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Everything posted by WhatFT

  1. WhatFT

    Map Error

    Ohh okay sir ! THANKS
  2. Yeah, I did already that XD and It's now fixed but should I do that all the time if players have a long name? BTW THANKS FOR THE SCRIPT RIKIMARU ! I hope someone will fixed or make the script more safe.. Hoping to have "Character Limit Name Checker" where the NPC checks the maximum characters of their name.. Like the script is set to cancel them to choose because the player has 16 or more characters in their name...
  3. Sir got a problem/bug, One of my player tried to choose 1 and suddenly his characters are all wiped out/deleted... Now I got 2 Player got the same problem. I Open the account of the player that got character wipe out.. [info]: Loading Char Data (2002900) [sql]: DB error - data of field 'name' was truncated. [Debug]: column - 2 [Debug]: data - type=MYSQL_TYPE_VAR_STRING, length=25 [Debug]: buffer - type=MYSQL_TYPE_STRING, length=23+1(nul-terminator)
  4. oooo, Okay thanks sir ! It's working now !! Can add some name character checker? like only ## Maximum Characters is allowed only. *** Sir got a problem/bug, One of my player tried to choose 1 and suddenly his characters are all wiped out/deleted...
  5. Okay sir, I'll wait.. Thank you !
  6. Does the name work on old players? Will old players be able to change their name? The names doesn't work both new players and old players... it doesn't change/add to their name..
  7. WhatFT

