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Everything posted by Enthr

  1. you will have to downliad and try it, but possibly yes
  2. you have to open "run-server.bat" and the 3 will open at the same time
  3. and you have something in the folder import?
  4. see if in the db folder you have an import-tmpl folder and not an import. If you dont have a "import" folder rename the import-tmpl to import and see if that help.
  5. Try to compile the server :/
  6. Hey! you need all that files to play, please dont remove anything or you could experience some problems playing
  7. I think that Raymartzz want a forum that looks like Rathena and Works like Rathena, and i have seem them, but I have no idea where you can get those
  8. I see the correct name, is your problem solved? Ah, i think what the problem is, sorry... ¿You tried to restart the server...?
  9. did you reload the itemdb? you can do it with @reloaditemdb
  10. Well, Hshield, harmony and gepard are "shields" that prevent bots, hacks and another like programs. Do you not NEED them like its a obligation, but always are better to prevent such hack programs. Every program that you listed you have to buy them, hshield if i'm not wrong dont work in rathena, only in hercules, but im not 100% sure. Harmony and Gepard you can found the persons that sell them right here in rathena, with a little of search. if you see a page of facebook of gepard DONT BUY IT FROM THERE because its a scam. if you give me a little of time i will give you the users that you need to contact. (Gepard cost like a 150 more or less, and no idea what cost Harmony) Ok, to buy Gepard you have to contact to Functor (link to his profile) and his skype is functor.x Oh, and Emistry just said this a few days ago:
  11. Change this line: announce ""+strcharinfo(0)+" has finished the " + ( .@ItemID ) + " ",0; to this: announce strcharinfo(0)+" has finished the Costume: " + ( getitemname(.@ItemID) ) + " ",0; And well, the stats or elements are in a section that you cant show in an announce, because are a script like section in the last lines of the item in the item db, so if in a supposed case you can show it, it will be like a little script that a very little group of users might understand...
  12. *mapwarp "<from map>","<to map>",<x>,<y>{,<type>,<ID>}; This command will collect all characters located on the From map and warp them wholesale to the same point on the To map, or randomly distribute them there if the coordinates are zero. "Random" is understood as a special To map name and will mean randomly shuffling everyone on the same map. Optionally, a type and ID can be specified. Available types are: 0 - Everyone 1 - Guild 2 - Party Example: // Will warp all members of guild with ID 63 on map prontera to map alberta. mapwarp "prontera","alberta",150,150,1,63;
  13. it seems to be a bad source edit... ¿You changed something from the source?
  14. So if you want it to be permanent you can just change the name adding the prefix. ¿How do you change it when the player level up? just use explode and change the first term in the new array. You can see how the explode works in the doc. If you dont want to change the name of the character, and just only add the prefix like when you hover on a character, you need to change the things that i say in the source and do a function in the scripts to comprobate when you wanna do a broadcast o a thing like that. Also, the variable that emistry is using, is permanent to the character, it will not go when it logout
  15. Its done using a select and putting a WHERE like the one that Emistry do, but i really dont understand why you did this custom table, because al the information that you put there you can have it instantly in any script whitout doing a sql query, with the strcharinfo and getcharid that you just doed to put that information in the table... in any case, if you put another thing i might understand...
  16. PD: Dont forget that the new name to show cant exceed 24 characters and in the method that i'm saying, the original player name will not change, only the visible name for the players who put the cursor in him PDD: (And in the scripts, if you only want to know the name of the character for what i was reading in your reply to benching, just use strcharinfo(0))
  17. 1.- Ragnarok use two types of programming languajes, the game SOURCE its on C and the scripts that you can found in /npc (npc, minor functions, and another things that the players see directly for example) are in "Athena", a lenguaje created for ragnarok itself. its easy to learn and every function and commands for the scripts are in the file doc/script_commands.txt 2.- If you want to create a title before the name, or edit all the name, you can edit the source, you can find what are you looking for in src/map/clif.c in the function void clif_charnameack (int fd, struct block_list *bl), i'm sure that you will not have problems finding the way to do this, but if you have problems just PM me
  18. You can change it by an hex editor, i recommend you XVL32, you open the client exe with it and search the current text of the title in the right part of the program, (of course you can use the search function) and then when you find it you simply write over it, if the title is shorter than the current one ("2010-07-30...") you simply add spaces. and save it
  19. npctalk use the same system like when a normal player talks, if you modify the SRC to increase the value, the displayed message for players will increase too. Anyway if you still want to do this, go to src/map/clif.c and search the following: case AREA_CHAT_WOC: map_foreachinarea(clif_send_sub, bl->m, bl->x-(AREA_SIZE-5), bl->y-(AREA_SIZE-5), bl->x+(AREA_SIZE-5), bl->y+(AREA_SIZE-5), BL_PC, buf, len, bl, AREA_WOC); break; As you can see, you can see the value 5, thats the value that what is the range in any direction, so if you want to change the range, you only have to change that value. Dont forget to back up your original files, and to recompile. You can test and play with the values to the choice that you like more. PD: Anyway, you can create another case and another map_foreach... but the modifications are a little more large in the source... (Sorry if some words are incorrect or I made no sence in some parts)
  20. Yes, its complety possible, in the name of the npc you just put "#npcuniquename" and that its all. And obviusly you change the npcuniquename for the name that you want, but it cant repeat in another npc.
  21. I think that in the second example you wanted to say yggdrasil seed, no? well, the yggdrasil seed always heal the 50%, but if YOU want to change it to 100% change this: 608,Seed_Of_Yggdrasil,Yggdrasil Seed,0,5000,,300,,,,,0xFFFFFFFF,63,2,,,,,,{ percentheal 50,50; },{},{} to this: 608,Seed_Of_Yggdrasil,Yggdrasil Seed,0,5000,,300,,,,,0xFFFFFFFF,63,2,,,,,,{ percentheal 100,100; },{},{}
  22. they appear to not been saving correctly, because in the image still says that its a TXT (text document) and not a lub. Open them with any text editor, click save as... in type put "All types (*.*)" and in the name PetEvolutionCln.lub or achievement_list.lub
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