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Gidz Cross

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Everything posted by Gidz Cross

  1. View File MF_NORECALL (Custom Mapflag) MF_NORECALL a custom mapflag that restrict players being recalled via @recall / @recallall command when in special maps. In response to: Submitter Gidz Cross Submitted 01/05/24 Category Source Modifications Video https://i.imgur.com/7Hrggym.mp4 Content Author Gidz  
  2. Version 1.2


    MF_NORECALL a custom mapflag that restrict players being recalled via @recall / @recallall command when in special maps. In response to:
  3. Find OnJoinEvent: add before sc_end SC_ALL; if(getcharid(1)) { dispbottom("Players with a party can't enter!"); end; } It should be like: OnJoinEvent: mes "[ Event Status ]"; mes "Event are as follows : "; next; switch(select( "Dice Event - "+ ((getvariableofnpc(.start,"Event_Dice") == 1) ? "^0000ffJoin Event":((getvariableofnpc(.start,"Event_Dice") == 2) ? "^0000ffEvent On-Going":"^ff0000Not Available"))+"^000000", "Last Man Standing - "+ ((getvariableofnpc(.start,"Event_LMS") == 1) ? "^0000ffJoin Event":((getvariableofnpc(.start,"Event_LMS") == 2) ? "^0000ffEvent On-Going":"^ff0000Not Available"))+"^000000", "Poring Catcher - "+ ((getvariableofnpc(.start,"Poring_Catcher") == 1) ? "^0000ffJoin Event":((getvariableofnpc(.start,"Poring_Catcher") == 2) ? "^0000ffEvent On-Going":"^ff0000Not Available"))+"^000000" )) { case 1: .@start = getvariableofnpc(.start,"Event_Dice"); .@map$ = "quiz_02"; .@x = 55; .@y = 87; break; case 2: .@start = getvariableofnpc(.start,"Event_LMS"); .@map$ = "06guild_01"; .@x = 0; .@y = 0; break; case 3: .@start = getvariableofnpc(.start,"Poring_Catcher"); .@map$ = "poring_w01"; .@x = 100; .@y = 100; break; } if ( !.@start ) { mes "Event is not available."; close; } else if ( .@start == 2 ) { mes "Event is on-going"; close; } if(getcharid(1)) { dispbottom("Players with a party can't enter!"); end; } sc_end SC_ALL; percentheal 100,100; warp .@map$, .@x, .@y; end;
  4. Oh yeah LMS (last man standing) I thought its NVZ (novice vs zombie) hahahaha! Winterfox is correct. On your script there is already mf_partylock in the Oninit area. Where is the script when the players use @eventjoin? That is where you need to add this if(getcharid(1)) { dispbottom("Players with a party can't enter!"); end; } warp("izlude", 155, 155); }
  5. -1 means the value set in the database. If you want to sell it less the original value is to declare it manually. But there are workaround with this. check the discount skill as an idea.
  6. What happens if those LMS players have party? I don't see any exploits there.
  7. You can make script base for this. If you are familiar with 2-max deadly combo restriction then it should be similar.
  8. better yet direct message emistry.
  9. The author of this script is @Emistry
  10. Heya. I have this script and it works. But can be abuse by creating multiple accounts and re claim it. I wanted to add unique id features in it that resets each day. prontera,164,169,3 script Daily Supply#1 647,{ set .@supplytoday,atoi( gettimestr( "%Y%m%d",21 ) ); if ( Weight >= (MaxWeight/2) ) { dispbottom "Please free some space from your inventory to get the Daily Supplies."; end; } if( #DailySupply != .@supplytoday ){ set #DailySupply,.@supplytoday; getitembound 11503,100,Bound_Account; getitembound 11504,50,Bound_Account; end; } else { dispbottom "Daily Supply can only be claimed once per day. Resets at 12am."; end; } }
  11. Wow. Thank you for keeping this tool alive!
  12. for Earthquake to wizards check this https://rathena.org/board/files/file/4332-unimplemented-official-skills/
  13. Some menus are hidden because of the /* script_here */. Those are comments. Try to remove those /* */ P.S and this script is for Herc. We don't have tradershop in rA.
  14. You need others views for the sprite. Use actor.
  15. It is because of the OnPCLoginEvent: fakeIcon(getcharid(0),.rotdicon[.today_rotd],.timer,1); end; Every time you login its getting the icon. Its better to create custom SC for this.
  16. Hi @joecalis Turns out i want item linking in @whodrops. Can't seems to understand how to do it. Haha! NVM. I already solved it.
  17. You need to declare your unique item number. Let's based it on your medal thingy. - Id: 30000 AegisName: Medal_Thingy Name: Medal Thingy Type: Etc Buy: 100000 Weight: 400 Put this into your import folder. In this way you wont have to touch the original item_db_etc.yml. Once done go to your server and type @reload item. You may now @item 30000 to generate your Medal Thingy. You will be getting an Unknown Item(apple) since its not yet on your iteminfo.lua. You may put this in your iteminfo (Client/System/iteminfo.lub/lua [30000] = { unidentifiedDisplayName = "Medal Thingy", unidentifiedResourceName = "Æ÷ÀåÁö", unidentifiedDescriptionName = { "..." }, identifiedDisplayName = "Medal Thingy", identifiedResourceName = "Æ÷ÀåÁö", identifiedDescriptionName = { "A custom Medal", "^FFFFFF_^000000", "Weight:^009900 1^000000" }, slotCount = 0, ClassNum = 0, costume = false }, That's it! Restart your client. P.S the Æ÷ÀåÁö is taken from the item # 7175 which uses the pic below
  18. What is the best way to remove the icon when the timer ends? Can this be done in src?
  19. I know that the food buffs uses gogi's (str_gogi, agi_gogi... etc etc. you get the idea). I wanted to create a separate buff just like what's on nova RO. I tried editing via clientside but it's not working. I believed that I have to do something with the source too. stateiconimginfo.lub [EFST_IDs.EFST_SAVAGE_STEAK] = "STRFOOD20.tga", -- I have to create this because its not in the stateiconimginfo Not working. Goal: To be able to create two different buff for +10 Foods and + 20 Foods. *EDIT Conclusion: I found out that this buff is hardcoded. So no matter what you do in stateiconimginfo will not work. Unless you diff your exe with this patch. But once you do most of the icon buff will not show like blessing and increase agi. Since them too are hardcoded. Possible Solution: 1. Edit thru source on how the original food buff works when calling the icon? 2. Creating Custom Food Buff that have the settings of the original food buff 3. Diffing the patch in the exe but must have declared all icons in stateiconimginfo which we all know a hassle.
  20. There is no update to this. Its broken map.
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