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Everything posted by Akkarin

  1. If i recall, kRO is around 2.2GB.
  2. Add youve said, its by Xantara so your best option would be to ask her, or ask someone else to one for you.
  3. I would imagine the links in the middle of the page would be in /themes/<theme_name>/main/index.php
  4. Like i said, that's the default "Send Mail" page. What you're looking at on Xantara's demo site is a custom mail addon.
  5. Google is your friend. You will need to find a guild online that teaches you how to use the "Splice" tool. You will need to splice the area that is used as the header on flux, then upload/replace the image. The tool is also called "Slice", depending on the version you use. http://help.adobe.com/en_US/photoshop/cs/using/WSfd1234e1c4b69f30ea53e41001031ab64-7570a.html
  6. In the default flux installation, that's all the form does. There's nothing special about it at all.
  7. As far as I'm aware, the ipbwiki link just ensure that the correct cookies are all defined so when the user is presented with the wiki main page, the user is already logged in with their correct credentials. If the wiki was only editable by staff that I wouldn't mind changing the link. I believe the link need to stay, but Brian may know a bit more about this than I do.
  8. You're correct, and GIT instructions are on my to-do list unless someone beats me to it!
  9. Akkarin

    Module News

    Can you link me to the addon? If you're using a different skin to the default, make sure you've put the theme files in your current theme directory.
  10. A little more information would help.. What forum software are you using? What version? What do you need help editing?
  11. http://rathena.org/board/files/file/2791-pvp-ranking-for-fluxcp-ghosts-script-version/ or http://rathena.org/board/files/file/2994-pvp-ranking-fluxcp-addon/ Both seem good addons.
  12. I'm assuming you don't know php then.. I'll see if i can come up with something before the end of the weekend. I'll create it as a new flux addon and upload it to our downloads area. If i haven't done it by Monday morning, send me a PM to remind me - i've been abit busy with other forum things over the last few days and don't see it relenting anytime soon /spin
  13. OP already has the code, all he needs to do is drop into the correct files o.o
  14. At my sister's wedding, scowling at an uninvited guest... but didn't know i was being watched by a camera @.@
  15. https://github.com/KnpLabs/php-github-api
  16. I'm assuming you're using flux, in which case you'd need to drop the files into the correct parts of the site. Business logic goes into '/modules/' while presentation logic goes into '/themes/<your_theme_name>/main/<create_file_or_add_to_index>/' If you look at how the rest of your CP is made, you will be able to use it as an example in order to help you add your scripts.
  17. All you do is pull the data from the `guild_castle` table into an array, and for each castle check to see if it's occupied. If it is, then fetch guild data and output guild emblem, then go onto the next castle.
  18. Have a look at this list and pick one. They all do the same thing in reality, it just depends what additional features you want: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Comparison_of_Internet_forum_software
  19. Change this line: set .@i,select("Room 1 ["+getmapusers(.@Map$[0])+"/50]:Room 2 ["+getmapusers(.@Map$[1]+"]"/50)) - 1; To this: set .@i,select("Room 1 ["+getmapusers(.@Map$[0])+"/50]:Room 2 ["+getmapusers(.@Map$[1])+"/50]") - 1; Also, you don't need to use set anymore to define variables.
  20. Akkarin

    Cats :(

    There are two cats fighting outside my office window. I want to stab them in the face with a knife
  21. We can do this with IP.Content when it get fully enabled after the next forum upgrade (which shouldn't be far away). The devs can create the page, link to who created the patch, link to the git rev. OR Create a "Features" page on the wiki...
  22. Please see more recent staff response at http://rathena.org/board/topic/88598-feature-of-hercules/#entry231660
  23. You use the import tool and import each one individually.
  24. Potentially - you'll have to give me more info than that if you want me to help you When you login to your Admin panel you should see a "Look & Feel" link in your top navigation - click it. On the next page you'll have a list down the left side of your screen - look for a link called "Import / Export". From there it should be self-explanatory.
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