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Everything posted by Relzz

  1. not the file really, seems like default kRO sprites have this issue and some random file that a friend sent me works, but it is not a "corrected" sprite because there are no corrected sprites for some classes, but my guess its that they dont need the "correction" but at some point they do, because the updated kRO sprites have that issue.
  2. And nobody shares the solution, nice xD
  3. What a great update! I have a small comment here, This is not a bug or anything, but URLs are kinda unreadable As an added comment, do you think its viable to allow GRFs that are bigger than 4GB? The RO GRF its getting really big nowadays. Its getting really close to 4GB that im having issues when merging the GRFs but im not sure if that would be an option. I wanted to add missing resources to the official GRF and it ended up at 4GB+ so I had to split them
  4. I dont think RRF Parser works like that, it is made to read replays and I dont think replays come encrypted, do they? ns
  5. It is not that, its meant for the whole NPCs and everything that can be translated mostly
  6. This looks very cool but I do not understand it, it fails to parse newer RRFs I guess im missing packets? And im not good enough to add them xD
  7. Realmente descartado no esta, es solo que quien lo estaba haciendo le cambiaron todo el workflow y basicamente rAthena cambio tanto en tan poco tiempo que lo dropeo
  8. Cambiaremos el enfoque principal hacia el cliente ya que tengo una petición puesta justo ahora acá, comenzaremos por traducir los archivos del cliente y pasaremos a los NPC y ojala este sistema este listo para cuando terminemos el cliente. Si ven esto, por favor voten para que se implemente, si conseguimos suficiente atención podemos atraer alguien que lo haga realidad
  9. Keep pushing to this ! We might get some attention here if we have enough people wanting the feature !
  10. Can we get this implemented? Devs please its been on hold since 2015 xD and seems like waiting doesnt work https://github.com/rathena/rathena/issues/5428
  11. Mejore un monton, creo que puedo hacer esto super ultra mas rapido que a final de año, pero se ocupa inspiracion xD Añademe a discord "relzz"
  12. What is the client date of this DX9 support?
  13. will this get updated with YAML support?
  14. well yeah, what matters is development updates in a developer community xD and you have those on github
  15. Since if you do this via the "skill" way you will need to comply with requeriments maybe like having an embryo and stuff, you can just call it with the use of atcommand "@makehomun ID"; Here is an explanation on the atcommand command *atcommand "<command>"; This command will run the given command line exactly as if it was typed in from the keyboard by the player connected to the invoking character, and that character belonged to an account which had GM level 99. // This will ask the invoker for a character name and then use the '@nuke' // GM command on them, killing them mercilessly. input .@player$; atcommand "@nuke " + .@player$; Note that for atcommands bound using 'bindatcmd', this command will execute the original atcommand, not the script-bound atcommand. Here is a list of the homunculus ID for renewal should be the same for pre-re but I dont think all evolutions exist in pre https://github.com/rathena/rathena/blob/master/db/re/homunculus_db.txt
  16. Try looking in the script_commands.txt file in the docs folder *callshop "<name>",<option>; These are a series of commands used to create dynamic shops. The 'callshop' function calls an invisible shop (view -1) as if the player clicked on it. The options are: 0 = The normal window (buy, sell and cancel) 1 = The buy window 2 = The sell window
  17. Mind making a feature for exporting sprites as SpriteSheets? and also importing them back? (the importing back should have the same coords for cuts but make it so you can tell if the sprite sheet was expanded or reduced in size when importing) Would something like that be possible? Just so we can work in sprite sheets instead of editing frame by frame
  18. but what about making them non-clickable, the web engine supports video playback with local file loading? Like read the file from the game directory or smt like that so it doesnt have delay on loading What about LZMA patching? Do .thor files support LZMA? they can I think with grf editor
  19. Do you think is it possible to support video in the background and also adding login functionality with the SSO Packet .......... NVM LOL you already support it great job ! Does it support a video as background? or a SWF file? (non clickable ofc)
  20. Ah, algo asi es bastante sencillo.. https://raw.githubusercontent.com/llchrisll/ROenglishRE/master/Renewal/data/msgstringtable.txt Consigues el msgstringtable aqui el de chris es el mas actualizado que conozco y vas traduciendo todo por medio de este traductor y revisas las fallas que tiene leyendo linea por linea, es exageradamente bueno, mejor que Google. Incluso reconoce syntax de codigo la mayoria de las veces. Y traduce como un humano lo haria. Si no te gusta una palabra u oracion la corrijes dandole click. https://www.deepl.com/translator Listo, solo agregas los # que usualmente borra el traductor con Notepad++ y ya
  21. Ahh sorry I wasnt home for a long time, so uhm.. what I want it to do is delete everything that is not listed on accnum.lua, like actual garbage sprites or not used ones. Like a cleaner
  22. Mael a menos que este sistema sea implementado oficialmente en rAthena nunca vamos a alcanzar los parches actuales.. es muy tedioso mantener traducciones por medio de archivos fuente, se necesitan los archivos .PO para que se pueda traducir bien todo y mucho mas sencillo, la verdad no se como empujar esto hacia los devs de rAthena pero bueno..
  23. From what I understand about that its enable custom enabling of certain features I guess.. Like having a button to enable Gray maps or low performance, maybe 4k HD textures ? something like that .. or just regular plain RO Idk how something like that could work.. I mean to make it useable, like is there gonna be "uninstallation" support? I dont think so.. Hmm
  24. You should try making a version that deletes not matching files or "not needed" ones Good one tho
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