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Everything posted by Santafe

  1. Umm for that i think there are already specific free themes available which give that attribute? such as Gerome's themes. All u need to do is type the max kills/Death and name of both guild and player in the php document.(Direction of that document is shown in the theme) Yea Gerome's flux themes have it so give it a try till the original flux gets it
  2. Hi everyone! May i request for a Happy hour in which the following attributes are present? : 1. Announcement is made to the whole server that Happy hour has begun for "X" Minutes! 2.Gold dropped by Monster(ID:2000? any ID) will be increased by 30%? 3.Gold dropped by that monster should only be at the certain maps(with wat ever map warp name) 4. Announcer should announce again when theres 5 minutes left/2minutes /1 minute left and when it finishes thnx in advance
  3. Haha LOL i didnt mean the "Unknown item" apple. i meant the actually apple script xD. Something simple for example: Red potion is item id 512? im not sure. just copy the line of that id except the 512 and replace it with both ur 4284 and 12002 IDs so that you wont have to remove it it would be like u have 2 more IDs for Red potion thats all. No error will occur this way. try it. PS: Do this after shutting down your server so that you can restart ur login/map/char servers which will automatically reset the items in all accounts to the new item script in the 4284 and 12002 IDs.
  4. Look at judas's recommended setups and for the client version go to patcketdb.txt and change this line: patcketdb ver:auto to 25. I think it doesnt accept ur version cuz version 25 is for 14-10-2012 exe client.
  5. If its in many chars already y dont u replace the item with another item like an apple or some simple thing just so that the map serv doesnt crash and u dont have to reset all ur accounts
  6. 7-8-2013 is the latest and working really well for me. The only thing not translated is Bifrost translation for which there is a hexing guide which is easy to follow.
  7. Hi guyz is it possible for a item to be automatically obtained when a person is kiled? Like if A killed B , A gets and item as a prize?
  8. Guyz does somebody have the script for Goddammeit's Battleground VG? Q_Q i dont have an account on the old eathena forum so i cant download it :I Link: http://www.eathena.ws/board/index.php?showtopic=262301 Plz help thnx
  9. Hi all How do I edit the free cash in the cashpoint window? I wanna change it from 100 to 0 plz help :/ BUMP Buumpp
  10. Its simple. Go to item_db.txt. see ur custom items. There will be 3 numbers example 7, 2, 2 or 7, 2, 20 just change 7 to 63. It doesnt work because class restriction is till trans jobs. 63 means its applicable for all classes. 7 means its only applicable for trans jobs.
  11. Then see in the same file : packetdb ver: auto. If its auto leave it if its 25 or smthing make it 45. Ur error is at packetdb.txt so yea see that part.
  12. Unknown packet version bro just go to packet_db.txt and see what version is present at the very end of the file. If its version 45 then it should work. I had this prob . Just update ur packet_db.txt to version 45
  13. Hmm just disable packet encryption on ur diff and translate data to english option should be checked or else korean words would be all over the place. Ur problem is around the ragexe so see the boxes that u have checked. Since ur use 14102012 shinns diff patcher already ticks the essential stuff. Just disable encryption and translate data folder to english. Make sure ur clientinfo has lang type 0 too. Hope this works.
  14. Thxx miss annie! Is there a way to put a announcer when a guild aquires a gold room? And another announcement when the gold rooms are reset? Thx again
  15. If its just itemdb and mobdb and what not then no problem but I donno about cronus db structure. If its the same as rathena then I think u can use it. Just dont transfer any of the src files. It will screw the server. Hope I helped
  16. Hi all Is there a way to convert pront and other 1st edition woes to woe se?
  17. Hey all, im using the latest GIT hash of rA and was wondering how to use .diff and .patch using git like in svn? I tried the review patch but it always gives an empty error box. The same patch works great when i open it wid tortoise svn.
  18. Warning persists bt no error just warning :/
  19. yea thats wat i tried and thts what gave the warnings :I
  20. Hey guyz just wondering if its possible to reduce max guild member limit from 75 to 26? without getting warnings in the char server saying: " Warning: This guild has the strenght for 75 members(max members limit is 26)" i went to the conf folder and edited the 10+16*6? to make it 1 member increase per skill level. Thats when this warning comes. wat do i do to edit the max members? thx
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