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Everything posted by WhatFT

  1. Try to tab them.. prontera,159,177,5<tab>cashshop<tab>Kafra Shop Employee<tab>116,5549:20
  2. Just copy the npc file here.. npc/merchants/cash_trader.txt Edit : prontera,159,177,5 cashshop Kafra Shop Employee 116,5549:20 5549 - Item 20 - Point Cost
  3. This is an example only okay.. accessoryid.lua ACCESSORY_3D_Glasses = 1500, item_db2.txt Change 20000,3D_Glasses,3D Glasses,5,,0,10,,5,,1,0xFFFFFFFF,2,2,512,,1,1,,{},{},{} to 20000,3D_Glasses,3D Glasses,5,,0,10,,5,,1,0xFFFFFFFF,2,2,512,,1,1,1500,{},{},{}
  4. This is the problem when you don't have any idea on how to edit src file XD. Don't even dare to edit anyone of those or else you'll get more errors than this.
  5. WhatFT

    Donation NPC

    Try using the script of Emistrty "Multi-Currency SHop" @ http://rathena.org/board/topic/53320-%E3%80%90-emistry-%C2%A9-2012-%E3%80%91e-scripts-collection/
  6. Can I have a pastebin link for this? XD
  7. @gilbertobit Okay, I'll wait while trying to figure it out also and I'll follow what you've said I use "lua to lub compiler" luac5.0.2.exe is not working >.< It opens then suddenly close.. @Brynner I'll try wait.. It's still the same and gets even worse >.< Hmm any more ideas how to fix this? Can't anyone help me about this?
  8. I just add an item script in my item for them to use some other job skills. Here is the item script I use.. skill i,x; i = Skill # x = Level of the Skill
  9. Well it even works even though I tabbed them, I also thinked that this will happen above the pic you show.. but it's working well in my latest lua... I just really don't get it =/ I hope someone will fix it for me...
  10. I add custom items in my lua... last time it work fine but I don't have any idea on how does it goes fine or not... right now I'm almost trying to fix this over and over again.. compiling and recompiling again and again.. This is my problem before but still no one responds O_O.. I'm adding custom items in lua then I convert them to lub. I'm using 644M version... and also client reads lub files... This is my lua files.. and I already convert them once I finish fixing it... This is the structure of my tabbing... The UPPER is tabbed all over to make them line up.. I always did that way and its somehow working... I don't know how they work but its working.. The bottom layered, I did the same thing as what I've did before but now it gives the error ReqAccName... Then I try to copy the others... Enter Tab paste then Enter tab Paste but still it gives errors... I don't have any idea what did I miss or mistake or anything... ANY HELP??? I hope my post won't be ignored again =.= This is my accname.lua http://www.mediafire.com/?d66b26b88gzh3k1
  11. I really don't have any idea on what's happening on my AccName.. I tabbed them naturally and formally and anything but still I receive these errors... All names are the same all of them actually.. I don't know what's happening... Sometimes it doesn't give errors and now it gives errors.. I don't know what's wrong on what I'm doing =.= I even try to test it in Beginner eAthena and still nothing happens.. I use lua to lub converter because my client reads lub files. Do I need to do like this... <tab>ITEM <tab><tab><tab><tab><tab><tab><tab><tab><tab><tab><tab><tab><tab><tab><tab><tab><tab><tab><tab><tab><tab>ITEM or <tab>ITEM<enter> <tab>ITEM<enter> ???
  12. I'm using Compile lua to lub.. My client reads lub files... and the errors reads lua.. =/
  13. What's best when fixing the tabbings in accname.lua and accessoryid.lua? Notepad or Notepad+? Cause I'm always having error called "ReqAccName.... 876 string"buf"" like that..
