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Everything posted by Angst

  1. This was one of my favorite games as a kid. Played it for hours during the day, and night. Lost so many hours of sleep in middle school from this game, lol. Although it's not very detailed, it's to scale. At first I wanted to make it all as one room but then took a page from official maps and split the rooms apart. Original game map! And the browscreens~ Sorry there aren't many screenshots. There isn't much detail and I haven't mapped in a while so this is mostly just the essentials. Download Link only contains map files. Does not come with warp npc info.
  2. You need to add the map to your svn/db/map_cache.dat so the server knows the map exists and can calculate walkable area server-side. Also you need to edit these two files as well: Svn/db/map_index.txt Svn/conf/maps_athena.conf Weemapcache is a good user friendly program for adding maps to the server-side db
  3. Within the 'db/map_index.txt' make sure your map uses a valid index value and not one that's already in use by another map somewhere in the list. Also make sure 'conf/maps_athena.conf' is configured properly as well. map_index example: New_York 1250 London Tokyo maps_athena example: map: New_York map: London map: Tokyo Once these two are fixed be sure your map_cache.dat is rebuilt.
  4. Angst

    .act files

    SprNo refers to what image in the sprite the actor will display on the current frame, starting with Zero and counting up from left to right. Complete the editing by pressing the Enter key.
  5. Or go into Gat editing and make the brush large enough to cover the slope and press [spacebar] to set the gat to ground level.
  6. Angst

    grf error

    If you have a hex editor on hand, you could also check to see if this is in the Header of the grf file. If not then the grf is false. Master of Magic............... This Hex should match up as well. 4D6173746572206F66204D61676963000102030405060708090A0B0C0D0E
  7. I think if you want a slope like that, raise the starting square 20 clicks then make a step formation going down or upwards. Increase your detail terrain editing brush with [+] key. Cover the area to be sloped inside the red outlines and press [F] key The video even without sound is more detailed than text. So it's recommended looking in there.
  8. Angst

