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GM Takumirai

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Everything posted by GM Takumirai

  1. God if( getd(".n_"+.@type+"_master_map$") == "prt_cas01" ) - how to make it more maps?
  2. how to check if @autoattack activated there will be no points given??
  3. @god - how to make the npc will disappear if going inside WOE castle??..
  4. i see, yeah i never noticed that.. anyway hope someone will share..
  5. http://www.eathena.w...hp/t260812.html learn how to use mr. google.com
  6. http://www.eathena.ws/board/index.php?showtopic=233189&st=0 - the problem is i can't execute the SQL provided in the script.. anyone can help?
  7. im just wondering how to make it a 1 npc but all players can rent that npc.. its to waste of space if we duplicate the npc.. //Author Goddameit //Version 2012/11/23 //Web http://bit.ly/MDuQ9F - script DedicatedNPCMain -1,{ set .@type,atoi(strnpcinfo(2)); if( getd(".n_"+.@type+"_status") == 0 ) { for(set .@i,1;.@i<=.amount;set .@i,.@i+1) if( getd(".n_"+.@i+"_master") == getcharid(3) ) { end; } mes "Hi, will you hire me?"; select("Yes"); set .@type,atoi(strnpcinfo(2)); setd ".n_"+.@type+"_status",1; setd ".n_"+.@type+"_master",getcharid(3); setd ".n_"+.@type+"_time",10; setd ".n_"+.@type+"_name$",strcharinfo(0); getmapxy(getd(".n_"+.@type+"_origin_map$"),getd(".n_"+.@type+"_origin_x"),getd(".n_"+.@type+"_origin_y"),1,strnpcinfo(0)); initnpctimer; close; }else { set .@type,atoi(strnpcinfo(2)); if( getd(".n_"+.@type+"_master") == getcharid(3) ) { mes "Hi, any problem?"; switch(select("Storage","Repair all","Dismissal")) { case 1: openstorage; close; case 2: repairall; close; case 3: callsub OnEndd; close; } }else { end; } } end; OnPCLogoutevent: callsub OnEndd; end; OnEndd: set .@type,atoi(strnpcinfo(2)); if(getd(".n_"+.@type+"_origin_map$")!="") unitwarp getd(".n_"+.@type+"_unit_id"),getd(".n_"+.@type+"_origin_map$"),getd(".n_"+.@type+"_origin_x"),getd(".n_"+.@type+"_origin_y"); if(isloggedin(getd(".n_"+.@type+"_master"))) message getd(".n_"+.@type+"_name$"),strnpcinfo(1)+" : See you!"; stopnpctimer; setd ".n_"+.@type+"_status",0; setd ".n_"+.@type+"_tmp_time",0; setd ".n_"+.@type+"_master",0; setd ".n_"+.@type+"_time",0; setd ".n_"+.@type+"_name$",""; setd ".n_"+.@type+"_master_map$",""; setd ".n_"+.@type+"_master_x",0; setd ".n_"+.@type+"_master_y",0; setd ".n_"+.@type+"_npc_map$",""; setd ".n_"+.@type+"_npc_x",0; setd ".n_"+.@type+"_npc_y",0; return; OnTimer1000: { set .@type,atoi(strnpcinfo(2)); for(;isloggedin(getd(".n_"+.@type+"_master")) { set .@type,atoi(strnpcinfo(2)); set .@aid,getd(".n_"+.@type+"_master"); if(attachrid(.@aid)) { getmapxy(getd(".n_"+.@type+"_master_map$"),getd(".n_"+.@type+"_master_x"),getd(".n_"+.@type+"_master_y"),0); getmapxy(getd(".n_"+.@type+"_npc_map$"),getd(".n_"+.@type+"_npc_x"),getd(".n_"+.@type+"_npc_y"),1,strnpcinfo(0)); if(maxhp/hp>=4) { percentheal 15,15; specialeffect2 312; } if(getd(".n_"+.