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Poring King

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Everything posted by Poring King

  1. +1 for this waiting for development
  2. Ddos Protection ? - Check me
  3. Yes . Create your own NPC Sprite and setup the ID for that NPC
  4. Hello i would like to share you my works and im already thinking if i will also give this for free soon like what i did on my render collection of ragnarok char . Since im still having a problem with in my mysql with in notice that why my notice is still empty . I hope someone will help me to connect with that . Kindly rate my design and i will post more for free . 1st. Thor patcher that i made . 2nd Thor Patcher that i made just now but still not done . My old advertisement when im newbie in RO Dev i think im still newbie HAHAHA sad but true 1st Free Release - Ragnarok Render Char for your advertisement 2nd Free Thor patcher - Coming Soon
  5. @Popcorn Try to use Nemo submitted by @Secrets , And Enabled the hairstyle for link click me !
  6. @Akbare I have 2 different server username and password for each server and database . Both of 2server when run individual are working but when i change the the login port into the port of server 1 that will be happend
  7. Hello since this is my old post i just want to open this again to avoid lot of post . I start making again multiple server witch is 1log in with 2 server . Last time that i make this i suddenly give up . And now i see some progress and here . Im using the port difference for multi server im not using the IP one . Now my only problem is the char server in my 2nd server are refusing by login server in server 1 . I use the above referrence and this This is the result .login server are refusing my connection .
  8. i think the reason why you connecting to IRO server its because you are using there grf. in your data.ini
  9. Hello sir i send you MSG and also a ticket in vHost

  10. Server Folder/Conf/Battle/player.conf Also the one who reply with that treand also same thing i really want to say to you lol Use our search engine to see what are you looking for .
  11. lol im just asking because im also thinking that sometimes its because of the client version . HAHAHA
  12. You are using 2017 im using 2016 . Do you think this is becuase of RagExe Version ?
  13. Since i will back again in RO i suddenly encounter this kind of problem / bug's. This problem i think should be in SRC but the SRC support section are not available . I really dont know if where i should post my concern please move my post if it is in wrong section . Fist I will state what im using . Server - I use the latest server file in Github Ragnarok Exe - Im using 2016-07-06bRagexe - from this link KRO Unpacked client release KRO - Im using the KRO from @Akkarin Here In this picture you will notice that, i already have Guild but in the Alt+G Window "Guild window" All the information are not working . The window should have already an information Like ("Guildname","Guild Level","Guild Member","Member's") Even the Emblem button are not working ... Below Picture is a proof pf evidence that the alt g window are not totally functioning Only this are working in the Alt G Window In each town i see alot of like this problem so i will include this also for my problem . I want to put the icon to the head top of NPC if someone knew how to fix this please kindly help me This is my first time that i encounter that thing that's why i ask for help and i already use the search button in forum and i dont find similar problem with me i already spend 4:30 hours just to fix this before i decided to post this i also try to locate it in SRC but still i cant find .
  14. yeah right i deserve it . i forgot the rAthena rules my bad and i already update my post
  15. Good Day This is my Simple Gift for you guys :)) im back again ! . This is my all Collection of Render Chibi Picture that will help you to maximize your creativty and your Design Skills . Need RO Chibi for your Web Template ? Patcher Design ? Wallpaper Log in screen ? Advertising ? :)) Click ME! Post Here your Creative Design and let see how did you use my collection .
  16. Hello guys im back :))

    1. ro4peace


      How about your project ??


  17. Because im looking for a certain item that if i use steal i already know what item i will get .
  18. Hello guys . Do we have a database that will show the Steal skill item list for each mob. ? ex: Chepet when using steal for this mob we will get matchstick .
  19. @mazvi92 Sounds new for me i check it out when im not busy anymore thx for your reply :))
  20. Yeah Most of Asian Private Server already own Gepard . I also dont know if gepard support a reseller people because most of all Asian Private server hosting site have a gepard seller .
  21. Try to patch your KRO so your rdata and data will be updated
  22. use if else condition if(ExArcher){ } "Do this if he is archer "ChangetoMonk blablabla" else { "Do This "Sorry you are not archer you cant change class blablabla" }
  23. 1st. Use the Direct3d HAL on the settings 2nd. Uncheck the Disable hardware Accelerated Graphics to make it fix. 3rd . Use Lua Settings
  24. Provide me this 2 1.System/iteminfo.lua 2.Database of that item 3. item file name on your client if you cant provide do it for your self . Here 1. Check System/iteminfo.lua The count 2. Check your item db and locate your item no . then try to view the item "View" 3. Item file name on client side should be tie with iteminfo.lua ClassNum "#no" in iteminfo.lua should be tie with the view point of item in Database . ex: Lord Kaho horn View No in Database is 99. iteminfo.lua count should be 99 also .
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