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  • Github: blakbord
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    there's a lot to mention.. lol

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  1. I am loving this script, but is it possible to change it? ex. (in triple slot machine) Slot 1 (Success) | Slot 2 (Success) | Slot 3 (Failure) = Specific Item Reward even if it has 1 Failure, it can give an Specific Item Reward ( Box ) PS: I don't know what version of your script I downloaded but here it is
  2. Thank you for helping me, now I understand.. all I have to do is change this line ( red arrow ) into localhost IP.
  3. change to sclientinfo.xml added new rule to allow port 8888 still nothing happen.
  4. Here is my ExternalSettings_kr.lub and already change Clientinto.xml unfortunately, nothing happens..
  5. I'm using my Unit IP so other unit can connect via local connection
  6. I've been searching here to fix mine and I found this I followed all the steps and still I can't fix mine, here is my ExternalSetting_kr.. PS: I tried using both Localhost - and My Unit Local IP -
  7. already solve my problem. re-diff and uncheck Disable Map Sign Display
  8. good day everyone, I've been working around with the file mapInfo.lub and mapInfo.lua to translate in English under System Folder and diff the exe with Change MapInfo*.lub path I still can't find the right file for this one, can someone enlighten me? thank you in advance..
  9. I think there no one who will help me.. :(
  10. Good Day Everyone, I'm just gonna ask how to delete .exe files or other kind of files inside my RO Folder using Thor Patcher, I've been searching for weeks now but I still don't find the right answer.. I have found the same question Here but it's not the right answer,,
  11. why not use the default refine.txt then change the success rate of refining at /db/(pre)re/refine.txt?
  12. try this one.. //======= 3ceam Script ======================================= //= Prize Giver NPC //===== Modified By: ========================================= //= Keitenai //===== Current Version: ===================================== //= 1.0 //===== Compatible With: ===================================== //= Athena Project //===== Description: ========================================= //= Prize giver for single char, account and more. //===== Additional Comments: ================================= //= 1.0 Modified Version for 3ceam compatibility //============================================================ prontera,147,173,4 script Server Reward 544,{ //cutin "v_sprakki04",2; //Check if setups are loaded. if(!.Setup) { callsub OnLoadSetup; } //Show GM Panel if player is GM. if(getgmlevel() >= .GMin) menu("Take a prize as a player",-,"Give prize", OnManagement,"Reset Item Give", OnDelete,"IP Limit per Item", OnLimit); //Read attached player gifts from SQL table. if(select("Get Account Prize!:Get Character Prize!:Exit") == 1) { set .@query, query_sql("SELECT * FROM `" + .GiftTableName$ + "` WHERE account_id="+getcharid(3), .@gift_id, .@gift_account, .@gift_char, .@gift_item, .@gift_amount, .@gift_duration, .@gift_time ); //Account gifts. } else if(@menu == 2) { set .@query, query_sql("SELECT * FROM `" + .GiftTableName$ + "` WHERE char_id="+getcharid(0), .@gift_id, .@gift_account, .@gift_char, .@gift_item, .@gift_amount, .@gift_duration, .@gift_time ); //Char gifts. } else goto OnLeave; //Check if player don't have gifts. if(!.@query) { mes "[Reward Giver]"; mes "Sorry, you don't have any prize"; cutin "v_sprakki04",255; close; } //Build menu from query arrays. mes "[" + strnpcinfo(1) + "]"; mes "^009900You got the prize^000000"; for( set .@i, 0; .@i < .@query; set .@i, .@i + 1 ) { mes "(" + .@gift_amount[.@i] + ") " + getitemname(.@gift_item[.@i]) + "."; set .