@type+"_tmp_time") == 0) { sc_start SC_BLESSING,60000,10; specialeffect2 42; sc_start SC_INCREASEAGI,60000,10; specialeffect2 37; sc_start SC_IMPOSITIO,60000,10; specialeffect2 84; sc_start SC_MAGNIFICAT,60000,10; specialeffect2 76; sc_start SC_GLORIA,60000,10; specialeffect2 75; sc_start SC_SUFFRAGIUM,60000,10; specialeffect2 88; sc_start SC_ASSUMPTIO,60000,10; specialeffect2 375; } set .@tmp_time,getd(".n_"+.@type+"_tmp_time"); setd ".n_"+.@type+"_tmp_time",.@tmp_time+1; if( .@tmp_time >= 59 ) setd ".n_"+.@type+"_tmp_time",0; } detachrid; if(!isloggedin(.@aid)) { callsub OnEndd; break; } set .@map$,getd(".n_"+.@type+"_master_map$"); set .@x,getd(".n_"+.@type+"_master_x"); set .@y,getd(".n_"+.@type+"_master_y"); set .@uid,getd(".n_"+.@type+"_unit_id"); if(distance(getd(".n_"+.@type+"_npc_x"),getd(".n_"+.@type+"_npc_y"),.@x,.@y)>=8||.@map$!=getd(".n_"+.@type+"_npc_map$")) unitwarp .@uid,.@map$,.@x,.@y; else unitwalk .@uid,.@x+rand(-3,3),.@y+rand(-3,3); setd ".n_"+.@type+"_time",getd(".n_"+.@type+"_time")-1; if( getd(".n_"+.@type+"_time") <= 0 ) { callsub OnEndd; break; } sleep2 1000; } } callsub OnEndd; end; OnInit: setd ".n_"+atoi(strnpcinfo(2))+"_unit_id",getnpcid(0); set .amount,.amount+1; end; } prontera,155,180,4 duplicate(DedicatedNPCMain) Dedicated Poring 1#1 1002 prontera,157,180,4 duplicate(DedicatedNPCMain) Dedicated Poring 2#2 1002 prontera,159,180,4 duplicate(DedicatedNPCMain) Dedicated Poring 3#3 1002
  8. Yes, you can still use those item, as long as you dont put those itemID in the restriction..
  9. yes go to your svn/db/re/item_noequip.txt choose Zone 2: because its a jail zone ItemID,64 - ItemID of the item - 64 - zone 2 number example: 1827,64 then go to your svn/conf/mapflag/restricted.txt add this payg_cas02 mapflag restricted 2
  10. just wait for the dev to release it
  11. No problem i understand it all... btw its working now ill post if i find some bug, and thanks for the help..
  12. sir how about if i make the item equipable example if i equip the item it will trigger command @autoattack.. but if i un-equip the item, @autoattack will trigger off.. but the problem on the patch of God there's no @autoattack on and @autoattack off command, only it trigger @autoattack.. is there any solution?.. and also a checker if the item gone and still in the state of @autoattack, it will automaticaly disable the @autoattack..
  13. Oh that's why, thanks Toast it seem that its not working.. // Auto Attack Box to make the card have rental or expire time 29056,Auto_Attack_Box,Auto Attack Box,18,20,,10,,,,,0xFFFFFFFF,7,2,,,,,,{ rentitem 29002,604800; },{},{} 29002,autoatk_Card,Auto Attack Card,11,0,,10,,,,,0xFFFFFFFF,7,2,,,,,,{},{ callfunc "command__"; set @at,1;},{ callfunc "command__"; set @at,0;} //This command is tfor the Auto Attack Card to used it function script command__ { atcommand "@autoattack"; return;} //This Code is to check if the item Auto Attack Card Expired the Auto Attack Command will force to cancel - script fixautoattack -1,{ OnPCLoginEvent: if (@at == 0) {end;} else { atcommand "@autoattack"; set @at,0;}; end;} i dont know what is the problem there's no error in map..