    Map Error

    Just a question about putting the map, I warp using "@warp avengers" because that's the name of my map... I also have avengers.gat, .gnd. rsw and .extra... I even fix my map_cache.dat using WeeMapCache and I also fix it in my maps_athena.cons and map_index... I got error when I use @warp avengers... how come? But my other map named Arena I did the same thing and I got no error.. I renamed the avengers, and it's name before is "Xen"... Do I really need to to change the name of the map files?
  8. Do I need to make an SQL on it? I don't know how XD and Can be paste in pastebin or upaste? THANK YOU !
  9. Sorry late reply, I'll that ^ wait It's working now but when I do it in this set, 20768 is not working and the set effect O_O 20766# [^FF0000Avenger RO Set^000000] Increase damage to Demi-human by 10% Decrease damage from Demi-human by 10% Max HP +10% Agi +12 Vit +12 [Freya's Buster, Freya's Pauldron] Adds a 20% resistance against freeze status Adds a 20% resistance against stone status Max HP +30% Defense: ^7777770^000000 Equipped on: ^777777 Upper ^000000 Weight: ^77777710^000000 Required Level: ^777777^000000 Applicable Job: ^777777Every Job^000000 # 20767# [^FF0000Avenger RO Set^000000] Increase damage to Demi-human by 10% Decrease damage from Demi-human 10% Increase Long Range attack by 10% Str +12 Luk +12 Dex +12 [Freya's Crown, Freya's Pauldron] Adds a 20% resistance against freeze status Adds a 20% resistance against stone status Max HP +30% Defense: ^7777770^000000 Equipped on: ^777777 Lower ^000000 Weight: ^77777710^000000 Required Level: ^777777^000000 Applicable Job: ^777777Every Job^000000 # 20768# [^FF0000Avenger RO Set^000000] Increse magical damage to Demi-human by 10% Decrease damage from Demi-human by 10% Matk +20% Increase damage of Storm Gust by 10% Int +12 [Freya's Buster, Freya's Pauldron] Adds a 20% resistance against freeze status Adds a 20% resistance against stone status Max HP +30% Defense: ^7777770^000000 Equipped on: ^777777 Middle ^000000 Weight: ^77777710^000000 Required Level: ^777777^000000 Applicable Job: ^777777Every Job^000000 # Here is the Itemscript.. 20766,Freya's_Crown,Freya's Crown,5,10000,,10,,10,,1,0xFFFFFFFF,7,2,256,,0,0,1766,{ bonus2 bAddRace,7,10; bonus2 bSubRace,7,10; bonus bMaxHPrate,10; bonus bAgi,12; bonus bVit,12; },{},{} 20767,Freya's_Buster,Freya's Buster,5,10000,,10,,10,,1,0xFFFFFFFF,7,2,1,,0,0,1767,{ bonus2 bAddRace,7,10; bonus2 bSubRace,7,10; bonus bLongAtkRate,10; bonus bStr,12; bonus bDex,12; bonus bLuk,12; },{},{} 20768,Freya's_Pauldron,Freya's Pauldron,5,10000,,10,,10,,1,0xFFFFFFFF,7,2,512,,0,0,1768,{ bonus2 bMagicAddRace,7,10; bonus2 bSubRace,7,10; bonus bMatkRate,20; bonus2 bSkillAtk,”WZ_STORMGUST”,10; bonus bInt,10; if(isequipped(20766,20767,20768)){ bonus2 bResEff,Eff_Freeze,2000; bonus2 bResEff,Eff_Stone,2000; bonus bMaxHPrate,30;} },{},{}
  10. I don't get it O_O I did what you tell and still does not work..
  11. Ohh so that means, It only needs 1 item not all?
  12. Need help urgent ! 20676# [^FF0000Avenger RO Set^000000] Enable to detect hidden enemies Matk +15% Int +10 [Dark Hat, Dark Spell Ring] Decrease damage from Demi-human by 20% Max HP +20% Vit +10 Class: ^777777Headgear^000000 Defense: ^7777770^000000 Equipped on: ^777777 Middle ^000000 Weight: ^77777710^000000 Required Level: ^777777^000000 Applicable Job: ^777777Every Job^000000 # 20677# [^FF0000Avenger RO Set^000000] Increase magical damage to Demi-human by 10% Matk +10% Int +10 [Dark Glasses, Dark Spell Ring] Decrease damage from Demi-human by 20% Max HP +20% Vit +10 Class: ^777777Headgear^000000 Defense: ^7777770^000000 Equipped on: ^777777 Upper ^000000 Weight: ^77777710^000000 Required Level: ^777777^000000 Applicable Job: ^777777Every Job^000000 # 20678# [^FF0000Avenger RO Set^000000] Increase magical damage to Demi-human by 10% Casting Time -20% Int +10 [Dark Hat, Dark Glasses] Decrease damage from Demi-human by 20% Max HP +20% Vit +10 Class: ^777777Headgear^000000 Defense: ^7777770^000000 Equipped on: ^777777 Lower ^000000 Weight: ^77777710^000000 Required Level: ^777777^000000 Applicable Job: ^777777Every Job^000000 # Can anyone give me a sample of this item, Combo Script thanks ... ! HERE is my script I made but everytime I wear 1 item.. it gives +10 Vit O_O when I wear the 3 items, total of 30 vit i have.. 20676,Dark_Glasses,Dark Glasses,5,10000,,10,,10,,1,0xFFFFFFFF,7,2,512,,0,0,1676,{ bonus bIntravision,0; bonus bMatkRate,15; bonus bInt,10; if(isequipped(20676,20677,20678)) bonus2 bSubRace,7,20; bonus bMaxHPrate,20; bonus bVit,10; },{},{} 20677,Dark_Hat,Dark Hat,5,10000,,10,,10,,1,0xFFFFFFFF,7,2,256,,0,0,1677,{ bonus2 bMagicAddRace,7,10; bonus bMatkRate,10; bonus bInt,10; if(isequipped(20676,20677,20678)) bonus2 bSubRace,7,20; bonus bMaxHPrate,20; bonus bVit,10; },{},{} 20678,Dark_Spell_Ring,Dark Spell Ring,5,10000,,10,,10,,1,0xFFFFFFFF,7,2,1,,0,0,1678,{ bonus2 bMagicAddRace,7,10; bonus bCastrate,-20; bonus bInt,10; if(isequipped(20676,20677,20678)) bonus2 bSubRace,7,20; bonus bMaxHPrate,20; bonus bVit,10; },{},{}
  13. trunk/conf/char_athena.conf // Start point, Map name followed by coordinates (x,y) start_point: new_1-1,53,111 change [new_1-1,53,111] to the map you wanted.
  14. Hmm sort of like that The NPC will provide the names and ask what will they choose.. example, Menu 1 Light Army if they choose this, they will be warped @ belagio,91,41 Menu 2 Dark Army if they choose this, they will be warped @ belagio,91,41 After they choose a Name, their name will be like this.. Light Army - Paulinds or Dark Army - Paulinds
  15. Example I got Yondaime.spr and .act where do I put them? What is the exact name of Folder?
  16. @Euphy Okay okay, 1 last question, what is the directory of GM Suit folder? XD Cause I want to my custom GM Sprite in my server
  17. Can you provide me the link of the latest data.grf sir?
  18. Tribe/Clan System Description : Everytime a NEW player joins in your server, there is an NPC where he can ask you which Clan/Tribe would you prefer to join. If the player already picked a Clan/Tribe, The Clan/Tribe will be inserted before his name and after taking it, the player will be warped to their respective Clan/Tribe Main Town together with the other Co-Tribe/Clan players. How to use : Script will be setup with 2~3 Clan/Tribe Names. Every New Player will be asked which would they prefer. Players with other Clan/Tribe Names will be able to see each other of course. It's like a Title Quest System. What does it contains : Clan/Tribe Names before the name (ex: [Red Clan]Paulinds or Red Clan - Paulinds) If player log off, the name will still be there. (I don't know if this is SQL based) Character Based. Can be In-game Configured.(Optional) Case 1, Case 2 and so on.. (If 1st tribe is selected give clan/tribe name and warp to map 1, If 2nd tribe is selected give clan/tribe name and warp to map 2) THANKS GUYS !!!
  19. Close topic please* THANKS !
  20. Where can I find the ID of the jobs? And can give me a sample of that item script?
  21. Where can I get 3rd job sprites? I would also like to change the my Trans Job sprites into 3rd job sprites... how to do that?
  22. Well if the test.txt is in the "npc/custom/" directory, that will not give error probably.. Maybe you got this, 1. Typography Error LOL 2. File Not Found = File is not in the Custom Folder..
  23. I tried this script and It's working, but some players doesn't really receive. For short.. "all" is not working as EVERYONE, only some players. I already have this script in my server but I just need a script that gives everyone like "ITEM ALL" everyone in the server will receive the item. @topic Topic has been updated, If you got some suggestions in my request please help me add some and If some are impossible to make, please tell me so I can change it.. THANK YOU GUYS ! *BUMP*
  24. Are you talking about @auction?
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