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Everything posted by Mystery

  1. Mystery


    Yah but message() is this: Where as for playertalk, the variable is different + the message appears in the box and outside and people can see it.
  2. Mystery


    Wouldn't it be much simpler to just do: playertalk(1,"Hello there!"); ? It's much faster than typing out this: unittalk getcharid(3),"Message"; I believe it would be more efficient.
  3. Mystery


    I believe we should begin to have the script command "playertalk" imported into the SVN. Why? Well, there are instances that are being released by Gravity that requires the 'playertalk' command; such as Glast Heim Memorial (English: Glast Heim Memorial) and Sara's Memories Instance for example. (I currently didn't see any changes in the Trac regarding this if this was even implemented. If it was, disregard this topic). //ADD playertalk. (credits: Karmic) //====================================================== //script.c // +/*========================================== // +* playertalk (sends message to surrounding area) // +*------------------------------------------*/ //+BUILDIN_FUNC(playertalk) //+{ //+ int display_name; //+ const char* message; //+ char message_output[255]; //+ struct map_session_data *sd = script_rid2sd(st); //+ //+ display_name = script_getnum(st, 2); //+ message = script_getstr(st, 3); //+ //+ if(display_name) //+ sprintf(message_output, "%s: %s", sd->status.name, message); //+ else //+ sprintf(message_output, "%s", message); //+ //+ clif_disp_overhead(sd, message_output); //+ //+ return 0; //+} // /*========================================== // * npctalk (sends message to surrounding area) // *------------------------------------------*/ // BUILDIN_FUNC(npctalk) // // // // // BUILDIN_DEF(npctalk,"s"), // [Valaris] // +BUILDIN_DEF(playertalk,"is"), // [Karmic] // BUILDIN_DEF(mobcount,"ss"), Might as well have it in the SVN before we start adding translated instances, no? (Per this topic) What does everyone think?
  4. Why would you wanna put it anywhere? The function is giving items to either a Boy or Girl and at the top of your script, you have a list of getitems. Look at your script and try to figure out where you think it would make sense to be placed .
  5. You need to find those files so you could probably try to find them on the web or try to create them using Browedit I believe. And you fixed the issues probably cause you added ID numbers beside your custom maps in the map_index.
  6. Glad it worked for you ! Enjoy. xP. Yeah, the source is a maze... if you don't know what you're looking for you'd get confused/lost really easily
  7. Try removing that snippet as well. Mind you, a lot of things have changed in the SVN since May
  8. Check what you're map server is spitting out. Normally with the rejection, you get a message in the map console stating what is wrong.
  9. Try searching the forum. Everything you've asked for and listed have already been answered; it's all about you trying to look for it now through the boards.
  10. We'll it's been awhile... lets see if I remember correctly . Go to /conf/inter_athena.conf and find: // Map Database Tables item_db_db: item_db item_db_re_db: item_db_re item_db2_db: item_db2 mob_db_db: mob_db mob_db2_db: mob_db2 mob_skill_db_db: mob_skill_db mob_skill_db2_db: mob_skill_db2 Comment out mob_skill_db_db: mob_skill_db and mob_skill_db2_db: mob_skill_db2 Go to /src/map/map.c and find: char mob_skill_db_db[32] = "mob_skill_db"; char mob_skill_db2_db[32] = "mob_skill_db2"; and comment them out. In your /src/map/map.h find: extern char mob_skill_db_db[32]; extern char mob_skill_db2_db[32]; Comment them out Go to /src/map/mob.c and find: /** * read all mob-related databases */ static void mob_load(void) { sv_readdb(db_path, "mob_item_ratio.txt", ',', 2, 2+MAX_ITEMRATIO_MOBS, -1, &mob_readdb_itemratio); // must be read before mobdb mob_readchatdb(); if (db_use_sqldbs) { mob_read_sqldb(); mob_read_sqlskilldb(); } else { mob_readdb(); mob_readskilldb(); } sv_readdb(db_path, "mob_avail.txt", ',', 2, 12, -1, &mob_readdb_mobavail); mob_read_randommonster(); sv_readdb(db_path, DBPATH"mob_race2_db.txt", ',', 2, 20, -1, &mob_readdb_race2); } and change it to: /** * read all mob-related databases */ static void mob_load(void) { sv_readdb(db_path, "mob_item_ratio.txt", ',', 2, 2+MAX_ITEMRATIO_MOBS, -1, &mob_readdb_itemratio); // must be read before mobdb mob_readchatdb(); if (db_use_sqldbs) { mob_read_sqldb(); mob_readskilldb(); } else { mob_readdb(); mob_readskilldb(); } sv_readdb(db_path, "mob_avail.txt", ',', 2, 12, -1, &mob_readdb_mobavail); mob_read_randommonster(); sv_readdb(db_path, DBPATH"mob_race2_db.txt", ',', 2, 20, -1, &mob_readdb_race2); } Basically changing mob_read_sqlskilldb(); to mob_readskilldb(); under if (db_use_sqldbs) so that when you either set it to read SQL DBS or Not (in your inter_athena.conf) it'll read the mob_skill_db.txt formats instead. This change should work! Lemme know what happens please
  11. Your U's look like 4's to my eyes... hope everything went well o_o
  12. School is a disaster... I need it to finish quickly.. :(