@menu$, .@menu$ + getitemname(.@gift_item[.@i]) + ":"; } next; set .@mid,select(.@menu$); //Show menu. set .@mid,.@mid-1; if (.@gift_time[.@mid] && .@gift_time[.@mid] < gettimetick(2)) { mes "[Reward Giver]"; mes "Sorry, this prize's claim time is already over."; cutin "v_sprakki04",255; close; } //Item is now selected. Choose what you want to do with it. mes "[" + strnpcinfo(1) + "]"; mes "what you want do with (" + .@gift_amount[.@mid] + ") " + getitemname(.@gift_item[.@mid]) + "?"; next; set .@Select,select("^009900Get it^000000:^ff0000Delete it! ^000000:nothings"); //Receive gift selected. if(.@Select == 1) { //Check weight. if(checkweight( .@gift_item, .@gift_amount ) || .@gift_item[.@mid] == .ZenyID) { mes "[" + strnpcinfo(1) + "]"; mes "^009900Get : (" + .@gift_amount[.@mid] + ") " + getitemname(.@gift_item[.@mid]) + ".^000000"; if (.ip_limit) { // add ip_address to logs .@ipexist = query_sql("SELECT item_id, ip_address, claim_count FROM " + .GiftTableNameIP$ + " WHERE last_ip = (SELECT last_ip FROM login WHERE account_id="+getcharid(3)+") AND item_id = "+.@gift_item[.@mid]+" LIMIT 1", .@item,.@ip,.@claim_count); if (.@claim_count[0] >= .ip_limit) { next; mes "Sorry you have reached the maximum redeem limit for this IP address"; cutin "v_sprakki04",255; close; } if (!.@claim_count[0]) { query_sql("INSERT INTO " + .GiftTableNameIP$ + " (give_id,item_id,last_ip,claim_count) VALUES("+.@gift_id+","+.@gift_item+",'(SELECT last_ip FROM login WHERE account_id="+getcharid(3)+")',1)"); } else { query_sql("UPDATE " + .GiftTableNameIP$ + " SET claim_count = "+(.@claim_count[0]+1)+" WHERE item_id = "+.@gift_item[.@mid]+" AND last_ip = (SELECT last_ip FROM login WHERE account_id="+getcharid(3)+")"); } } if (.@gift_item[.@mid] == .ZenyID) { // detects zeny ID and give zeny. if (Zeny+.@gift_amount[.@mid] > .MaxZeny) { mes "Please make sure that you have enough space to handle all these zennies and come back later."; cutin "v_sprakki04",255; close; } set Zeny,Zeny+.@gift_amount[.@mid]; } else { if (!.@gift_duration) { getitem .@gift_item[.@mid], .@gift_amount[.@mid]; //Give item to player. } else { rentitem .@gift_item[.@mid], .@gift_duration * 60; } } query_sql( "DELETE FROM `" + .GiftTableName$ + "` WHERE id = " + .@gift_id[.@mid] ); //Remove item from table. cutin "v_sprakki04",255; close; } else { //Overweight mes "^ff0000Sorry ^000000 You can't take it " + getitemname(.@gift_item[.@mid]); mes "Could lose some wight?"; cutin "v_sprakki04",255; close; } } //Remove gift selected. else if(.@Select == 2) { mes "[" + strnpcinfo(1) + "]"; mes "Are you sure you want dellet it?"; mes "Gift: ("+.@gift_amount[.@mid]+") "+getitemname(.@gift_item[.@mid])+"."; next; if(select("Yes:No") == 1) { mes "[" + strnpcinfo(1) + "]"; mes "^ff0000Dellet: ("+.@gift_amount[.@mid]+") "+getitemname(.@gift_item[.@mid])+".^000000"; query_sql("DELETE FROM `" + .GiftTableName$ + "` WHERE id = " + .@gift_id[.@mid]); //Remove item from table. cutin "v_sprakki04",255; close; } else { mes "[" + strnpcinfo(1) + "]"; mes "we will save it"; cutin "v_sprakki04",255; close; } } //Nothing selected. else { goto OnLeave; } //GM Panel below: OnManagement: if(getgmlevel() < .GMin) goto OnLeave; mes "[" + strnpcinfo(1) + "]"; mes "Welvome " + strcharinfo(0) + "!"; mes "How I can help you?"; next; if(select("Make Gift:Nothing") != 1) goto OnLeave; //Make new gift. mes "[" + strnpcinfo(1) + "]"; mes "Please input the item id."; mes "Default: 501"; next; mes "What do you want to give?"; set .@zenygive,0; if(select("Item:Zeny") == 1) { input .@new_item, 501, 30000; } next; mes "Do you want to add a claim timer?"; if(select("No:Yes")==2) { next; mes "How many minutes do you want this reward to be claimable?"; input(.@c); .@claimtime = gettimetick(2)+(.