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Everything posted by Panallox

  1. Interesting, I don't see the harm in allowing multiple auto-loots. One I designed a while ago for Project Odin used the following format: @alootid -- list all current autoloot items and show the options (below) @alootid reset -- clears all autoloot items @alootid +<item id or name> -- add an item to the autoloot list @alootid -<item id or name> -- remove an item from the autoloot list I think definitely having a +/- or add/remove option would be an awesome idea, to add more flexibility. Or even just retain that @alootid <item id or name> adds to a list, while @alootid remove <item id or name> would remove it. Thoughts?
  2. Epoque = ???? Absolutely no idea, my friend Mai Linn helped come up with it. I know it's a combination of 3 words, just have no idea what they were
  3. I'm all for this, I've been trying to get L0ne to commit the same thing for a while now, however I'd like to note that any statuses which are being displayed in the client and running into negative values are not meant to display the timer tick. In the LUA file, it is possible to disable the time display timer and according to some testing done it shouldn't be visible. So if we implement the 'status timer' fix, it will be unofficial since the statuses shouldn't even be showing the timer
  4. @Keenan: You need to learn to start debugging scripts instead of relying on everyone to post up the fixes. It was a simple typo: if (distance(.@px, .@py, .@nx, .@xy) < 5) { Should be: if (distance(.@px, .@py, .@nx, .@ny) < 5) {
  5. The adding the sky map tutorial seems slightly familiar excellent job Brandon, truly useful to all! Oh and I thought I should mention this, the 'wither' map in the sky map tutorial is the one you made for me for the Withering quest it's a custom, lol.
  6. If you were to try Shinryo's code, you'd need to change the item type to '11' and set the item script to: { if( !getscdata(SC_EXPBOOST) ) { sc_start SC_EXPBOOST, 1800000, 25; delitem 14532, 1; } }
  7. Agreed, it's certainly been one of those things eAthena has just kind of stuck together for a long time. In my expansion system that was on sale, I ended up creating a command just like that to accommodate items and scripts easier
  8. Go into map/pc.c and find: case 14592: // JOB_Battle_Manual if( sd->sc.data[sC_JEXPBOOST] ) return 0; break; Below add: case 25000: if( sd->sc.data[sC_CUSTOM_STATUS] ) return 0; break; Edit accordingly and recompile afterwards
  9. The whole adding of the function itemdb_isequiptype seems a bit pointless. You only used it once: } else if(itemdb_isequiptype(nameid) == 1){ So you might as well remove the function and just run: } else if( itemdb_type(nameid) == IT_WEAPON ) { Otherwise, nice idea
  10. Wiki is just fine, I can work on the Wiki during my free time. It'll be nice to re-structure the pages of sorts :) thank you.

  11. Panallox

    Hi !

    Pow, right in the kisser. Good job guys.
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