  14. Can upload itemizer.sql? I don't know how to setup tables in phpmyadmin. =/
  15. 1. Global Gift NPC Description : The NPC can beused by the GMs (GM90) and sends the same gift to all players online and globally. How to use : Only GM Lv 90 are allowed to use the NPC. They can set the Item & Amount to be given. They can start and cancel it. If they enter "Start", the entered Item & Amount will be given to all players online. If they enter "Cancel", the entered Item & Amount will be cancelled as well. What does it contains : NPC Password. Checks the total online players. Checks the Item & Amount inputted. Double Checks. Global Announce, "<name of the gm who give> everyone <amount> <item ID> as a gift !". Where to Upload : Pastebin upaste .txt file (uploaded in rAthena) 2. Tribe/Clan System Description : Everytime a NEW player joins in your server, there is an NPC where he can ask you which Clan/Tribe would you prefer to join. If the player already picked a Clan/Tribe, The Clan/Tribe will be inserted before his name and after taking it, the player will be warped to their respective Clan/Tribe Main Town together with the other Co-Tribe/Clan players. How to use : Script will be setup with 2~3 Clan/Tribe Names. Every New Player will be asked which would they prefer. Players with other Clan/Tribe Names will be able to see each other of course. It's like a Title Quest System. What does it contains : Clan/Tribe Names before the name (ex: [Red Clan]Paulinds or Red Clan - Paulinds) If player log off, the name will still be there. (I don't know if this is SQL based) Character Based. Can be In-game Configured.(Optional) Case 1, Case 2 and so on.. (If 1st tribe is selected give clan/tribe name and warp to map 1, If 2nd tribe is selected give clan/tribe name and warp to map 2) Where to Upload : Pastebin upaste .txt file (uploaded in rAthena) Thank you guys ! I'll try to update this thread once I receive some request of my players in my server and also mine. I hope someone will give help. If you have some questions regarding to my request feel free to post. Thank you everyone !
  16. WhatFT

    Add Timer

    How to add timer on this? I want this NPC to activate every 3 Hours... The NPC will use @unhidenpc after 3 Hours and when the event is over.. It will use @hidenpc.... //===== eAthena Script ====================================================================== //= Emperium Wars //===== Original By ========================================================================= //= Toxic Aka Hellflaem //===== Credit ========================================================================= //= Hellflaem //= ~AnnieRuru~ (Support) //= diedlikeahero (poring Ball) //= Aeromas //= Any one I forgot. //===== Current Version: ==================================================================== //= 2.0 //===== Compatible With: ==================================================================== //= Any eAthena //===== Description: ======================================================================== //= This is just a fun little gvg game, //= Any one person from 2 different guilds can play it. //= First guild to kill the other emp 5 times wins. //= Killing your own Emp takes away points. //===== Comments================================================================ //= Edit it to your servers likings. //=========================================================================================== new_1-1,53,137,4 script Emperium Wars::empwar 723,{ set $npcname$,"[Emperium Wars]"; mes $npcname$; mes "Hello "+strcharinfo(0)+" what do you want?"; next; switch(select("Sign up:Enter:Information:Nothing")) { case 1: if (($state_match == 1) && ($@guildID1!=0) && ($@guildID2!=0) && (getguildname($@guildID1)!="null") && (getguildname($@guildID2)!="null")) { mes $npcname$; mes "Sorry "+strcharinfo(0)+" , Two Guilds are signed up for this event already."; close; } mes $npcname$; mes "Hello "+strcharinfo(0)+" , Two Guilds are needed for this event."; mes "Would you like to Sign up yours?"; mes "If so Please do so now."; next; switch(select("Guild 1:Guild 2:Nothing")) { case 1: // If a match is in play if ($state_match == 1) { mes $npcname$; mes "The Sign Ups are currently unavailable because a match is in progress. Don't hesitate to try again in a few minutes!"; close; } // Does the player belong to a guild? if (getcharid(2)==0) { mes $npcname$; mes "This Event is for Guilds, and you're not in a Guild. Come back with a Guild!"; close; } // If a team is already subscribed, and that team still exists if (($@guildID1!