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Everything posted by vBrenth

  1. check your database maybe you edit someones account id....
  2. I'm not using eAthena nor 3Ceam I'm using RAthena i can't find any settings how to enable the old mechanics casting system.. Problem: My wizard got 150 dex and other jobs and its still casting i tried 250 dex still no effect.. This is my setup @ skill.conf // At what dex does the cast time become zero (instacast)? castrate_dex_scale: 150 ----------------------------------- PROBLEM SOLVED -------------------------------------- Fixed thanks to Toshiro, here how to fix the problem... If your using the newer version of RAthena Emulator including RR stuff... got to rathena/src/map/RRConfig/Renewal.c Set #define RECASTING 1 to #define RECASTING 0 Thanks !
  3. 1 Day bump =,= sorry but i really need this, thanks in advance..
  4. Thanks Brian and i have another request..instead of making new thread i will post it here..... I use 4 kinds of points system like... pkpoints/tokenpoints/artzanpoints/etc... and i want an NPC that you can exchange your different points.. to Tickets exchange rate is 100 points to 1 ticket..... Thankies
  5. // http://rathena.org/board/topic/53748-refund-script/ artzan,111,109,3 script Refund NPC 911,{ function doRefund; mes "[Refund NPC]"; getinventorylist; // build menu list of items for (set .@i,0; .@i < @inventorylist_count; set .@i, .@i +1) { // check if item can be returned if (getd("."+@inventorylist_id[.@i]) && !(@inventorylist_card1[.@i] || @inventorylist_card2[.@i] || @inventorylist_card3[.@i] || @inventorylist_card4[.@i])) { // add to menu set .@menu$, .@menu$ + getitemname(@inventorylist_id[.@i]) + " - " + getd("."+@inventorylist_id[.@i]) + " Tickets"; // add .@i to arraylist in case they pick "Exchange ALL" set .@exchange[getarraysize(.@exchange)], .@i+1; } set .@menu$, .@menu$ + ":"; } if (getstrlen(.@menu$) == @inventorylist_count) { mes "Sorry, there are no refunds for any of your items."; close; } // pick an item, or pick ALL select(.@menu$ + "Exchange ALL"); if (@menu == (@inventorylist_count +1)) { // ALL for (set .@i,0; .@i<getarraysize(.@exchange); set .@i,.@i+1) set .@count, .@count + doRefund(.@exchange[.@i]-1); } else { // they picked 1 specific item set .@count, doRefund(@menu -1); } if (.@count) mes "Here are your "+.@count+" "+getitemname(.refund_id)+"."; mes "Thank you, come again!"; close; function doRefund { set .@i, getarg(0); // index set .@amt, @inventorylist_amount[.@i]; set .@price, getd("."+@inventorylist_id[.@i]); if (countitem2(@inventorylist_id[.@i],@inventorylist_identify[.@i],@inventorylist_refine[.@i],@inventorylist_attribute[.@i], 0,0,0,0) < .@amt) { mes "^FF0000Where did your "+( (.@amt==1) ? "item" : "items" )+" go?!"; emotion e_omg; close; } else if (!checkweight(.refund_id, .@price*.@amt)) { mes "^FF0000You are overweight or have too many items in your inventory."; emotion e_swt; close; } delitem2 @inventorylist_id[.@i],.@amt, @inventorylist_identify[.@i],@inventorylist_refine[.@i],@inventorylist_attribute[.@i], 0,0,0,0; getitem .refund_id, .@price*.@amt; dispbottom "Refund NPC: Returned "+.@amt+" "+getitemname(@inventorylist_id[.@i])+" for "+.@price+" Tickets"; return (.@price*.@amt); } OnInit: set .refund_id, 20908; // Item ID of "Ticket" that they will be refunded // set .<item_id>, <amount of tickets to refund>; set .30710, 5; set .30711, 5; set .30712, 5; set .30713, 5; set .30714, 5; set .30715, 5; set .30716, 5; set .30717, 5; set .30718, 5; // etc. end; } This is my current script that working well, i want to request that if the item is +10/additional 3 tickets.. thanks.
  6. Well that's fine ^^, atleast you write almost 95% of the script and BTW thanks to everyone
  7. Thanks keyworld your really really really good thanks my problem solved now.
  8. Brian i'm using your script but when i click Exchange All and i have 3 items it will only exchange 2 pcs of my items and then.. if i have 2 same items the npc says "where did my item go"
  9. I recommend Bluehost.com or Hostmonster.com
  10. Exactly Z3R0.... very well said...
  11. I'm need this script, so if anyone can make/help me please? I have 100+ custom items in my server that i want to delete(exchange) it to different amount of tickets.. Example: I have 3 items 501,502,503 and i want them to exchange with different amount of tickets, i need shorter script, and if the item has a card inside the NPC will denied it... Thanks...
  12. Wheres Green mind? and his promises ? hahahahahahah I like the first image the brown one..
  13. We don't know maybe a web-hosting company? but i'm not really sure.... and i wish not now..
  14. While playing RO BGM's and WAV files.. I'm currently playing "Theme of Prontera BGM" -
  15. Gawin mo pong default tapos open src/common/mmo.h then look for #ifndef PACKETVER //#define PACKETVER 20081126 #define PACKETVER <client date here> #endif
  16. Yeah the irc really bad =,=" i registered my name and i didn't receive any confirmation and now i can't use my nickname again.... T_T Overall update is great!
  17. vBrenth


    Hello welcome! i like your name verymuch xP!
  18. Maybe don't use imageshack for uploading picture =,= that hosting sucks, what's exactly your problem?
  19. So cute! i really like the 3rd one hahahahahahaha!!! awesome i <3 RO artss!!!
  20. I think IPB have that settings, signature limitation i'm not sure.
  21. vBrenth

    2012 Topic

    I like zombie's than doomsday coz we have to many plants! - i will make all my players GM 99!
  22. Super duper wrong section, =,=" Tagalog na tagalog n nga ung mga sub-forums sa tambayan padin napunta!
  23. Ano po bang control panel ang gamit mo ? And ano po bang database ang gamit mo SQL or phpmyadmin, sa webhost mo ba i-install or sa desktop lang?
  24. Would you mind to post your exp.txt here?
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