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Everything posted by PandaLovesHamster

  1. Very possible, only disadvantage is that most hacks will work.
  2. set .soundef_number, .soundef_number + 1; switch (.soundef_number) { case 1: soundeffect "hollen2.wav",0; break; case 2: soundeffect "hollen3.wav",0; break; case 3: soundeffect "hollen4.wav",0; break; case 4: soundeffect "hollen5.wav",0; break; } if (.soundef_number >= 3) { set .soundef_number, 0; } Try removing those from the script itself and see if it still crashes.
  3. Just use the regular woe settings in the guild folder?
  4. I have the same issue, I managed to reduce the lag by turning off the WoE Controller
  5. Check your job level, make sure you're maxed. Also, note worthy, try to change the view of the skill tabs. Sometimes it won't work that way
  6. Yup, using Ghost PVP Announcer can make that happen, just need to fix it so it won't be buggy any more.
  7. Hmm, I don't quite understand. Can you provide a screenshot? Might be able to fix it up.
  8. It is possible by changing an account variable to suit your announcer settings. Do you have, by chance, the necessary .wav files?
  9. Just use the one with dota sound script and remove the soundeffect lines
  10. SO this replaces the guild function? Or?
  11. I wouldn't recommend it if you have many players. It will be very memory intensive if you have many players. Just check itemnoequp on db folder, don't remember the exact name.
  12. Any map server errors when you kill the monster?
  13. Just take a look at the gold room request earlier and just change the gold id to edp bottle id
  14. You can use OnPcJobLvUpEvent:
  15. You'll need to do a script summon for them and attach some event labels that will give players one gold per kill.
  16. //Script by Normynator v1.1 //Modified by Panda prontera,146,163,4 script Event Representative 113,{ function EndEvent; if(getgmlevel() >= 99){ .@s = select("Start:Stop:Set Reward:Cancel"); if(.@s == 1){ mes "[ ^83cfe9Representative^000000 ]"; if(.config_done < 1){ mes "Please set your rewards and number of winners first."; close; } mes "Event has been started."; close2; set $giveaway, 0; set .start, 1; announce "[Event Representative]: [GM] "+strcharinfo(0)+" has started a Give Away Event!",0; sleep2 10000; announce "[Event Representative]: Number of Winners - "+.winner+" - ",0; end; } else if(.@s == 2){ if(.start < 1){ mes "No event to stop."; close; } mes "[ ^83cfe9Representative^000000 ]"; mes "You have cancelled the event."; set $giveaway, 1000; EndEvent; close; } else if(.@s == 3){ mes "[ ^83cfe9Representative^000000 ]"; mes "What reward do you want to give to the players?"; input .Rew_Item; set .item,.Rew_Item; if ( getiteminfo( .item, 0 ) == -1 ) { next; mes "[ ^83cfe9Representative^000000 ]"; mes "Invalid Item ID"; close; } next; mes "[ ^83cfe9Representative^000000 ]"; mes "Do you want to reward them "+getitemname(.Rew_Item)+"?"; menu "Yes",-; next; mes "[ ^83cfe9Representative^000000 ]"; mes "How many items will the player get?"; input .Rew_Amt; set .amount,.Rew_Amt; if(.amount < 1){ next; mes "[ ^83cfe9Representative^000000 ]"; mes "Quantity can not be lesser than 1."; close; } next; mes "[ ^83cfe9Representative^000000 ]"; mes "Are you sure with "+.Rew_Amt+" items?"; menu "Yes",-; next; mes "[ ^83cfe9Representative^000000 ]"; mes "Quantity has been set."; next; mes "[ ^83cfe9Representative^000000 ]"; mes "How many players do you want to win?"; input .Rew_Win; set .winner,.Rew_Win; if(.winner < 1){ next; mes "[ ^83cfe9Representative^000000 ]"; mes "Winners can not be lesser than 1."; close; } next; mes "[ ^83cfe9Representative^000000 ]"; mes .winner+" winners will be able to win."; set .config_done,1; close; }else{ end; } } if(.start < 1){ mes "[Representative]"; mes "No events are running."; close; } if (#AlreadyGot){ mes "[ ^83cfe9Representative^000000 ]"; mes "I have ^FF0000"+.@left + "^000000 items left."; mes "You already got your item."; close; } if($giveaway >= .winner){ mes "[ ^83cfe9Representative^000000 ]"; mes "I'm sorry, all items have been claimed."; close; } else{ mes "[ ^83cfe9Representative^000000 ]"; set .@left, .winner - $giveaway; mes "Hi"; mes "I have ^FF0000"+.@left + "^000000 items left."; next; set #AlreadyGot, 1; mes "[ ^83cfe9Representative^000000 ]"; mes "Congratulations for making it."; getitem .Rew_Item, .Rew_Amt; announce strcharinfo(0)+" redeemed one of the "+.@left+" Event Items!",0; set $giveaway, $giveaway + 1; if($giveaway == .winner){ EndEvent; } close; } OnInit: waitingroom "Event Representative",0; set .start, 0; end; EndEvent: announce "All Event Items have been redeemed.",0; query_sql "DELETE FROM `main`.`acc_reg_num` WHERE `key`='#AlreadyGot'"; //update this line set .start,0; end; } Just change the query line if you have a different database structure. Let me know if something doesn't work.
  17. Hmm, I'll try to have a look at it, but won't promise anything alright.
  18. This happens to me as well. Can someone clarify? The same problem above.
  19. Autoskill? Or like have all skills when you hit job 50?
  20. Typo? @mamount <- easily spotted, just change that line.
  21. Add these few lines, not tested but should probably work. OnPCKillEvent: for(set .@i,0; .@i < getarraysize(.map$); .@i++){ if(strcharinfo(3) != .map$) end; } OnInit: setarray .map$,"pvp_y_8-2","payon","prontera","alberta"; end;
  22. Updated the first topic. Re-wrote the prologue, it's not quite done yet, so I hope people can provide feed back. Thank you
  23. You want all characters to have teleport? You'll have to edit some database files for that I think.
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