=0) && (getguildname($@guildID1)!="null")) { // if the player belongs to that team that's already subscribed if ($@guildID1==getcharid(2)) { mes $npcname$; mes "Do you wish to unsubscribe your team?"; next; if (select("Yes, we want to stop the match.","No, we're staying.")==2) close; // if the player wishes to unsubscribe their team announce "Team " + GetGuildName($@guildID1) + " has disbanded. We need another Guild to sign up now!",bc_yellow|bc_map; set $@guildID1, 0; close; } mes $npcname$; mes "A Guild is already subscribed! It's Team "+getguildname($@guildID1)+"."; close; } // if there are no teams subscribed and that the subscriptions are open mes $npcname$; mes "Do you wish to subscribe your team?"; next; if (select("Yes, we want to subscribe.","No.")==2) close; // Team subscription if ($@guildID1==0 || (getguildname($@guildID1)=="null")) { set $@guildID1, getcharid(2); initnpctimer; mes $npcname$; mes "Your Guild is now subscribed, good luck!"; announce "" + getguildname($@guildID1) + " Guild has subscribed For the Emperium War!",bc_yellow|bc_map; doevent "empwar::OnSubscriptionguild"; close; } else { mes $npcname$; mes "I'm sorry! Another Guild has subscribed before you..."; close; } end; case 2: // If a match is in play if ($state_match == 1) { mes $npcname$; mes "The Sign ups are currently unavailable because a match is in progress. Don't hesitate to try again in a few minutes!"; close; } // Does the player belong to a group? if (getcharid(2)==0) { mes $npcname$; mes "This Event is for Guilds, and you're not in a Guild. Come back with a Guild!"; close; } // Is the group of the player subscribed as the other guild already? if (getcharid(2)==$@guildID1) { mes $npcname$; mes "Hey! A player from the opposing Guild! Get ready to face off one of the best Guild!"; mes "The formidable " + GetGuildName($@guildID2) + ""; close; } // If a team is already subscribed, and that team still exists if (($@guildID2!=0) && (getguildname($@guildID2)!="null")) { // if the player belongs to that team that's already subscribed if ($@guildID2==getcharid(2)) { mes $npcname$; mes "Do you wish to unsubscribe your guild?"; next; if (select("Yes, we want to stop the match.","No, we're staying.")==2) close; // if the player wishes to unsubscribe their team announce "Team "+getguildname($@guildID2)+" has disbanded. We need another Guild to sign up!",bc_yellow|bc_map; set $@guildID2, 0; close; } mes $npcname$; mes "A Guild is already subscribed! It's Team "+getguildname($@guildID2)+"."; close; } // if there are no teams subscribed and that the subscriptions are open mes $npcname$; mes "Do you wish to subscribe your Guild?"; next; if (select("Yes, we want to subscribe.","No.")==2) close; // Team subscription if ($@guildID2==0 || (getguildname($@guildID2)=="null")) { set $@guildID2, getcharid(2); initnpctimer; mes $npcname$; mes "Your Guild is now subscribed, good luck!"; announce ""+getguildname($@guildID2)+" Guild has subscribed to the Emperium War!",bc_yellow|bc_map; doevent "empwar::OnSubscriptionguild"; close; } else { mes $npcname$; mes "I'm sorry! Another Guild has subscribed before you..."; close; } end; case 3: mes $npcname$; mes "Bye."; close; }//2nd switch case 2: if (($@guildID1!=0) && ($@guildID2!=0) && (getguildname($@guildID1)!="null") && (getguildname($@guildID2)!="null")) { if ((getcharid(2)==$@guildID1) && ($state_match == 1)) { savepoint "bat_a01",171,340; set @gave,0; set @gotheal,0; warp "bat_a01.gat", 171, 340; end; } if ((getcharid(2)==$@guildID2) && ($state_match == 1)) { savepoint "bat_a01",155,48; set @gave,0; set @gotheal,0; warp "bat_a01.gat", 155, 48; end; } mes $npcname$; mes "Your not in one of the Signed up guilds and/or the Game is over."; close; } mes $npcname$; mes "I can only warp you when there is two Guilds signed up."; close; case 3: mes $npcname$; mes "This Game is GvG"; mes "A Guild Must Kill the other Guilds Emperium 5 times"; mes "Before the other guild does."; mes "If your Guild wins the people in your Guild on the"; mes "map when it ends gets the Prize by talking with one of the Exit npcs."; mes "Good Luck."; close; case 4: mes $npcname$; mes "Bye."; close; }//First switch end; OnSubscriptionguild: if (($@guildID1!