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Everything posted by Santafe

  1. Hohoho well it looks like alot to download but heres the stuff in detail: Visual studio 2010 can be downloaded by just googling. Microsoft site gives u visual studio for free. U can download the vsx86.exe file or the .iso file. The iso file is a full version. The exe file takes files from the online site just lika a downloader or a torrent. Next, Mysql. I had problems with the latest mysql so i stuck with mysql 5.1 just google this too. Next, Git is a huge headache if ur new to all that. If u want to be simple in ur work, just download tortoise Svn. Then go to the. Kro download link from tutoriala nd download the latest. KRO client, then u can either download the kro rsu lite version from that site or download miruku's one. Now once thats downloaded, click the exe set the destination of ur gravity/ro folder. Now go to any drive(c:,D:,) wat ever and then create a folder called rAthena and right click on it. If u had tortoise svn installed as i said before, there will be an svn checkout button. Click on that and change the URL. The url mist be the same as the server files repository link given in tutorial. now that ur done with that, just follow his guide as usual. lol i should make this a seperate topic lololol.
  2. Hey Zikoziz, the quest for rebellion hasnt been released yet. The latest quest released was that of the Kageru and oboro class
  3. That isn't true. Maps have nothing to do with non-renewal, pre-renewal or renewal. Same with monsters. At monsters you need only some changes like -> def, mdef etc. Oh oops "False accusation" sorry xD
  4. Hello and welcome to rA , 1st of all ~ the new maps are only available for renewal so i suggest u go for it. If u dont want 3rd jobs in your server you can do this: Add "//" before all the 3rd job quests in scripts_jobs.txt in rAthena/npc/re folder. and then go to the Job changer npc in rAthena/npc/custom/job_master.txt and add "//" before the last line in job_master txt file. its the 3rd job configuration. if u comment it then a player cannot turn in to 3rd job in ANY way wat so ever. The best Server making tutorial and the LATEST one is in this link: http://rathena.org/board/topic/84746-tutorial-how-to-create-ragnarok-offline-2013-client-tutorial/?hl=tutorial Just follow the guide to make an offline server. to make it live ~ Just use the vps IP(the vps u buy for hosting) instead of and the port i suggest u keep the same port unless u know how to port forward~ Hope this helps u start off ~ Cheers, Santa
  5. Hey man. The guide is for mysql users. The standard configuration in ur inter_athena.conf is to use the normal database from the itemdb.txt in the database folder. If u want the sql items as ur main equips for ur server, search for sql database in ur conf folders(such as char,map or login or even inter athena) the sql database would have been commented with a // in front of it. Remove that if u want ur server to follow sql database.
  6. Hey again well yea it must be because of the server being hosted in some far away country? distance laggs do occur sometimes, my server was from California while i was in India LOL and the RAM was low too. urs is good so it must be a distance lagg. did u try other hostings? for that kinda budget u get really good hosts from asura host and so on which practically have no lagg(from my frnds who use it) so yea just bring players into ur server and try to see what they feel.(laggish or normal is wat i meant)
  7. Thanks alot but could u change the add race on number 1. to max str or smthing? like (Max str+ 5 or 5% per refine) thnx again
  8. Where is ur Pserver hosted? it may depend on the place too. or just that ur vps is having some laggs. my test server also had laggs when i was alone LOL so its ok it just happens if the traffic of ur vps increases.
  9. Guyz i need the following bonus scripts i dont think i can do this with the item_bonus.txt so plz help me :I 1.+15 all stat , 2% atk per refine,5% Vit rate(not per refine just standard.) 2.+25 all stat, 1% resistance to demihuman per refine,Reduces 3% defence reduction per refine?(like grimtooth? ) 3.+ 40 all stat, 2% matk per refine,5% int increase(not per refine). Thanks <3
  10. Yo jezu does it have a splash image like Harmony? :P just askin so that i could edit it for my server when its alive xD
  11. Hey guyz i just rememberd an event script while i played a server some 2-3 years ago? Here it goes: The NPC announces that a run for your life event is gonna occur. we must go to the NPC to register and after the specified count down the event starts. The map is like a raceway.(like a poring race way but without the fences between the porings xD) and u have to run away from the "Marse" which are spawned within that raceway in each round xD. 1 shot from the marse = Dead. I used to really love that event but i have no idea wat its called xD. The prize is given when one player is left~ Plz do help me remember xD and if you know what its called plz comment xD thnxx :)
  12. Santafe

    Diff Patcher

    If ur using 2013 clients then i suggest u use xDiff patcher
  13. Ok then try resetting the mysql databases. Might be something buggy on ur char. O.o
  14. hmm O_O then the only possibility would be that the swordsman sprite must be bugged? do u have the latest kro sak>??
  15. Huehue i had that before. Hmm itsp usually occurs if u dont put the logs.sql in ur mysql server. Even if u did that, make sure the logs database name is written in ur inter_athena.conf. Example: make a new schema called "logs" in ur mysql. Open script> rathena>sql files>logs.sql. Now execute and save and go to inter athena.conf. Find database for logs. Change name from ragnarok to logs. hope this solves it.
  16. Did u compile? Be sure to compile if u touch anything on the conf files
  17. Um i dont understand what ur trying to say but ill try. If ur asking how to put custom maps on server then follow the guide on our wiki. Its quite easy.
  18. It might be caued by a bugged item on ur swordsman. Do u know what he has equipped or in inventory?
  19. If ur using windows 7 u must run the server as administrator. And plz do tranlate whats written on the pic so that i can try to help more? XD
  20. Well to be exact rathena pccupies about 150~200. MB space when u use svn and just 150 if u use Git. When u run the server it just takes some more memory. Its not a bug its just the way it works.
  21. This is a real good 1 go here: http://rathena.org/board/topic/84746-tutorial-how-to-create-ragnarok-offline-2013-client-tutorial/?hl=tutorial
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