    Black bottom

    586 may not have completely correct model placement though. One of my maps made in 620 shows the street lamps offset by half a square (one gat tile) if viewed in 586. I usually build in 620 since its more stable and then save the final map in 586 for the working quadtree (no black squares). That's the only reason I keep BE 586 lol..
  9. allinone_#.pal is affected by the "[Add] use shared palettes" patch applied to the client. Remove this patch to display clothing palettes normally.
  10. I'm thinking this goes in the Script Request section? Script commands can be found here http://ea.dj-yhn.com/ or within your svn repository in svn/doc/script_commands.txt
  11. Also make sure your settings server-side are set appropriately in the /conf folder. After that make sure the stylist npc is set to handle the amount of hairstyles and dyes your server supports, don't want your stylist being able to support 250 hair/dyes when your grf only has 240 (example). I'm used to grf factory, those who I've worked with have tried getting me to use gryff and grf builder but I'm a little old school lol. It's personal preference I think when it comes to what grf program you unpack/pack with. But generally when you unpack, the files will be in korean and they must be in korean not ascii (¸Ó¸®0_¿©_ID) when you repack them. I hope this helps somewhat. /edit/ The hairstyles and dyes go in your client-side grf not the server one.
  12. Just what I needed, thanks. =D
  13. I've been away from the community and the mapping process for too long and something that I've never really needed nor had to learn how to use was copying a mass amount of models. How does one go about doing this? I have a map with models that I want from it, and a new blank map that I want to transfer them to. Is there a key sequence that I've overlooked? I hope this isn't simply copypasta one model at a time. :< Any and all help is greatly appreciated. Also something that I've been a little curious on but this hasn't really been a hindrance to me.. Has anyone figured out how to scale a texture like gravity does? Such as, if you go inside Prontera houses, the rugs in front of doors are a different size than from the sizes allowed texture picker in browedit (square or rectangles made by perfect squares; only). I don't know if it's possible to completely mimic the way gravity does this but if not then it's not completely relevant, if it's not currently possible with what we have.
  14. Save your map in version 586 to bypass this bug. Also in v586 generate a quadtree before saving from the edit? Menu for added stability. Happy mapping :3
  15. If you're using targa (tga) transparency, the game converts anything below 15%-ish to fully transparent. Not fully sure if this applies to hats but my guess is it's the same as models using targa transparency. As for setting transparency in actor with the aarrggbb setting in the table, I have no support for if that's the issue. :/
  16. For the baseball cap, I have already made a grey and red version, unless you want official blue. (grey and red 'punk' caps) http://rathena.org/board/topic/53347-collection-sprites-by-angst/ Just scroll down to the bottom of the first post in the topic.
  17. No need to recompile the mapcache unless you make a change to the walkable or unwalkable tiles. And yes. Once you save it in 586, repack it into your grf. I merely presumed you had patcher set-up already which is why I said, "patch your grf". :/
  18. Open your map in browedit version 586; save the map; patch your grf.
  19. Also as far as I know; .3ds to .rsm conversion using the browedit plugin does not support animation frames in the model. :/
  20. Find this in the Second function. close2; if (.@id >= 1) { This is presuming you have set the script to allow +20 refinement. Add this-v above the find^ if (getequiprefinerycnt(.@part) <= 9) { close2; message strcharinfo(0), "Equipment is required to already be refined to +10, the process has failed."; end; } Should look like this: if (getequiprefinerycnt(.@part) <= 9) { close2; message strcharinfo(0), "Equipment is required to already be refined to +10, the process has failed."; end; } close2; if (.@id >= 1) {
  21. Thanks, just something quick that took maybe an hour or two, to get used to the controls again :] Also, updated first post with a top view; can't believe I forgot that..
  22. Borrowing a friend's laptop, I re-downloaded browedit and instead of making a map to get back into what I was used to, I decided to make something totally random with arcturus models. :3 The model contains 32 pieces from the Arcturus data pack, all copies of the same six models. xD Hope you like~ -Edit- Top View
  23. I had this same problem also. I used an ATI HD card, not sure of the number as I no longer have the computer. I found you get less instances of this error if your computer comes with an integrated gfx card and you set in setup.exe to display from that gfx driver than the card you had installed in the open slot on your motherboard. You could also try fiddling with the compatibility settings by right clicking the server client and going into it's Properties, Change for all users, Windows XP SP2, Run as Administrator. Thumbnails And the same thing can apparently happen in guildwars o_O; This is one of the reasons why I hate ATI cards.. I have always gone with Nvidia until that point, and still prefer Nvidia.. >_>;
  24. OMG wasnt what i was looking for! Its better! thanks a lot, you're the best. Hm any idea on how to add custom @effects though.. i was thinking of the tarot cards 523-536 and i noticed there are some empty effect ids.. any idea on how i could make some new effects like tarot cards? (wanted to make a gm card. also like a tarot card, that shows that a player is a gm, (wouldnt be as big but somewhat so i could put it above a player thanks again ! As far as I know (though I may be wrong) effect id's are written and stored in the client. Their animation is stored in data/effect/ *.str files, which I think I have read, are written similar to lua script. Essentially they're complex script files controlling x,y offset, animation frame and xyz axis, possibly deform, etc.. yet I have no knowledge how they work, or rather, how they're written. :/ As for custom effects, again you can cheat with hat sprites, creating the animation and outputting in full 32bit alpha targa images (.tga, flipped upside-down like custom model textures) with an alpha channel (transparency, no hard edges like official hat sprites) either using photoshop (the long way) or a 3D program, and outputting each frame as an image. As for Question 1, I believe the setting for which you ask is a client hex patch which you might have to ask in client support || requests. Apologies that I could't be of much help regarding the new questions and question1, but glad to see that I have caused inspiration. :] Happy creating.
  25. For question 2, you could easily use the ending script in your instance to give reward hats. With the hats' script options you'd just have it do something like this: {},{ set eff877,1; while(eff877==1){specialeffect2 877; sleep2 6000;} },{set eff877,0;} Which would allow the user to display a desired aura whenever they want, a different hat for each aura effect.
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