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Everything posted by johnbond

  1. Thank you Sir Capuche for the help in PM. You are very awesome! Good to close.
  2. Oh sorry about that. Okay I have tested it again. Player does not get warped to savepoint upon 2nd death in pvp but his name inside the maps is not in fakename. I mean no fakename occuring. I think the script has missing codes. Thank you sir.
  3. That isn't an edit the above post is the full script. Yes sir this is the whole script I used which also already had the edits you mentioned above:
  4. Untrimmed: Trimmed: - script fake_name -1,{ OnInit: set .eventmap$, "|turbo_roomc|morocc_mem|pvp_y_8-2|"; end; OnPCStatCalcEvent: set .@map$, "|"+strcharinfo(3)+"|"; if ( @fakename && !compare( .eventmap$, .@map$ ) || !@fakename && compare( .eventmap$, .@map$ ) ) { set @fakename, @fakename ? 0 : 1; charcommand "#fakename \""+ strcharinfo(0) +"\""+( @fakename ? "Player" : "" ); } } That was part of the script. Still same problem Sir. Inside pvp, when the player gets killed for the 2nd time he gets warped back to savepoint immediately and without the "dead animation" and he is dead in savepoint. And when respawned to save point the "1st word" of his name is not showing. It should be that in savepoint his name should be back to normal. Here is what I did with regards to your edits above just to check if I did it right - script fake_name -1,{ OnInit: set .eventmap$, "|turbo_roomc|morocc_mem|pvp_y_8-2|"; end; OnPCLoadMapEvent: if( compare( "|"+.eventmap$+"|", "|"+strcharinfo(3)+"|" ) ) { set .@strcharinfo$, strcharinfo(0); set @fakename, 1; set @death, 0; detachrid; charcommand "#fakename \""+ .@strcharinfo$ +"\" Player"; } end; OnPCDieEvent: if ( @fakename && compare( "|"+.eventmap$+"|", "|"+strcharinfo(3)+"|" ) ) { set @death, @death + 1; if( @death == 2 ) { set .@strcharinfo$, strcharinfo(0); set @fakename, 0; warp "SavePoint",0,0; detachrid; charcommand "#alive \""+ .@strcharinfo$ +"\""; charcommand "#fakename \""+ .@strcharinfo$ +"\""; } } end; OnPCStatCalcEvent: set .@map$, "|"+strcharinfo(3)+"|"; if ( @fakename && !compare( .eventmap$, .@map$ ) || !@fakename && compare( .eventmap$, .@map$ ) ) { set @fakename, @fakename ? 0 : 1; charcommand "#fakename \""+ strcharinfo(0) +"\""+( @fakename ? "Player" : "" ); } } Thank you for all the help sir.
  5. Sir? There is a slight problem still, in pvp after the second time the character has been killed, he gets AUTOMATICALLY respawned to savepoint and he is dead in savepoint. There is no animation seen that he was killed, he just gets automatically warped out to savepoint and dead in savepoint. But this is only for the second time he gets killed inside pvp.
  6. Wow I think this is already working now. I will give this a thorough test on my main server the next maintenance. Btw, there is a slight problem still, in pvp after the second time the character has been killed, he gets AUTOMATICALLY respawned to savepoint and he is dead in savepoint. There is no animation seen that he was killed, he just gets automatically warped out to savepoint and dead in savepoint. But this is only for the second time he gets killed inside pvp. Thank you.
  7. I got an error on the recompile: 3>..\src\map\skill.c(11386) : error C2143: syntax error : missing ';' before 'type' 3>..\src\map\skill.c(11387) : error C2065: 'md' : undeclared identifier 5>int_pet.c 3>..\src\map\skill.c(11387) : error C2065: 'md' : undeclared identifier 3>..\src\map\skill.c(11387) : error C2223: left of '->mob_id' must point to struct/union What do you mean by insert the struct before the switch? Kindly elaborate coz I am new with SRC hehe.
  8. Sir I used this code you gave: if (status_get_mode(bl)&MD_BOSS) break; // This skill doesn't affect to Boss monsters And it is working. But now the problem is players complain since all boss cant be thorn trapped anymore hehe. May I ask for a code so that the MOBID 1845 is the only only affected by this mod? I mean only the 1845 mob will not be affected by Thorn Traps. I tried to use the other code you gave: if (((TBL_MOB*)bl)->mob_id == <your mob id>) break; But it gave me a lot of errors in recompile. Thank you.