  14. Thanks Testing this got error [Error]: npc_parsesrcfile: Unknown syntax in file 'npc/AGNRO/VIP/VIP-auto-attack.txt', line '1'. Stopping... * w1=function script command__ { * w2= * w3= * w4= [Error]: npc_parsesrcfile: Unknown syntax in file 'npc/AGNRO/VIP/VIP-auto-attack-checker.txt', line '1'. Stopping... * w1=- script fixautoattack { * w2= * w3= * w4=
  15. did you try not to reload it? and try server restart in emulator
  16. try editing in your main svn , not in SQL..
  17. if your using renewal go to svn/db/job_db1.txt change the hp of the class // Super Novice 23, 20000,0 ,500 ,100 ,440 ,590 ,610 ,2000 ,2000 ,2000 ,540 ,2000 ,540 ,540 ,690 ,2000 ,2000 ,2000 ,2000 ,2000 ,2000 ,2000 ,2000 ,2000 ,2000 ,2000 ,2000 ,690 ,540 JobID,Weight,HPFactor,HPMultiplicator,SPFactor,Unarmed,Dagger,1HSword,2HSword,1HSpear,2HSpear,1HAxe,2HAxe,1HMace,2HMace(unused),Rod,Bow,Knuckle,Instrument,Whip,Book,Katar,Revolver,Rifle,Gatling Gun,Shotgun,Grenade Launcher,Fuuma Shuriken,2HStaff,Shield
  18. http://rathena.org/board/topic/61694-poring-coin-droppable-and-useable/
  19. Hahaha happy thanks giving anyway.. - a 4 team compose of 7 member will register team A team B team C team D from the team we divide it to 2 division division 1 and division 2 in division 1 team A vs team B team A and team B will fight each other for 3 rounds [ or lets make it a BG scoring first player to get 3 points win ] next in division 2 team C and team D will fight each other for 3 rounds . who ever win in division 1 will fight the winner of division 2.. - we can make it a GM activation npc [only GM can activate] - or we can make it a automated npc activation - it will be good if its automated give the prize to the winner.. [ if not possible ] a winner team will be posted by the NPC ] - so that GM will just manually give to those winner.. also lets put a set wall per match and a count down.. - if it's also possible . every match map will be change example first match will be guild_vs1 after that next match guild_vs2..
  20. @GM Ocean how to make this a party registration of 4 team 7vs 7?? is't possible?
  21. here's a rip script, i don't know if its work.. sorry for my noobish script set @minnumber,1; set @maxnumber,10; set @input, input(@number, @minnumber, @maxnumber); mes "[Mr. Trader]"; mes "Please Input your desired points, the minimum is 1 and maximum is 10 points"; next; mes "Do you want to trade?"; switch(select("Yes:Cancel:What is the convertion?")) { case 1: if(.@input == 1) { set Zeny,Zeny+100; set #CASHPOINTS,#CASHPOINTS-1; } if(.@input == 2) { set Zeny,Zeny+200; set #CASHPOINTS,#CASHPOINTS-2; } if(.@input == 3) { set Zeny,Zeny+300; set #CASHPOINTS,#CASHPOINTS-3; } if(.@input == 4) { set Zeny,Zeny+400; set #CASHPOINTS,#CASHPOINTS-4; } if(.@input == 5) { set Zeny,Zeny+500; set #CASHPOINTS,#CASHPOINTS-5; } if(.@input == 6) { set Zeny,Zeny+600; set #CASHPOINTS,#CASHPOINTS-6; } if(.@input == 7) { set Zeny,Zeny+700; set #CASHPOINTS,#CASHPOINTS-7; } if(.@input == 8) { set Zeny,Zeny+800; set #CASHPOINTS,#CASHPOINTS-8; } if(.@input == 9) { set Zeny,Zeny+900; set #CASHPOINTS,#CASHPOINTS-9; } if(.@input == 10) { set Zeny,Zeny+1000; set #CASHPOINTS,#CASHPOINTS-10; } close; case 2: mes "Come back again."; close; case 3: mes "[Mr. Trader]"; mes "Here is the convertion."; mes "1 Point = 100z."; close; } Dastgir script is better - sorry for my noobish script
  22. if you do an input you must put a convertion of 1 point.. example 1 points = 100z
  23. Its depend on your server configuration of max dex to cast its inside your svn/conf/battle
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