  13. rAthena does update Renewal. We are a Renewal Emulator with options for people to use Pre-renewal or Renewal. Our Devs do focus on Renewal things such as NPCs, Formulas, etc. Our priority is Renewal however if there is something that needs to be changed/added into the Pre-Renewal side, it'll be added but our priority isn't Pre-Renewal as discussed in many other topics Plus we try to get updates as much as possible from kRO and use kRO NPC coordinates, dialogues, etc. rather than iRO since basically, kRO is the 'mother' of all servers in a sense. If we are stumped on any information from kRO we then go and use iRO. xD
  14. You could search for it you know ;/ --> http://www.eathena.ws/board/index.php?showtopic=222757 --> http://rathena.org/board/topic/61039-help-max-guild-member/ --> http://rathena.org/board/topic/68710-changing-guild-max-capacity-to-30/
  15. Yup. People join either team but I believe all the battlegrounds are a minimum of 10 players. You can change this though within the script.
  16. What do you mean? Once you click the warper found in the cities listed above, you then get warped to the bat room right in the middle between General Guillaume and Prince Croix and you pick what side you want to be on.
  17. Topics Merged. Please don't make two topics asking the same thing.
  18. Mystery

    Mini Icon

    You need to make yourself more clearer. We believe you're talking about the Mini Icons in the Mini Map... if so, it's found in your System/Towninfo.lua prontera = { { name = "Kafra Employee", X = 146, Y = 89, TYPE = 6 }, { name = "Kafra Employee", X = 151, Y = 29, TYPE = 6 }, { name = "Kafra Employee", X = 282, Y = 200, TYPE = 6 }, { name = "Kafra Employee", X = 29, Y = 207, TYPE = 6 }, { name = "Kafra Employee", X = 152, Y = 326, TYPE = 6 }, { name = "Guide", X = 154, Y = 187, TYPE = 4 }, { name = "Guide", X = 282, Y = 208, TYPE = 4 }, { name = "Guide", X = 29, Y = 200, TYPE = 4 }, { name = "Guide", X = 160, Y = 29, TYPE = 4 }, { name = "Guide", X = 151, Y = 330, TYPE = 4 }, { name = "Tool Dealer", X = 134, Y = 221, TYPE = 0 }, { name = "Weapon Shop", X = 175, Y = 220, TYPE = 1 }, { name = "Blacksmith", X = 179, Y = 184, TYPE = 3 }, { name = "Inn", X = 204, Y = 191, TYPE = 5 }, { name = "Inn", X = 107, Y = 218, TYPE = 5 } },
  19. There's a BG warper in some cities. You can see the script in npc/battlegrounds/bg_common.txt - script Maroll Battle Recruiter::BatRecruit 728,{ mes "[Maroll Battle Recruiter]"; mes "Good day, adventurer."; mes "I'm a knight from a far country called Maroll Kingdom."; next; mes "[Maroll Battle Recruiter]"; mes "The two princes of the kingdom are now battling for the throne of Maroll, and are in need of experienced soldiers like you."; mes "How would you like to lend your power to one of the princes in the Maroll Kingdom?"; next; switch(select("Join:Don't Join")) { case 1: mes "[Maroll Battle Recruiter]"; mes "May the war god bless you."; close2; getmapxy(.@mapname$,.@x,.@y,1); if (.@mapname$ == "prontera") set bat_return,1; else if (.@mapname$ == "moc_ruins") set bat_return,2; else if (.@mapname$ == "aldebaran") set bat_return,3; else if (.@mapname$ == "geffen") set bat_return,4; else if (.@mapname$ == "payon") set bat_return,5; else if (.@mapname$ == "lighthalzen") set bat_return,6; else if (.@mapname$ == "rachel") set bat_return,7; else set bat_return,1; warp "bat_room",154,150; break; case 2: mes "[Maroll Battle Recruiter]"; mes "I'll always be stationed here for more soldiers. Feel free to come back whenever you're interested."; close; } end; } prontera,123,83,3 duplicate(BatRecruit) Maroll Battle Recruiter::BatRecruit1 728 moc_ruins,75,162,3 duplicate(BatRecruit) Maroll Battle Recruiter::BatRecruit2 728 aldebaran,146,109,3 duplicate(BatRecruit) Maroll Battle Recruiter::BatRecruit3 728 geffen,109,66,3 duplicate(BatRecruit) Maroll Battle Recruiter::BatRecruit4 728 payon,189,105,3 duplicate(BatRecruit) Maroll Battle Recruiter::BatRecruit5 728 lighthalzen,153,86,5 duplicate(BatRecruit) Maroll Battle Recruiter::BatRecruit6 728 rachel,149,138,3 duplicate(BatRecruit) Maroll Battle Recruiter::BatRecruit7 728
  20. Are you sure you're using rAthena?.. lol. What did you do? Delete files you thought were useless or something? . I think you should simply download a new one.. here.. If still not, suggest you download a new batch of the SVN.
  21. Exam time soon.. :( So not looking forward to exams..

  22. Exam time soon.. :( So not looking forward to exams..

  23. I have a question, the new izlude and Alberta, are Custons? or official? They're official. They've been released by Gravity themselves.
  24. You just keep adding items into the file... if it's a custom box, you add items to your custom box .txt file. If you just wanna add more items to the normal OBB, go to (Pre)Renewal/item_bluebox.txt and add your items there.
  25. You're comparing Renewal to Pre-Renewal; that's why you're getting to different things.
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