@c*60); } if(select("Continue:Cancel") != 1) goto OnLeave; mes "[" + strnpcinfo(1) + "]"; mes "How many items/zeny?"; mes "Default: 1"; next; //item quantity range of 1 to 1,000. if(.@zenygive) { input .@new_value, 1, .MaxZeny; } else { input .@new_value, 1, 1000; } if(select("Continue:Cancel") != 1) goto OnLeave; mes "[" + strnpcinfo(1) + "]"; mes "Please select input type:"; mes "1. Single Account"; mes "2. Single Character"; mes "3. All ^009900Online^000000 Accounts."; mes "4. All Accounts."; mes "5. All ^009900Online^000000 Players/Characters."; mes "6. All Players/Characters."; mes "7. ^ff0000Cancel.^000000"; next; switch(select("Single Account:Single Character:^009900Online^000000 Accounts:All Accounts:^009900Online^000000 Characters:All Characters:Cancel")) { //Account gift case 1: mes "[" + strnpcinfo(1) + "]"; mes "Please select input type:"; mes "By AID or Name?"; next; if(select("Account ID:Character Name") == 1) { mes "[" + strnpcinfo(1) + "]"; mes "Write account id:"; next; input .@new_account, 2000000, 10000000; //Account id range from 2m to 10m. set .@query, query_sql("SELECT account_id FROM `" + .CharTableName$ + "` WHERE account_id = " + .@new_account, .@new_account); if(!.@query) goto OnNotExist; if(select("Continue:Cancel") != 1) goto OnLeave; mes "[" + strnpcinfo(1) + "]"; mes "^009900Gift is ready to go!^000000"; mes "AID: ^ff0000" + .@new_account + "^000000"; mes "------------------"; mes "Item: ^ff0000" + getitemname(.@new_item) + "^000000"; mes "Quantity: ^ff0000" + .@new_value + "^000000"; mes "Duration: " + .@duration + " Minutes"; mes "Claim Time: " + .@c + " Minutes"; next; if(select("Send Gift:Cancel") != 1) goto OnLeave; mes "[" + strnpcinfo(1) + "]"; mes "Gift sending success!"; //Create gift. <auto_id>, <account_id> <char_id> <item> <value> query_sql("INSERT INTO `" + .GiftTableName$ + "` (account_id, item, value, duration, timestamp) VALUES(" + .@new_account + ", " + .@new_item + ", " + .@new_value + ", " + .@duration + ", " + .@claimtime + ")"); } else { mes "[" + strnpcinfo(1) + "]"; mes "Write player name:"; next; input .@new_name$; set .@query, query_sql("SELECT account_id FROM `" + .CharTableName$ + "` WHERE name = '" + .@new_name$ + "'", .@new_account); if(!.@query) goto OnNotExist; if(select("Continue:Cancel") != 1) goto OnLeave; mes "[" + strnpcinfo(1) + "]"; mes "^009900Gift is ready to go!^000000"; mes "AID: ^ff0000" + .@new_account + "^000000"; mes "Name: ^ff0000"+ .@new_name$ + "^000000"; mes "------------------"; mes "Item: ^ff0000" + getitemname(.@new_item) + "^000000"; mes "Quantity: ^ff0000" + .@new_value + "^000000"; mes "Duration: " + .@duration + " Minutes"; mes "Claim Time: " + .@c + " Minutes"; next; if(select("Send Gift:Cancel") != 1) goto OnLeave; //Check if player is logged in. if(isloggedin(.@new_account)) { mes "[" + strnpcinfo(1) + "]"; mes "Gift sending success!"; query_sql("INSERT INTO `" + .GiftTableName$ + "` (account_id, item, value, duration, timestamp) VALUES(" + .@new_account + ", " + .@new_item + ", " + .@new_value + ", " + .@duration + ", " + .@claimtime + ")"); } else { //Account was not online. mes "[" + strnpcinfo(1) + "]"; mes "Gift sending success!"; query_sql("INSERT INTO `" + .GiftTableName$ + "` (account_id, item, value, duration, timestamp) VALUES(" + .@new_account + ", " + .@new_item + ", " + .@new_value + ", " + .@duration + ", " + .@claimtime + ")"); // duplicate to other menus - continue here on giver side } } announce "[GM] "+strcharinfo(0)+" successfully sent " + .@new_value + "x as a Gift " + getitemname(.@new_item) + " to " + .@new_name$,bc_all; break; //Character gift. case 2: mes "[" + strnpcinfo(1) + "]"; mes "Please select input type:"; mes "By CID or Name?"; next; if(select("Character ID:Character Name") == 1) { mes "[" + strnpcinfo(1) + "]"; mes "Write character id:"; next; input .