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Everything posted by Lilith

  1. manabeast, sorry, but i looked at your source and i realized that your server is not 3CeAM =
  2. manabeast Added patch for 3CeAM! Also far as I know, this system is added to eAmod...
  3. Updated to version 1.5 Some changes. Version 1.5: Now you can enable or disable Zeny/Cash in item_vending.txt. Just add/remove ID 30000 for Zeny or ID 30001 fo Cash Points Remove battle_config.enable_cash_vending Max items returned to MAX_INVENTORY
  4. When i use alt+r.click map-server says: But it works
  5. [offtop] Emistry, I am a fast if I have a time
  6. skill_cast_db.txt 271,4000:3500:3000:2500:2000,3000:2500:2000:1500:1000,0,0,300000,0,0 change to 271,4000:3500:3000:2500:2000,10000,0,0,300000,10000,0
  7. Your server is 3CeAM, but patch for rAthena. Some notes: @reloaditemdb command will uprate item_vending.txt Max item in item_vending.txt is 98 ( default MAX_INVENTORY-2 ) 1 = zeny, 2 = cash. 98 fot your items.
  8. Updated to v.1.4 Now you can add your currency items in file item_vending.txt PapaZola, try this: idnum2itemresnametable.txt
  9. Tenshi, dont know what errors you get. please give screenshot. V e r T i g O, sorry, but this version is intended only for 1 item Mindless, you forget modify idnum2itemdisplaynametable.txt and idnum2itemresnametable.txt in your client data folder. idnum2itemdisplaynametable.txt idnum2itemresnametable.txt
  10. Original topic and code here: link Idea: link You can enable or disable the cash / item in file db/item_vending.txt Vending title can be looks like: "[ITEM_ID] name" Version 1.8 preview: Changelog conf/battle/feature.conf db/item_vending.txt Modify your client data files: idnum2itemdisplaynametable.txt idnum2itemresnametable.txt Enjoy. New: rAthena only: ExtendedVendingSystem_1.8.1.patch ExtendedVendingSystem_1.8.patch Old:
  11. My exe is 2012-03-07f. When i call homuculus (like @makehomun) i get errors: I tried 2011-11-02, but i also get same errors... Anyone knows where get new AI luas?
  12. thanks for sharing. but first param of noskill2 mapflag wont work. Ex. Skill with ID 243 will work in prontera... i must add it else:
  13. hmmmm... but db folder have pre-re and re folders. However, rAthena have REMODE option. why? If you do it then do it until the end.
  14. Why rAthena haven't 'pre-re' & 're' folders in npc/mob/ folder?
  15. When i use PacketDB Extractor it says: Why?
  16. - cashshop Accessories1 711,29977:1000,29976:2500,29975:1000,29974:2500,29973:1000,29972:10000,29971:2000,29970:3000,29969:10000,29968:10000,29967:10000,29966:10000,29965:50000 prontera,150,180,3 script Accessories 100,{ mes "Would you like to look at the shop?"; next; callshop "Accessories1",1; npcshopattach "Accessories1"; end; }
  17. Это не официальный скрипт, поэтому я и прошу его выложить. Насколько мне помнится, это, возможно, скрипт с бегающими по пронте неписями. Посмотри внимательно.
  18. Не может быть. Что ещё за CityAI? может быть выложишь?
  19. Lilith


    Плохо ищешь. ссылка
  20. Сколько же нам его ждать...
  21. Lilith


    Do you use DDoS Protection Settings in conf/packet_athena.conf? Because athena auto-detect ddos attack ... =
  22. ну ещё я вижу, что скрипт пытается спрятать в хайд несуществующих нпс - Peter S. Alberto#2 и Quest_lzl
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