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  1. hello guys, I wonder how do I set the maximum level server? There are many tutorials but they all go the way emulator / db / exp.txt and exp2.tx only my emulator does not have exp2.txt and has a folder db / re / exp.txt and another folder inside the db / pre-re / exp.txt and now what do I do? Thank you guys!
  2. the link this offline http://www.mediafire...9n1yvv9sr8x3tt7 anyone have the link to I download? thanks!
  3. hello! Thanks for the tip! already able to resolve some things. I would like to know how to mount a folder to run the renewal date. now with the moon and all files. why not know what files go in the folder. if someone could send me the links to download each file and path of the files in the folder date. or send a folder already date with all the files you need. thank you!
  4. Hi guys! I do not know if this topic is in the correct location. I'm sorry if it is. go to the problem ... I'm in the fight to put the renewal on the server a while now and doing tests without success. Well, I downloaded an emulator already compiled here on the forum and did the basic settings in the config folder, downloaded the data_v3.0, clientinfo.xml changed the ip to my host, downloaded executables compatible with various renewal over the same thing. In some cases I get the screen to create the char more when I write his name and grip to log ai of Disconnected from server. And that has executables or open the login screen press the windows do not open anything more. Would like to know everything I need to be able to create a server that runs with renewal. - What emulator? - What is executable? - What data folder? - What are Archives? - Edit What? Awaiting Response! Thank you!
  5. Oi galera! Não sei se esse tópico esta no local correto. me desculpe se estiver. vamos a o problema... Estou na luta pra colocar o renewal no servidor a um tempinho já fazendo testes e sem obter sucesso. Pois bem, Baixei um emulador já compilado aqui do fórum e fiz as configurações básicas na pasta config, baixei a data_v3.0, alterei o clientinfo.xml para o ip do meu host, baixei vários executáveis compatíveis com renewal mais sempre a mesma coisa. Em alguns casos eu chego a tela de criar o char mais quando escrevo o nome dele e aperto pra logar ai da Disconnected from server. E tem executáveis que nem abri a tela de login carregar no windows mais não abre nada. Gostaria de saber tudo que preciso pra conseguir criar um servidor que rode com renewal. - Qual emulador? - Qual executável? - Qual pasta data? - Quais Arquivos? - O que Editar? Aguardando Resposta! Obrigado!
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