@new_char,150000, 10000000; //Char id range from 150k to 10m. set .@query, query_sql("SELECT account_id, name FROM `" + .CharTableName$ + "` WHERE char_id = " + .@new_char, .@new_accountid, .@new_name$); if(!.@query) goto OnNotExist; if(select("Continue:Cancel") != 1) goto OnLeave; mes "[" + strnpcinfo(1) + "]"; mes "^009900Gift is ready to go!^000000"; mes "CID: ^ff0000" + .@new_char + "^000000"; mes "Name: ^ff0000" + .@new_name$ + "^000000"; mes "------------------"; mes "Item: ^ff0000" + getitemname(.@new_item) + "^000000"; mes "Quantity: ^ff0000" + .@new_value + "^000000"; mes "Duration: " + .@duration + " Minutes"; mes "Claim Time: " + .@c + " Minutes"; next; if(select("Send Gift:Cancel") != 1) goto OnLeave; //Check if player is logged in. if(isloggedin(.@new_accountid)) { mes "[" + strnpcinfo(1) + "]"; mes "Gift sending success!"; //Create gift. <auto_id>, <account_id> <char_id> <item> <value> query_sql("INSERT INTO `" + .GiftTableName$ + "` (char_id, item, value, duration, timestamp) VALUES (" + .@new_char + ", " + .@new_item + ", " + .@new_value + "," + .@duration + "," + .@claimtime + ")"); } else { //not online ask if we still give the gift. mes "[" + strnpcinfo(1) + "]"; mes "The character is not online!"; mes "Would you still like to send the gift?"; next; if(select("Yes:No") != 1) goto OnLeave; mes "[" + strnpcinfo(1) + "]"; mes "Gift sending success!"; //Create gift. <auto_id>, <account_id> <char_id> <item> <value> query_sql("INSERT INTO `" + .GiftTableName$ + "` (char_id, item, value, duration, timestamp) VALUES (" + .@new_char + ", " + .@new_item + ", " + .@new_value + "," + .@duration + "," + .@claimtime + ")"); } } else { mes "[" + strnpcinfo(1) + "]"; mes "Write player name:"; next; input .@new_name$; set .@query, query_sql("SELECT char_id, account_id FROM `" + .CharTableName$ + "` WHERE name = '" + .@new_name$ + "'", .@new_char, .@new_accountid); if(!.@query) goto OnNotExist; if(select("Continue:Cancel") != 1) goto OnLeave; mes "[" + strnpcinfo(1) + "]"; mes "^009900Gift is ready to go!^000000"; mes "CID: ^ff0000" + .@new_char + "^000000"; mes "Name: ^ff0000"+ .@new_name$ + "^000000"; mes "------------------"; mes "Item: ^ff0000" + getitemname(.@new_item) + "^000000"; mes "Quantity: ^ff0000" + .@new_value + "^000000"; mes "Duration: " + .@duration + " Minutes"; mes "Claim Time: " + .@c + " Minutes"; next; if(select("Send Gift:Cancel") != 1) goto OnLeave; //Check if player is logged in. if(isloggedin(.@new_accountid)) { mes "[" + strnpcinfo(1) + "]"; mes "Gift sending success!"; query_sql("INSERT INTO `" + .GiftTableName$ + "` (char_id, item, value, duration, timestamp) VALUES (" + .@new_char + ", " + .@new_item + ", " + .@new_value + "," + .@duration + "," + .@claimtime + ")"); } else { //not online ask if we still give the gift. mes "[" + strnpcinfo(1) + "]"; mes "The character is not online!"; mes "Would you still like to give the gift?"; next; if(select("Yes:No") != 1) goto OnLeave; mes "[" + strnpcinfo(1) + "]"; mes "Gift sending success!"; //Create gift. <auto_id>, <account_id> <char_id> <item> <value> query_sql("INSERT INTO `" + .GiftTableName$ + "` (char_id, item, value, duration, timestamp) VALUES (" + .@new_char + ", " + .@new_item + ", " + .@new_value + "," + .@duration + "," + .@claimtime + ")"); } } announce "[GM] "+strcharinfo(0)+" successfully sent " + .@new_value + "x as a Gift " + getitemname(.@new_item) + " to " + .@new_name$,bc_all; break; //Register gift to all online accounts! case 3: mes "[" + strnpcinfo(1) + "]"; mes "^009900Gift is ready to go!^000000"; mes "Item: ^ff0000" + getitemname(.@new_item) + "^000000"; mes "Quantity: ^ff0000" + .@new_value + "^000000"; mes "Duration: " + .@duration + " Minutes"; mes "Claim Time: " + .