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Everything posted by malufett

  1. oh sorry... ATM it is not working with players...so what is the problem now?~~,
  2. uu nga noh...ngayun ko lang napansin...mukhang tama si kingraijun
  3. long range attack? or equipment that are range? if long range attack must do a mod/change @battle.c under this function battle_calc_attack(misc, atk, magic) but for equipment same @status.c where the flag is 1.
  4. @status.c starting @ this line static unsigned short status_base_atk(const struct block_list *bl, const struct status_data *status)
  5. malufett

    Renewal Exp

    it is working fine.. lvl 46 - 360 xp gained lvl 47 - 360 xp gained lvl 48 - 360 xp gained the one you see in percentage is the ratio with your current xp value needed...
  6. try to compute by your self... but if your svn is not rA well then use the said formula above...
  7. nothing to change it is already set break; case GN_HELLS_PLANT_ATK: md.damage = sstatus->int_ * 4 * skill_lv * (10 / (10 - pc_checkskill(sd,AM_CANNIBALIZE)));//Need accurate official formula. [Rytech] break;
  8. /effect doesn't remove it ​awww...at least no item can do hallucination just monster...
  9. now I see the problem..the aid tag must be inside the connection tag... <connection> <aid> <admin></admin> </aid> </connection>
  10. post mo nga yung laman ng clientinfo mo..baka may syntax lang na mali...^^,
  11. hmm..inverted screen..this makes players more dizzy than before..XD
  12. Skill_unit_db.txt is use for layout of ground type skilll.. if you wish only eske skill will work on players..edit your skill.c an recompile case SL_SKA: // [marquis007] -case SL_SKE: if (sd && !battle_config.allow_es_magic_pc && bl->type != BL_MOB) { clif_skill_fail(sd,skillid,USESKILL_FAIL_LEVEL,0); status_change_start(src,SC_STUN,10000,skilllv,0,0,0,500,10); break; } +case SL_SKE: clif_skill_nodamage(src,bl,skillid,skilllv,sc_start(bl,type,100,skilllv,skill_get_time(skillid,skilllv))); if (skillid == SL_SKE) sc_start(src,SC_SMA,100,skilllv,skill_get_time(SL_SMA,skilllv)); break;
  13. hmmm..yes somehow like that..but it still depends on the status type... like Poem of Bragi it uses val2 for casting bonus...
  14. this is how it use.. for most status type val1 holds the level of skill or effect for val2 to val4 it uses to store a specific variable value.. example Increase agi : val1=level; val2=increase of agi/speed per level Endure : val2=number of hits you can see more @status.c under status_change_start
  15. itick/icheck mo yung body na option...nang makita natin
  16. sigurado ka? screenies mo nga dun sa sprite viewer ng makita namin
  17. hmm..yung position nung sprite..my option dun na makikita mo yung sprite ng character at check mo kung tugma sa ayos..
  18. sundin mo yung payo ni kingraijun..di magkatugma yung mga .spr at .act file mo kaya ganyan.,..
  19. @vespercore actually pRO and kRO aspd are not the same pRO is using iRO aspd formula..^^
  20. oh I forgot to include items and potions... thanks Ronaldo07
  21. kRO aspd formula basically I'm finish with this now rA community I need more information on skills currently here is the list of skills that needs information here are some skills I confirmed but still need to check passive skills by percentage(not included in the formula but computed at the last or total) kRO ASPD Calculator : http://bit.ly/N6RGZ7
  22. @re/skill_unit_db.txt 2490,0xea, , 0, 1,1000,all, 0x000 //GN_HELLS_PLANT change to 2490,0xea, , 0, 1,1000,enemy, 0x000 //GN_HELLS_PLANT wew..bug..anyways Kenpachi will handle this.^^
  23. no it has... check re/skill_cast_db.txt
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