old thread, but there is a similar problem to this. Moving a sprite moves the sprites X Y coordinates in a single frame only... Is there a option/script to move it in all frames at once? In my case, it's a falcon that should be placed higher. Thank you in advance.
  10. I don't know if you mean the client.exe or the runserver application For the client: First, check your setup.exe. Try one of these 2 (see attachments) if it is not working. Secondly, check your LUA files. If it is the runsever application: First of all compile your server and check for error messages. Secondly, try to run it with admin previliges. If these both are not working check if you permitted the runserver applications in your firewall Setup.exe Setup_alternative.exe
  11. I downloaded it from this http://browedit.excalibur-nw.com/ source, which is the original one. Seems like the rotextures.txt of r620 is not like in r586 :]
  12. Sorry, I couldn't understand your explanaition. It was more about the .xml file Anyway, thank you for your efforts. ^^
  13. Both did not help. What really worked was the following: Overwriting the rotextures.txt (BrowEdit/data/) file from 586 into the 620 folder. Problem solved.
  14. Hello, I just wanted to ask about the following matter. There is a difference between BrowEdit r620 and r586 When I select the Texture Edit Mode and open up the Texture Select Menu (T) this can be seen: As you can see, r620 shows partially weird symbols, while r586 is showing up a accurate and well structured menu list. Qustions: Why is this so? How to change the menu structure in r620? Note: I am using the same .grf / client path for both versions of BrowEdit. As always, thank you in advance. Ouv~
  15. Update 16.06.16 Topic Layout Edited Custom .mp3 file fix. Some BGM Titles were not playable in the client, because of the audiotype and kBit/s Rate
  16. Why do you exactly need 2012-04-10 Ragexe? You can remove or disable the Cash Shop functio trough your diff patcher and your server configurations. I just can offer you these clients: https://github.com/ThemonChan/2014-Ragexe-Client/find/master?q= At this website, select kRO clients: http://roclients.info Furthermore, you can find the highly recommend Ragexes at this topic: http://herc.ws/board/topic/8894-guide-setting-up-2013-client-for-hercules/
  17. LOADING... ██████████████]99%

  18. I just downloaded the official kRO client and use it for my server. Title numbers are wrong till BGM No. 100 Gravity may fixed it, but some server owners still have these unfixed BGM folders.
  19. Hello rA community This piece of work will fix the following problem: (.../client/BGM) some .mp3 files have the wrong title number since 2002! Downloads: All files work and are tested individually by me BGM official fixed - (no extra files, just a up to date BGM folder with corrected orders) BGM custom fixed - (includes 33 extra BGMs of my choice. RO-suitable, mostly remixed) BGM extra only - (custom BGMs only) As you can see, the File Names are not matching with the Title Numbers. It looks chaotic. BGM No#32 is intentionally missing. Gravity might removed it belated. Tidy up you BGM folder, and enjoy the correct order.
  20. [Problem solved] NeoMind (NEMO Patcher creator) fixed the register button crash and a new diff is available as well. You can read more about it here Thank you NeoMind for this great job!
  21. Well, the crash still happens with the 2015 client. I use Windows 10 Pro. I think my system causes the crash after clicking the register button. I'm satisfied anyway, because the website pops up and it does what it should do. I use 2015-09-16aRagexe now and I'm happy. Thank you all for the answers ~
  22. Thank you again. I've researched and found out that 2014-10-22bRagexe and 2015-09-16aRagexe are both stable I think will pick the 2015 client for my future work, because it's more actual.
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