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Everything posted by WhatFT

  1. // Delay time after casting (Note 2) delay_rate: 100 Just lower it if you don't need kiels already cause normal kiel effect reduced 30% aftercast. For 2 Kiels try to change it to 60?
  2. You can do it in the hard way, I don't know if that will work but try to copy the same script and change the name AntiBot to AntiBot1, Antibot2 or anything that suits you then just change the map you wanted in each script.. XD This script will trigger once you enter the specific map you inserted and will pop out a question like A=100 + B=100 = ?? Like that..
  3. - script AntiBot -1,{ function GetString; OnPCLoadMapEvent: if( strcharinfo(3) != "bat_c01" ) end; switch( rand(2) ){ Case 0: set .@String$,GetString( 15,rand(5,10) ); mes "Input the ^FF0000RED COLOUR^000000 part"; mes "^0000FF"+GetString( 15,rand(5,10) )+"^FF0000"+.@String$+"^0000FF"+GetString( 15,rand(3,10) )+"^000000"; input .@Input$; if( .@Input$ != .@String$ ){ mes "Wrong.."; atcommand "@kick "+strcharinfo(0); } break; Case 1: set .@A,rand(1000); set .@B,rand(1000); mes "If A = "+.@A+" B = "+.@B; switch( rand(4) ){ Case 0: set .@Answer,.@A + .@B; mes "How many is A + B ?"; break; Case 1: set .@Answer,.@A - .@B; mes "How many is A - B ?"; break; Case 2: set .@Answer,.@A * .@B; mes "How many is A * B ?"; break; Case 3: set .@Answer,.@A / .@B; mes "How many is A / B ?"; break; } input .@Input; if( .@Input != .@Answer ){ mes "Wrong"; atcommand "@kick "+strcharinfo(0); } break; } close; function GetString { if( getarg(0) & 1 ) setarray .@List$[ getarraysize( .@List$ ) ],"1","2","3","4","5","6","7","8","9"; if( getarg(0) & 2 ) setarray .@List$[ getarraysize( .@List$ ) ],"A","B","C","D","E","F","G","H","I","J","K","L","M","N","O","P","Q","R","S","T","U","V","W","X","Y","Z"; if( getarg(0) & 4 ) setarray .@List$[ getarraysize( .@List$ ) ],"a","b","c","d","e","f","g","h","i","j","k","l","m","n","o","p","q","r","s","t","u","v","w","x","y","z"; if( getarg(0) & 8 ) setarray .@List$[ getarraysize( .@List$ ) ],"!","@","#","$","%","^","&","*","(",")","-","=","/","+"; set .@Str$,""; while( getstrlen( .@Str$ ) < getarg(1) ) set .@Str$,.@Str$ + .@List$[ rand( getarraysize( .@List$ ) ) ]; return .@Str$; } } //-----MAPFLAG--------- bat_c01 mapflag loadevent Just change bat_c01
  4. WhatFT

    Duel NPC

    Similiar to this post http://rathena.org/board/topic/67644-bet-npc-during-duel/ Looking forward to have the following (If possible) 1. (2)Two Players are required to register their In-Game Name so they can start the duel. 2. They can choose 3 selections; Free Duel, Exchanged Duel or Backout(Cancel). *Free Duel - It's just similar to @duel, nothing special. *Exchanged Duel - They are required to put their own bets from 1,000,000z(min zeny) to 2,000,000,000(max zeny), once they finished to input their bets, the zeny will be deducted and stored in the NPC. 3. Once they are registered, the NPC will save their names as the duelist in the moment (until finished). 4. Once both of them are registered, ONLY (2)Two of them are required to duel which means that no one can longer register until the duel is finished. (First Come, First Serve Basis) 5. Countdown will be 5-10 seconds and will be displayed in the chat. (like when you gain cashpoint). 6. Once the duel is finished, the winner in the duel will claim his prize in the NPC together with the losers bet. 7. Incase of disconnection, they can still restart the duel by talking to the npc and the zeny will still be stored in the NPC. (I think this will be SQL?). 8. (Optional) Try putting a Duel Ladder. (It's different from PvP Ladder) Thanks everyone ! If you got questions about my suggestion or if you have any better ideas feel free to comment below !
  5. So this only works on scripts?
  6. Thanks Euphy !! Is this working in Script only? Or I will be needing to edit in db folder?
  7. Sir can upload in upaste or pastebin? XD THANK YOU !
  8. Can you post the complete script XD I wan't to check it hehe
  9. I use 3ceam, I haven't tested the ones you've added but will this work in 3ceam? 644m
  10. It depends on your hosting company XD
  11. 1. Open WeeMapCache.exe 2. After you open WeeMapCache, Open map_cache.dat 3. After you load map_cache.dat, Click "File" then click the custom map you have ".gat". 4. Click Save As "map_cache.dat" 5. Open Map_index in your db folder. 6. Try inserting the name of your map below in any map, example xmas_in . 7. After you insert, click X then save.. 8. Open maps_athena.conf 9. Insert also the name of the map, example again below xmas_in. ( map: mymap ) 10. Click X then Save. 11. Be sure the the ".gat, .rsw, .gnd and .extra" is in the data folder (where you can edit your idnum) 12. Restart your server and be sure every name fits all. (Must not be TYPO or anything, MUST be the same) 13. *Don't rename the custom map* 14. REstart your server and finished !
  12. WhatFT

    FluxCP Error

    Let me try in TV
  13. Can you show the other 2 quest npcs you got there? try changing this : quest_shop3 ^ I dont know if you changed the other quest you have like quest_shop2 and quest_shop1 XD or try @reloadscript
  14. Maybe you forgot to add it in the map_index in your db folder
  15. Try replacing them.. Cause I have my banner also in my theme.php and that file reads the name of mine like "logo.bmp" Try to replace it
  16. Yo, how is your server now? Goodluck bro XD
  17. WhatFT

    Walkable Warp

    How to add announce?
  18. WhatFT

    Walkable Warp

    What is Warp Portal::Warp001 and what if I don't want to have a countdown?
  19. WhatFT

    Walkable Warp

    Can I have a sample of you script sir? And can you upload in pastebin or upaste XD cause I don't know how to tab scripts..
  20. Hello, can anyone help me make a warp portal where you can just walk thru it and it will warp you to the map you wanted... And also with a public chat message above it.. And also announce if player enters the warp.. [ex; Paulinds entered No Pot PvP Room] THANK YOU !
  21. @Mr BrycE I'm currently using this script I request from Rikimaru, and it's working well, but the problem is when players are making Long Names, I'm always fixing them manually lol.. Just hoping someone will fix this script where they can add a "Maximum Name Character Checker" thing.. XD
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