@c + " Minutes"; next; if(select("Send Gift:Cancel") != 1) goto OnLeave; mes "[" + strnpcinfo(1) + "]"; mes "Please hold..."; set .@c, 0; //Counting success. set .@query, query_sql("SELECT account_id FROM `"+.CharTableName$+"` WHERE online=1",.@account); for(set .@i, 0; .@i < .@query; set .@i, .@i + 1) { sleep2 25; //Slowdown the loop abit. .@at = query_sql("SELECT account_id, char_id FROM "+$GiftTableNameAT$+" WHERE account_id = "+.@account[.@i]+"", .@account_id, .@char_id); // check if in the table if (!.@at) { query_sql("INSERT INTO `" + .GiftTableName$ + "` (account_id, item, value, duration, timestamp) VALUES(" + .@account[.@i] + ", " + .@new_item + ", " + .@new_value + ", " + .@duration + ", " + .@claimtime + ")"); } } mes "Gift registered to (" + .@i + ") accounts!"; announce "[GM] "+strcharinfo(0)+" successfully sent " + .@new_value + "x as a Gift " + getitemname(.@new_item) + " to all Online!",bc_all; break; //Register gift to all accounts! case 4: mes "[" + strnpcinfo(1) + "]"; mes "^009900Gift is ready to go!^000000"; mes "Item: ^ff0000" + getitemname(.@new_item) + "^000000"; mes "Quantity: ^ff0000" + .@new_value + "^000000"; mes "Claim Time: " + .@c + " Minutes"; next; if(select("Send Gift:Cancel") != 1) goto OnLeave; mes "[" + strnpcinfo(1) + "]"; mes "Please hold..."; set .@query, query_sql("SELECT account_id FROM `"+.LoginTableName$+"`",.@account); for(set .@i, 0; .@i < .@query; set .@i, .@i + 1) { sleep2 25; //Slowdown the loop abit. query_sql("INSERT INTO `" + .GiftTableName$ + "` (account_id, item, value, duration, timestamp) VALUES(" + .@account[.@i] + ", " + .@new_item + ", " + .@new_value + ", " + .@duration + ", " + .@claimtime + ")"); } mes "Gift registered to (" + .@i + ") accounts!"; announce "[GM] "+strcharinfo(0)+" successfully sent " + .@new_value + "x as a Gift " + getitemname(.@new_item) + " to Everyone.",bc_all; break; //Register gift to all online characters! case 5: mes "[" + strnpcinfo(1) + "]"; mes "^009900Gift is ready to go!^000000"; mes "Item: ^ff0000" + getitemname(.@new_item) + "^000000"; mes "Quantity: ^ff0000" + .@new_value + "^000000"; mes "Claim Time: " + .@c + " Minutes"; next; if(select("Send Gift:Cancel") != 1) goto OnLeave; mes "[" + strnpcinfo(1) + "]"; mes "Please hold..."; set .@c, 0; //Counting success. set .@query, query_sql("SELECT char_id FROM `"+.CharTableName$+"` WHERE online=1",.@char); for(set .@i, 0; .@i < .@query; set .@i, .@i + 1) { sleep2 25; //Slowdown the loop abit. .@at = query_sql("SELECT account_id, char_id FROM "+$GiftTableNameAT$+" WHERE char_id = "+.@char[.@i]+"", .@account_id, .@char_id); // check if in the table if (!.@at) { query_sql("INSERT INTO `" + .GiftTableName$ + "` (char_id, item, value, duration, timestamp) VALUES (" + .@char[.@i] + ", " + .@new_item + ", " + .@new_value + "," + .@duration + "," + .@claimtime + ")"); } } mes "Gift registered to (" + .@i + ") players!"; announce "[GM] "+strcharinfo(0)+" successfully sent " + .@new_value + "x as a Gift " + getitemname(.@new_item) + " to all Online Characters",bc_all; break; //Register gift to all characters! case 6: mes "[" + strnpcinfo(1) + "]"; mes "^009900Gift is ready to go!^000000"; mes "Item: ^ff0000" + getitemname(.@new_item) + "^000000"; mes "Quantity: ^ff0000" + .@new_value + "^000000"; mes "Claim Time: " + .@c + " Minutes"; next; if(select("Send Gift:Cancel") != 1) goto OnLeave; mes "[" + strnpcinfo(1) + "]"; mes "Please hold..."; set .@query, query_sql("SELECT char_id FROM `"+.CharTableName$+"`",.@char); for(set .@i, 0; .@i < .@query; set .@i, .@i + 1) { sleep2 25; //Slowdown the loop abit. query_sql("INSERT INTO `" + .GiftTableName$ + "` (char_id, item, value, duration, timestamp) VALUES (" + .@char[.@i] + ", " + .@new_item + ", " + .@new_value + "," + .@duration + "," + .@claimtime + ")"); } mes "Gift registered to (" + .