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Everything posted by WhatFT

  1. How to disable the NPC Script "Juperos Cogs" ? I can't find it in any juperos.txt scripts..
  2. Hehe, you can do it ! The script you made is awesome <3 Good for implementing Donation Codes or anything XD THANKS FOR THE RELEASE & I hope some bugs will be fixed soon... Suggestion : Just remove the last message of the script "mes" i think..
  3. Sir thank you but Can you post it in pastebin? I don't know how to tab scripts XD Sorry. Cause I know in pastebin, the tabbings are fixed..
  4. Any Idea on how to make this script work in 2 castles? I copy this script and make another castle available.. But my players said that the other npc doesnt' give the prize.. This is my script and this is my question, can anyone help me add payg_cas02 castle and the woe prize of payg_cas02 is "ID # 13504"? disco,110,80,5 script WoE Prize 835,{ if ( agitcheck() ) goto L_woeon; menu "Kriemhild [Primary Castle]",L_prtg_cas01; L_prtg_cas01: if ( getcastledata( "prtg_cas01", 1) != getcharid(2) ) goto L_not_owner; if ( $castle_claimed[1] ) goto L_claimed; if ( getguildmasterid( getcharid(2) ) != getcharid(0) ) goto L_not_gm; mes "receiving the reward for this castle"; getitem 13503,1; set $castle_claimed[1], 1; close; L_woeon: mes "A war is currently in progress"; mes "If your guild owned a castle ask your guild master to see me to claim the reward"; close; L_not_owner: mes "Your guild failed to take this castle"; mes "If your guild owned a castle ask your guild master to claim reward from me"; close; L_claimed: mes "Your guild already received the reward for this castle"; close; L_not_gm: mes "Ask your Guild Master to see me"; close; OnAgitEnd: set $castle_claimed[1], 0; // everytime woe ends the variable resets end; OnInit: waitingroom "Kriemhild Reward",0; end; }
  5. How to enable this in my server? --------- How to make PvP Mode attack all players with no restriction like if they are in a guild, they can still attack each other..
  6. The latest release can still be abused. Suggestion sir, what if the last message will not leave a dialog box.
  7. How to put the .patch file in the server? Don't know how to put Source.. sorry.
  8. Ahm, what is MD5-hash? I tried the latest coupon, The Code doesn't erase and can be abuse.
  9. @tr0n I hope this works, Thanks Emistry and tr0n !
  10. if i was right.....then i think those player are using this method to achieve above situation... GM Generate Coupon for Items and give the Code to Players. Players gain items from the NPC by giving the right Code. but then...unfortunately.....they found a way to Duplicate your Items / Coupons... this is the way how they do it.... Give the Correct Code , then get items. before they Close the Message Window .... they ...Relog / ALT + F4 so....after they relog / Alt +F4 ......the Coupon actually is not deleted from the SQL. ....because...the command line that delete the SQL only executed right after they closed the message window of NPC. mes "[^FF7700Coupon Jack^000000]"; mes "You get ^0000FF" + getitemname(@available_item[@i]) + " - " + @available_item[@i] + " ea.^000000"; close2; query_sql "DELETE FROM `coupons` WHERE `code`='"+@my_code$+"'"; getitem @available_item[@i],@available_amount[@i]; end; if you want...you can try it like this...i think it should be able to solve above problems. mes "[^FF7700Coupon Jack^000000]"; mes "You get ^0000FF" + getitemname(@available_item[@i]) + " - " + @available_item[@i] + " ea.^000000"; query_sql "DELETE FROM `coupons` WHERE `code`='"+@my_code$+"'"; getitem @available_item[@i],@available_amount[@i]; close; and....make sure you dont generate alot Coupon with SAME Code. I also monitored my SQL, and it has been deleted right away. In just a few minutes, after that I got reports that players got 400~500 amount.
  11. I just typed the amount "10" only. Then suddenly some of the players received 400~500. I even see it in my database when I'm giving them the Codes. It's 10 but some received many and It's really many because I checked their accounts & logs.
  12. @tr0n I got a problem while giving out the codes to the players as an event for a test. I just input the "amount" from 10 and I made lots of Coupon Codes. Then suddenly some of my players got atleast 400~500 amount of the item I input.
  13. @tr0n Sorry for not saying Thanks in the first place, Well.. The script works now ! THANKS XD
  14. Do i just need to restart the server?
  15. Can just put the CODE in the NPC itself? It's kinda hard for newbies to insert it the SQL. I'm a newbie on it lol. Suggestion : 1. Can just only insert the Code anything what the admin wants. (ex: ASD123) 2. Admin(99) can write/remove/view the existing codes 3. Admin can the logs (if ever)
  16. I already put my town in that.. example belagio.rsw#lmfao.mp3 <-- like that... but still nothing happens >.< I already put lmfao.mp3 inside my BGM Folder also..
  17. In-game background music in a specific map.
  18. I use neoncube, the one you posted on how to put custom sprites, it helps me alot ! XD It's working already but I just inserted that customs now it got errors >.<. It looks like the numbering of the items went a bit curly.. From 1 to 2 now its 2 to 3... Example : 100 - Apple 101 - Egg 102 - Carrot now its 101 - Apple 102 - Egg 103 - ???
  19. All of my items are error now >.< Maybe in Accname? or AcceID? ... I'm doing what i've done before in backwards XD Trying to see if it's fixed.
  20. What happen to my custom items? I just uploaded it then it works, then after that, I decided to add 1 more custom them after I compile it, then login in game.. it doesn't show any texture anymore.. The sprites are working but the texture (item and collection) is missing... O_O Here is the problem I got....
  21. Okay I'll try to see if this works, I'll post an update soon.. The script doesn't work, but the cooldown is working... Thanks for the help =)
  22. Oooo, okay then, how about to have delay on the other skills posted above? And is it possible to put an item only in the inventory and make them working? I mean only in the inventory not by wearing it to have effect.
  23. Anyone knows how to add cooldown in the skills of clown? 1. Arrow Vulcan 2. Tarot Card of Fate I want to have Arrow Vulcan to have 0.8s delay. I wan to have Tarot Card of Fate to have 1.50s delay. Anyone also knows how to put a USABLE ITEM that gives randomly 10%~20% resistance to freeze property? Example they will use the item like scroll... then it will give them additional 10%~20% resistance to freeze status for 1 hour...what is the script for that? Advance THANK YOU !
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