=0) && ($@guildID2!=0) && (getguildname($@guildID1)!="null") && (getguildname($@guildID2)!="null")) { announce "Emperium War : We have 2 Guilds signed up now : "+getguildname($@guildID1)+" and "+getguildname($@guildID2)+".",bc_yellow|bc_map; announce "Emperium War : The members of each Guild can come Enter the War now.",bc_yellow|bc_map; set $state_match, 1; donpcevent "empwar::OnBegin"; } end; OnTimer800000: if (($@guildID1!=0) && ($@guildID2!=0) && (getguildname($@guildID1)!="null") && (getguildname($@guildID2)!="null")) { stopnpctimer; end; } stopnpctimer; set $@guildID2, 0; set $@guildID1, 0; end; OnBegin: if (.points2 >= 5) { Announce "The Emperium War is over!",8; Announce "The Winner of Emperium War is the [" + GetGuildName($@guildID2) + "] guild.",0; set $@Ewgid,getcharid(2); donpcevent "empwar::OnEnded"; end; } if (.points1 >= 5) { Announce "The Emperium War is over!",8; Announce "The Winner of Emperium War is the [" + GetGuildName($@guildID1) + "] guild.",0; set $@Ewgid,getcharid(2); donpcevent "empwar::OnEnded"; end; } initnpctimer; MapRespawnGuildID "bat_a01",$@Ewgid,7; monster "bat_a01",173,346,"EMPERIUM",1288,1,"empwar::OnEmpDead1"; monster "bat_a01",165,50,"EMPERIUM",1288,1,"empwar::OnEmpDead2"; end; OnEmpDead2: if ( getcharid(2) == $@guildID2 ) { stopnpctimer; set .points2, .points2 -1; dispbottom "Stop killing your own emp"; Announce "The [" + GetGuildName($@guildID2) + "] guild has lost a Point for killing there own Emperium and now has [" + .points2 + "] Points!.",0; goto OnBegin; end; } else { stopnpctimer; set .points1, .points1 +1 ; Announce "The [" + GetGuildName($@guildID1) + "] guild has [" + .points1 + "] Points!.",0; goto OnBegin; } end; OnEmpDead1: if ( getcharid(2) == $@guildID1 ) { stopnpctimer; set .points1, .points1 -1; dispbottom "Stop killing your own emp"; Announce "The [" + GetGuildName($@guildID1) + "] guild has lost a Point for killing there own Emperium and now has [" + .points1 + "] Points!.",0; goto OnBegin; end; } else { stopnpctimer; set .points2, .points2 +1 ; Announce "The [" + GetGuildName($@guildID2) + "] guild has [" + .points2 + "] Points!.",0; goto OnBegin; } end; OnEnded: stopnpctimer; set $state_match, 0; set .points1, 0; set .points2, 0; set $@guildID2, 0; set $@guildID1, 0; killmonsterall "bat_a01"; end; OnTime9000000: Announce "The Emperium War is over, No one was the winner!",8; set $@Ewgid, 0; donpcevent "empwar::OnEnded"; end; } //Exit bat_a01,149,351,5 script Exit::Ewexit 88,{ set $rewarditem, 677; if((getcharid(2) == $@Ewgid) && (@gave == 0)){ getitem $rewarditem,rand(10,50); savepoint "belagio", 91, 41; set @gave,1; warp "belagio", 91, 41; end; } savepoint "belagio", 91, 41; warp "belagio", 91, 41; end; } // end of script bat_a01,148,349,5 script Healer::Emphealer 742,{ if(@gotheal == 0) { percentheal 100,100; mes ""+strcharinfo(0)+",healed."; set @gotheal, 1; close; } mes ""+strcharinfo(0)+", was healed already."; close; } //duplicates bat_a01,363,266,6 duplicate(Ewexit) Exit#2 88, bat_a01,353,60,6 duplicate(Ewexit) Exit#3 88, bat_a01,138,57,6 duplicate(Ewexit) Exit#4 88, bat_a01,142,57,6 duplicate(Emphealer) Healer#2 88, bat_a01 mapflag gvg bat_a01 mapflag nowarpto bat_a01 mapflag nowarp bat_a01 mapflag nosave Question : What does this part of the script means? Is this EACH member or only given to the Guild Master? set $rewarditem, 677; if((getcharid(2) == $@Ewgid) && (@gave == 0)){ getitem $rewarditem,rand(10,50); If anyone can edit this, kindly upload it in pastebin.com or upaste.. Sorry for bothering and Advance THANK YOU for the help !
  17. Can anyone share/make me a Customized PvP Map? Looking for : Good for 30 Players Inside It's like a tournament/coliseum style. Looks familiar like "guild_vs3" Thanks in Advance Guys !
  18. Suggestion ! Kindly stop the refine if the player already have refined the item in +10... Cause even if +10, it still consume the item required.
  19. Delete this post* Got doubled post, Laptop Lagged >.<
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