@i + ") players!"; announce "[GM] "+strcharinfo(0)+" successfully sent " + .@new_value + "x as a Gift " + getitemname(.@new_item) + " to " + .@new_name$,bc_all; break; //Cancel. Default: mes "[Reward Giver]"; mes "See you later"; break; } close; OnLeave: mes "[Reward Giver]"; mes "See you later"; cutin "v_sprakki04",255; close; OnNotExist: mes "[" + strnpcinfo(1) + "]"; mes "This account does not exist!"; cutin "v_sprakki04",255; close; //============Reset Function========================= OnDelete: mes "Which gifts do you want to reset?"; mes "1. Single Account"; mes "2. Single Character"; mes "3. All ^009900Online^000000 Accounts."; mes "4. All Accounts."; mes "5. All ^009900Online^000000 Players/Characters."; mes "6. All Players/Characters."; mes "7. All cancel"; switch(select("Single Account:Single Character:^009900Online^000000 Accounts:All Accounts:^009900Online^000000 Characters:All Characters:Specific Item:IPLimit Logs:Cancel")) { case 1: //Single Account mes "[" + strnpcinfo(1) + "]"; mes "Please select input type:"; mes "By AID or Name?"; next; if(select("Account ID:Character Name") == 1) { mes "[" + strnpcinfo(1) + "]"; mes "Write account id:"; next; input .@new_account, 2000000, 10000000; //Account id range from 2m to 10m. set .@query, query_sql("SELECT account_id FROM `" + .CharTableName$ + "` WHERE account_id = " + .@new_account, .@new_account); if(!.@query) goto OnNotExist; if(select("Continue:Cancel") != 1) goto OnLeave; query_sql("DELETE FROM " + .GiftTableName$ + " WHERE account_id = " + .@new_account); } else { mes "[" + strnpcinfo(1) + "]"; mes "Write player name:"; next; input .@new_name$; set .@query, query_sql("SELECT account_id FROM `" + .CharTableName$ + "` WHERE name = '" + .@new_name$ + "'", .@new_account); if(!.@query) goto OnNotExist; if(select("Continue:Cancel") != 1) goto OnLeave; query_sql("DELETE FROM " + .GiftTableName$ + " WHERE account_id = " + .@new_account); } break; case 2: //Single Character mes "[" + strnpcinfo(1) + "]"; mes "Please select input type:"; mes "By CID or Name?"; next; if(select("Character ID:Character Name") == 1) { mes "[" + strnpcinfo(1) + "]"; mes "Write character id:"; next; input .@new_char,150000, 10000000; //Char id range from 150k to 10m. set .@query, query_sql("SELECT account_id, name FROM `" + .CharTableName$ + "` WHERE char_id = " + .@new_char, .@new_accountid, .@new_name$); if(!.@query) goto OnNotExist; if(select("Continue:Cancel") != 1) goto OnLeave; query_sql("DELETE FROM " + .GiftTableName$ + " WHERE char_id = " + .@new_char); } else { mes "[" + strnpcinfo(1) + "]"; mes "Write player name:"; next; input .@new_name$; set .@query, query_sql("SELECT char_id, account_id FROM `" + .CharTableName$ + "` WHERE name = '" + .@new_name$ + "'", .@new_char, .@new_accountid); if(!.@query) goto OnNotExist; if(select("Continue:Cancel") != 1) goto OnLeave; query_sql("DELETE FROM " + .GiftTableName$ + " WHERE char_id = " + .@new_char); } break; case 3: //All Online Accounts. mes "[" + strnpcinfo(1) + "]"; mes "Please hold..."; set .@c, 0; //Counting success. set .@query, query_sql("SELECT account_id FROM `"+.CharTableName$+"` WHERE online=1",.@account); for(set .@i, 0; .@i < .@query; set .@i, .@i + 1) { sleep2 25; //Slowdown the loop abit. query_sql("DELETE FROM " + .GiftTableName$ + " WHERE account_id = " + .@account[.@i]); } break; case 4: //All Accounts. query_sql("DELETE FROM " + .GiftTableName$ + " WHERE account_id >= 1"); break; case 5: //All Online Players/Characters. mes "[" + strnpcinfo(1) + "]"; mes "Please hold..."; set .@c, 0; //Counting success. set .@query, query_sql("SELECT char_id FROM `"+.CharTableName$+"` WHERE online=1",.@char); for(set .@i, 0; .@i < .@query; set .@i, .@i + 1) { sleep2 25; //Slowdown the loop abit. query_sql("DELETE FROM " + .GiftTableName$ + " WHERE char_id = " + .