  9. Oh thank you. It is quite nearly fixed. The killed "Player" is not anymore warped out of PVP but I get these errors in console everytime a player is killed in PvP. [06:44:56][Error]: script_rid2sd: fatal error ! player not attached! [06:44:56][Debug]: Function: strcharinfo (1 parameter): [06:44:56][Debug]: Data: number value=3 [06:44:56][Debug]: Source (NPC): fake_name (invisible/not on a map) And I made the player name One Two Threes but when he gets killed his name becomes Two Threes" (with a " at the end). Here is my whole script: - script fake_name -1,{ OnInit: set .eventmap$, "turbo_roomc|morocc_mem|pvp_y_8-2"; end; OnPCLoadMapEvent: if( compare( "|"+.eventmap$+"|", "|"+strcharinfo(3)+"|" ) ) { set .@strcharinfo$, strcharinfo(0); set @fakename, 1; detachrid; charcommand "#fakename \""+ .@strcharinfo$ +"\" Player"; } end; OnPCDieEvent: if ( @fakename && compare( "|"+.eventmap$+"|", "|"+strcharinfo(3)+"|" ) ) { set .@strcharinfo$, strcharinfo(0); set @fakename, 0; detachrid; charcommand "#fakename \""+ .@strcharinfo$ +"\""; } if( compare( "|"+.eventmap$+"|", "|"+strcharinfo(3)+"|" ) ) warp "SavePoint",0,0; end; OnPCStatCalcEvent: if ( @fakename && !compare( "|"+.eventmap$+"|", "|"+strcharinfo(3)+"|" ) ) { set .@strcharinfo$, strcharinfo(0); set @fakename, 1; detachrid; charcommand "#fakename \""+ .@strcharinfo$ +"\""; } } I removed the loadevent mapflag because all my maps are already loaded in my \conf\mapflag\loadevent.txt Thank you sir Emistry and sir Skorm.
  10. Wow this is already working perfectly! Thank you sir Skorm you are awesome! EDIT: Oh Sir Skorm, I found a new problem with this script. Whenever a player dies (even for one time in pvp), he automatically gets teleoprted back to savepoint and he is dead in his savepoint. His fakename is still intact "Player". It had to do something with this script because when I unloaded this script everythings gets back to normal behavior in pvp. I hope you get what I am trying to explain. Thank you sir.
  11. Oh thank you sir I will test this. Btw, what if I want this to take effect on several maps? How do I do it? Thank you.
  12. Sorry for the late reply sir. The last edit is already partially working. No errors in console for my 3ceam nice hehe. 1. the problem is if the character name is 1 word then his name becomes "Player". This is correct. 2. But if character names is 2 words with a space in the middle, then only one name is replaced. My character name was "Items Tester" and after fakename it became "Tester Player". The 2nd name/word was retained. 3. If the player name is 3 words or more, only the first word/name is replaced. For the test, I made character name "First Second Third" then after fakename it became "Second Third Player". As based from my tests, the fakename NPC only replaced the first word of the player name. This would be a problem because spaces are enabled in my server and some players are full of spaces like "M A S T E R K I L L E R" etc. Kindly maybe we can fix this. Thank you sir Skorm.
  13. Oh I havent tried it yet, Im looking for someone to merge it in my SRC. I will let you know. I will try this as well soon. I will let you know sir. Thank you.
  14. So a custom mapflag? Can you make me a src mod for this sir? Thank you. not tested, but this will does what u wanted https://github.com/pservero/rathena/commit/1992cac7cca37bd3c54876252b48db93c6be7caf I will give this a try if I can incorporate this mod to my SRC hehe. I will let you know sir. Thanks!
  15. Im sorry, im not rude hehe. Im not sure what feedback? I click "mark solved" and the "vote this post up? links. Isnt that it?
  16. Oh, that explains it. Can you show me how to add the mapflag? Thank you Sir.
  17. Yes map flags are set to pvp. I went inside with my pet and its in pvp mode.
  18. Based on your idea, I used this: 1002,PORING,Poring,619,9001,10013,531,80,60,50,100,250,20,2000,150,1,0,350,400,800,{ if( getmapflag( strcharinfo(3),mf_pvp) ) { dispbottom "Pet looting is disabled in PvP"; } else { petloot 10; }; },{ bonus bLuk,2; bonus bCritical,1; } Still doesnt work. Poring still loots both in and out of pvp. No dispbottom displayed. Anything I did wrong? or perhaps the line getmapflag( strcharinfo(3) does not work for pets? Thanks.
  19. Awesome Sir its already working! Thank you very very much.
  20. So a custom mapflag? Can you make me a src mod for this sir? Thank you.
  21. Wow it's already working! You are awesome Sir! But how about if I need to also enable this on other castles as well? Shall I just copy this script and change coordinates? But what about the variables, wont they be identical variables which will conflict? Thank you Sir!
  22. I use 3ceam sorry. About the coordinates, its just for testing first. I just put it near the entrance portal for tests. Yes.
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