@char[.@i]); } break; case 6: //All Players/Characters. query_sql("TRUNCATE TABLE " + .GiftTableName$); break; case 7: // Delete specific item mes "Please type the id of the item you wish to delete"; mes "This will delete all entries with the item id you typed"; input(.@deletethis); next; mes "Are you sure you want to delete all entries of " + .@deletethis; if (select("Yes:No")==1) { query_sql("DELETE FROM " + .GiftTableName$ + " WHERE item = " + .@deletethis + ""); } else { mes "Deletion cancelled"; close; } case 8: //All ip logs query_sql("TRUNCATE TABLE " + .GiftTableNameIP$); break; default: break; } next; mes "deletion finished"; cutin "v_sprakki04",255; close; OnLimit: mes "Please enter an ip limit, current limit is " + .ip_limit; input(.ip_limit); mes "Done!"; cutin "v_sprakki04",255; close; //============================================================ // Config/Edit: //============================================================ OnLoadSetup: set .Setup, 1; //OnInit is loaded check. set .GMin, 60; //Minimum GM level to use gm panel. set .ZenyID,23500; // put this when asked for which item to give zeny. set .MaxZeny,1000000000; //Your table names: set .CharTableName$, "char"; //Character table name(SQL). set .LoginTableName$, "login"; set .GiftTableName$, "reward"; //Gift table name(SQL). set .GiftTableNameIP$, "reward_ip"; //Gift table name for ip tracker set $GiftTableNameAT$, "reward_at"; //Gift table name for auto trade tracker //Create gift table <auto_id>, <account_id>, <char_id>, <item>, <value> query_sql("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `reward` (`id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,`account_id` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',`char_id` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',`item` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',`value` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',`duration` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',`timestamp` int(23) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',PRIMARY KEY (`id`))"); query_sql("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `reward_ip` ( `give_id` int(11) NOT NULL, `item_id` int(11) NOT NULL, `ip_address` varchar(23) NOT NULL, `claim_count` int(11) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`give_id`))"); query_sql("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `reward_at` (`account_id` int(11) NOT NULL,`char_id` int(11) NOT NULL)"); return; OnInit: callsub OnLoadSetup; waitingroom "Prize Giver",0; end; } /* Manual table update for at tracker CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `reward_at` ( `account_id` int(11) NOT NULL, `char_id` int(11) NOT NULL ); */ - script anti_trader -1,{ OnInit: .is_anti_trade = 1; // 0 to disable end; } function script PG_30Seconds { //dispbottom "anti trader 30sec"; //Check if Vending (normal or @at) if(checkvending() >= 1) { // mark as auto trader .@query = query_sql("SELECT account_id, char_id FROM "+$GiftTableNameAT$+" WHERE account_id = "+getcharid(3)+"", .@account_id, .@char_id); // check if in the table if (!.@query) { // add if not there yet query_sql("INSERT INTO "+$GiftTableNameAT$+"(account_id,char_id) VALUES("+getcharid(3)+","+getcharid(0)+")"); //dispbottom "you have been marked as auto trader"; stopnpctimer; detachnpctimer; end; } } return; } function script PG_Login { //dispbottom "at delete"; .@query = query_sql("SELECT account_id, char_id FROM "+$GiftTableNameAT$+" WHERE account_id = "+getcharid(3)+"", .@account_id, .@char_id); // check if in the table if (.@query) { // remove to reverify vending status query_sql("DELETE FROM "+$GiftTableNameAT$+" WHERE account_id = "+getcharid(3)+""); } }
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